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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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I only have one major gripe with the game the insane amount of load screens. Now generally I don't mind loading screens. The loading screens in mgs4 break the game up for me. There are certain times you get into an intense cut sense are shoot and then you get hit with a load screen it just ruins it for me. I really wish they would have just let them flow instead of breaking them up like they did.


brandonh83 said:
what are the requirements?

Unlockable: Costumes / Skins

Business Suit - Clear single-player mode once.

Altair's Rags - Earn the Assassin's emblem on a single-player session by doing the following: kill or stun 50 or more enemies; CQC hold 50 or more enemies; and be discovered fewer than 25 times.

Civilian clothes: Start the Eastern Europe level.

Infinite ammo bandana: Successfully complete the game without killing any enemies. Alternately, purchase it from Drebin for 5,000,000 DP after starting another game session after completing the game.

Metal Gear Solid optical camo: Successfully complete the game without going into alert phase. Alternately, purchase it from Drebin for 5,000,000 DP after starting another game session after completing the game. This camo makes you completely invisible.

Middle East militia disguise: Go to the Middle East militia safe house.

South American militia disguise: Go to the South American cove valley village.

Suit: Successfully complete the game.

No More Camo

Shake the Sixaxis controller to return Snake's Octocamo to its neutral (black and blue) pigmentation.


Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Emblem:

Ant : Must frisk 50 enemies for items.

Assassin's: Kill more than 50 enemies with the knife, have over 50 CQC holds, and get discovered less than 25 times.

Bear : Must use CQC chokes to defeat 100 enemies.

Bee : Must use scanning plug or syringe on 50 enemies.

Big Boss: Successfully complete the game on the hardest difficulty, using no continues, getting no alerts, killing no enemies, using no rations or stealth suit, and with a completion time of five hours or less.

Blue Bird : Must give rebel soldiers 50 items. (To do so, equip item and press TRIANGLE near soldier.)

Eagle : Must land 150 headshots.

Frog : Must roll or dive sideways 200 times.

Gecko : Must attach to walls for a total of 60 minutes.

Giant Panda : Must complete the game after 30 hours of play.

Gibbon : Must hold up 50 enemies.

Hawk : Must be praised by rebel soldiers 25 times.

Hog : Must get 10 combat highs—firing your weapon 100 times during an alert triggers one combat high.

Hyena : Must pick up 400 dropped weapons and/or items.

Inch Worm : Must spend 60 minutes crawling.

Little Gray : Must collect all 69 weapons in the game.

Lobster : Must spend 150 minutes crouching.

Rabbit : Must flip through 100 pages of the nudie magazines by holding L1 + R1 and tapping CIRCLE.

Scarab : Must execute 100 dive rolls.

Tortoise : Must hide inside a cardboard box or drum barrel for a total of 60 minutes.

Spoiler'd it just in case
Zeke said:
I only have one major gripe with the game the insane amount of load screens. Now generally I don't mind loading screens. The loading screens in mgs4 break the game up for me. There are certain times you get into an intense cut sense are shoot and then you get hit with a load screen it just ruins it for me. I really wish they would have just let them flow instead of breaking them up like they did.

Now here's a criticism I can completely understand. It didn't really bother me because the amount of shit going on during the frequent load screen sections is quite insane; I'm actually surprised there weren't more.

THANKS for that list!

edit: omg w t FUCK that's insane.


Kagari said:
I have to say, I'm really glad I went into the game spoiler free.


Despite the fact I suspected some of it, Act 3's revelations blew my mind.. o_o

Now Beginning Act 4. I started walking for a little while, the music started playing and I couldn't continue. Because to continue would mean the game would end. -_-
brandonh83 said:
seriously, okay
Snake crawling through the microwave corridor, and seeing the Ray attacking the Missouri in the other split screen and all the intercutting to stuff like Meryl and Johnny battling and Raiden holding off Haven Troopers... the stakes were so stupidly high and everyone was fighting against these ridiculous odds, it just truly felt like these people had something to desperately fight for and would stand up against any odd.

That moment really just pushed MGS4 from a game into something else to me. Just incredible.


Ephemeris said:

Despite the fact I suspected some of it, Act 3's revelations blew my mind.. o_o

Now Beginning Act 4. I started walking for a little while, the music started playing and I couldn't continue. Because to continue would mean the game would end. -_-

Just try to remember where everything happened in
MGS1 and go there. Also, after the crying wolf fight run around that area for even more flash backs. And no, it doesn't end there. It just gets more epic.

Oh and, is anyone else planning on trying for the boss emblem? Cause I was thinking of making a separate thread for it where we could all post our tips and strategies as well as progress and such so it wouldn't get drowned out in this thread.


yeah I admit that their was ALOT of loading screens but it wasn't too bad seeing that almost all of them were like 1-3 secs.
1stStrike said:
Oh and, is anyone else planning on trying for the boss emblem? Cause I was thinking of making a separate thread for it where we could all post our tips and strategies as well as progress and such so it wouldn't get drowned out in this thread.

There are detailed tips in Strategy guide on how to get it. That said, I'm planning to work on it right after i unlock the other stuff :)


Finished up to Act 3's closing.

I'm probably alone here, but I'm kind of disappointed so far.

Just a couple thoughts:

1) They showed too much in the uber-long trailer build-up, and considering how well past MGS games have hid their cores from the public, I was just really surprised to see that. I really felt like I'd already seen everything that Act 1 had to offer, and then the ninja fight felt a built stale as well because of the advanced screening, ending act 2 with an "oh" rather than a "wow." They really should have held off on more than they did considering what's left. A lot of the climaxing elements have lost their thunder.

I think I'd already seen every single joke he's laid down so far to boot.

2) The pacing feels off. Honestly, this game, more than any I've ever played before, just feels like it needs an editor. As someone who's enjoyed the previous MGS games, I'm obviously expecting and used to cutscenes of profane length, but there just doesn't feel like enough actually happens in most of them to make it feel worth the exposition. I guess most of that is just due to the fact that I feel like I understand what he is saying so much quicker than he finishes saying it. Or maybe it's just due to where he attempts to say it. In previous games, outside of ancillary codec conversations, you mostly got your exposition after a long action part and a good boss fight.

It was JRPG pacing. Dungeon, Boss, Story.

Here, most of the time I feel like I just haven't done anything to warrant yet another cut-scene, and with the "out-of-action" segments like mission briefings/boat time and warm-up pacing like
the european city section
piling the bulk of dialogue onto the front-end of the chapter, it just doesn't feel right to me.

In the end, it probably just needs more action, and hopefully the second half can do a better job of delivering on that.

3) To be fair, I guess some of it is also just the changes in what I expect out of a video game finally eclipsing the way Metal Gear has been handled. The awkwardness of elements like the
otacon/naomi love scene or Snake's "Big Mama" relationship
just feel ham-handed. I know that a lot of people around here feel like Kojima is a genius and that MGS' story can do no wrong, but honestly, I think a lot of the elements are starting to show their immaturity as things move forward. He can direct a hell of an action scene, but the older I get and the more I play these games, the more I realize that the original MGS more impressed me for even trying to tackle something like this, rather than doing it well. And MGS4 continuing with that same level of competence just stands out more these days because the bar really has been raised in this regard.

4) The beauty and the beast saga just feels kind of....lame to me. Sorry. I really gave it a chance, but the whole thing has just been dopey so far.

5) Despite everyone telling me a million times that this game is extremely non-linear, it's probably one of the most linear corridor-driven games I've played in ages. Often I end up feeling like all I'm really doing is moving straight forward and knocking out the next guard in a line, and that's disappointing compared to the "Cat and mouse" progression of many of the previous games' stages. I know I'm probably going to be somewhat alone on this one, but I honestly feel like the first MGS had the best "Gameplay" of the bunch.

I'm not trying to hate on the game or rain anyone's parade. Just to be clear - I'm only focusing on my disappointments instead of a well-rounded perspective because everyone's already talked about the positives.

I really do like Metal gear, and I've been looking forward to this game for a long time, but in the end, it just hasn't been living up to potential for me. Hopefully the last two acts can pick it back up again for me.

Just my thoughts. Feel free to lynch me. :)
brandonh83 said:
It was just so epic, gripping, amazing, and well executed. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
Agreed 100%. I can't see anyone surpassing that sequence in any videogame. I was on the verge of yelling at the screen, slamming the button. Never thought I'd care that much about a videogame.:lol



really? you don't like the B&B? I love the whole aspect of them, and how they relate to older bosses (code names and what not)
Let me ask you guys this (only for ones who have finished the game)

would the story have made less of an impact on you if none of the main characters died naomi, eva, big boss.....except for ocelot? what if all of them died including meryl, sunny, otacon etc? more impact, less impact?

just curious....personally i think it ended up perfect....like i said i cant think of enough words in the english language to get across how incredible this game is


shagg_187 said:
There are detailed tips in Strategy guide on how to get it. That said, I'm planning to work on it right after i unlock the other stuff :)

The store bought strategy guide or is there a link to this somewhere? I'd like to do it on my own without a guide, but if I get stuck it'd be handy to be able to have something to refer to.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
effingvic said:

(act 2 briefing)

Campbell married to Rose!?!? WHAT? That means that kid is...



effingvic said:

(act 2 briefing)

Campbell married to Rose!?!? WHAT? That means that kid is...


Now, call her on the codec and shake your sixaxis/dualshock3 controller for bouncing boob goodness. Also, call her with a ration equipped for a homage to MGS2.

I'm turning into a walking MGS4 encylopedia...
this is good...isn't it?


You gotta love the incredible spoiler control the mods have on GAF. I just read 3 entire pages of excitement that mentioned how fucking amazing this game is without even touching a single storyline detail. I still don't have the game, but I just read that Gamespot gave it a perfect 10 and I was like... ¿¿¿What???

After reading all your posts I'm getting so excited. Fucking excited.


1stStrike said:
Big Boss: Successfully complete the game on the hardest difficulty, using no continues, getting no alerts, killing no enemies, using no rations or stealth suit, and with a completion time of five hours or less.

Holy crap. I think I will get all the medals except for Big Boss.


Am I going insane?

I just played the game up until the beginning part of act 2, then I started digging into act 2.

So I quit and decided to watch the mission briefing for act 1, and I felt as though I had never watched it before. Weird.


alske said:
Holy crap. I think I will get all the medals except for Big Boss.

Play the game through two or three times and it will be a lot closer. You'll start to learn enemy patterns. The best practice is doing a liquid easy no kill, no alert run. You'll learn the enemies movement patterns and the best ways to beat them without killing them. After that, in the boss extreme they just throw a few more enemies at you and obviously you need to be a lot more careful but..that's about it.

Repetition, like anything else, will make you better and faster at it. And, apparently, when you
get the big boss face mask, enemies that spot you will run in fear when they see you. And, you get the patriot (plus, it has unlimited ammo).
So, it's worth it for me.

Speevy said:
Am I going insane?

I just played the game up until the beginning part of act 2, then I started digging into act 2.

So I quit and decided to watch the mission briefing for act 1, and I felt as though I had never watched it before. Weird.

You hadn't, because you don't see it unless you go to that menu and select it. They skip it when you go straight to a new game.


1stStrike said:
when you
get the big boss face mask, enemies that spot you will run in fear when they see you. And, you get the patriot (plus, it has unlimited ammo).
So, it's worth it for me.
if thats true thats fuckin awesome!
Hcoregamer00 said:
Oh yeah, I have some problems with Act 5 boss
screaming mantis, how the hell can you beat her?

shoot her dolls, mainly Psycho Mantis doll, grab it, equip as a weapon, and then chuck it at Mantis like a grenade

...I think.
Hcoregamer00 said:
Oh yeah, I have some problems with Act 5 boss
screaming mantis, how the hell can you beat her?
• Use syringe on self.
• Grab Meryl and use syringe on her.
• Shoot doll in Mantis' right hand until she drops it.
• Pick up dropped doll and equip it.
• Shoot Mantis with doll and shake the controller.
Hcoregamer00 said:
Oh yeah, I have some problems with Act 5 boss
screaming mantis, how the hell can you beat her?

Inject yourself with the syringe, then aim at her dolls. Shoot down the Sorrow doll to keep her from controlling the dead FROGs, and shoot down the Psycho Mantis doll to keep her from controlling Meryl and yourself. After that, use the Mantis doll on her. You can either use the Syringe on Meryl or knock her out with some air bullets or tranq darts to keep her from killing herself.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
archnemesis said:
• Use syringe on self.
• Grab Meryl and use syringe on her.
• Shoot doll in Mantis right hand until she drops it.
• Pick up dropped doll and equip it.
• Shoot Mantis with doll and shake the controller.

Thanks, this should be a big help.


effingvic said:
Man........ :|

Is it possible to make the PMCs on your side? That'd make the game a freakin' breeze~
Nope, only the militias can be turned friendly. That would make the game a bit too easy.


I am SO sucking at no kills and no alerts the Mosin Nagant is shit with no suppressor yet it's the only one of it's kind. :(

I had one kill and 11 alerts after Act 1.

Does a voodoo doll count as a kill or the emotion bullets? And does a milisecond alert flash count as an alert? :(

Oh and if I were to get something during a briefing (from main menu not in main game) would I get the items after it?


If I want to start my second playthrough, how do I do it so I can use the items/weapons/dp I acquired throughout the game, as well as the stuff I unlocked from completing the game?

Should I start a new game, or just reload my first save?


Just finished Act 4. It might be my favorite act so far. It definitely featured my favorite of the B&B battles thus far.

17 hours in.


Dizzy said:
I feel exactly the same. I don't even feeling like going back to any other game right now.

The last time I felt this strongly about a game was Super Mario 64 back in 1997.

Pretty much.

I've given up on gaming for at least a few weeks. Will see if Persona 4 grabs me. Otherwise who knows when I'll get back into gaming.


Hunahan said:
Finished up to Act 3's closing.

I'm probably alone here, but I'm kind of disappointed so far.

Just a couple thoughts:

2) The pacing feels off. Honestly, this game, more than any I've ever played before, just feels like it needs an editor. As someone who's enjoyed the previous MGS games, I'm obviously expecting and used to cutscenes of profane length, but there just doesn't feel like enough actually happens in most of them to make it feel worth the exposition. I guess most of that is just due to the fact that I feel like I understand what he is saying so much quicker than he finishes saying it. Or maybe it's just due to where he attempts to say it. In previous games, outside of ancillary codec conversations, you mostly got your exposition after a long action part and a good boss fight.

It was JRPG pacing. Dungeon, Boss, Story.

Here, most of the time I feel like I just haven't done anything to warrant yet another cut-scene, and with the "out-of-action" segments like mission briefings/boat time and warm-up pacing like
the european city section
piling the bulk of dialogue onto the front-end of the chapter, it just doesn't feel right to me.

In the end, it probably just needs more action, and hopefully the second half can do a better job of delivering on that.
If you're just about to start Act 4, you're on the verge of one of the worst bits of exposition in the game, unfortunately (well, i'm only partway through Act 4 myself, so it's possible it gets worse later... but that would be a frankly rather terrifying prospect).

The whole game would be vastly improved (which is saying a lot, given how damn good it is already) if a good editor was given a chance to trim down the script to get rid of all the unnecessary expositional bloat (seriously, Act 4 mission briefing, they spend what seems like half an hour going over
what Liquid/Vamp/Naomi summed up in about 5 lines in the video footage from the Mk2 on the boat

Luckily the actual gameplay sections of Act 4 make up for it (
it's pure fanservice, but so so good seeing all those old MGS1 locations again


Truant said:
If I want to start my second playthrough, how do I do it so I can use the items/weapons/dp I acquired throughout the game, as well as the stuff I unlocked from completing the game?

Should I start a new game, or just reload my first save?
Load your endgame save.


I just spent the last seven hours straight playing through the last third or so of this game and it was PHENOMENAL! Now, the last time I spent that many hours playing a video game straight had to of been before I got a job and before I got married. There was a point in MGS4 where I just knew I couldn't put the controller down until I finished it, I had to know what happened and I was having way too much fun playing it to stop. It's the first game in a long time that reminded me of the good ol' days where I could sit in front of the tv and totally just get lost in a video game for hours and hours. INCREDIBLE.

Now that I beat it he two things that really stick out in my mind are 1. EVERYTHING about Act 4 and 2. the "microwave" run. This game has SO many great moments it's hard to just focus in on a few but these two moments really did it for me. Once the music hit at the start of Act 4 nothing could've pulled me away from that screen.

I still have GTA4 to finish but MGS4 has totally sucked me dry. I don't feel like playing anything right now.
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