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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Have a fun! Enjoy!
Yeah the "microwave" part was so simple yet so awesome. I was hammering the button screaming in tears "come on Snake! You can do this! I wont make you die for nothing! Aaaarg it hurts!".
brandonh83 said:
How about {Act 4 spoilers}
All of the throw backs were great!
Master Miller codec convo in the vents, grenade in the middle of the heliport, all of it


TTP said:
Yeah the "microwave" part was so simple yet so awesome. I was hammering the button screaming in tears "come on Snake! You can do this! I wont make you die for nothing! Aaaarg it hurts!".

It's weird, I actually "felt" like I was Snake and I didn't want to let anybody down. I felt like my arms were going to fall off when that scene was over.


TTP said:
Yeah the "microwave" part was so simple yet so awesome. I was hammering the button screaming in tears "come on Snake! You can do this!
I wont make you die for nothing! Aaaarg it hurts!".


Yeah that was awesome, I like how the button appeared if you "weren't" pressing it fast enough made the last section really tense
I kept telling myself I fucked up and wasn't going to make... GENIUS!!

Really I can't tell what to spoiler and what not to spoiler anymore. :(


Truant said:
Act 4 would have been so good if
there were human enemies in the base instead of the goof-balls.

Yeah, I see what they wanted to do with empty abandoned base feel but they should have just had REAL robot enemies to fight instead of those harmless balls that are meh.


Lifeonmars? said:
By the way,
did anyone notice that Johnny looks like young snake a bit? I just noticed that in the final bits of act 5 :lol
thats first thing I thought then I thought oh shit they made another snake


Mifune said:
Okay, I think you guys should spoler tag that "microwave" stuff. Some people here don't know what that means. LIKE ME!

:lol You STILL don't know what that means until you actually get there anyway. Someone could've told me that ten minutes before I got there and I still would've been WTF?


Ok so I sort of stealth kamikaze'd on the first part of act 1 on the boss extreme (wasn't happy with my first save). I got up to the same point I had been..except instead of 48 minutes on game time I'm now at 22 minutes 48 seconds with 0 alerts, 0 kills, 0 rations used, 0 special items used.

Going to get a few hours of sleep before the morning, go do my thing at work and continue tomorrow. I think I can almost get through it in a day or two. Depends on the boss battles. I'm more worried about the 3rd boss battle than any of the others, as that one tends to be time consuming unless you get lucky.

But yea, 5 hours game time = 10 - 15 hours really. I'll be redoing a lot of sections after making a mistake.
Mifune said:
Okay, I think you guys should spoler tag that "microwave" stuff. Some people here don't know what that means. LIKE ME!

Well, Snake got really hungry and decided to have some Hot Pockets,
which turn out to be pretty difficult for him to eat in his accelerated age. We have to jam on the Action button, not unlike the torture sequences from the past games but several times more painful to watch


TTP said:
Yeah the "microwave" part was so simple yet so awesome. I was hammering the button screaming in tears "come on Snake! You can do this! I wont make you die for nothing! Aaaarg it hurts!".

LOL I was doing that as well to be honest. I really love that part, such a simple sequence but yet so deep and emotional.


"1) They showed too much in the uber-long trailer build-up, and considering how well past MGS games have hid their cores from the public, I was just really surprised to see that. I really felt like I'd already seen everything that Act 1 had to offer, and then the ninja fight felt a built stale as well because of the advanced screening, ending act 2 with an "oh" rather than a "wow." They really should have held off on more than they did considering what's left. A lot of the climaxing elements have lost their thunder."

I agree with this point and I was thinking this b4 the game was released even alot other exclusives like H3(single player campaign) were not seen b4(or close to) release.


just finished it yesterday night.
wow, what a ride.
That was indeed awesome, but i'd say i still rate mgs3 higher; i think that was very well played, story was more linear but sure didn't lack punch, and it felt like it never stretched things too far unlike Mgs4 at certain points
bringing back BB ? for the sole purpose of letting him explain a couple things and then having him die again for good on foxdie 2 minutes later ? come on. Raiden getting his human body back ? Johnny suddenly turning out cool and marrying Meryl -the same Meryl who will play an important role in Policenauts a few years later, as a totally different character, btw-. I don't know about those. The way B&B's stories were told was also a letdown -long Drebin codecs instead of cutscenes sucked-. Boss fights were good -not mgs3 awesome though- i especially liked laughing octopus blending into the room. Final confrontation with liquid/ocelot was very easy and not too rewarding gameplay wise, but you don't care at all, because it feels so intense, and it's impressive. I knew the game would end with a cqc fight between them, and i couldn't have imagined it turning out more intense.
I thought Act 3 felt kinda out of place - mgs turning into a noir movie ? plus it looks like everything is taking place in the 60's or 70's; it felt like Kojima had the inspiration for a noir flick and tried to include it in mgs. It was well done, but would have felt less out of place in snake eater.
Act 4 on the other hand was exactly what i was hoping for, the very same shadow moses from mgs1, same rooms and everything, 9 years later.
I really liked the way the game doesn't leave anything unanswered or open, i really liked how the game took bits from each chapter, really liked parts of the story, really liked the cutscenes - though most impressive ones are fmv, no wonder they needed an entire bluray disc- ending sequence was very powerful, wasn't quite a fan of snake's model, not even his young self; best snake model is by far the one used for Mgs3. uh.

game of the generation so far.
I loved the part in Act 4
when he looks at the camera by the elevator entrance to Shadow Moses and it falls down.
One of so many nostalgic moments. This game is an absolute masterpiece.
Wow. Just...wow. What an amazing game. THAT'S the way to end a series. I'm so giddy right now. A few questions/observations that I would like to have clarified:

Obviously, Snake doesn't kill himself. But what's with him surviving the gunshot when he has the gun in his mouth?

Johnny looked almost exactly like a young Snake. That's probably intentional, but it's never mentioned in-game.

The microwave scene was heart-wrenching. Such a great part of the game.

As amazing as Acts 1-3 are, the rest of the game is absolutely blew away my expectations. Revisiting Shadow Moses, finally piloting a Metal Gear, and the orgasmic fight between Snake and Ocelot almost induced seizures from being too fucking awesome.

I'm happy Raiden survives and lives a happy life. Ever since MGS2, I felt that he was unfairly hated, and I was afraid that Kojima would kill him off. Thankfully that's not the case.

The Big Boss/Snake scene confused me, a bit. So was Liquid never in control of Ocelot? Ocelot just "convinced" himself that he was Liquid? I'm not quite sure on this.

That's it for now. I can't wait to replay the game. That Big Boss achievement is going to be very, VERY hard for me. Not sure if I'll even attempt it. Absolutely fantastic game. 11/10.
eso76 said:
oh, also, i agree they've definately shown us too much in trailers.
And some dialogues are needlessly long.

Fucking agreed. I think that's why I didn't really enjoy Act 1 so much. Would've loved it if the trailers didn't pass the 2 minute mark opposed to half the cinematics in the first act :/
Im so fustrated right now. I have killed Laughing Beauty, tackled the tracking section, and fought of gechos more than a half a dozen times trying to figure out who the fuck i killed. It says six people, and i am 100% convinced that those are the six frogs knocked out before the boss fight. there were originally 8 that entered the room in the ambush but i only saw 6 when i enter the fight. Can anyone else confirm this?

I made sure to keep them alive every time i refought her again, but they always disapear when she sheds the suit. Is this maybe where they die? Is this everyone elses experience?

I played the first half of the mission so carefully with so many retries that i am having a hard time believing that i killed anyone and would love nothing more than not having to do it again for a month.


Strange,although I didn't complete the game with no alert or kills. The bandanna and the invisible item is available for me to purchase.
Gamer @ Heart said:
Im so fustrated right now. I have killed Laughing Beauty, tackled the tracking section, and fought of gechos more than a half a dozen times trying to figure out who the fuck i killed. It says six people, and i am 100% convinced that those are the six frogs knocked out before the boss fight. there were originally 8 that entered the room in the ambush but i only saw 6 when i enter the fight. Can anyone else confirm this?

I made sure to keep them alive every time i refought her again, but they always disapear when she sheds the suit. Is this maybe where they die? Is this everyone elses experience?

I played the first half of the mission so carefully with so many retries that i am having a hard time believing that i killed anyone and would love nothing more than not having to do it again for a month.
I'm in a similar situation. I finished act two yesterday with stealth and the tranquilizer gun and somehow I gathered 11 (!) kills. I'm currently replaying the act (thank god I'm keeping multiple save files). Every now and then I'm loading my save files from the "mission briefings" section, to see if I accidently killed anyone.
After passing the river in the tracking section, I still have 0 alerts and 0 kills. I'm guessing most of the kills were from the chase section. Maybe the explosions from the Gecko, damaging the "zombies", counts as kills from me.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Solar Gun is not as great a help on a Big Boss Extreme run as expected. The KO barely lasts minutes, and if guards are looking towards you when you fire there'll be an alert, even if super short. Fuck, now it's a war between scrounging for tranqs, knowing when I can make it with SG shots, and time. As if time wasn't hating me enough as is.

Hopefully I get this done tomorrow.

Edit: Also, about saves, I have a system.

I have 1 end game save which I save at the last save the game lets you. Then I have another that I save immidiately after a Mission Briefing screen that confirms I had 0 kills and alerts. And then I keep 2 during each act, staggering them. Enter an area, save #1, next area, save #2, next area save #1 again. Anything more than that and I'd confuse myself.


Fuck Cancer
Defuser said:
Strange,although I didn't complete the game with no alert or kills. The bandanna and the invisible item is available for me to purchase.

You can buy them, regardless of what you did, on your second playthrough.
archnemesis said:
I'm in a similar situation. I finished act two yesterday with stealth and the tranquilizer gun and somehow I gathered 11 (!) kills. I'm currently replaying the act (thank god I'm keeping multiple save files). Every now and then I'm loading my save files from the "mission briefings" section, to see if I accidently killed anyone.
After passing the river in the tracking section, I still have 0 alerts and 0 kills. I'm guessing most of the kills were from the chase section. Maybe the explosions from the Gecko, damaging the "zombies", counts as kills from me.

How do you know how many kills you have? Is there a stat page at the start screen or just from your memory? And i dont think the chase scene counts because i have played it many times and consistantly have gotten 6 kills which must have been elsewere.
Gamer @ Heart said:
How do you know how many kills you have? Is there a stat page at the start screen or just from your memory? And i dont think the chase scene counts because i have played it many times and consistantly have gotten 6 kills which must have been elsewere.
I use mission briefing two, but maybe some of the other one is faster. Skip the first two scenes (egg and plane) and watch the dialogue between Otacon and Snake. There's an orange ticker in the middle of the screen displaying your current stats. It's basically the same information that you'll get after each act.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
archnemesis said:
I use mission briefing two, but maybe some of the other one is faster. Skip the first two scenes (egg and plane) and watch the dialogue between Otacon and Snake. There's an orange ticker in the middle of the screen displaying your current stats. It's basically the same information that you'll get after each act.

Except far more detailed.


Act 2 :O

The chase sequence is simply incredible. And Raiden is soooo bad ass it's not even funny. I guess Kojima was like "you hate him ? Here, take this !

And btw, how the hell do you hold up ennemies. It simply never works for me <_<
I had no problems in MGS2 and 3 but here, whatever I do it never works. They just don't react at all or end up turning back to me and go in alert mode. What am I doing wrong ? :/
archnemesis said:
I use mission briefing two, but maybe some of the other one is faster. Skip the first two scenes (egg and plane) and watch the dialogue between Otacon and Snake. There's an orange ticker in the middle of the screen displaying your current stats. It's basically the same information that you'll get after each act.

Oh, i know that. I meant, in the game, as you play. I guess there isnt.
Gamer @ Heart said:
Oh, i know that. I meant, in the game, as you play. I guess there isnt.
I don't think there is any way to see it directly in the game. At least this method is a lot easier than replaying the full act.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Raist said:
Act 2 :O

The chase sequence is simply incredible. And Raiden is soooo bad ass it's not even funny. I guess Kojima was like "you hate him ? Here, take this !

And btw, how the hell do you hold up ennemies. It simply never works for me <_<
I had no problems in MGS2 and 3 but here, whatever I do it never works. They just don't react at all or end up turning back to me and go in alert mode. What am I doing wrong ? :/

You're not walking too fast and alerting them, I imagine? Same as before, really. Go up, and aim at them. If you're close enough, Snake'll say something, they drop something, hands up up.
THANK YOU GOD. My first attempt at searching the MGS4 gamefaq board for help ended with me finding a thread with a person in the EXACT same position. Apprerntly during the chase, those armored robots are manned. So instead of blowing them up, you stand your ground shooting others off the truck with non lethal rounds until drebin finnaly just punches it out of there.


SnakeXs said:
You're not walking too fast and alerting them, I imagine? Same as before, really. Go up, and aim at them. If you're close enough, Snake'll say something, they drop something, hands up up.

No, most of the time I'm like 5cm behind them :lol
Then I aim at them and nothing happens :/
Gamer @ Heart said:
THANK YOU GOD. My first attempt at searching the MGS4 gamefaq board for help ended with me finding a thread with a person in the EXACT same position. Apprerntly during the chase, those armored robots are manned. So instead of blowing them up, you stand your ground shooting others off the truck with non lethal rounds until drebin finnaly just punches it out of there.
:lol Thanks for the advice. I just finished my replay and got 6 kills during the chase.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Raist said:
No, most of the time I'm like 5cm behind them :lol
Then I aim at them and nothing happens :/


That's pretty weird. I honestly don't know what to say. Sorry.



Raist said:
And btw, how the hell do you hold up ennemies. It simply never works for me <_<
I had no problems in MGS2 and 3 but here, whatever I do it never works. They just don't react at all or end up turning back to me and go in alert mode. What am I doing wrong ? :/

Pressing L1? :lol

Gamer @ Heart said:
Oh, i know that. I meant, in the game, as you play. I guess there isnt.

I'm not entirely sure but selecting Mission briefing on the main menu shows your stats... again I'm not entirely sure if they're "current" stats.


Steroyd said:
Pressing L1? :lol



Oh my
epic beyond measure

I have to admit that through act 2,I was saying to myself is this it?
But come act 3.....WOW!

The turning point was that bike chase with Big Momma,how amazing was that?
And then it kept the awesome coming throughout the next acts till the amazing finale.

I really did expect Solid to be dead,it was horrible seeing Snake struggle with old age,trying to defy it.
The bit where Meryl was showing him some information on-you press L1 and you see that Snake can't even see it properly.Something about seeing our old before his age protaganist struggling to cope with this onset of old age.

I was pretty emotional at the end of the game and I never really do get emotional with movies or games,but having followed snakes missions throughout the games it's hard to not get emotionally attached.Just look at the uproar over the big shell section of MGS2

But then Kojima goes and messes with me again-I have to say that I don't quite understand all that happened as Big Boss debriefs Snake-but again,a really emotionally charged scene.Snake never seems to catch a break,so to have him free and able to live a life free from fighting seems the best thing for him not being a tool used by the patriots again.
I don't think Kojima could kill Snake off.

Best game of this generation so far?Yes.

The presentation is through the roof-the best animation and character modelling I've seen this gen.Simply fantastic.Snake with snow all over his OctoCamo suit-wow.With his mustache freezing up!Everything is so well done and obviously laboured over with hours of attention.
The lack of the MGS theme sucks,but the soundtrack makes up for it.

Metal Gear Online was a big shock as well-I wasn't expecting something so fully featured.

Back to MGS4-How did Raiden get his body back?I assumed he was all machine underneath the armour?
Also-he didn't seem to do much except get stabbed

I didn't get why Otacon and co. were so desperate to get Naomi back?He knew she backstabbed them(but not really),I guess I didn't really feel much for Naomi.Plus I can't listen to Otacon cry without wanting to mute the TV or laugh.

Who'd have thought Johnny would of played such a big part in the game?Our intestinally challenged friend eventually marrying Snakes woman!How dare he.

I thought Meryl was really well done here as well-although I would of liked Snake to lower his guard and let Meryl closer-let them walk off together at the end?Snake never catches a break.

I felt so much for Snake during this last mission and what a last mission it was.

I took my time and finished it in about 25 hours getting an Eagle badge.

I'm not even sure why Kojima made this last game.Stories of him getting death threats over the games is ridiculous-I hope he didn't feel he had to make MGS4.It certainly didn't feel like it though.
Im so happy. I can now go to act 3. Im only watching the cutscenes that are interesting and so far have 3 hours an 2 minutes on my clock. Im going to assume 30 minutes of that have been cutscenes. 5 health items.
A big boss run is going to be much harder than i thought it would be.

Its so annoying having to go to the save menu and quit to reload my save point. It seams like such a simplek thing to include that option in the start menu.
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