eso76 said:couldn't EVA tellshe'd been protecting the wrong corpse all this time ? didn't she friggin' notice the missing eye was the wrong one ? that and big boss was killed by snake at least 7 years earlier than Solidus, how did she find that corpse and how could she believe it was BB's after all those years ? Yet that's what she must have believed for jumping into the fire to protect it
What's the special item you get for using the tranq gun?Barakov said:You can use any weapon on their first form. When they shed their suit use the tranquilizer gun. It's colored blue in your inventory instead of orange.
Sunny dances?Lifeonmars? said:What's the tune that makes the BB and Sunny dance and how do you get it?
devilchicken said:What's the special item you get for using the tranq gun?
The first one i actually shot at, didnt think much of it. Then the next ones i figured "hey! might as well just tranq them" and of course i didnt get crap at the end cuz i screwed up on the first. Yet another excuse to give it another play through.
Farnack said:Sunny dances?
Saint Gregory said:I know this is the MGS4 thread but I just had to thank everyone who convinced me to play MGS3 before jumping into 4. What a spectacular, spectacular game. Maybe my expectations were just low after the wonky MGS2 but I can think of few games that I enjoyed as much or touched me like Snake Eater has. Now on to the Patriots...
*Bows to Kojima-san*
rcua1884 said:I'm glad you did that. I also played through MGS3 just before getting into 4. There are some sequences in this game that you will appreciate so much more with MGS3 fresh in your mind.
1stStrike said:Theis extremely gay on the boss extreme. It has nothing to do with skill at this's just luck. I've died about 10 times on the 2nd part so far. Two hits and you have less than 1/4 life left. And somehow I'm expected to make it through this whole thing.motorcycle chase
This shit is irritating.
dralla said:If you tranq them in Beast form you can pick up their statues which unlocks a special weapon if you collect them all, if you tranq them in Human form you get special FaceCamo
Ashhong said:shit, i fell asleep at the ending!
can someone recap what happens aftersnake meets big boss? last thing i remember seeing is zero in a wheelchair? also, why did it say naked snake when i was fighting liquid? was it just a throw back to mgs3?
actually, im pretty sure u can just pick up the statues without tranqs. i found the mantis statue and never tranqed her.
Oh alright. I didnt know about the statues. I made a point of not reading much about the game before hand and now i realize how much i missed about the game on my first play through. But that was expected so it's not a big deal.dralla said:If you tranq them in Beast form you can pick up their statues which unlocks a special weapon if you collect them all, if you tranq them in Human form you get special FaceCamo
WTF, there are those in the game too? :lol I didn't find any on my first time.And just for anyone who doesn't know, you can stackacross playthroughs. Er...maybe that's not really a spoiler. In any case, certainly does change things when you have 6+ of them.batteries
dralla said:If you tranq them in Beast form you can pick up their statues which unlocks a special weapon if you collect them all, if you tranq them in Human form you get special FaceCamo
TheBranca18 said:I'm pretty sure she was in a league with Liquid in order to trick the Patriots.
Kojima never screws up.eso76 said:hmm. Not very convincing in fact she gets.killed by liquid's men in the chase, and jumps in the fire to protect the corpse
let's just say Kojima screwd several parts of the story for plot twists sake.
devilchicken said:WTF, there are those in the game too? :lol I didn't find any on my first time.
dralla said:If you tranq them in Beast form you can pick up their statues which unlocks a special weapon if you collect them all, if you tranq them in Human form you get special FaceCamo
Elbrain said:Fuck yeah especiallyWhen you are fighting Liquid Ocelot at his 3rd phase, oh man that part is fucking awesome.
A porn girl...dk_ said:![]()
Where is that from?
Ashhong said:actually, im pretty sure u can just pick up the statues without tranqs. i found the mantis statue and never tranqed her.
SumGamer said:BTW, how do I flip through the Playboy magazine. I really wanna see the whole.BB magazine
dk_ said:You tranq them in beast form? That would take forever. Can you lower their energy with a normal gun first?
How can you get the Frog Soldier statue?
Can you be more specific? Should I tranq or evade them? When and how is the trophy given to me?Steroyd said:No.
Don't kill the frogs in the Rat Patrol part in Act 1.
Jtrizzy said:How do you use theTanegashima rifle
as seen in this video(spoilers):
It doesn't do that when I use it...
Jtrizzy said:How do you use theTanegashima rifle
as seen in this video(spoilers):
It doesn't do that when I use it...
1stStrike said:Jesus christ. The fucking gunners in theare fucking impossible, I swear. 3/4 of their bodies are covered by the front of the turret and getting a headshot while you're bouncing all over the fucking place is pretty impossible. Hell, hitting them at all is pretty impossible. And 2 hits from them and I'm dead.motorcycle chase
What the fuck ><
Stun grenades don't seem to affect them and hitting them with the tranq is a fucking miracle. There's gotta be a better way.
dk_ said:Can you be more specific? Should I tranq or evade them? When and how is the trophy given to me?
When you are spotted on a no alert run, do you have to load or is it possible to die and continue?
Jtrizzy said:Another question: What is the difference between the vertical grips (A and B) that you customize your weapons with?
dk_ said:When you are spotted on a no alert run, do you have to load or is it possible to die and continue?
Ploid 3.0 said:I used lock on and curled into the fetal position. I don't see how people get 0 saves, continues, kills, and use 0 restorative items in big boss extreme for this section alone. Although I did finally get lucky, and passed this without using a restorative item by some fluke (big boss hard mode, no kill run).
Gamer @ Heart said:Do non lethal rounds for the shot gun work on them to? I havent heard ay mention of that type of ammo against a boss.
1stStrike said:I enabled lock on, but it doesn't work very well. It's clunky and slow and by the time it actually locks on, it's too late. And going first person is impossible, cause everytime I go to aim and shoot I end up within my way and snake won't shoot.Eva's fucking head
I've been at it for about an hour and a half now with something like 25 replays on just this section alone. Even when I tranq the first two turrets, I end up overwhelmed by all the frogs and turrets up ahead. Can't tranq them fast enough and stun grenades take too long to throw and go off..I"m usually past them by that time (and dead a second or two after that).
Garrrr..if I can only get past this section I shouldn't have too many problems with the rest.
1stStrike said:I enabled lock on, but it doesn't seem to be taking affect. And going first person is impossible, cause everytime I go to aim and shoot I end up within my way and snake won't shoot.Eva's fucking head
I've been at it for about an hour and a half now with something like 25 replays on just this section alone. Even when I tranq the first two turrets, I end up overwhelmed by all the frogs and turrets up ahead. Can't tranq them fast enough and stun grenades take too long to throw and go off..I"m usually past them by that time (and dead a second or two after that).
Garrrr..if I can only get past this section I shouldn't have too many problems with the rest.