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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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chespace said:
He finished the game and came to post his honest impressions in the official thread.

He loved it and was disappointed by certain aspects of it.

He's not passing judgement on those who love it, flaws and all -- why are you accusing him of conspiracy?

It goes without saying that a statement like "this is not the game of the century" is someone's opinion. I mean, what the fuck else would it be? Having to stick "IMO" behind everything you say on forums is both redundant and retarded.

You MGS fans need to live and let live dude.

Oh No you grouped every MGS fan into one!!! Here comes the war!!!


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Cartman86 said:
Oh No you grouped every MGS fan into one!!! Here comes the war!!!

Oh no! Okay, forget that generalization. I'll just say "tha_con needs to chill the fuck out." :lol


The philosopher's did not die in early 20th century. The founding members may died around then (that's the only thing I can assume the time line refers too, since it just says "The last of the philosopher's dies") but they were still around well into the 60s at least. MGS3 establishes this. The Patriots were not created until the 70s. MGS:pO establishes that.


chespace said:
He finished the game and came to post his honest impressions in the official thread.

He loved it and was disappointed by certain aspects of it.

He's not passing judgement on those who love it, flaws and all -- why are you accusing him of conspiracy?

It goes without saying that a statement like "this is not the game of the century" is someone's opinion. I mean, what the fuck else would it be? Having to stick "IMO" behind everything you say on forums is both redundant and retarded.

You MGS fans need to live and let live dude.

Crazy, it seems all the numbuts who post like, 7 times in this thread are all over me. Oddly enough, most of them are the same ones who are dropping negative connotations to MGS fans. Hmmm....

He is passing judgment, especially when he emphasizes the fact that it's not 'the best game'. He even went as far as to repeat it, and get specific. What other reason would he have to post that, if only to say we're all full of shit? None. Those statements could be completely absent from his post, and the tone changes drastically. But it's those statements that really just irk me. It's like "hey, here's my opinion, it's well written, but I'm going to finish it off by indirectly suggesting we are really pushing the envelope, the game isn't that good, not the game of blah blah blah, etc.

But yea, let's group everyone into one massive fanboy clique, that's the solution, when you can provide decent discussion, just take jabs at someone and call 'em a fanboy. Genius.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
CurseoftheGods said:
How was Sunny rescued from the Patriots? I remember they had her at the end of MGS2. Did Raiden get her back? I don't remember it being explained in MGS4.

I'm wondering this too. Just beat MGS2 a little while ago again and it was implied that Olga's kid was still in the hands of the Patriots, but because Snake had the disc with the names of the Patriots, he believes they can somehow trace their source and get the kid.

Suddenly at the opening of MGS4 Sunny is living with Snake and Otacon on a plane? Is it ever explained?


archnemesis said:
It was the
manned power suits in the first part of the chase sequence, outside of the mansion. I did the same mistake. They look very similar to the Gecko, but are in fact manned with soldiers. Use CQC to get rid of the zombies climbing the APC and Drebin will eventually take care of the rest. After you leave the mansion you can shoot every Gecko you meet without registering any kills.

so what do you have to do, tranq the
power suits?


Crystal Bearer
Haha damn. Late to this too probably but I'm surprised GameSpot awarded the game a 10 after crying about the restrictions Konami put on them.


Finished it earlier today and loved it very, very much. I'll have to play it again to make up my mind whether it's better than MGS3, but it was really, really great.

One of the questions after I have after the credits rolled concern Naomi:

What is her relationship with vamp exactly? They're both being kept alive by nanomachines but that can't be the whole explanation of how close she seems to be to him, can it?


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
SnakeXs said:
Died of lung cancer.

Kidding, but nobody knows. She assisted in the creation of Philanthropy, and I believe released information on the events of Shadow Moses, and was supposedly a target for The La-li-lu-le-lo, but the game, as far as I know, doesn't acknowledge her. I woulda killed to have just a codec channel for her to sexy me up with details on my equipment. And no bullshit TTS accent-less shit. I want full on chain smoker ruskie please.

She is actually mentioned in a Codec message in Act 4. All I remember is I'm in the
Warhead storage area, and I think it was before I had to go to Otacon's office. Just randomly calling him, and Snake asked about "what the dwarf gecko" were. Otacon mentions that she found some information about them. Not alot, but it does mention her.
tha_con said:
He is passing judgment, especially when he emphasizes the fact that it's not 'the best game'.
Damn right I'm passing judgment on a game I payed for. What's wrong with that?
He even went as far as to repeat it, and get specific. What other reason would he have to post that, if only to say we're all full of shit? None. Those statements could be completely absent from his post, and the tone changes drastically. But it's those statements that really just irk me. It's like "hey, here's my opinion, it's well written, but I'm going to finish it off by indirectly suggesting we are really pushing the envelope, the game isn't that good, not the game of blah blah blah, etc.
Adding "And anyone who thinks it is the GOTY is a tard" would've changed my post drastically. If you think it's the best game you've ever played, more power to you.
But yea, let's group everyone into one massive fanboy clique, that's the solution, when you can provide decent discussion, just take jabs at someone and call 'em a fanboy. Genius.
Let's just focus on talking about MGS4's strengths and weaknesses.
NME said:
After digesting the story in MGS4, I am still at a loss regarding
Campbell and Rose's involvement in MGS2.

It wasn't actually Roy Campbell at any point in MGS2, correct? If so, I don't really understand his involvement in MGS4, and while I'm willing to accept he's just a guy who wants to do the right thing and use Snake as his go-to guy, I don't understand why he felt it was his responsibility to protect Rose from the Patriots.
I think Rose and Campbell were really there up to a point, with the game switching over in Arsenal (where GW took over.) Without that initial involvement, yeah, Campbell and Rose wouldn't really have any sort of connection. EE's worm at least disrupted GW so I suppose it is vaguely possible that Rose either escaped or was deemed a non-issue. ...Actually, I'm guessing that is the case; notice that she's not in hiding, so the Patriots don't think she is a big threat. However, her son could have been used as a big bargaining chip against Jack, so there's the flimsy reasoning again.

NME said:
Why don't we ever learn Liquid Snake's name? We recognize Solid Snake as David, and Solidus (and was his code name, in fact, "Solidus Snake?") as George Sears, but Liquid is just...Liquid.

Also, if Solidus is George Sears, is it incorrect to believe that Solid and Liquid's surnames are also Sears, and that Big Boss is, in fact, Jack Sears?

I think it was just an assigned name by the Patriots. Hell, I think it's pretty easy to assume Solid Snake's name was also assigned. To reinforce their individuality it seems pretty likely they had completely different names. Liquid (knowing of the Patriots and his utter contempt for them) probably has long since discarded his name.

And FYI, there is a pack of chaff in Act 2. From what I can tell there probably isn't more than 4 drops across the entire game though.


shagg_187 said:
So.... what does La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo stand for? :p

My understanding is that most people's nanomachines prevent them from pronouncing The Patriots, it just comes out as that.

I can only imagine how annoying the Super Bowl is in the future. :lol

dreamer3kx said:
Is Mass Effect good to play after beating mgs4 today?

I was really very mentally exhausted after all the cutscenes and such. Maybe get a good night's rest first. Mass Effect is a great game.


El-Suave said:
Finished it earlier today and loved it very, very much. I'll have to play it again to make up my mind whether it's better than MGS3, but it was really, really great.

One of the questions after I have after the credits rolled concern Naomi:

What is her relationship with vamp exactly? They're both being kept alive by nanomachines but that can't be the whole explanation of how close she seems to be to him, can it?

I'm guessing it's because of that, and that she "created" him. Who knows what other freaky shit went on though


I have a question about the end of the game.

At the very end of the game, Big Boss says that the body they captured and placed into a hibernation (or whatever they called it) was Solidus. Zero was sure that Solidus was Big Boss and preserved his body. If this is true, then where the hell was Big Boss this whole time? and why didn't Zero know where he is?


Suckin' dicks since '66
Prince of Space said:
Meryl and Johnny's Pirates 3 moment was awful too. Come on, Meryl, you're better than that...
Yeah that part kinda pissed me of
only liked when they were getting shot!


Brandon F said:
I'm wondering this too. Just beat MGS2 a little while ago again and it was implied that Olga's kid was still in the hands of the Patriots, but because Snake had the disc with the names of the Patriots, he believes they can somehow trace their source and get the kid.

Suddenly at the opening of MGS4 Sunny is living with Snake and Otacon on a plane? Is it ever explained?

EVA gives Raiden the location of Sunny in exchange for Big Boss' (Solidus') remains. Raiden then delivers Sunny to snake before disappearing.


User2k said:
I have a question about the end of the game.

At the very end of the game, Big Boss says that the body they captured and placed into a hibernation (or whatever they called it) was Solidus. Zero was sure that Solidus was Big Boss and preserved his body. If this is true, then where the hell was Big Boss this whole time? and why didn't Zero know where he is?

Zero, or the proxy AIs, had the real Big Boss. EVA and Ocelot obtained BIg Boss' body sometime after MG2:SS but couldn't wake him up. Over time they rebuild his burned body with parts from Liquid and Solidus. In order to further protect the location of the real Big Boss remains, they used Soldius body, now picked clean, as a decoy. THey pretended that was BB in case th Patriots ever came after it. WHat's really going to cook your noodle is....well then why the hell was Ocelot after it if he supposedly already knew? :)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
dreamer3kx said:
Is Mass Effect good to play after beating mgs4 today?
Why wouldn't it be? ME is still a kickass game.

Just don't expect something as polished as MGS4. ME is pretty rough around the edges (unless you are talking about the PC version, which may be more polished).


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Torquill said:
Zero, or the proxy AIs, had the real Big Boss. EVA and Ocelot obtained BIg Boss' body sometime after MG2:SS but couldn't wake him up. Over time they rebuild his burned body with parts from Liquid and Solidus. In order to further protect the location of the real Big Boss remains, they used Soldius body, now picked clean, as a decoy. THey pretended that was BB in case th Patriots ever came after it. WHat's really going to cook your noodle is....well then why the hell was Ocelot after it if he supposedly already knew? :)
Because Solidus is a perfect clone of BB and thus has the same genetic code (which could be used to commandeer SOP


User2k said:
I have a question about the end of the game.

At the very end of the game, Big Boss says that the body they captured and placed into a hibernation (or whatever they called it) was Solidus. Zero was sure that Solidus was Big Boss and preserved his body. If this is true, then where the hell was Big Boss this whole time? and why didn't Zero know where he is?

Zero, or the proxy AIs, had the real Big Boss. EVA and Ocelot obtained BIg Boss' body sometime after MG2:SS but couldn't wake him up. Over time they rebuild his burned body with parts from Liquid and Solidus. In order to further protect the location of the real Big Boss remains, they used Soldius body, now picked clean, as a decoy. THey pretended that was BB in case th Patriots ever came after it. WHat's really going to cook your noodle is....well then why the hell was Ocelot after it if he supposedly already knew? :)


Fuck Cancer
Prince of Space said:
"Snake, can love bloom during a mission briefing?"

Yeah. I do. I think at any time, any place, people can fall in love with each other. But if you love someone, you have to be able to protect them.


After watching cutscenes start in ME long before the textures are fully loaded you'll wish it had an install like MGS4 does.


end game spoilers

Elbrain said:
that part had me going Holy shit and WTF since Big Boss showed up. Hell me and my friend were checking out the fake credits asking ourselves when the hell did Big Boss speak in the game cause it showed him in them. Then bam he is there, badass moment.

This is one of the reasons I was soooo happy to go into the game spoiler free.. I literally thought the game was over at that point. I got chills of excitement and shock when it cut to the sence and you hear Big Boss's voice and see his leg. Man oh man what a fantastic ending.

A couple weeks ago someone in this thread screwed up spoiler tags saying "Raiden is Snakes son" and i'm like omfg how and this really sucks it was spoiled for me but it turns out that was all just BS and it wasn't even possible anyway!

Still trying to put all my feelings into words and theres still some things i'm not quite sure of. One of the big things is why Ocelot wanted to become Liquid? Why Liquid was doing the things he did. It was 8 in the morning and I was up all night so I couldn't make much sense out of that. I'm going to watch the ending again today and play through the game a bunch more so i'm sure it will make more sense later on. If anyone would be so kind to explain this more to me that would be great.
ScissorHands said:
Ok, where are the
Figurines you are suppose to collect after every BB fight after draining their Psyche gauge?

During the fight agains the human form, look around the area and it should be there somewhere.


Y2Kev said:
Because Solidus is a perfect clone of BB and thus has the same genetic code (which could be used to commandeer SOP

But he and EVA already had Big Boss :p. It makes more or less sense depending on whether you think Ocelot was truly transformed or just acting, I suppose.


Torquill said:
Zero, or the proxy AIs, had the real Big Boss. EVA and Ocelot obtained BIg Boss' body sometime after MG2:SS but couldn't wake him up. Over time they rebuild his burned body with parts from Liquid and Solidus. In order to further protect the location of the real Big Boss remains, they used Soldius body, now picked clean, as a decoy. THey pretended that was BB in case th Patriots ever came after it. WHat's really going to cook your noodle is....well then why the hell was Ocelot after it if he supposedly already knew? :)

Well since Solidus is a perfect clone, I imagine he could have used Solidus's (enter whatever they needed from BB's remains here) to access GW. Unless I misunderstood something.
ScissorHands said:
Ok, where are the
Figurines you are suppose to collect after every BB fight after draining their Psyche gauge?

Get the figures while they are in their beauty state after you defeat their beat state since for some of them you don't get to go back to the fight area after you neutralize their beauty state. Also, I’m not 100% sure but I believe you might have to tranq their beast form for them to appear. There is one for the Frogs too if you tranq all of them in the hotel in Act 1. You can get Mantis's by using the doll on her even though it drains both her life and stamina when you use it. Hope this helps.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Torquill said:
But he and EVA already had Big Boss :p. It makes more or less sense depending on whether you think Ocelot was truly transformed or just acting, I suppose.
The guide only says EVA had big boss, with help from raiden. EVA and Ocelot must have split years ago.


Crazymoogle said:
I think Rose and Campbell were really there up to a point, with the game switching over in Arsenal (where GW took over.) Without that initial involvement, yeah, Campbell and Rose wouldn't really have any sort of connection. EE's worm at least disrupted GW so I suppose it is vaguely possible that Rose either escaped or was deemed a non-issue. ...Actually, I'm guessing that is the case; notice that she's not in hiding, so the Patriots don't think she is a big threat. However, her son could have been used as a big bargaining chip against Jack, so there's the flimsy reasoning again.

So, basically,
John, Jack and Rose's child, parallels Sunny in MGS2, except that measures were taken to ensure his safety. As I think about it now, although I think Rose had no prior connection to Campbell, I do think that as a former Patriot herself, she probably understood the power they wield better than Raiden, a puppet in their scheme. Also, her status as a former Patriot and her involvement in the Big Shell mission would make it very clear to her just how capable a soldier Solid Snake is. I like to think that, equipped with this knowledge, Rose took it upon herself to send Raiden away, claiming to have had a miscarriage, and then reached out to Roy Campbell, knowing that he would be the man that could convince Solid Snake to destroy The Patriots.

Of course, that theory implies Rose was possessed cunning and ingenuity that I don't think really came through in MGS4. It seemed more like Campbell took it upon himself to help protect John and Rose.

Crazymoogle said:
I think it was just an assigned name by the Patriots. Hell, I think it's pretty easy to assume Solid Snake's name was also assigned. To reinforce their individuality it seems pretty likely they had completely different names. Liquid (knowing of the Patriots and his utter contempt for them) probably has long since discarded his name.

I like this theory. I can easily accept that
George Sears, and now that you mention it, David, are names manufactured by The Patriots. I was going to say that it would make Eva's reference to Snake as "David" awkward, but no, it makes all the sense in the world, doesn't it? I guess that explains why she continues to use the name Eva as well, despite that not being her given name.

Thanks, Crazymoogle!

Now where did (end game spoiler)
get that
new arm
from? Not that I expect an answer...until the next game (please), but I hope to find out at some point. Actually, it looked like he had lost
both arms
in his last battle, but I only recall him
cutting off his right arm to escape the rubble at Shadow Moses


I'm still on Act I and the gameplay, controls and everything is superb now. I don't want to read through all these replies in fear of spoilers. But I was just looking for some impressions on the story without any spoilers please.

I felt that MGS3 had an incredibly emotional story and I loved every second of it. I also loved the story in part 1 and all the conspiracies of part 2, but the emotion of MGS3 has stuck with me more than the other games.

I'm wondering if the story in MGS4 will stick with me like MGS3 did. Can anyone give me their impressions on the story? Please no spoilers though! Thanks!


A00man said:
I'm still on Act I and the gameplay, controls and everything is superb now. I don't want to read through all these replies in fear of spoilers. But I was just looking for some impressions on the story without any spoilers please.

I felt that MGS3 had an incredibly emotional story and I loved every second of it. I also loved the story in part 1 and all the conspiracies of part 2, but the emotion of MGS3 has stuck with me more than the other games.

I'm wondering if the story in MGS4 will stick with me like MGS3 did. Can anyone give me their impressions on the story? Please no spoilers though! Thanks!



A00man said:
I'm still on Act I and the gameplay, controls and everything is superb now. I don't want to read through all these replies in fear of spoilers. But I was just looking for some impressions on the story without any spoilers please.

I felt that MGS3 had an incredibly emotional story and I loved every second of it. I also loved the story in part 1 and all the conspiracies of part 2, but the emotion of MGS3 has stuck with me more than the other games.

I'm wondering if the story in MGS4 will stick with me like MGS3 did. Can anyone give me their impressions on the story? Please no spoilers though! Thanks!

It's the conclusion to this entire arc, so of course it will make a lasting impression. Loose ends will be tied up. There will be lots of drama (and melodrama...). Now get out of this thread before you spoil yourself!
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