Darkpen said:hurrry uuuuuuuup D:
Also, to whoever made this, where was the hi-res version of that poster thing posted? D: Or is there? At all?
I'm assuming its from the MGS4 strat guide's art gallery
I'm the guy who made the boxart.
Original link: http://www.vgboxart.com/view/19095/metal.gear.solid.4.guns.of.the.patriots/?replies=27
I had made it at 200dpi . However, it seems even if its upscaled to letter size a bit (which would be around 300 dpi) and then printed it still looks crisp.
I don't normally make printable boxes.
Anyway here is the printable with spine:

Original link of printable at vgboxart: http://www.vgboxart.com/boxes/PS3/19095_metal_gear_solid_4_guns_of_the_patriots-print.png
hope you guys like it!
P.S. Bruce check your pms.
P.P.S. The poster image is the wallpaper we've seen. I only have it at 1600x1200 like most of you.