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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Crazymoogle said:
GW: George Washington. I think all of the AIs are named after presidents.

The AI's are named after the presidents on Mt Rushmore. They were also on the hull of Outer Haven. All are a president except for the Master AI, JD(John Doe). And before anyone thinks I am crazy enough to try and figure all this shit out myself, I read the synopsis in the back of the CE guide. I already knew most of what was in there, but almost every little detail had a purpose of some sort. It was very informative.
Gorechylde said:
The AI's are named after the presidents on Mt Rushmore. They were also on the hull of Outer Haven. All are a president except for the Master AI, JD(John Doe). And before anyone thinks I am crazy enough to try and figure all this shit out myself, I read the synopsis in the back of the CE guide. I already knew most of what was in there, but almost every little detail had a purpose of some sort. It was very informative.

No crazies here, it was explained in the game too afaik.

the hull had all the snakes, not the presidents on it :p (unless you mean the AI-s themselves on the ship or sth)


Gorechylde said:
***HUGE***Act 5 spoilers. Do NOT read until you beat the game.

In the boss fight yes, you do end up fighting Ocelot as the flashback eludes to. Furthermore, Big boss goes on to say that Ocelot was faking it the whole time in order to fool the Patriot's AI's into thinking he was Liquid. Liquid Ocelot put on a convincing show of wanting to gain sole control of the SOP system, but his real intention was to have Solid Snake destroy the entire network from the start. That's why he and Naomi manipulated him so much and why Liquid Ocelot never killed him. That's also why Naomi faked joining Snake and Otacon's team. She really went over there to hand-off her virus to Otacon, but found Sunny to be the more appropriate choice with her programming skills. Raiden delivering Sunny's message of "I cooked them right" signaled to Naomi that Sunny had finished the virus and Naomi could finally die. Mind-fuck right?
he didnt fake it, he channeled him with the psychic powers born to him.
Gamer @ Heart said:
Hot dam andrew. HOT DAM. And i love some of the points you made.

Yeah, it's always nice when someone confirms your opinion. With so many words. But he tries a litte bit too hard. I mean, too many interactivity in the briefings? How about pushing the L2 button? Then the laughable comments on the showdown of the game....if you really want to find faults, you eventually will. But that was not a very helpful contribution to this thread. Just a well formulated flame.
andrewfee said:
I do not think that MGS4 is a technical marvel, however. The framerate was wildly inconsistent for most of the game with it jumping up to 60fps for brief moments, and very often dropping below 30fps to 15/20. It's not always doing a lot when the framedrops occur either—sometimes you can be in a crawlspace looking around with night vision on (where the game most often jumps to 60fps) and it will suddenly dip to 15/20fps for no apparent reason.

The first half of Act 2 was almost constantly below 30fps for me, bordering on unplayable at times. There are one or two sections in the game where it is always 60fps, and those parts are amazing. I really feel that Konami should have capped the regular gameplay sections to 30fps, and most of the cutscenes as well. For the one or two cutscenes that are mostly 60fps though, they could have uncapped it there if they wanted to, but I would much rather it was just locked to one upper cap.

LOL constantly below 30fps? UNplayable framerate? Joke poster confirmed. or an idiot


loves Arcade Sticks
andrewfee: Metal Gear Tekken? Tekken is no where near as sluggish as that. lol.

tha_con: Sup!
JD is John Doe, GW and the rest are named after presidents...


B-Ri said:
he didnt fake it, he channeled him with the psychic powers born to him.

Uh no, he went through psychotherapy to convince himself he was liquid. No other worldly powers or anything, just hypnosis.


So, I need some help.

I've already done a No Kill No Alert run, but I always miss the Laughing Octopus doll..WTF? Also, I can't get Raidens second mask, am I missing something?

Going to start my run to get the Assassins Creed outfit now.


loves Arcade Sticks
tha_con said:
So, I need some help.

I've already done a No Kill No Alert run, but I always miss the Laughing Octopus doll..WTF? Also, I can't get Raidens second mask, am I missing something?

Going to start my run to get the Assassins Creed outfit now.

Make sure you tranq the beast form first, and then look for it on the bed when she's in the beauty form.
belvedere said:
Many of his points came across like he's never played a MGS title before. We know he has, but the maturity point he raised? Kojima and co have always injected a bit of crude/out of place humor into their titles, especially this series.

A single instance of potty humor used at a time to even out some of the darker themes doesn't exactly cancel out the core fundamentals of the main story.

Well, I wouldn't say his claims are baseless, but I agree that you can't rule against the nature of a story based on what is typically just mood-breaking humor. Especially in something as long as a videogame, you need little things like that to change the tone. The Beauty stuff
is also rather fitting as either you kill her in a few shotgun blasts, or you really do mean to go all-out with photography.

Where I agree, however, is that Kojima didn't really stick to the plan with those details.
Johnny, formerly the C3PO of MGS, now a serious main character? Constant character death sequences followed by an unlikely resurrection? It rings false, to put it lightly. And I also agree about the Beauty backstories; if this were the other MGS games we would get dying breath sequences and lots of elaboration. But it seems the game went narrative heavy where it didn't need to and then cut back drastically on sequences and codecs where it could be useful.

(Using MGS1 as an example of voice use, for example, we would have had tons of dialogue on what happened with Sunny and Raiden, as well as the beasts, weapon details, etc.)


Acronym stuff:

Crazymoogle said:
GW: George Washington. I think all of the AIs are named after presidents.

The elements of
JD (John Doe) are the Presidents appearing on Mount Rushmore:

GW - George Washington, as mentioned
AL - Abraham Lincoln
TJ - Thomas Jefferson
TR - Teddy Roosevelt

They actually directly address this at some point in the game.


Now i like MGS (well 1, 3, not 2 hated it lol)

Just cant get behind this game for one reason only,

the lack of rumble, where the hell is the UK release date for the rumble pad.

Putting MGS4 back on the shelf to then :(


In act 2...minor spoiler with unlockables
How do you get the Ipod Music on the island by itself? Is there some trick to it? Or did I overlook something?


I think he is dead on about a few things.

For one there is way too much explanation of certain items. Having
Raiden explain for several minutes to Snake what 'Awareness' was seemed like a joke. I mean Snake is a combat vet, he should already know what it is.

The installs are probabaly the worst thing about the game and something I wish more reviews touched on. I find this espcially bad seeing as how they even
joke about changing disks in the game.

The story on the whole was rather mature but I am like you and did not enjoy the constant burp and fart jokes.

As for the gameplay, I agree it is a step up but not some gaming revolution. The shooting aspect finally caught up with third person shooters from the past few years. A better cover system should have been implemented.

The boss fights were rather weak with some bordering on being way too easy once the puzzle was figured out. The bosses as well beyond
Liquid and the Metal gear fights
had no connection to the story and had no emotional weight unlike some of the other bosses in the series.

And the last fight
while epic in tone and look controlled horribly and should never have been released as it was. For the last fight in the series they could have done so much better.

I keep telling people that it was the best movie I ever played. The gameplay what little there was of it, especially towards the end, was no better than other stealth or third person shooters currently available. However the story and presentation are top notch which most of the praise seems to be coming from.


meddow said:
Now i like MGS (well 1, 3, not 2 hated it lol)

Just cant get behind this game for one reason only,

the lack of rumble, where the hell is the UK release date for the rumble pad.

Putting MGS4 back on the shelf to then :(

It will be a treat when you do get it. The rumble is used amazingly.


birdman said:
It will be a treat when you do get it. The rumble is used amazingly.

Treat is too strong of a word,

I just want to know when im being shot!

Fecking sony and there retarded ideas grrrrrrr


I just got the PAL version and in the back of the case it says HD 720p - isn't the game supposed to support 1080i/p? Or is it only for the US version?


Another that bugs me about the bosses:

They are clearly named after the bosses in the previous games yet only Mantis shares a connection. All the others have some ridiculous back story just to jutsify the name similarity.

There should have been either a stronger connection to the previous bosses or none at all.


So, I really loved the game. I actually enjoyed it more and more as it progressed, and not strictly from a story standpoint, but I thought the gameplay became more compelling. I am very much looking forward to playing back through the game and really working on fine tuning how I play.

I'm curious though. My biggest problem with this game is the way loading is handled. It seems to me that with the game requiring five separate installs, loading time should be non-existent, at least ideally. I'm willing to accept loading times, especially with as much content as was seemingly crammed onto the Blu Ray disc. However, I thought the loading screens, their presentation and the fact that you had to press start to progress to the next scene, was a pretty big step backward in terms of presentation for the series.

I'm not sure what the problem was with the standard loading screen; the black screen with the name of the area you're entering displayed while it loaded, which automatically went away once the area had loaded. It felt more streamlined to me in each of the other games (excluding PO), whereas I felt the loading screens were designed to make it very clear that you were, in fact, playing a video game. That, of course, felt like it was flying in the face of every other element of the game's presentation, which bothered me even more.

I'm certain I'm making this sound like a bigger deal that I really think it is, but I think that speaks to how great I feel the game is otherwise. This one minor thing stood out so much to me because, as far as I'm concerned, there wasn't much else to find fault with. I was pleased that as the game progressed I became more forgiving towards the loading screens, but I'm wondering if anyone else even cared about them, or if I'm just a dope.


Feindflug said:
I just got the PAL version and in the back of the case it says HD 720p - isn't the game supposed to support 1080i/p? Or is it only for the US version?

UK version plays in 1080i/p

In fact it's the first game I've bought which automatically scales to 1080p for some reason.


Is there any way to check the statue's you've collected? I got the one from LO but can't seem to find it anywhere in my inventory.


NME said:
It seems to me that with the game requiring five separate installs, loading time should be non-existent, at least ideally.
The installs remove the need to seek the disc for data, but an install is not going to remove loading times. You still have to take the stored data and construct the game objects with it.

It should have been an option. Full installs for those with the room or partial installs otherwise.
ksinghsf said:
it seems that I have to constantly babysit the camera with the right analog stick, and it often gets me killed (again, probably me sucking). Any help on what to do, or how to use/fix the camera would be much appreciated, thanks!

Its called coordination my friend, have you not played many 3rd person shooters?


MarkMan said:
Make sure you tranq the beast form first, and then look for it on the bed when she's in the beauty form.

Thanks, you always deliver, lol.

NME - Oddly, I enjoyed the 'Press Start to Continue". It gave me a lot of opportunities to take breaks and not worry about 'being ready'. I think it did a good job to set the pacing for the game and made it easy to take brakes here and there. I never felt 'rushed' during the entire game.
Crazymoogle said:
Where I agree, however, is that Kojima didn't really stick to the plan with those details...[/spoiler]

Lets not forget Kojima ran out of space with a dual layer Blue-Ray Disk. Its possible he had to make cuts to the story to fit the most important parts.

Personally I liked the fact that they had someone
tell their story.

I mean did you hear the stories of these beauties. Did we really need to see a movie of Crying Wolf killing little children.

The ratings board would be all up in Kojima's ass if that happened


Torquill said:
The installs remove the need to seek the disc for data, but an install is not going to remove loading times. You still have to take the stored data and construct the game objects with it.

It should have been an option. Full installs for those with the room or partial installs otherwise.

Well, the installs didn't really bother me. I think having separate installs after each act was not the best decision for maintaining the flow of the game, but I didn't mind as much as some folks.

I just think the way the loading screens were handled was not the way to go. What was wrong with the typical loading screen we've seen in MGS, MGS2 and MGS3? Maybe I'm just being nostalgic, or maybe some folks agree with me. I'm interested to find out.

tha_con said:
NME - Oddly, I enjoyed the 'Press Start to Continue". It gave me a lot of opportunities to take breaks and not worry about 'being ready'. I think it did a good job to set the pacing for the game and made it easy to take brakes here and there. I never felt 'rushed' during the entire game.

I'm sympathetic to that to a certain extent. However, can't you just pause the game once the next area loads, 5-10 seconds later?
"Does the game even look like it's possible to port over to the 360? (not trying to troll, I just want to know how awesome it is)"

Aisde from disc space, definitely yes, I see nothing that the 360 could not pull off, I mean lets be realistic here. With that said, it looks very, very good.
NME said:
So, I really loved the game. I actually enjoyed it more and more as it progressed, and not strictly from a story standpoint, but I thought the gameplay became more compelling. I am very much looking forward to playing back through the game and really working on fine tuning how I play.

I'm curious though. My biggest problem with this game is the way loading is handled. It seems to me that with the game requiring five separate installs, loading time should be non-existent, at least ideally. I'm willing to accept loading times, especially with as much content as was seemingly crammed onto the Blu Ray disc. However, I thought the loading screens, their presentation and the fact that you had to press start to progress to the next scene, was a pretty big step backward in terms of presentation for the series.

I'm not sure what the problem was with the standard loading screen; the black screen with the name of the area you're entering displayed while it loaded, which automatically went away once the area had loaded. It felt more streamlined to me in each of the other games (excluding PO), whereas I felt the loading screens were designed to make it very clear that you were, in fact, playing a video game. That, of course, felt like it was flying in the face of every other element of the game's presentation, which bothered me even more.

I'm certain I'm making this sound like a bigger deal that I really think it is, but I think that speaks to how great I feel the game is otherwise. This one minor thing stood out so much to me because, as far as I'm concerned, there wasn't much else to find fault with. I was pleased that as the game progressed I became more forgiving towards the loading screens, but I'm wondering if anyone else even cared about them, or if I'm just a dope.
Its really bad when you are speedrunning, always pause, hit skip, loading... press start (shit another movie), hit skip, loading... 5 minutes of gameplay, another movie, etc
CoilShot said:
In act 2...minor spoiler with unlockables
How do you get the Ipod Music on the island by itself? Is there some trick to it? Or did I overlook something?

You can walk onto the island from the water around the back. Takes a bit of slogging around. No crazy jumps required, thank god.


dralla said:
Is there any way to check the statue's you've collected? I got the one from LO but can't seem to find it anywhere in my inventory.

Check Sunny's room during the briefings. In front of the computer monitor.


Agent Ironside said:
Aisde from disc space, definitely yes, I see nothing that the 360 could not pull off, I mean lets be realistic here. With that said, it looks very, very good.

Well to be fair I see product placement that the 360 would probably reject (it probably just pixelate it)


AzerPhire said:
I think he is dead on about a few things.

For one there is way too much explanation of certain items. Having
Raiden explain for several minutes to Snake what 'Awareness' was seemed like a joke. I mean Snake is a combat vet, he should already know what it is.

Hes more or less speaking to the player. MGS games like to "break the fourth wall" many different times and this is just another example. It's like Campbell saying "snake press the action button to climb the ladder" Sure we know Snake knows how to climb a ladder but maybe the player doesn't.


tha_con said:
I didn't know there were so many developers here who were so familiar with MGS4 and both PS3 and 360 hardware. Stunning!

This coming from the guy that has to justify every fault within the game.
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