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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Cartman86 said:
1. Unmanned i've seen people say they do, but I completed it with no kills/no alerts a couple days ago and I remember killing gecko's and them not counting. I'm leaning toward 90% that they don't count as kills
2. indirect does not count
3. No sadly.
so if I kill a guy by shooting an explosive barrel, it wouldn't count as a kill?


just a quick tidbit about Ocelot (don't read this unless you've finished the game)
he technically is the first boss of MGS1, and the last boss of MGS4 (his health bar changes from "Liquid Ocelot" to just "Ocelot" in the fight)
. A really nice touch considering the role he's played throughout the series.


Ok so..I just beat act 1 on the boss extreme at 55 minutes..holy fucking crap was the fight with
meryl and her group hard. the environment was small and, since your health is a lot less forgiving here you need to stay in the back and toss smoke and stun grenades while occasionally getting off a shot instead of running to the front..but the dumb ass AI in her group would run into me and knock me on top of a grenade or some shit and I'd die.

rest of chapter 1 was easy though..

i did find something that annoyed the hell out of me this time around..how, after cut scenes snake will have a lethal weapon equipped, which will bump out one of the non-lethal weapons I already have equipped..so I have to go back into my weapons screen and re-equip the item(s) that got bumped out ><


I went through the first act and got only two kills... But I don't know where those came from.

The first act includes
three Strykers
that do not increase the kill count, probably
an infinity of choppers just before the FROGS encounter
and no-one else I can think of.

What if
I tranquilize a FROGS member and she then gets taken out by Meryl's team?
Does that increase the kill count?

Since I cannot play the game again before Friday, a few questions (I made it as far as the end of the first act):

What does the BATTERY item give you? I mean the one that you can pick up with the Mark II during the briefing?

Also, what items do you get in your inventory when starting a game on EASY?


xenix said:

I'd appreciate it if you didn't repost images from my Photobucket account in a thread separate to the Solid Eye one. It'll kill the monthly allowed bandwidth.

Saving and rehosting them with Tinypic would be a better option if you're only posting a handful.


glaurung said:
I went through the first act and got only two kills... But I don't know where those came from.

The first act includes
three Strykers
that do not increase the kill count, probably
an infinity of choppers just before the FROGS encounter
and no-one else I can think of.

What if
I tranquilize a FROGS member and she then gets taken out by Meryl's team?
Does that increase the kill count?

Since I cannot play the game again before Friday, a few questions (I made it as far as the end of the first act):

What does the BATTERY item give you? I mean the one that you can pick up with the Mark II during the briefing?

Also, what items do you get in your inventory when starting a game on EASY?

1. No
2. Increases the battery life of the
solid eye
3. None. There's no e-z gun this time.


1stStrike said:
i did find something that annoyed the hell out of me this time around..how, after cut scenes snake will have a lethal weapon equipped, which will bump out one of the non-lethal weapons I already have equipped..so I have to go back into my weapons screen and re-equip the item(s) that got bumped out ><

Yeah Snake always carries the operator duringthe cutscenes. He has the camo that you had right before the CS, but not the weapon. I guess it's because it could create collision bugs or something.



<3 you know you want it


I really hope Konami use this engine for other games or even better, allow other developers to use it. It's probably the best engine of the generation.
I'm in the mansion in act 2. Have I got a lot of game left? I surely hope so.

Also, Rose is hot. Although,
she's sucking old man's dick.
Or does that make her even hotter? I'm confused.


Moz La Punk said:
I'm in the mansion in act 2. Have I got a lot of game left? I surely hope so.

Also, Rose is hot. Although,
she's sucking old man's dick.
Or does that make her even hotter? I'm confused.

AmMortal said:
As of June 14, 2008 MGS4 has sold 1.3 million copies world wide in its first day, selling over 350,000 units in Japan and 400,000 in North America.

Excluding pre-orders and bundles.

I'd say they hit their mark.

Fuck yeah, man. That makes me ecstatic. This game definitely deserves success. I'm glad it's getting it.

AmMortal said:
Looks like PS3 exclusive to me :D

I honestly, like Kojima think, that only on the Playstation 3 would it be possible to what they did. period.

What I don't get is how ports on the PS3 can be so crappy, and exclusives, simply change gaming. Like KillZone 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4 and Grand Tourismo 5. O_O
It's just laziness. Most ports are derivative of Xbox 360 coding.

To be honest, I don't think Metal Gear Solid 4 could ever be done on the Xbox 360. Before I got a Playstation 3, I thought there would be little difference between the two. Uncharted is another game that I'm fairly sure could not be done on the X360. (MGS4 and Uncharted are the only two PS3 exclusives I've played.)
Finished the game this morning before work. My thoughts:


+ Being Old Snake was awesome after all.
+ Meryl, Otacon, Mei Ling and Campbell in the flesh
+ Raiden is an invincible badass
+ The combat is awesome, the PMCs were a great addition. MGS4 is still a stealth game if you want it to be, they've took everything good about the prior iterations, I like the stress meter and nanomachine suppressant -- but the PMCs are what really turn each level into a living battlefield
+ Drebin
+ The chase in Drebin's vehicle
+ Nice Eastern European mission tailing a rebel as young snake disguise. The setting reminded me of the first Mission Impossible
+ Great bike chase with Eva, Raging Raven in pursuit
+ Awesome sequence with Liquid Ocelot turning off everyones guns and shooting shit by pointing his fingers
+ Shadow Moses Island, hell YES. I'm glad that was pretty much unspoiled. Playing it in PSOne graphics then new was a great contrast.
+ Learning how to pwn Geckos in the legs
+ Pwning geckos with the railgun
+ Awesome split screen gameplay/montage during Raiden and Vamps fight
+ Metal Gear Rex VS Ray... like Godzilla/Mothra but with biped robots and added awesome
+ Microwave corridor / everyone getting beaten by the baddies montage
+ Naomi’s redemption
+ Fuck awesome fist fight on top of Outer Haven
+ Tying everything in to MGS3 and confirming Big Boss to be awesome and misunderstood
+ Big Boss appearing at the end


- The way every member of the Beauty & the Beast Squad came back to life after you killed them. It became formulaic and pulled you out of the story imo.
- Drebin explaining what happened to each of them. YAWWWN.
- There's a little too much explanation generally. I think they explained ID tagged guns and the JD/GW stuff about 12 times.
- The game boasting that you don’t have to change discs when it actually has something worse…. Having to install something every act is FAR more annoying.
- Otacon crying. At least there wasn't a parrot taunting him this time. Pull it together Hal!

In some ways I preferred MGS3's story, but MGS4 was a fucking very satisfying conclusion to an amazing series. A lot of the flashbacks, and pensive scenes with Snake interacting with MGS1 cast (good and bad) had me quite emotional at times. I'm going to miss Metal Gear Solid... I'm sure Konami will keep the series going, with or without Kojima. Big Boss and Solid Snake's shoes will be hard to fill.


Cartman86 said:
Yeah nothing to be ashamed of. At this very moment MGS4 is my favorite, but MGS3 could very well take that spot on any given day. Though I said MGS1 would be my favorite forever, and then I finished MGS3 and it was up there. Then over the years MGS3 became my favorite. After playing MGS1 again and just not being as enthralled with it as I was for so many years. I could MGS3 being like that after playing 4 though. The writing, dialog and everything being so much better could make me cringe while playing MGS3. But really without the previous games I would like MGS4 even less, and I wouldn't have cried fucking so many times!!!

Same, MGS1 will always be up there for me. Nostalgia and such.
Before you go to Moses and it flashes back to the beginning of MGS1 I about jumped for friggen joy.

I don't know though, the sequels dialog and writing seem...real corny in spots. Not in a funny way either. MGS3 had the least of it, but
In 4 when raiden tears himself out of dialysis machine, and clutches onto snakes leg then cries like a big baby. To top it off snake does the worst delivery ever. Totally murdered the scene. Was one of the few times I wish we had the option of jap dub in NA version. Raiden's voice actor is probably the worst pick for cast ever.

I know. Dead horse is dead. Stop beating it, etc.
But MGS1/3 felt much more natural and less overdone then 2 and 4.

That being said 4 is a great play. I may not like the setting or story, but its fun.


AmMortal said:
As of June 14, 2008 MGS4 has sold 1.3 million copies world wide in its first day, selling over 350,000 units in Japan and 400,000 in North America.

Excluding pre-orders and bundles.

I'd say they hit their mark.

Looks like PS3 exclusive to me :D

I honestly, like Kojima think, that only on the Playstation 3 would it be possible to what they did. period.

What I don't get is how ports on the PS3 can be so crappy, and exclusives, simply change gaming. Like KillZone 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4 and Grand Tourismo 5. O_O

Those are numbers from a banned site known for making shit up.


AmMortal said:
I feel that a lot of hardcore Metal Gear Solid fans, bought there Playstation 3, thinking that Metal Gear Solid 4 would be on their system. It'd be a stab in the back, if they paid $500+ and found out, that 6 months/year later, the game is released on a cheaper console.

Also, have you seen the amount of product placement from Apple & Sony?

They'd have to edit that out, compress the hell out of the game, which would still make it multiple discs. Also, get rid of the 360 jokes.

Getting a team to do that and the porting would cost them more then benefit them.

You see:

XboX360 is hot, very hot in the US. But everywhere else, it doesn't hold as strong of a position as it does there :(

So, technically it would bring the userbase to about 10.08 million .

Smaller then the PS3 userbase.

Yeah, but what do the companies care about that, since when has the potential to "stab" consumers in the back ever dissuaded them? too them its not stabbing in the back, they in reality care little about the console wars, they just care about how the can maximize their own profits, brand loyalty be damned. That is just some bullshit that that idiot console fanboys who would rather see a series or company die, than see a game leap consoles and become more popular, care about. Its like the people saying Sony would not allow MGS4 to jump consoles, what idiocy, like Sony has a damn say in what Konami does. There are now companies out there with equal or greater power now in the industry out there, they risking Sony wrath isn't that big a deal. This isn't the PSone and PS2 days when Sony owned the industry, Sony is just another company now struggling to gain market penteration. Square it is obivous is aware of this, looking at their ship jumping, I am sure Konami is as well. Like others have said, MGS4 was an expensive game, if they can maximize its profits by jumping and Sony is offering no incentive to stay exclusive, who knows. Am I saying it will jump, no, but I would not be surprised if it did.


On the MGS3 versus MGS4 thing, honestly after the end of Act 3, how can anyone say Snake ater was better. That was fucking insane, and Liquid Ocelot is a bad Mofo.
methos75 said:
On the MGS3 versus MGS4 thing, honestly after the end of Act 3, how can anyone say Snake ater was better. That was fucking insane, and Liquid Ocelot is a bad Mofo.
Making a judgment in a comparison of two games - simply through one cutscene - makes for a pretty flimsy argument.


U K Narayan said:
Making a judgment in a comparison of two games - simply through one cutscene - makes for a pretty flimsy argument.

In some games maybe, but the cutscenes and Story in MGS is what defines it, so I think it fair to base that decision on which you think offered better cutscenes or story details.


MGS3 had good gameplay (with some cumbersome elements) with a terrific down-to-earth story, great humor and possibly the best game ending ever.[/2004 perspective]
MGS4 has terrific and addictive (spectacularly polished) gameplay, tech that pushes next-gen and a somewhat unstable yet terrific and warming story. The last (serious) line spoken in the game, so perfect.[/2008 perspective]

When I finished MGS3 I had no real desire to replay the game (and I've yet to do it) though I wanted to relive the ending which I have a couple of times since (almost purely for the cutscenes). I was pretty slow to replay MGS2 as well (I've only played that game twice).

For MGS4 I have a deep urge to play it over and over and explore every aspect of it for the coming weeks. I love, LOVE this game.


Wollan said:
MGS3 had good gameplay (with some cumbersome elements) with a terrific down-to-earth story, great humor and possibly the best game ending ever.[/2004 perspective]
MGS4 has terrific and addictive (spectacularly polished) gameplay, tech that pushes next-gen and a somewhat unstable yet terrific and warming story. The last (serious) line spoken in the game, so perfect.[/2008 perspective]

When I finished MGS3 I had no real desire to replay the game (and I've yet to do it) though I wanted to relive the ending which I have a couple of times since (almost purely for the cutscenes). I was pretty slow to replay MGS2 as well (I've only played that game twice).

For MGS4 I have a deep urge to play it over and over and explore every aspect of it for the coming weeks. I love, LOVE this game.

Yeah I love the MGS4
unlockables and badge/trophy system. Hopefully it will be compatible with firmware 2.40's trophy system.

Also I fully expected Kojima to pop out at the end of the game and say "Did you Rike it?" :lol


aka II VerTigo II
Beat the game late Sunday, took me 15hrs 42mins on the first play.


Now to play it again without setting off the alarms or killing anyone.


Question about getting assassin emblem. Am I able to use my mk.22 to get by some of the harder areas by sleeping enemies? I'm not sure if I'll end up getting another rank for using the gun sometimes.


jvalioli said:
CQC/Tranq Meryl
Inject yourself with the syringe if you're in a bind!
Shoot the puppets
Once she drops one, take it and shoot her with it.

The codec sucks in MGS4.

I used the stun knife's secondary shock mode(R2).


"GAF's biggest wanker"
This may be the first MGS game I finish, and even want to go back and play. This one clicks in a way none of the others have for me. Always been interested in the exposition and narrative of the games, but never got into the gameplay enough to see it through.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Having recently finished off MGS2 again, it is uncanny how amazing the opening Tanker bit is and how severely the game drops off up until Arsenal Gear. I like the wackiness that occurs once Raiden goes nekkid through all the big reveals to the conclusion(a very flat conclusion though). But Big Shell just plain sucked. I love the MGS2 gameplay and 60fps smoothness, but the narrative is just so amateurish and silly in comparison to the Tanker section.


Yeah this game satisfies. I sneak around as much as possible but when shit happens I love popping into over-the-shoulder or FPS and clearing the area. Plus the variety of weapons and attachments is great.

Just before a long sequence of cutscenes the last thing I OctoCamoed was a purple couch. For the entire length of the cut scene Snake is decked out in this preposterous eggplant argyle pattern and an olive green battle harness.

You know what that is? That's love. Much love went into making this game.

On the other hand, Drebin gets worse; more cheezy and ridiculous every time he shows up. It's like they saddled him with all of the really overdone plot points and dialogue.
Dyno said:
On the other hand, Drebin gets worse; more cheezy and ridiculous every time he shows up. It's like they saddled him with all of the really overdone plot points and dialogue.
What? I thought he was consistently awesome.

Anyway, I'll finish up MGS3 when I get home. I'm almost done with it.
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