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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Now where did (end game spoiler)
get that
new arm
from? Not that I expect an answer...until the next game (please), but I hope to find out at some point. Actually, it looked like he had lost
both arms
in his last battle, but I only recall him
cutting off his right arm to escape the rubble at Shadow Moses

What I took from it was that Raiden saved his actual body parts when he went all cyborg, and that he lost his left cyborg arm stopping Arsenal.
A00man said:
I'm still on Act I and the gameplay, controls and everything is superb now. I don't want to read through all these replies in fear of spoilers. But I was just looking for some impressions on the story without any spoilers please.

I felt that MGS3 had an incredibly emotional story and I loved every second of it. I also loved the story in part 1 and all the conspiracies of part 2, but the emotion of MGS3 has stuck with me more than the other games.

I'm wondering if the story in MGS4 will stick with me like MGS3 did. Can anyone give me their impressions on the story? Please no spoilers though! Thanks!

From what you posted I would describe the story to you as combining the emotion of MGS3 and the conspiracies of MGS2. It definitely contains both.


Torquill said:
But he and EVA already had Big Boss :p. It makes more or less sense depending on whether you think Ocelot was truly transformed or just acting, I suppose.

It's all acting. Amazing acting. He went as far as to sever his ties with EVA even. (The scene with the apple at the end of act 3) In the very end, Ocelot never intended to ever use the railgun and actually launch a nuke. Everything that's been done was simply to motivate and point Snake into the right direction without the patriots knowing their pawn was being played against them. Ocelot honestly had several of opportunities to kill of Snake, but never really followed thru


Did anyone else get some major Face-Off vibes when
it was revealed that Ocelot hypnotized himself to be Liquid?

I AM LIQUID SNAKE!!! *grins maniacally*
kiryogi said:
It's all acting. Amazing acting. He went as far as to sever his ties with EVA even. (The scene with the apple at the end of act 3) In the very end, Ocelot never intended to ever use the railgun and actually launch a nuke. Everything that's been done was simply to motivate and point Snake into the right direction without the patriots knowing their pawn was being played against them. Ocelot honestly had several of opportunities to kill of Snake, but never really followed thru

Exactly. Infact, there is an easter egg in MGS4 (Act 5 spoiler)
during the last battle. If you let Ocelot CQC without you trying to counter-attack, he kisses you in the cheek :p When i saw that, I knew something is wrong since the kiss was more of a "YOU'RE ALMOST THERE SNAKE!!" kiss :p IMO, Ocelot presented the sacrifice similar to that of The Boss' sacrifice to Naked Snake.
Ok guys, my ps3 and MGS4 come soon, had a quick question, what kind of death physics does MGS 4 use? Is it ragdoll or what? Having a hard time telling.


Torquill said:
What I took from it was that Raiden saved his actual body parts when he went all cyborg, and that he lost his left cyborg arm stopping Arsenal.

You'd think at some point I'd realize that
limbs are interchangeable pieces
in this series. I guess there's just a greater suspension of disbelief required between
putting the pieces of Raiden together like so many legos
having Liquid's arm grafted onto the remaining nub of Ocelot's.

But then there's the whole
Big Boss being cobbled together out of parts of lesser Big Bosses
, so I guess it's just one of those things you have to accept as part of the whole, greater experience of Metal Gear.


tha_con said:
What other reason would he have to post that, if only to say we're all full of shit?

That is some reaching shit there man. You need to drop this because you're touchy and starting drama where there is none.

People can critique the game without it being an attack on you.


Gold Member
kiryogi said:
It's all acting. Amazing acting. He went as far as to sever his ties with EVA even. (The scene with the apple at the end of act 3) In the very end, Ocelot never intended to ever use the railgun and actually launch a nuke. Everything that's been done was simply to motivate and point Snake into the right direction without the patriots knowing their pawn was being played against them. Ocelot honestly had several of opportunities to kill of Snake, but never really followed thru

So why the hell did they even fight at the end?
Honestly, this aspect of the story kind of diminishes the game. It just seems so unnecessary and dopey, and I swear when I read people defending the decision, some of it comes across as desperate.

Again, this is easily the best gaming experience I've had so far in this generation, but parts of the ending are quite questionable.


Agent Ironside said:
Ok guys, my ps3 and MGS4 come soon, had a quick question, what kind of death physics does MGS 4 use? Is it ragdoll or what? Having a hard time telling.

A lot more precise, then ragdolls. Don't have an Idea of what it is though :/
NME said:
You'd think at some point I'd realize that
limbs are interchangeable pieces
in this series. I guess there's just a greater suspension of disbelief required between
putting the pieces of Raiden together like so many legos
having Liquid's arm grafted onto the remaining nub of Ocelot's.

But then there's the whole
Big Boss being cobbled together out of parts of lesser Big Bosses
, so I guess it's just one of those things you have to accept as part of the whole, greater experience of Metal Gear.

You're right. Infact, when you look at (end spoiler)
Raiden in the end in the bed, you can literally see that its not an entire arm thats transplanted, but it's actually pieces fitted together. His jaw, his shoulder, his wrist, his arm, everything is a seperare piece


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
shagg_187 said:
So.... what does La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo stand for? :p
i figured it had to do with the way japanese words are broken into sylables (ma-mi-mu-me-mo, ta-ti-tu-te-to), and it was a play on the use 'r's for 'l's because they don't pronounce them. i don't know though.

i'm having a lot of fun running around in
the perfect new model of shadow moses
so far, and i'm just into the first couple of rooms. the intro to the level with the old gameplay made me say 'hideo you crazy bastard' out loud.


Chiggs said:
So why the hell did they even fight at the end?
Honestly, this aspect of the story kind of diminishes the game. It just seems so unnecessary and dopey, and I swear when I read people defending the decision, some of it comes across as desperate.

Again, this is easily the best gaming experience I've had so far in this generation, but parts of the ending are quite questionable.

this is what im most confused about as well...
why send the MG rays to attack the ship? why send wave after wave of dudes to get Snake?


I just got to Act 3 and so far, this game has blown me away :D
I wanted to scream at the tv during the Act 3 briefing. Otacon, go get some ffs!! She's all over you like white on rice!


Forgot to mention that the end of Act 2 really makes me wish Kojima gets around to doing that zombie game he's been thinking about.


fps fanatic said:
I just got to Act 3 and so far, this game has blown me away :D
I wanted to scream at the tv during the Act 3 briefing. Otacon, go get some ffs!! She's all over you like white on rice!

:lol Holy crap, White on Rice *classic*


Some of you guys need to read my explanations I posted earlier in the thread.

On the last fight and the person in question,
Ocelot was not simply acting, he forced Liquid's personality onto himself through the use psychotherapy, hypnosis and a few other things. He had to be convincing as Liquid and acting wouldn't do by itself.
mileS said:
this is what im most confused about as well...
why send the MG rays to attack the ship? why send wave after wave of dudes to get Snake?

Maybe because
He wanted no one in the world to know his true motives beside a selected few. Oh and maybe because he knew Snake was monitored by Patriots, just like anyone else was. Infact, if he didn't send wave of dudes to get Snake, The Patriots would know something is wrong. Drebin, Rat Patrol and everyone else was under direct and indirect orders and influence from Patriots even if Snake/Otacon didn't want to work with them

In the end, I think
Snake and Otacon are the only survivors who know what the hell was going on


Shouta said:
Some of you guys need to read my explanations I posted earlier in the thread.

On the last fight and the person in question,
Ocelot was not simply acting, he forced Liquid's personality onto himself through the use psychotherapy, hypnosis and a few other things. He had to be convincing as Liquid and acting wouldn't do by itself.

That's why he steadily came back when you fought him in the end.
Woo-Fu said:
Just wait till you see the cutscene at the end of that act, you might need some paper towels.

so awesome XD otacoooonnnnnnnnn. i lol'd when sunny covered her ears

why is
meryl being such a bitch? maybe she just needs to get some? i mean, she does have 3 burly men on her side at all times..


JakOfTheShadows said:
From what you posted I would describe the story to you as combining the emotion of MGS3 and the conspiracies of MGS2. It definitely contains both.

Thanks guys! I'm out of this thread now. I will read it after I finish the game! :D


mileS said:
this is what im most confused about as well...
why send the MG rays to attack the ship? why send wave after wave of dudes to get Snake?

Ocelot did many very bad things as Liquid :(. I guess he felt he couldn't hold back anything until the AI was destroyed. For the greater good?


Chiggs said:
So why the hell did they even fight at the end?
Honestly, this aspect of the story kind of diminishes the game. It just seems so unnecessary and dopey, and I swear when I read people defending the decision, some of it comes across as desperate.

Again, this is easily the best gaming experience I've had so far in this generation, but parts of the ending are quite questionable.

If you're asking why ocelot fought snake in the end.

If I'm not mistaken Ocelot was dying from the foxdie, so he was a goner anyways. He initially fought because he was convinced he was liquid. As the fight went on he regained more of himself. He loves to fight, big boss was his rival in MGS3, and of course snake reminds him a lot of him. So before he died he had a nice brawl with Snake. Ending with the "You're kinda good" with his hand gesture


Act 1 question:
Where can i find the statuette for the Frog encounter in the Advent Palace?

Also question for all of the game: Could some of the more skilled players share some of their strategies for the different acts? Hideo is seriously kicking my ass.


Ferrio said:
If you're asking why ocelot fought snake in the end.

If I'm not mistaken Ocelot was dying from the foxdie, so he was a goner anyways. He loves to fight, big boss was his rival in MGS3, and of course snake reminds him a lot of him. So before he died he had a nice brawl with Snake. Ending with the "You're kinda good" with his hand gesture

Yeah, it seems in MGS3 and 4 ocelot is mostly fighting to prove himself. Plus if you accept the fact that
he hypnotized himself to become a split personality
part of him IS still


Does anyone know if it's possible to view your emblem screen more than once at the end of the game?!

It would be great to be able to see what I've got so far...


My thoughts on the end fight-
it wasnt about saving the world or destroying the patriots it was about regaining identity both characters actions to that point had been dictated to a large degree and that was the first chance they had to break free and become themselves again, check ocelots reaction if you dont act during the fight.


Prince of Space said:
Meryl and Johnny's Pirates 3 moment was awful too. Come on, Meryl, you're better than that...

I actually enjoyed that >_> and I never saw Pirates 3. It got a chuckle out of me.


I'm trying to do a no kill/no alert run. Does anyone know if using the
Laugh bullets to turn the PMCs on each other will count as kills? I've also noticed red exclamation marks above their heads when their buddies fire on them.
But I'm only getting the caution mode. As long as I don't hear the alert sound I should be okay, yeah?
My gf was watching me play this weekend, and said she thought the game looked incredible. She said she thought she was watching a movie. I thought she was bored at 1st, but when i started explaining the story
snake's been trying to save humanity, now he's a WMD
she got more intrigued.

you got another fan kojima-san!


wow just beat the game what a crazy ending.
running into big boss at the very end my jaw hit the floor. I was about to shit a brick when the camera moved away from snake and all you heard was the gun shot thank you kojima for not letting it end like that.
I can't wait to start my second run. Kojima did an amazing job with this game


Just hit the action packed section of Act 3. Wow...
so THOSE are who the Patriots are/were?
Also its cool how everything is finally coming full circle. I think I need to go ahead and go through Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake on the Subsistence discs after this.

Also apparently
America's Army is a tool of the Patroits

About future PSN releases, think past Metal Gear games are possible? Especially since they already seem to have the little banner icons ready
that one cutscene where it shows the titles and art of each game


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Oh MY, nice little secret here:

Put these in instead of the
Otacon tells you to at
Shadow Moses.
You will get the Access Denied scene but afterwards you will get the bonus.

14893 100,000 DP
78925 iPod song
13462 iPod song


AmMortal said:
Shoot down dolls. Then take them...takes long thought.
Yes, yes, I just figured it out myself haha.

Looks like even MGS4
has to get in on the wagglin'

It was fun though!

I know 2008 is only halfway through, but this has to be GOTY. I can't imagine anything else better this year. I could be proven wrong, but, I doubt it.


effingvic said:
Is it me or is that
the guy you're following in the beginning of Act 3 whistling the MGS theme XD?

I dont think so

its the song that
Sunny sings when cooking eggs.


my final stats suck :lol
total play time 24:05:40
continues 26
alerts 97
kills 437 >.<
recovery items used 69
weapons procured 41
flashbacks watched 160
special items used 0
DP: 210,490
Rank: Eagle
Seiken said:
Oh MY, nice little secret here:

Put these in instead of the
Otacon tells you to at
Shadow Moses.
You will get the Access Denied scene but afterwards you will get the bonus.

14893 100,000 DP
78925 iPod song
13462 iPod song

Is this from the guide or is there a way in game to figure this out.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
MiamiWesker said:
Is this from the guide or is there a way in game to figure this out.
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