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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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damn...Mei Ling has a HUUUUGE ass.

Just a biiig, round apple bottom....it actually looks odd on such a petite girl.

Sorry if any of you consider that a spoiler.


pel1300 said:
damn...Mei Ling has a HUUUUGE ass.

Just a biiig, round apple bottom....it actually looks odd on such a petite girl.

Sorry if any of you consider that a spoiler.
I was let down to hear her talk


Honorable mention goes to Harry Gregson-Williams for his "Old Snake" (the song in the title screen). Even though the rest of the soundtrack is amazing, this song will be engraved with me and it flashes all the amazing moments of MGS4 for me.
Just finished Act III. At about 11 hours of gameplay. Am I on pace for about 20 hours here? I really don't want this game to end.

My mom walked into my room and sat down and watched the closing cinematic of Act III and said to call her when I start Act 4 because she thought it looked cool. :lol


pel1300 said:
damn...Mei Ling has a HUUUUGE ass.

Just a biiig, round apple bottom....it actually looks odd on such a petite girl.

Sorry if any of you consider that a spoiler.

We need screen shots of Johnny playing grab ass


I haven't seen the LE MGS4 guide anywhere here in Canada. Has it been released here at all? Is there anywhere I can buy it online that ships to Canada?

Also they haven't begun selling the headsets here either, supposed to come in on the 20th according to Gamestop :/
I asked before, but the person who answered wasnt completly sure:

can i blast the beauties with a regular gun in their armored form and not have it count against me?

Does the doll mantis dropped that you use to defeat her work on the others as well?


***Act 4 SPOILER*** below:

Anyone else crack up at Snake saying "Who's side was she on, anyway??"

I was thinking the exact same thing.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
pel1300 said:
***Act 4 SPOILER*** below:

Anyone else crack up at Snake saying "Who's side was she on, anyway??"

I was thinking the exact same thing.
Just for future use, you spoiler tag by doing [spoiler ] *text* [/spoiler ] without the spaces.


Gamer @ Heart said:
I asked before, but the person who answered wasnt completly sure:

can i blast the beauties with a regular gun in their armored form and not have it count against me?
it shouldn't count against you since you're not killing them. I haven't noticed any additional kills on my game. I've gone the past 2 acts tranquilizing people and my kills are the same.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
wenis said:
I snuck through the entire first part of act 5....it was super easy.
Liquid Easy.


Zeke said:
ok wtf I'm going mad here
I just got aboard outer haven and I'm getting my ass royally handed to me.
I've tried sneaking and sniping but always get caught
those damn frogs are every where
I've tried going in guns blazing only to get blown to hell and back.
I must have killed a good 60 or 70 frogs to no avail. How am I supposed to make it to that door and not get killed while opening it. I've was able to take out a gekko with the rail gun but got jumped from behind from more frogs and got wasted
Can someone please give me some advice on this part.



I had trouble the first time also but here is what I did that gave me a successful run.

Under ANY circumstances DO NOT ALERT ANY FROGS,they have an infinite number of respawns in haven so your not doing yourself any favors.As soon as you start throw your face mask on and head for the gap thats in the staircase in front of you.There will be some Frogs there,wait for them to pass by and move on.

PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR RADAR since you need to be on the look out for more Frogs going back and forth.

Now slowly TAKE YOUR TIME towards the destination and KEEP TO THE SIDES of the walkways.Your best bet through most of the way would be to crawl and lay flat to keep your index from 80-90%.

Once your closer to the entrance door you'll most likely run into a Frog pacing back and forth.You can either continue to go past her through stealth or take her out with a Silencer Tranq.Once your near the door Otacon will call you.

There will be some Gekkos there and a couple surrounding Frogs.You can either stealth through this or find a vantage point charge up your Rail Gun to MAX and take out the Gekkos in 1 hit.

Once they are out of the way make sure theres no Frogs near the door and start mashing Triangle to open it.Once you go through the door your free to go to the next area through the elevator.
How do I get a Bluetooth headset to work with MGS4? I change the Voice Output to External USB/Headset but it does not work. Also, does anyone who where to order to MGS shirts that were coming out on launch day?


I have to say that the ending credits song is also a beautiful wrap-up and just so fitting like every other game's ending credits.

And one of the final parts
with Snake going through the microwave corridor and me frantically hitting triangle and the huge battle going on outside was perfect. I was feeling it with Snake, so genius!

Kagari said:
I have to say, I'm really glad I went into the game spoiler free.

How spoiler free did you go? Because if I had seen absolutely no trailers, it would have been one of the most epic experiences ever because the reveals of the characters are sublime. Well, it would have been even more epic. I swear on everything that I will not look at a single thing about Kojima's next game or the next metal gear.
is it me, or is there faaaaaaaaar more swearing in this game o_O

its like kojima just said "fuck it!!!!!" when it came to this games dialogue. kinda like he's venting or something...XD


Well, I'm half way through act 1 on the boss extreme. It's definitely..extreme. I'm trying for the big boss rank. Gotta beat the game in 5 hours or less with 0 kills, 0 alerts, 0 continues, 0 rations, no special items. I don't know if I can do it..I'm at like 48 minutes already and I just got to the vista where you
fight the geckos with maryl and her gang
. Had to restart 5 times after getting an alert so far. Imma be mad if I get to the end and I'm at like 5 hours 1 minute >>


guys two questions

1.) Did it live up to the hype :D

2.) Can you still order the Metal Gear Solid Essential pack...I've never played Metal Gear, I gave the Gamecube one a shot but wasn't crazy over it - but that was when I had a lot of gaming backlog due to my girlfriend so I didn't really invest TOO much time. I wanna get into the series first ;p


Zeke said:
ok wtf I'm going mad here
I just got aboard outer haven and I'm getting my ass royally handed to me.
I've tried sneaking and sniping but always get caught
those damn frogs are every where
I've tried going in guns blazing only to get blown to hell and back.
I must have killed a good 60 or 70 frogs to no avail. How am I supposed to make it to that door and not get killed while opening it. I've was able to take out a gekko with the rail gun but got jumped from behind from more frogs and got wasted
Can someone please give me some advice on this part.

I gave a full in-depth walkthrough to how I succeeded in not being noticed here, but got an error and lost the whole thing...ugh, so here is a slightly shorter edition. Make sure you have your Solid Eye on, and I would suggest getting the Mosin-Nagent if you don't have it already.

1. climb ladder in front of you, climb ladder on catwalk and shimmy to middle platform. Hang from the far side of this platform and drop, the Frogs will not hear you.

2. Run up right side of wall and stop next to the 2 boxes at the end. You will see a Frog to your right. Wait for her to approach and turn her back, then come out and tranq her.

3. You will see a ladder on the right wall, take it and follow the path around the catwalk. Climb the ladder at the end and shimmy across to the other catwalk. Sit near the edge and wait for a Frog to pop out. Mosin-Nagent her in the dome and jump down.

4. Frogs will start jumping down from the catwalks. Head around the left corner and lay prone against the corner of the wall. A Frog will walk past you. Wait for her to stop and pop her in the head with a tranq.

5. Look around the wall or use your MK.III to make sure the Gekko are not looking in your direction. When it is clear, sneak forward and get to the left side of the wall as soon as you can. You will see 2 blocks and what looks like an opening you can crawl through to your left, but you cannot...so make sure you run past this, then head left as I said.

6. Immediately lay prone against the side of the wall. You should see 2 Frogs, both of which will approach a little bit, and then walk towards the center of the area. Crawl up to the spot where you saw the Frog farthest away from you and pull out the Mosin-Nagent with L1. Have it pointed up and she will walk right into your sights, allowing you to hold her up and tranq her.

7. Make sure the coast is clear, and look around the corner of the pillar. Check to see that the Gekkos will not notice you, and run to the door. Tap triangle and it will open pretty quickly.

I hope this translates into gameplay. I am writing this off of memory and without the benefit of a save file right before this part :(


Slurmer said:
I gave a full in-depth walkthrough to how I succeeded in not being noticed here, but got an error and lost the whole thing...ugh, so here is a slightly shorter edition. Make sure you have your Solid Eye on, and I would suggest getting the Mosin-Nagent if you don't have it already.

1. climb ladder in front of you, climb ladder on catwalk and shimmy to middle platform. Hang from the far side of this platform and drop, the Frogs will not hear you.

2. Run up right side of wall and stop next to the 2 boxes at the end. You will see a Frog to your right. Wait for her to approach and turn her back, then come out and tranq her.

3. You will see a ladder on the right wall, take it and follow the path around the catwalk. Climb the ladder at the end and shimmy across to the other catwalk. Sit near the edge and wait for a Frog to pop out. Mosin-Nagent her in the dome and jump down.

4. Frogs will start jumping down from the catwalks. Head around the left corner and lay prone against the corner of the wall. A Frog will walk past you. Wait for her to stop and pop her in the head with a tranq.

5. Look around the wall or use your MK.III to make sure the Gekko are not looking in your direction. When it is clear, sneak forward and get to the left side of the wall as soon as you can. You will see 2 blocks and what looks like an opening you can crawl through to your left, but you cannot...so make sure you run past this, then head left as I said.

6. Immediately lay prone against the side of the wall. You should see 2 Frogs, both of which will approach a little bit, and then walk towards the center of the area. Crawl up to the spot where you saw the Frog farthest away from you and pull out the Mosin-Nagent with L1. Have it pointed up and she will walk right into your sights, allowing you to hold her up and tranq her.

7. Make sure the coast is clear, and look around the corner of the pillar. Check to see that the Gekkos will not notice you, and run to the door. Tap triangle and it will open pretty quickly.

I hope this translates into gameplay. I am writing this off of memory and without the benefit of a save file right before this part :(
awesome thanks man I'll try this out and see how it goes for sure. I kept getting a ? in the upper left hand corner of my tv during some cut scenes they didn't start popping up until later on in the game. I dunno what it means but I thought it was kinda odd.
Ugh. Act 4 trouble with you-know-who.

Fuck Vamp. I don't like the character or the boss fight. I've researched how to beat him, but even when I wear him down all the way until his 'rebirth' he still shrugs off my grapple attempts.



Captain Glanton said:
Ugh. Act 4 trouble with you-know-who.

Fuck Vamp. I don't like the character or the boss fight. I've researched how to beat him, but even when I wear him down all the way until his 'rebirth' he still shrugs off my grapple attempts.


It's easy. Just make sure you're behind him right when he's getting up and then grab him, snake will kick his knee out and then hit triangle when the indicator pops up.


I finished it today (Solid Normal, around 13 hours) and it must be said that this game is not only GotY for me, but is probably the best game I've played in the last 10 years of my gaming career.

It's terrible, too, because -- from this point -- it'll be some 4-5 years until Kojima's next game (whatever it is...plz snatcher 2kthxbai) dethrones MGS4. And even that is questionable.

Anyone else feel extremely depressed after finishing the game knowing that a game like this only comes around ever 5-10 years? ;)
1stStrike said:
It's easy. Just make sure you're behind him right when he's getting up and then grab him, snake will kick his knee out and then hit triangle when the indicator pops up.
I really really would have sworn I tried that, but it didn't work. But I'll try again tomorrow.
Captain Glanton said:
Ugh. Act 4 trouble with you-know-who.

Fuck Vamp. I don't like the character or the boss fight. I've researched how to beat him, but even when I wear him down all the way until his 'rebirth' he still shrugs off my grapple attempts.


Wait for him to get up. As soon as he does, CQC Grab him, and i guess you know the rest :)
Spoo said:
I finished it today (Solid Normal, around 13 hours) and it must be said that this game is not only GotY for me, but is probably the best game I've played in the last 10 years of my gaming career.

It's terrible, too, because -- from this point -- it'll be some 4-5 years until Kojima's next game (whatever it is...plz snatcher 2kthxbai) dethrones MGS4. And even that is questionable.

Anyone else feel extremely depressed after finishing the game knowing that a game like this only comes around ever 5-10 years? ;)
For a couple of minutes I did, but then I looked up and noticed I had already re-started and was in the middle of act 1 : )
Its going to take me 20 replays to get all those damned emblems. The only possible reward that would make me collect all those is the one thing they give you...shit
Anyone with a guide, I'm doing my 'chicken' run now. Its soo bad its funny.


Spoo said:
I finished it today (Solid Normal, around 13 hours) and it must be said that this game is not only GotY for me, but is probably the best game I've played in the last 10 years of my gaming career.

It's terrible, too, because -- from this point -- it'll be some 4-5 years until Kojima's next game (whatever it is...plz snatcher 2kthxbai) dethrones MGS4. And even that is questionable.

Anyone else feel extremely depressed after finishing the game knowing that a game like this only comes around ever 5-10 years? ;)

Oh yes! I am feeling that way right now. I agree there won't be another game like this in a long time... which is very sad.


hey my cousin created an account in MGO before i did but i can't seem to use my account that i created during the beta trial. I get a message that the free character has already being used up. what's the deal?


1stStrike said:
It's easy. Just make sure you're behind him right when he's getting up and then grab him, snake will kick his knee out and then hit triangle when the indicator pops up.

Wow what a lame way to beat him. Here's how I did it.

-Start the match and run the fuck away and hide. He'll lose you and walk around looking for your ass.
-Wait for him to pass by, CQC his ass and inject.... not a shot fired


Captain Glanton said:
I really really would have sworn I tried that, but it didn't work. But I'll try again tomorrow.

make sure you have the syringe equipped.

BTW, does anyone know the name of the song for the fight with


Spoo said:
I finished it today (Solid Normal, around 13 hours) and it must be said that this game is not only GotY for me, but is probably the best game I've played in the last 10 years of my gaming career.

It's terrible, too, because -- from this point -- it'll be some 4-5 years until Kojima's next game (whatever it is...plz snatcher 2kthxbai) dethrones MGS4. And even that is questionable.

Anyone else feel extremely depressed after finishing the game knowing that a game like this only comes around ever 5-10 years? ;)
I feel exactly the same. I don't even feeling like going back to any other game right now.

The last time I felt this strongly about a game was Super Mario 64 back in 1997.
Dizzy said:
I feel exactly the same. I don't even feeling like going back to any other game right now.

The last time I felt this strongly about a game was Super Mario 64 back in 1997.

Same for me. And my thought to this game is not even about it being a PS3-exclusive, but more awe at how awesome, polished, thoughtful, dynamic, amazing this game. Not many game I can think of that puts so much layer into the game and the game is also made to show fans its appreciation of the whole franchise


I'm in the middle of act 2 right now and loving it and I'm sure I haven't seen anything yet.
By the way, good job on the spoiler tags, everyone. For once, I feel safe going through a game's thread and not having to worry about accidentally spoiling something for myself.
kIdMuScLe said:
hey my cousin created an account in MGO before i did but i can't seem to use my account that i created during the beta trial. I get a message that the free character has already being used up. what's the deal?
you get one free character per console and your free character has already been used by your cousin.


Ferrio said:
Wow what a lame way to beat him. Here's how I did it.

-Start the match and run the fuck away and hide. He'll lose you and walk around looking for your ass.
-Wait for him to pass by, CQC his ass and inject.... not a shot fired

Actually..your way is more lame lol. The way I did it is the way everyone else did it. I used tranq's on all the bosses of course.


1stStrike said:
Actually..your way is more lame lol. The way I did it is the way everyone else did it. I used tranq's on all the bosses of course.
same here high five
how many masks did you end up getting
Naomi instantly reminded me of Isabelle Adjani, physically:



French Gaffers am I alone ?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
15 minutes into Act 2 now, and it blows my mind how much more is to come, and yet how much stuff I've seen. The game just constantly keeps amazing me, be it with innovative and interesting gameplay situations, be it with impressive cutscenes. The graphics, despite not being strongest with textures, are just so damn detailed, so lovingly handcrafted, effects are seriously impressive (as expected from MGS) and most importantly, everything looks just so inviting to explore - and there is indeed so much to explore, and so many things to do and see. Oh, and the Act 2 intro cutscene was just shivery horror. Those things are scary - every one of them. I'm moving really slowly through the game, playing on hard level, sneaking wherever I can - it took me a bit more than 7h to get to where I am now. So far, the only thing I didn't quite like was the amount of bowel movement antics of Johnny Akiba (Sasaki) in the cutscenes,
but even he managed to redeem himself at the end of Act 1.


Zeke said:
same here high five
how many masks did you end up getting

I haven't gotten em all yet. The ones I haven't gotten can be gotten in like 5 minutes, so I'm leaving em for last. I'm working on the boss rank atm, so I'll probably put in a week or two worth of time just trying to do that. I have act 1 and 2 almost down to a science..after that I can get through the rest with ease (even act 5 part 1). It'll just be the final fight that will give me issues.

I finnaly finished Act 2 after what felt like a million "return to main menu and load game" and i ended up having 6 kills. Im glad i made about 5 saves throughout it, but i still cant be sure were i made those kills. Im guessing one might have been during the boss fight. If i shoot one of the beauty's bombs and it kills one of the frogs sleeping on the floor, does it count against me? How about CQCing a guy off the truck?


Gamer @ Heart said:

I finnaly finished Act 2 after what felt like a million "return to main menu and load game" and i ended up having 6 kills. Im glad i made about 5 saves throughout it, but i still cant be sure were i made those kills. Im guessing one might have been during the boss fight. If i shoot one of the beauty's bombs and it kills one of the frogs sleeping on the floor, does it count against me? How about CQCing a guy off the truck?

Use your tranq gun, always. You can even use it on the bike (with unlimited ammo during that scene to boot). Otherwise, you can get through everything without actually kill anyone.


brandonh83 said:
The climax sequences in this game will never, ever be touched. Simply fucking impossible.

I'm waiting for the user created music videos. I'm sure some of them will be epically emotional.

TheWolf said:
i wonder if anyone will get the
Big Boss
mask. seems impossible.:lol

I will get it.


slept with Malkin
Finished Act 2 tonight, and all I can say is "Wow". Some absolutely amazing sequences, I can't wait to see how it will be topped in the upcoming acts.
1stStrike said:
I'm waiting for the user created music videos. I'm sure some of them will be epically emotional.

seriously, okay
Snake crawling through the microwave corridor, and seeing the Ray attacking the Missouri in the other split screen and all the intercutting to stuff like Meryl and Johnny battling and Raiden holding off Haven Troopers... the stakes were so stupidly high and everyone was fighting against these ridiculous odds, it just truly felt like these people had something to desperately fight for and would stand up against any odd.

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