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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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MiamiWesker said:
So he kills a ton of people for fun just to act. Wouldn't the whole point of getting Liquids arm onto him be that he could be free of the Patriots, no need to play along with them.
ocelot let liquid take him over in order to play the part, but was consumed by him in good time
, in a nutshell

EDIT - wrong, see below


MiamiWesker said:
Yes that was shown in a flashback. Interesting conversation here, I was having the same questions.

How about this one back from MGS2
Why did Ocelot play along with the Patroits like he did in that game, was it cause he was a slave to them until Liquid took over?

It was too early to attack the patriots. as you know from the game ocelot wants to destory them. but he had no power to do it.But with GW he made his first step to attack them. he hired naomi to come in touch with olgas daughter. because of her snake could attack the main computer of the patriots. it would have been too obvious for the patriots if ocelot would have made this move. they didn't expect the appearance of sunny. this is why Raiden rescued her. she was essential for the plan.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Mr. Spinnington said:
ocelot let liquid take him over in order to play the part, but was consumed by him in good time
, in a nutshell
This isn't right.
He was never consumed by Liquid. Big Boss says at the end that's the one thing the Patriots could not figure out how to do-- control someone at will.


MiamiWesker said:
So he kills a ton of people for fun just to act. Wouldn't the whole point of getting Liquids arm onto him be that he could be free of the Patriots, no need to play along with them.

he acts like his mother (the boss). loyality to the end and this includes murders. his only goal was to destory the patriots.


MiamiWesker said:
So he kills a ton of people for fun just to act. Wouldn't the whole point of getting Liquids arm onto him be that he could be free of the Patriots, no need to play along with them.
What other way could he get out of it without making it look like he was Liquid. Liquid would have killed all the soldiers in a heartbeat (and tried to kill Snake at the same time) but if Ocelot had just driven away it would have looked a bit fishy. Ocelot played the Liquid persona to put some fear into the Patriots and keep one step ahead of them.
Is it strange that I don't give a flying fuck about the negative points about this game?
I honestly can't find anything negative to say about the game, and I totally love it. To me it's a life altering experience to play this game, and I will never play a game quite like it for years.. I can see that.
Y2Kev said:
This isn't right.
He was never consumed by Liquid. Big Boss says at the end that's the one thing the Patriots could not figure out how to do-- control someone at will.
oh lol, yeah you're right. it's a really fucking elaborate one, but on second glance that adds up after looking into it
wikipedia lol said:
By the events of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots,
the personality appears to have taken complete control of Ocelot, the character now adopting the identity of "Liquid Ocelot,[31] although this manifestation turns out to be an elaborate act by Ocelot (made possible with self-hypnosis and nanomachines) to trick the Patriots AIs.
what i got from the game was that he had to
let liquid take him over in order to fool the AI so well, which is where i was getting the idea that liquid actually had control while ocelot was in the backseat


Fletcher said:
Just started up the second act and nothing has really grabbed me yet. I even find myself doing other things while the cutscenes are rolling. Check e-mail, go poop, get food, etc.. I hope it picks up. This game is very pretty to look at, though. Very pretty.

I skip all cut scenes. Just press Start and then Skip.


dabookerman said:
Is it strange that I don't give a flying fuck about the negative points about this game?
I honestly can't find anything negative to say about the game, and I totally love it. To me it's a life altering experience to play this game, and I will never play a game quite like it for years.. I can see that.

same here. it's my favourite game of all time >_<

and i really enjoy the multiplayer part which is quite nice alternative.


OK I know i must sound dense to you guys, but what the fuck is going on in outdoors battles? Its milita vs p. mantis and both sides seem to attack me, i dont know how to tell enemy from friend or if anyone is even friendly at all.. i just cant work out what the fuck is going on, i've just separated from Meryl and cant progress because i cant work out what is going on


painey said:
OK I know i must sound dense to you guys, but what the fuck is going on in outdoors battles? Its milita vs p. mantis and both sides seem to attack me, i dont know how to tell enemy from friend or if anyone is even friendly at all.. i just cant work out what the fuck is going on, i've just separated from Meryl and cant progress because i cant work out what is going on
You should have picked up a Middle East militia disguise in the underground base. Equip it and they wont attack you. Or kill enough oft he PMC's and they wont attack you anyways.
painey said:
OK I know i must sound dense to you guys, but what the fuck is going on in outdoors battles? Its milita vs p. mantis and both sides seem to attack me, i dont know how to tell enemy from friend or if anyone is even friendly at all.. i just cant work out what the fuck is going on, i've just separated from Meryl and cant progress because i cant work out what is going on

The militia shouldn't have a problem with you unless you have been kill them.


dabookerman said:
Is it strange that I don't give a flying fuck about the negative points about this game?
I honestly can't find anything negative to say about the game, and I totally love it. To me it's a life altering experience to play this game, and I will never play a game quite like it for years.. I can see that.

I'm the same. It doesn't have the full amount of horizontal resolution for 720p? So what. A bit of slowdown? Only if you look for it. A tiny bit of pop-in? I've never seen it. These faults are there if you look for them but they I just don't care about them. I've noticed jaggies once so far (up to Act 4) during a cutscene in the middle of Act 3. And, erm...so what? This is one of the biggest and best achievements in gaming for many, many, years and all you lot can do is take screenshots and say "Count 55 pixels on that soldier's leg, and you'll see the lighting flicker at pixel number 56". Or "the shadow isn't casting correctly between those two bins in the back alley"

Get on with the game and enjoy it. Or don't enjoy it and stop playing. Do whichever stops this pointless and pathetic bitching


How do I shock people with the Mk II during mission briefings? I press R1 but the arm comes out and does nothing. Trying to get Otacon's and Raiden's face-camo...


painey said:
OK I know i must sound dense to you guys, but what the fuck is going on in outdoors battles? Its milita vs p. mantis and both sides seem to attack me, i dont know how to tell enemy from friend or if anyone is even friendly at all.. i just cant work out what the fuck is going on, i've just separated from Meryl and cant progress because i cant work out what is going on

Hows that? Did you see the solid eye tutorial once you got it? It tells you how you can identify friendly units.


I am like SO going to fling this fucking controller against the wall.

I keep dying in the act 5 sequence no matter what I do. Once I trigger the alerts, I can't rambo my way across, the damn FROGS keep spawning!
SleazyC said:
What other way could he get out of it without making it look like he was Liquid. Liquid would have killed all the soldiers in a heartbeat (and tried to kill Snake at the same time) but if Ocelot had just driven away it would have looked a bit fishy. Ocelot played the Liquid persona to put some fear into the Patriots and keep one step ahead of them.

Ok but then
Why involve Snake till the end, if Ocelot was working to destroy the Patriots all this time then you could have cut to the chace, tell Snake what was up, let Sunny give him the virus, implant it himself and be done with it. There was all this drama for no reason if he was really Ocelot. The story made sense up until the debreifing when they pulled another MGS2.


I just defeated
. This game continues to amaze. I doubt anything can rival this for GOTY. My esteem of GTA4 diminishes more & more as I make my way through MGS4. This game is setting the bar.



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
zam said:
How do I shock people with the Mk II during mission briefings? I press R1 but the arm comes out and does nothing. Trying to get Otacon's and Raiden's face-camo...
Um, you're just supposed to run into them >_>


lawblob said:
I just defeated
. This game continues to amaze. I doubt anything can rival this for GOTY. GTA4 diminishes more and more as I make my way through MGS4. -_-

GTA4 diminished as a GOTY in my eyes as soon as I started it.


Chiggs said:
Strictly talking about first time through. You wanna see all the sights and hear the sounds, then the average gamer is looking at 20+, IMO.
I agree. I think my first playthrough was something like 22 hours. After my second play through I realized how short the actual gameplay segments are. No complaints though.


Seiken said:
Um, you're just supposed to run into them >_>
Really? I did that on my first playthrough and got nothing.. So all I need to do is run into them? Read somewhere that I had to shock them..
Something I've always wondered, and you guys seem to be pretty MGS savvy.

Why does Raven in MGS1 refer to snake as a Japanese person? (blah blah blah common ancestors with the Japanese, raised on barren plains of Mongolia)


Kccitystar said:
I am like SO going to fling this fucking controller against the wall.

I keep dying in the act 5 sequence no matter what I do. Once I trigger the alerts, I can't rambo my way across, the damn FROGS keep spawning!

On the 10th time, I just went fuck this and ran all the way there with tons of rations, and got shot a lot. Then the gekkos were in front of the door, so I shot the frogs by the door and then shot the gekkos in the legs to give me like 10 seconds to open the door. Then I went into the corridor and just used my rail gun on those wankers!
vas_a_morir said:
Something I've always wondered, and you guys seem to be pretty MGS savvy.

Why does Raven in MGS1 refer to snake as a Japanese person? (blah blah blah common ancestors with the Japanese, raised on barren plains of Mongolia)

Its explained in act 2.
ugh i am sucking right now, and i'd appreciate some help.

I'm in the beginning of Act 3.

okay, so I'm at the part where you have to follow the resistance guy to Big Mama. I am in the midtown N sector. if i pause my game and look at the map, i am in the sector that is flashing, noting that there is resistance in the area. however, my signal interceptor says East Town. AND there is one pmc gaurd that is just walking around. I've been following him thinking that maybe it's the resistance guy in disguise but i always end up getting caught when the vehicle drives by, then everyone starts shooting at me. is the resistance member in pmc disguise? am i even in the right area? what should i be doing? where are my pants?
MiamiWesker said:
Ok but then
Why involve Snake till the end, if Ocelot was working to destroy the Patriots all this time then you could have cut to the chace, tell Snake what was up, let Sunny give him the virus, implant it himself and be done with it. There was all this drama for no reason if he was really Ocelot. The story made sense up until the debreifing when they pulled another MGS2.

They needed Snake to do it. It needed to appear as though Snake, their puppet and the last person they thought would destroy them, was acting on their orders doing what he needed to do to stop Liquid. They mention time and time again that attacking the AIs ahead on is a no-no, because they still had control of half the control systems. The entire song and dance show was necessary to manipulate Snake into pressing onward.

Eva doesn't die from the fire, so why do people keep saying that? She dies from FoxDie. Same with Ocelot.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
By the way, in the Beauty and the Beast trailer, the soldiers were cut to two pieces... why did they take that away :(?

Also, SMALL spoilers:
I thought this game was supposed to have some tentacle/Sunny-porn-thingy?


finally finished it. there are definitely some parts of the story that I DO NOT LIKE (
um, bringing Big Boss back? really...?
) but overall it was fucking awesome.

i also think it's pretty clear that they weren't
going for the whole self-hypnosis angle with Liquid Ocelot in the beginning given that they retained Cam Clarke's voice for MGS2 and just ignored it in MGS4.

Shadow Moses was fucking awesome with all the voiceovers and i like the Johnny and Meryl got together. while playing MGS1, you never would have thought they would get married after she left him naked.

one question though:
shouldn't Johnny's body be fucked up by now? isn't he a genome solider?
Vyse The Legend said:
They needed Snake to do it. It needed to appear as though Snake, their puppet and the last person they thought would destroy them, was acting on their orders doing what he needed to do to stop Liquid. They mention time and time again that attacking the AIs ahead on is a no-no, because they still had control of half the control systems.

Eva doesn't die from the fire, so why do people keep saying that? She dies from FoxDie. Same with Ocelot.

The AI is brought down by Sunny's code, Snake is not the only person that could use it, anyone could have used. Just ask for it. Why the gigantic cover up when all that is needed is to tell Snake what is up, ask for the virus and implant it, the end.


xS1TH L0RDx said:
ugh i am sucking right now, and i'd appreciate some help.

I'm in the beginning of Act 3.

okay, so I'm at the part where you have to follow the resistance guy to Big Mama. I am in the midtown N sector. if i pause my game and look at the map, i am in the sector that is flashing, noting that there is resistance in the area. however, my signal interceptor says East Town. AND there is one pmc gaurd that is just walking around. I've been following him thinking that maybe it's the resistance guy in disguise but i always end up getting caught when the vehicle drives by, then everyone starts shooting at me. is the resistance member in pmc disguise? am i even in the right area? what should i be doing? where are my pants?

If its the Resistence guy he should
start whisteling the same tune that Sunny does


Vyse The Legend said:
Eva doesn't die from the fire, so why do people keep saying that? She dies from FoxDie. Same with Ocelot.

but didn't she know it wasn't really Big Boss' body? why jump on it and risk herself?

oh, and can someone tell me what was up with
Naomi feeling up Vamp's cock?
Roxas said:
If its the Resistence guy he should
start whisteling the same tune that Sunny does

with snake eye equiped the resistence member should have a blue icon on him if you target him with a gun or get close to him


MiamiWesker said:
Ok but then
Why involve Snake till the end, if Ocelot was working to destroy the Patriots all this time then you could have cut to the chace, tell Snake what was up, let Sunny give him the virus, implant it himself and be done with it. There was all this drama for no reason if he was really Ocelot. The story made sense up until the debreifing when they pulled another MGS2.

You're not putting all the pieces together.

The Patriots know Ocelot was a founder and thus intently watched him as he made his movements. So to enact the proper scenario for destroying them, he took on the persona of Liquid and went on a tirade to control GW and the Patriots. The Patriots, in response to this, set forward a plan involving the Drebins and Solid Snake to counteract "Liquid Ocelot's" insurrection. However, the Patriots are unable to foresee Sunny and Naomi's actions and the plan Patriots set becomes their downfall. They would see a plan from Snake to destroy them easily so the only way to destroy them was under the guise of taking down Liquid Ocelot.

In a way, the Patriots are responsible for their own downfall.
MiamiWesker said:
The AI is brought down by Sunny's code, Snake is not the only person that could use it, anyone could have used. Just ask for it. We the gigantic cover up when all that is needed is to tell Snake what is up, ask for the virus and implant it, the end.

I think you're underestimating the power and reach of the Patriots. That's probably the problem here.
Naomi was supposed to finish the virus, but she couldn't. So, Ocelot LETS her escape to Snake's side to deliver it to Sunny, and she secretly gives it to her to work on. Only when Sunny gives her the message "I did them right" or w/e does Naomi realize the virus is complete, and she can die.

Sunny is the X-factor in the entire equation, and the Patriots were too busy thinking of Liquid's threat to realize the potential threat she posed. That's why Naomi has to return to Ocelot's side to continue the act that she was there just to spy on Snake. Otherwise, the Patriots would figure out the real reason she temporarily defected.

If the Patriots' had known the super virus existed, who knows what they would have done to stop Snake. Because they didn't know it existed, they allowed Snake to act freely with Drebin's help.

Edit: Shouta nailed it. It's not that difficult to understand, if you keep in mind that the Patriots, at this point, are
artificial intelligence. They can only think in equations and hard facts and lack the ability to see beyond deceptions.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Vyse The Legend said:
I think you're underestimating the power and reach of the Patriots. That's probably the problem here.
Naomi was supposed to finish the virus, but she couldn't. So, Ocelot LETS her escape to Snake's side to deliver it to Sunny, and she secretly gives it to her to work on. Only when Sunny gives her the message "I did them right" or w/e does Naomi realize the virus is complete, and she can die.

Sunny is the X-factor in the entire equation, and the Patriots were too busy thinking of Liquid's threat to realize the potential threat she posed. That's why Naomi has to return to Ocelot's side to continue the act that she was there just to spy on Snake. Otherwise, the Patriots would figure out the real reason she temporarily defected.

If the Patriots' had known the super virus existed, who knows what they would have done to stop Snake. Because they didn't know it existed, they allowed Snake to act freely with Drebin's help.

Edit: Shouta nailed it. It's not that difficult to understand, if you keep in mind that the Patriots, at this point, are
artificial intelligence. They can only think in equations and hard facts and lack the ability to see beyond deceptions.

Initially Naomi wanted
to give it to OTACON. It was only after OTACON reveals that Sunny is the one who decoded the video message that Naomi gives it to her.


aka Ryder
My opinion of Kojima's greatest achievement in MGS4:



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Cyberia said:


Yeah, I mean, how could MGS4 not have a feature that an unreleased game in Resident Evil 5 will have?!

What the fuck Kojima! Way to drop the ball!
Y2Kev said:
Initially Naomi wanted
to give it to OTACON. It was only after OTACON reveals that Sunny is the one who decoded the video message that Naomi gives it to her.

That supports the notion that
Sunny was an unknown quantity outside of the Nomad, and the Patriots' were unaware of her intelligence.
But you are all missing something
After act 3 every action Ocelot preforms is unnessesary. Once Ocelot gained control of the war system the Patriots could do nothing against him. After that the retreveal of the rail gun and the whole set up to blow up the system was UNNESSARY. At that point they could have just skipped to what they really wanted and have Sunny implant the virus in GW, which was a giantic Patriot proof ship. There was no reason at all for Ocelot to continue his mission unless it was Liquid wanting total control himself. Thats where the story messes up, it makes sense if Liquid is in control, does not make sense if Ocelot is in control.


Not completely sure about this, but after I beat the game I checked the extra's menu and a lock appeared. When I click on it I get a prompt to enter a password, any idea which password this is?
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