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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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I'm a bit confused about the Patriots. If some of the guys above me who were talking about the Patriots and their agenda could help me I'd appreciate it:

So...this whole time, the Patriots are the A.I. systems (GW, JD etc)? I guess I'm confused on how A.I. could manipulate and orchestrate something as grand as the MGS games. The way the game makes it sound...it sounds like they're human saying the Patriots would "know" things, or they "orchestrated" certain events. You eventually find out that Solid Snake is actually working for the Patriots, as are RAT Patrol...but...I just don't understand how A.I. could like I said give orders or w/e.

Please help me:lol


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Anyone >_>?

By the way, in the Beauty and the Beast trailer, the soldiers were cut to two pieces... why did they take that away :(?

Also, SMALL spoilers:
I thought this game was supposed to have some tentacle/Sunny-porn-thingy?
holy shit. thanks to the help i recieved i was successful with what i was bitching about, I just got to the cutscene after that part in act 3, you guys know what i am talking about, HOLY SHIT.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Smokey Bones said:
I'm a bit confused about the Patriots. If some of the guys above me who were talking about the Patriots and their agenda could help me I'd appreciate it:

So...this whole time, the Patriots are the A.I. systems (GW, JD etc)? I guess I'm confused on how A.I. could manipulate and orchestrate something as grand as the MGS games. The way the game makes it sound...it sounds like they're human saying the Patriots would "know" things, or they "orchestrated" certain events. You eventually find out that Solid Snake is actually working for the Patriots, as are RAT Patrol...but...I just don't understand how A.I. could like I said give orders or w/e.

Please help me:lol

The Patriots are originally
Zero, Big Boss, Ocelot, EVA, Sigint, and Para-Medic. They want to obviously continue their control AFTER they become vegetables--see Zero-- so they set up AI systems like GW to filter information, control soldiers, etc. We learn in the end of MGS4 that they were planning to extend the SOP system beyond military personnel.


Well, I don't mean to deviate from the plot discussion, but I just finished the game a few moments ago.

MGS4 is one of the greatest games ever made, if not THE greatest.

I haven't been so awe-struck over a game since Ocarina of Time.
Just finished the game. Totally awesome from start to finish. Its clearly the best MGS game to date, and one of my favorite games i've ever played. Easily top 5

Kojima does an amazing job wrapping up the MGS saga, expanding the gamplay (and refining it), and keeping all the little easter eggs, humor and little touches of detail that make his games stand apart from the rest.

I know there's a contingent of gamers that dislike "cinematic" gameplay experiences but i love them when they're done right. And MGS4 is the best i've encountered. Great characters, moments, reveals, presentation, and i thought the pacing between story and gameplay was great. The only time it really gets "unbalanced" is at the very end but that's to be expected when you're wrapping it all up.

Thanks Kojima for not only meeting my super hype but exceeding it :D


MiamiWesker said:
But you are all missing something
After act 3 every action Ocelot preforms is unnessesary. Once Ocelot gained control of the war system the Patriots could do nothing against him. After that the retreveal of the rail gun and the whole set up to blow up the system was UNNESSARY. At that point they could have just skipped to what they really wanted and have Sunny implant the virus in GW, which was a giantic Patriot proof ship. There was no reason at all for Ocelot to continue his mission unless it was Liquid wanting total control himself. Thats where the story messes up, it makes sense if Liquid is in control, does not make sense if Ocelot is in control.

First off, it's the liquid personality that is doing the plan. It's the guise they need to enact a plan that would destroy the Patriots. If it was done by Ocelot, it would be seen through. The entire reason why Ocelot takes on the Liquid Persona so intently was to FOOL the Patriots. A direct plan by the Founders would've never worked.

Second, without the plan, there would have been no way to have direct access to the Patriots AI. Liquid's plan needed to occur as a cover for to insert the AI properly. Remember, the AIs could function without GW and if it had detected a perceived threat from Liquid such as a virus, it probably would've disconnected GW from the network. The threat of the Rail gun NEEDED to occur because that would provide sufficient reason for the AI to preserve itself and have Solid Snake go in an insert a worm to stop GW. They didn't see Sunny's work and thus they got destroyed as a result.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Smokey Bones said:
I'm a bit confused about the Patriots. If some of the guys above me who were talking about the Patriots and their agenda could help me I'd appreciate it:

So...this whole time, the Patriots are the A.I. systems (GW, JD etc)? I guess I'm confused on how A.I. could manipulate and orchestrate something as grand as the MGS games. The way the game makes it sound...it sounds like they're human saying the Patriots would "know" things, or they "orchestrated" certain events. You eventually find out that Solid Snake is actually working for the Patriots, as are RAT Patrol...but...I just don't understand how A.I. could like I said give orders or w/e.

Please help me:lol

Major Zero was the driving force behind the Patriots. Everything in the events leading up to MGS2 was done through coercion by the Patriots - at this time, the Patriots were still run by Zero. As his health dwindled, Zero created these AIs to take over the major operations, but the AI was extremely advanced that it started to "mutate" into a higher functioning AI. Think SKYNET in Terminator - it's the same concept. Zero was the only founding member of the Patriots that was still a part of the Patriots, and everyone else - Big Boss, Ocelot, Eva, Sigint, etc. was trying to stop him. Eventually, since Zero was incapacitated, they began fighting the AIs which now controlled the military around the world and many other things.

The AIs was able to function in part thanks to Nanomachines - which were created by Naomi Hunter.


Stench said:
Well, I don't mean to deviate from the plot discussion, but I just finished the game a few moments ago.

MGS4 is one of the greatest games ever made, if not THE greatest.

I haven't been so awe-struck over a game since Ocarina of Time.

Seriously, I've been reading a lot of comments like this one.

Is it safe to say:

"MGS4 Officially The Greatest Game of All Time"?
This game deserves it.

has it taken over Ocarina of Time?

If you had to choose between MGS4 and Ocarina of Time, which one would you choose?

Metal Gear Solid 4 Greatest Game of All Time ( yet) ?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Who the hell said that OoT is the best game ever?

MGS4 is fucking awesome and it's better than OoT. But it's no way in hell the best game ever created.


Another quick question relating to the last part of Act 5:

Why did Snake have to crawl through the microwave hallway if in the end it was the Mark 3 that opened the door and uploaded the virus? It didn't seem like Snake was needed for any of that.


AzerPhire said:
Another quick question relating to the last part of Act 5:

Why did Snake have to crawl through the microwave hallway if in the end it was the Mark 3 that opened the door and uploaded the virus? It didn't seem like Snake was needed for any of that.

He fought off those spider things remember?
Shouta said:
First off, it's the liquid personality that is doing the plan. It's the guise they need to enact a plan that would destroy the Patriots. If it was done by Ocelot, it would be seen through. The entire reason why Ocelot takes on the Liquid Persona so intently was to FOOL the Patriots. A direct plan by the Founders would've never worked.

Second, without the plan, there would have been no way to have direct access to the Patriots AI. Liquid's plan needed to occur as a cover for to insert the AI properly. Remember, the AIs could function without GW and if it had detected a perceived threat from Liquid such as a virus, it probably would've disconnected GW from the network. The threat of the Rail gun NEEDED to occur because that would provide sufficient reason for the AI to preserve itself and have Solid Snake go in an insert a worm to stop GW. They didn't see Sunny's work and thus they got destroyed as a result.

Second paragraph explains that, thanks.

But the others are saying its not Liquid, it was Ocelot all along. I agree with you, thats how I see it but others say Ocelot was acting this whole time.
AzerPhire said:
Another quick question relating to the last part of Act 5:

Why did Snake have to crawl through the microwave hallway if in the end it was the Mark 3 that opened the door and uploaded the virus? It didn't seem like Snake was needed for any of that.

He was needed to defend the Mark III from all the unmaned drones
MiamiWesker said:
But you are all missing something
After act 3 every action Ocelot preforms is unnessesary. Once Ocelot gained control of the war system the Patriots could do nothing against him. After that the retreveal of the rail gun and the whole set up to blow up the system was UNNESSARY. At that point they could have just skipped to what they really wanted and have Sunny implant the virus in GW, which was a giantic Patriot proof ship. There was no reason at all for Ocelot to continue his mission unless it was Liquid wanting total control himself. Thats where the story messes up, it makes sense if Liquid is in control, does not make sense if Ocelot is in control.

I think you're missing the fact that
the SOP system Ocelot took control of only controls small arms. The Patriots' still had control of WMDs and the other parts of the system. They still had plenty of power to exert. However, being AI's, they logically concluded based on the deceptions that had gone on so far that Snake could still stop him and infect him with FoxDie. Even if Ocelot gained control of the system by destroying JD, his inevitable death at Snake's hands would have ended in the Patriots being: 1) still alive, and 2) back in control.

The problem is they didn't know the virus existed, so they made no contingency plans to prevent it.
MiamiWesker said:
You will find out later whats going on.

Actually, I'm lost on this, as well. He's at a grave in the opening when Otacon approaches him from the helicopter.
At the end of the game, the grave he's standing at is for someone who died at Outer Haven -- which can't be the same grave he's standing at before speaking with Colonel Campbell. I can only figure it to be Jaeger's.

Liquid's? Ohh, the grave said "Outer Heaven?" Sigh, I'm getting old.


I love MGS4 so far, and its among the greatest games in my personal list. Most likely in the top 3 and I haven't even finished it yet!


Seiken said:
Who the hell said that OoT is the best game ever?

MGS4 is fucking awesome and it's better than OoT. But it's no way in hell the best game ever created.

What if you had to crown a game?

Which game would it be?

Firewire said:
I love MGS4 so far, and its among the greatest games in my personal list. Most likely in the top 3 and I haven't even finished it yet!

It get better, a lot better...
Here's another of MGS4's greatest achievements.
The fact that, everytime you die, or get spotted. It is YOUR fault. What I mean is, so many other games always fail you because of a silly bug or a design decision, GTA can come to mind for cover system being a bit clunky for example. Some bits from the story mode on GTA4 did frustrate me because of this, and to me it's a big negative if the game lets you down in that way. Ninja Gaiden 2 for example, you could say it's the camera. I mean i'm giving examples of games I recently got so. Mario Kart is a very good example of this, seriously unbalanced.

With MGS4, it requires a great degree of skill, patience, and being aware of everything around you. I am ofcourse mainly talking about the harder difficulties, because they are also the more realistic. For example, I'm crawling around in act 1, camo index is 85%, two guards infront of me. So I think, wait for them to walk off, continue on.. they walk off 20 metres ahead, I completely ignore this vase next to me, and I knock it without a care in the world... Aleady they run back, see me, and it's my ass.
Just love that attention to detail. Gameplay for me is absolutely flawless. Also, the variety is absolutely brilliant. Beginning of act 3 is a true test of your stealth skills. I think it was deliberate just incase some people thought they could complete the game by simply running and gunning.
Oh dear fucking crap, what I just saw in the last act seals the deal: this is the greatest fucking game of all time, IMO. What I just saw made MGS4 surpass Chrono Trigger as the best game I've ever played. Holy god, I have to take a breather before I press forward.

Holy shit.


dalin80 said:
Anyone know where to find some more chaff grenades? i hate those stupid little droid things.

I can't help you with the chaff grenades as I only found 4 throughout the whole game but stun grenades work on them too. Throw stuns and do snakes roll over them. This will cause an alert so be warned. Sticking with OctoCamo should allow you to pass by without them though.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Attack You said:
Actually, I'm lost on this, as well. He's at a grave in the opening when Otacon approaches him from the helicopter.
At the end of the game, the grave he's standing at is for someone who died at Outer Haven -- which can't be the same grave he's standing at before speaking with Colonel Campbell. I can only figure it to be Jaeger's.

You sure about that? It says 19XX - 1999 IIRC.


ok, but....

if in MGS2 when Ocelot was still around partly, wouldn't The Patriot's have known his true motives when Liquid wasn't in control? also, it was real nice of him to sacrifice himself to save the rest of the world from the AI when he was a heartless killer in all the other games...

and yeah, it is odd that
Snake is at The Boss' grave in the beginning part of the game. also odd that he knows CQC, actually refers to it as CQC, now carries a knife when before he wasn't fond of blades, etc.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
TTP said:
You sure about that? It says 19XX - 1999 IIRC.
Could that be Grey Fox's grave?

and yeah, it is odd that Snake is at The Boss' grave in the beginning part of the game. also odd that he knows CQC, actually refers to it as CQC, now carries a knife when before he wasn't fond of blades, etc.

Call Otacon. He'll fully explain this.
TheWolf said:
ok, but....

if in MGS2 when Ocelot was still around partly, wouldn't The Patriot's have known his true motives when Liquid wasn't in control? also, it was real nice of him to sacrifice himself to save the rest of the world from the AI when he was a heartless killer in all the other games...

and yeah, it is odd that
Snake is at The Boss' grave in the beginning part of the game. also odd that he knows CQC, actually refers to it as CQC, now carries a knife when before he wasn't fond of blades, etc.

Not the boss' grave and the game explains why he never used CQC before in a codec conversation.


brandonh83 said:
Oh dear fucking crap, what I just saw in the last act seals the deal: this is the greatest fucking game of all time, IMO. What I just saw made MGS4 surpass Chrono Trigger as the best game I've ever played. Holy god, I have to take a breather before I press forward.

Holy shit.

Metal Gear Solid 4 = Greatest Game of All Time.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
AmMortal said:
What if you had to crown a game?

Which game would it be?
:( I don't know...


Y2Kev said:
Call Otacon. He'll fully explain this.

oh really? at what part? i called him a few times and he never mentioned it. can you summarize?

Ocelot sort of came back there at the end, right? with the finger point and "you're pretty good". how did that happen?
TheWolf said:
ok, but....

if in MGS2 when Ocelot was still around partly, wouldn't The Patriot's have known his true motives when Liquid wasn't in control? also, it was real nice of him to sacrifice himself to save the rest of the world from the AI when he was a heartless killer in all the other games...

and yeah, it is odd that
Snake is at The Boss' grave in the beginning part of the game. also odd that he knows CQC, actually refers to it as CQC, now carries a knife when before he wasn't fond of blades, etc.

Snake is standing to the Grave next to The Boss' grave. I am assuming it is either Gray Fox's grave or Big Boss's grave.

Also, Snake was always a master of martial arts. The knife thing...well, don't worry about it.

oh, and Ocelot didn't do it for the rest of the world or anything like that. Ocelot did it for Big Boss. Big Boss was his idol and Ocelot was loyal to him.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
TheWolf said:
ok, but....

if in MGS2 when Ocelot was still around partly, wouldn't The Patriot's have known his true motives when Liquid wasn't in control? also, it was real nice of him to sacrifice himself to save the rest of the world from the AI when he was a heartless killer in all the other games...

and yeah, it is odd that
Snake is at The Boss' grave in the beginning part of the game. also odd that he knows CQC, actually refers to it as CQC, now carries a knife when before he wasn't fond of blades, etc.

The graves of Boss, Liquid, and Gray Fox are in the same graveyard! It's not that difficult.

MiamiWesker said:
Not the boss' grave and the game explains why he never used CQC before in a codec conversation.

What was the reason? I think I missed it.


so someone explain how
The Patriot's weren't aware of Ocelots true motives in MGS2 for the parts that he WASN'T Liquid. surely Ocelot would have know what his ultimate goal was during all of MGS2.


I bought MGS4 yesterday at lunch and finished watching the credits at 9:30 this morning. I've never before been so awed and so frustrated by the same game.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
TheWolf said:
so someone explain how
The Patriot's weren't aware of Ocelots true motives in MGS2 for the parts that he WASN'T Liquid. surely Ocelot would have know what his ultimate goal was during all of MGS2.

Well, he was
acting as
Liquid for basically 99% of the time.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Attack You said:
I can't think of anyone else Snake would care to pay respects to.
Look up?

TheWolf said:
so someone explain how
The Patriot's weren't aware of Ocelots true motives in MGS2 for the parts that he WASN'T Liquid. surely Ocelot would have know what his ultimate goal was during all of MGS2.

He lied? Ocelot has always acted as a
double or triple agent. In MGS2, Ocelot was working FOR the Patriots and Liquid was working AGAINST. Why would they be pissed at Ocelot?
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