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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Gowans007 said:
just wasted a all my ammo, let myself die in the end, how do I
kill/beat Vamp?

the syringe that Naomi gave you, CQC Vamp and press triangle.

Edit : laaaaaaaaaaate
chespace said:
Also, my no-kill run has been ruined. I have no idea what I can and can't kill.

It gave me 7 kills for Act 2 and I didn't kill anyone that I can think of. I even spared the Frogs during the boss fight.

Is it the helicopters I shot down? Grrr.

I know I gunned down a few Frogs during the chase scene on accident and thought 'fuck it', I will try no-kill on my next playthrough when people have figured this shit out to a science.
It was the
manned power suits in the first part of the chase sequence, outside of the mansion. I did the same mistake. They look very similar to the Gecko, but are in fact manned with soldiers. Use CQC to get rid of the zombies climbing the APC and Drebin will eventually take care of the rest. After you leave the mansion you can shoot every Gecko you meet without registering any kills.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
MarkMan said:
Yes, Gekkos don't count against you for kills...
Thank you, sir!
I finished the story last night. This game does set a new benchmark; I'm not sure how other developers will be able to match (or exceed) this kind of quality.


chespace said:
Wait, WTF? I know I've heard Snake say "the patriots". Are we to assume that it's really coming out as la li lu le lo to the other characters? C'mon, that's lame.
Hmm, to me that was one of the more believeable parts of the story. Probably because real-time filtering of human conversation like that is a staple of a lot of recent orwellian science fiction.
SleazyC said:
Don't kill anything but Gekko's and the flyers that usually accompany Raven. If you stick to that you should see no kills pop up at the end of an act or the end of the game.

How about alerts, how does that work. Can you shoot a guy from afar, have them go to caution and be at no alerts. How about when one spots you before you hold him up or something, the split second alerts. Does it literally mean you can never see the alert phase come up.


MiamiWesker said:
How about alerts, how does that work. Can you shoot a guy from afar, have them go to caution and be at no alerts. How about when one spots you before you hold him up or something, the split second alerts. Does it literally mean you can never see the alert phase come up.
Yes. The caution phase does not count towards your alert. I'm not so sure on the split second alerts but I think they would count towards the alert counter.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
MiamiWesker said:
How about alerts, how does that work. Can you shoot a guy from afar, have them go to caution and be at no alerts. How about when one spots you before you hold him up or something, the split second alerts. Does it literally mean you can never see the alert phase come up.
Stealth item: Complete a single-player session without instigating a single alert (caution is okay, but not alert). You can do this on any difficulty
Man I played this as much as I could this past weekend, and my jaw is still on the floor. I am now into Act
and it is phenominal.
Being able to revisit Shadow Moses (and the graphics!!) and have the dream sequence where you replay MGS briefly, then snake has the voices from the original mission play in his head. Man you really feel that this is the end for snake. Great choice to have the credit song (from MGS) play as you enter Shadow Moses. Walking down the halls where Grey Fox tore up the soldiers, man it was surreal. This part of the game is done so well it is incredible.

Also, the end of Act
was also a huge wow moment with
Liquid killing just about everybody.

Question (only look if you have completed Act 3):
I thought the Patriots consisted of 12 individuals (MGS2 referenced this I thought) but actually it was just a handful consisting of Zero, BB, Signet, and a couple others?

If Snake and Liquid were born, was the same for Solidus?
Acid08 said:
Yeah, that was scary. Use the NV mode on the Solid Eye. You can see her perfectly when she's invisible. Fight became easy after that,

Yeah, it really did. Just a little disappointed (although relieved!) the fight got really easy towards the end when she kept showing herself.

Cutscene afterwards was a big WTF. She is a fucking babe, alright <3


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
chespace said:
Wait, WTF? I know I've heard Snake say "the patriots". Are we to assume that it's really coming out as la li lu le lo to the other characters? C'mon, that's lame.

Well, not necessarily. It could mean
the people HE'S talking to, are "in the system" and their nano's won't let them hear the words "The Patriots", but as la-li-lu-le-lo.


Gowans007 said:
trying and failing, I hate CQC, the CQC controls and I do not mix.

Tips? I'm getting my arse kicked this way

Try to hide, he'll go into search mode for you. When he walks past, CQC him. Otherwise only way to grab him is if he's regenerating
Gowans007 said:
trying and failing, I hate CQC, the CQC controls and I do not mix.

Tips? I'm getting my arse kicked this way
Knock him out, then stand behind him when he's trying to get up again. It will give you a perfect opportunity to grab him. All you need to do is hold R1 and then press &#916;.
chespace said:
Also, my no-kill run has been ruined. I have no idea what I can and can't kill.

It gave me 7 kills for Act 2 and I didn't kill anyone that I can think of. I even spared the Frogs during the boss fight.

Is it the helicopters I shot down? Grrr.

I know I gunned down a few Frogs during the chase scene on accident and thought 'fuck it', I will try no-kill on my next playthrough when people have figured this shit out to a science.

I guarantee it was the
power armors from the first scene in the escape on Drebin's APC. Just don't shoot them and defend off the soldiers with hand-to-hand and you will eventually move on. Or use chaff grenades on them as someone else suggested.
xS1TH L0RDx said:
i stayed up until 2:30am finishing the game up last night.

What a brilliant, exciting, emotional, insightful, touching experience. MGS4 is a case study on why games ARE art.
Exactly. I started seeing it a tiny bit in Metal Gear Solid 3, but Metal Gear Solid 4 nails it.
i kinda had wished that act 3 had more war going on which was quite intense..... although it was

but act 3 .... i cried when
big mama died, i was hoping snake would have called her mother or something... although he did call her big mama.

hy did eva call liquid ADAM? was she hoping to get thru to him?

starting act 4 now..
funnyearing otacon talking about the past when he worked there..... the best is yet to come... (SOB, SOB) and the flashbacks... soooo many memories.... does anyone like to wear the young snake with bandanna face throughout the cut-scenes so they can recreate MGS1? it was even better finding the tank warehouse track from MGS1 and playing it on your ipod.

i will try to finish it tonight...


My Liquid Ocelot Theory;
I think his ultimate goal in the 1st MGS is to secure a Metal Gear. Perhaps he was going to steal it from Liquid to eliminate the patriots and free Big Boss. I'd assume his motives were similar in the second, he was basically using these different organizations (liquids group, and solidus's group) to front for him, so he could easily aquire the Metal Gears.

I think the reason he decided to take on Liquids 'personality' was too use it as a ploy. Basically he could hide his plan of destorying the patriots behind the dreams of Liquid. He used Naomi to create the Virus to destory the patriots. This way, she would give it to Solid Snake, who would use it to destory GW (which is why the Patriots help him, to destory GW, and keep Ocelot out of the system). They just didn't know the Virus would spread through all of the system, and destory it. Jokes on them, I guess!
I like that the faces on the Ark's Mt.Rushmore are of Big Boss, Solidus, Solid Snake and Liquid Snake.

Knock him down, equip the syringe, stand behind him and as he gets up hold down R1 to grab him and press Triangle to inject him

Those power armours were the only things I killed in the game. :(
Torquill said:
Yeah, one of the things they left up in the air was Solidus' birth, cause EVA specifically said she gave birth to twins. She never mentions Solidus. He probably have a different surregate mother. I actually liked that element, it helps give a physical reason why he never felt more involved with SOlid and LIquid. It also kind of makes sense, given Liquid's explination of their creation in the original Solid. Solidus would have his own surrogate.

Which of course makes you wonder why Snake and Otacon were so freaked out about the premature aging. I mean, look at Solidus. The guy had to look old to be the president but obviously he was within the same age range as Solid/Liquid.


thanks guys.

gona retry from conitue now, used far to many rations for my liking.

I've hardly CQCsd in he game, just stealth & gun play, part of the reason is it feels alittle soft for me.

Anyway third time lucky ;)

edit: Done!!! Easy as pie! ;)


Classic_Gs said:
Question (only look if you have completed Act 3):
I thought the Patriots consisted of 12 individuals (MGS2 referenced this I thought) but actually it was just a handful consisting of Zero, BB, Signet, and a couple others?
Those were The Philosophers. They all died around 1900. Then the first Patriots came between the World Wars (I think so, though I might be mistaken) and Zero founded the second Patriots after PO.


Classic_Gs said:
Man I played this as much as I could this past weekend, and my jaw is still on the floor. I am now into Act
and it is phenominal.
Being able to revisit Shadow Moses (and the graphics!!) and have the dream sequence where you replay MGS briefly, then snake has the voices from the original mission play in his head. Man you really feel that this is the end for snake. Great choice to have the credit song (from MGS) play as you enter Shadow Moses. Walking down the halls where Grey Fox tore up the soldiers, man it was surreal. This part of the game is done so well it is incredible.

Also, the end of Act
was also a huge wow moment with
Liquid killing just about everybody.

Question (only look if you have completed Act 3):
I thought the Patriots consisted of 12 individuals (MGS2 referenced this I thought) but actually it was just a handful consisting of Zero, BB, Signet, and a couple others?

If Snake and Liquid were born, was the same for Solidus?

the list was a fake. the 12 people on the list were the wisemen's committee, the founder members of The Philosopher's (the group The Boss' father was a member of).
Finished it last night. Was gonna call it a night at 1 AM when I finished Act 4, but decided, eh, fuck it, and ended up finishing the game at around 4:30 -- the last hour being completely devoted to the ending.

Overall, from a gameplay perspective, it's easily the best in the series. Thanks to the (LONG overdue) system tweaks, the game's actually pretty fun to play. Sneaking's not a hassle, boss battles are actually fun -- I actually subdued all the Beauties for once, instead of outright killing them. Other new additions, like tracking footprints, tailing people, and the various ways you can affect the PMC vs. rebels battlefield play are an awesome addition, while they last anyway.

Kind of a shame that it's only the story that falters. It never gets as ridiculous as MGS2, though it seriously toes the line in the Debriefing. But then, I suppose that was MGS4's fate (lolz). Being the last game in the series meant it was saddled with tying up all the loose plot threads from every game before it. While it's great to finally have closure, it's at the cost of MGS4 having a really compelling narrative on its own. I was never really drawn into 4's world as much as I was 3's or even 1's. Part of this has to do with Kojima cramming in EVERY character he can to wrap up the story, and by the time I was (re)introduced to Big Mama, I gave up hope on being drawn into the story and just sat back for the rest of the ride.

This is not the game of the century. It is not the game of the generation. It is not worth picking up a PS3 for alone. But I loved every minute of it. And that's not something I can really say about any other MGS; especially after replaying the first three in preparation for the fourth. While the story isn't as engaging as Snake Eater, it's still one of the best narratives in a game and a roller coaster ride of action, melodrama, and some humor. A worthy and, ultimately, satisfying conclusion to its legacy.


The hyperbole was already hitting ridiculous levels in this thread, but I just read my first "games are art!" post of the thread.

And things were going so well.
Thx Datrio, that helps :D.

TheWolf said:
the list was a fake. the 12 people on the list were the wisemen's committee, the founder members of The Philosopher's (the group The Boss' father was a member of).
Ah, gotcha.


Datrio said:
Those were The Philosophers. They all died around 1900. Then the first Patriots came between the World Wars (I think so, though I might be mistaken) and Zero founded the second Patriots after PO.

Post Cold War, actually. The Patriots aren't created until the end of MGS: PO. They basically took a large chunk of the Philosophers legacy and started to buy / build their 'empire'.


Prince of Space said:
Finished it last night. Was gonna call it a night at 1 AM when I finished Act 4, but decided, eh, fuck it, and ended up finishing the game at around 4:30 -- the last hour being completely devoted to the ending.

Overall, from a gameplay perspective, it's easily the best in the series. Thanks to the (LONG overdue) system tweaks, the game's actually pretty fun to play. Sneaking's not a hassle, boss battles are actually fun -- I actually subdued all the Beauties for once, instead of outright killing them. Other new additions, like tracking footprints which was in MGS3, tailing people, and the various ways you can affect the PMC vs. rebels battlefield play are an awesome addition, while they last anyway.

Kind of a shame that it's only the story that falters in my opinion. It never gets as ridiculous as MGS2, though it seriously toes the line in the Debriefing. But then, I suppose that was MGS4's fate (lolz). Being the last game in the series meant it was saddled with tying up all the loose plot threads from every game before it. While it's great to finally have closure, it's at the cost of MGS4 having a really compelling narrative on its own. I was never really drawn into 4's world as much as I was 3's or even 1's. Part of this has to do with Kojima cramming in EVERY character he can to wrap up the story, and by the time I was (re)introduced to Big Mama, I gave up hope on being drawn into the story and just sat back for the rest of the ride.

This is not the game of the century in my opinion. It is not the game of the generation in my opinion. It is not worth picking up a PS3 for alone in my opinion. But I loved every minute of it. And that's not something I can really say about any other MGS; especially after replaying the first three in preparation for the fourth. While the story isn't as engaging as Snake Eater, it's still one of the best narratives in a game and a roller coaster ride of action, melodrama, and some humor. A worthy and, ultimately, satisfying conclusion to its legacy.

I fixed some parts of your post.

[/MGS Nazi]


After digesting the story in MGS4, I am still at a loss regarding
Campbell and Rose's involvement in MGS2.

It wasn't actually Roy Campbell at any point in MGS2, correct? If so, I don't really understand his involvement in MGS4, and while I'm willing to accept he's just a guy who wants to do the right thing and use Snake as his go-to guy, I don't understand why he felt it was his responsibility to protect Rose from the Patriots.

As for Rose, her love for Jack caused her to admit her involvement with the Patriots, which is why they took her into custody and replaced her with AI towards the end of MGS2, correct? How, then, did she escape to meet with Jack in front of Federal Hall? My understanding was that GW wasn't damaged in any significant way by Emma's worm, so why would those under the control of The Patriots AI construct, those holding Rose captive, release her to meet up with Jack?

Other issues I have that don't deal directly with any plot points:

Why don't we ever learn Liquid Snake's name? We recognize Solid Snake as David, and Solidus (and was his code name, in fact, "Solidus Snake?") as George Sears, but Liquid is just...Liquid.

Also, if Solidus is George Sears, is it incorrect to believe that Solid and Liquid's surnames are also Sears, and that Big Boss is, in fact, Jack Sears?


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Solo said:
The hyperbole was already hitting ridiculous levels in this thread, but I just read my first "games are art!" post of the thread.

And things were going so well.

:lol I don't know if MGS4 is art, and honestly, could care less at this point.

It is what it is and for what it is MGS4 is a crazy fun and exciting rollercoaster ride.

I mean, it's like reading the Criterion Collection's fumbling justification of why John Woo's The Killer is a work of art and not just pulpy action movie fare. Who fucking cares?
tha_con said:
I fixed some parts of your post.

[/MGS Nazi]

Sigh. I think it's the best game of this generation, easily, but come on, some people really struggle with the fact that others don't think the same. There really was no need and no point for that post. Way to point out the obvious that it's his opinion, it's almost like you need to reaffirm yourself.

'well that's like, YOUR opinion man'
tha_con said:
I fixed some parts of your post.

[/MGS Nazi]
Most of that kinda went without saying.

Also, I'm pretty sure the only instance of footprint tracking in MGS3 was during the fight with The End. MGS4 GREATLY expanded on that, and was awesome for it.

That's all in my opinion, of course.


Zedsdeadbaby said:
Sigh. I think it's the best game of this generation, easily, but come on, some people really struggle with the fact that others don't think the same. There really was no need and no point for that post. Way to point out the obvious that it's his opinion, it's almost like you need to reaffirm yourself.

'well that's like, YOUR opinion man'

Way to misunderstand my post.

I'ts one thing to speak your mind, but it's another to quell the excitement of other individuals just because your opinion differs.

"This is not the game of the generation". This is a statement, spoken as fact.

Honestly, it's not the context, but the tone conveyed. I think some people are really struggling with the fact that the enthusiasm might not be from hyperbole or exaggeration, rather, a true love for both the series and the game. It was literally made for it's fans, and reeks of appreciation and love.

I find it that someone would come into a thread, just to state that we're all exaggerating (which is what his statement was intended to do, 'expose' our exaggerations) is ridiculous, and laugh worthy, at best.


Classic_Gs said:
Question (only look if you have completed Act 3):
I thought the Patriots consisted of 12 individuals (MGS2 referenced this I thought) but actually it was just a handful consisting of Zero, BB, Signet, and a couple others?

If Snake and Liquid were born, was the same for Solidus?

It does, likely a big hole since Kojima makes this stuff up as he goes along. One way to explain it would be to consider that the source of that information doesn't always have the right information either :). I think the philsopher's also had a wiseman's commitee, so that could be where that informaiont originates from. And yes, I'm sure Solidus was also born. He likely had a different surrogate though, since the proccess for creating a perfect clone would have been different than the one used to create Solid and Liquid.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Talladega Knight said:
What ever happened to Nastasha Romanenko?

Died of lung cancer.

Kidding, but nobody knows. She assisted in the creation of Philanthropy, and I believe released information on the events of Shadow Moses, and was supposedly a target for The La-li-lu-le-lo, but the game, as far as I know, doesn't acknowledge her. I woulda killed to have just a codec channel for her to sexy me up with details on my equipment. And no bullshit TTS accent-less shit. I want full on chain smoker ruskie please.


tha_con said:
I find it that someone would come into a thread, just to state that we're all exaggerating (which is what his statement was intended to do, 'expose' our exaggerations) is ridiculous, and laugh worthy, at best.
If you're that insecure in your opinion of the game, you should probably not use a forum. :p


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
tha_con said:
Way to misunderstand my post.

I'ts one thing to speak your mind, but it's another to quell the excitement of other individuals just because your opinion differs.

"This is not the game of the generation". This is a statement, spoken as fact.

Honestly, it's not the context, but the tone conveyed. I think some people are really struggling with the fact that the enthusiasm might not be from hyperbole or exaggeration, rather, a true love for both the series and the game. It was literally made for it's fans, and reeks of appreciation and love.

I find it that someone would come into a thread, just to state that we're all exaggerating (which is what his statement was intended to do, 'expose' our exaggerations) is ridiculous, and laugh worthy, at best.

He finished the game and came to post his honest impressions in the official thread.

He loved it and was disappointed by certain aspects of it.

He's not passing judgement on those who love it, flaws and all -- why are you accusing him of conspiracy?

It goes without saying that a statement like "this is not the game of the century" is someone's opinion. I mean, what the fuck else would it be? Having to stick "IMO" behind everything you say on forums is both redundant and retarded.

You MGS fans need to live and let live dude.


SnakeXs said:
Died of lung cancer.

Kidding, but nobody knows. She assisted in the creation of Philanthropy, and I believe released information on the events of Shadow Moses, and was supposedly a target for The La-li-lu-le-lo, but the game, as far as I know, doesn't acknowledge her. I woulda killed to have just a codec channel for her to sexy me up with details on my equipment. And no bullshit TTS accent-less shit. I want full on chain smoker ruskie please.


She wrote an autobiography titled 'In the Darkness of Shadow Moses: The Unofficial Truth' and then formed "Philanthropy" with the profits she made. I believe that Raiden brings up the book in conversation with Snake in MGS2.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I am only in the early phases of Act 2 and I will need to play this game a couple of times and discuss it with other MGS fans to flesh out all the story details... I am not playing it religiously and taking long breaks between one game session and the other because I have to study for finals, so sometimes when I play I feel like I could be surrounded by people yelling "WAR ECONOMY!" over and over... :). Had no trouble with story heavy games or movies before, so I know I will get it straightened out in my head soon enough too.
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