chubigans said:Hah, I just figured out that you canturn on the radio in the upstairs cabin of the plane with your whip from MKII.
Hmm? I never got this conversation...Teknoman said:lol at Otacon conversation with Snake in theShadow Moses canyon on taking out Tanks with grenades. "You're the most hardcore bad ass on the planet! You're...the shit!
Blablurn said:ok, i just downloaded the database from the japanese PSN. The great thing is, you can choose your languaher after starting the program! Awesome.
_leech_ said:It's out??
Zeke said:I found out that during some cut scenes ifIts little things like that why I love this series so shake your control your camo will turn back into the sneaking suit
hirokazu said:Hmm? I never got this conversation...
Man that's awesome. I'd like to use that, but I'm a noob when it comes to this boxart stuff, so I have a couple of questions:dmshaposv said:I'm the guy who made the boxart.
Original link:
I had made it at 200dpi . However, it seems even if its upscaled to letter size a bit (which would be around 300 dpi) and then printed it still looks crisp.
I don't normally make printable boxes.
Anyway here is the printable with spine:
Original link of printable at vgboxart:
hope you guys like it!
P.S. Bruce check your pms.
P.P.S. The poster image is the wallpaper we've seen. I only have it at 1600x1200 like most of you.
And for both of the non-realtime cutscenes where you can't do it, they intentionally made it so that Snake had already reverted back to the default OctoCamoTheWolf said:you can do it during any real-time cutscene or during gameplay.
if you shake your sixaxis during your codec withZeke said:I found out that during some cut scenes ifIts little things like that why I love this series so shake your control your camo will turn back into the sneaking suit
how do you trigger that?Teknoman said:lol at Otacon conversation with Snake in theShadow Moses canyon on taking out Tanks with grenades. "You're the most hardcore bad ass on the planet! You're...the shit!
He could be alluding to Solidus, but it does seem odd._leech_ said:Pay attention to the end of this MGS2 codec conversation (from 1:17):
I don't think this was ever touched on in MGS4.
Snake has boobs? Awesome.Darkpen said:if you shake your sixaxis during your codec withrosemary, your boobs shake
:lolhirokazu said:Snake has boobs? Awesome.
I haven't begun my second playthrough yet, I watched half of the Making Of Blu-ray instead. But I noticed after you're done, it said you'll get to keep your equipment on subsequent playthroughs, as I expected, but then it also said EXCEPT iPod Music. WTF, is that true? What is the point of me going around looking for as much music as I could during my first playthrough then? ;_;
Teknoman said:I just called Otacon after I passed the Gekkosprotecting that door into the second part of Shadow Moses after the canyon, talks about Vulcan Raven battle
Also lol at jpop beauties.They bust out into a Jpop idol style dance if you play that Two-han princess song...which is oddly kinda catchy.
EDIT: Also it didnt seem like you really had toI know it was supposed to be like the Sniper battle each Solid saga game has had so far, but it would have been alot more enjoyable if thoseStay downwind from Crying WolfFrog Unit soldiers werent jumping all over the place
I'm not sure if I even played that battle right, becauseTeknoman said:I just called Otacon after I passed the Gekkosprotecting that door into the second part of Shadow Moses after the canyon, talks about Vulcan Raven battle
Also lol at jpop beauties.They bust out into a Jpop idol style dance if you play that Two-han princess song...which is oddly kinda catchy.
EDIT: Also it didnt seem like you really had toI know it was supposed to be like the Sniper battle each Solid saga game has had so far, but it would have been alot more enjoyable if thoseStay downwind from Crying WolfFrog Unit soldiers werent jumping all over the place
disappeared said:I just want to say that I actually got teary-eyed when I returned to Shadow Moses. All the flashbacks sent me back ten years in time.
Zeke said:you know they didn't really bug me at all. I was able to take them out real quick without bringing any attention to myself.
I used thehirokazu said:I'm not sure if I even played that battle right, because. Of course, there's no TRUE way to do many boss battles in MGS games, but I ended upthem FROGS were everywhere pissing me off. Really stupid, but it worked, LOL.hiding under that truck thing near tree that falls down that the intro cutscene for the battle, and shooting a bunch of FROGS in the head, then collecting their weapons. Then I ran out to collect their weapons and try get Wolf to spot me, after which I'd crawl back under the truck and start using the Mosin Signit when she begins using the rail gun
Teknoman said:I just called Otacon after I passed the Gekkosprotecting that door into the second part of Shadow Moses after the canyon, talks about Vulcan Raven battle
Also lol at jpop beauties.They bust out into a Jpop idol style dance if you play that Two-han princess song...which is oddly kinda catchy.
EDIT: Also it didnt seem like you really had toI know it was supposed to be like the Sniper battle each Solid saga game has had so far, but it would have been alot more enjoyable if thoseStay downwind from Crying WolfFrog Unit soldiers werent jumping all over the place
chubigans said:Hah, I just figured out that you canturn on the radio in the upstairs cabin of the plane with your whip from MKII.
Zeke said:I used thetowers to take the frogs out and find out where she was. After that I switched to crawling around waiting for her show herself. At one point she was within 20 feet of me. Silenced m14 works wonders on that fight.
I triedKdoubleA said:I played this boss fight way differently. I actually did something similar toThe End's battle from MGS3...I used the Night Vision to follow Crying Wolf's footprints, all the while sneaking around with full octocamo and just sniping the frogs with a silenced M14 (I used the grenade launcher on Wolf...took her out easily)
SumGamer said:Wait.... you can? how?go upstair
wotter said:Look up and press forward with the MkII when you're in front of the stairs
Yes.SumGamer said:Also does the playing time include all the time I spent watching the awesome cutscene as well?
It seems to correlate to the total time I spent in all my play sessions, so I think it does.SumGamer said:LOL I keepso I stop trying. :lol dumbass, gotta try it again.hitting the stair
BTW can anyone answer the other question? Also does the playing time include all the time I spent watching the awesome cutscene as well?
Likewise. My mind was really blown for that entire act.disappeared said:I just want to say that I actually got teary-eyed when I returned to Shadow Moses. All the flashbacks sent me back ten years in time.
Hm. I'm trying to print this in Paint.NET but it's coming out way to big.Rengoku said:Awesome! Looking forward to it!
Edit: oh yeah, the hdd space note on the back cover is incorrect.
Zeke said:I triedfollowing her until she got the jump on me and attacked me after that I said screw it and let her come to me. If you're quick enough you can hit 3 times with m14 so it doesn't take too long to bring her down.
Use Photoshop, if the picture was done at the correct size for the dpi specified, Photoshop should print it at the correct size. Though I had assumed most apps would already respect the dpi in the image...CrushDance said:Hm. I'm trying to print this in Paint.NET but it's coming out way to big.
I don't have Photoshophirokazu said:Use Photoshop, if the picture was done at the correct size for the dpi specified, Photoshop should print it at the correct size. Though I had assumed most apps would already respect the dpi in the image...
psycho_snake said:Naomi is so hot. Usually I find it weird saying that about a videogame character but since this looks so real I dont feel bad for saying it.
She's not very useful so far, is she?she injected snake with foxdie and thats going to cause him to turn into walking virus, and she's also the one that created the nanomachines that made vamp immortal. To be fair she didnt know they'll ever be used on vamp, but still, she does more harm than good.
Heh, yeah.psycho_snake said:Naomi is so hot. Usually I find it weird saying that about a videogame character but since this looks so real I dont feel bad for saying it.
She's not very useful so far, is she?she injected snake with foxdie and thats going to cause him to turn into walking virus, and she's also the one that created the nanomachines that made vamp immortal. To be fair she didnt know they'll ever be used on vamp, but still, she does more harm than good.
He meant she injected him in MGS1.Gamer @ Heart said:She never injected him with anything.She took a blood sample, thats all. It was Drebin who injected snake with the foxdie.
hirokazu said:Heh, yeah.
Don't read this, coz it seems like you're not here yet, but for everyone else:Why does Naomi choose to suicide? It seemed like an unnecessary sacrifice.
He meant she injected him in MGS1.
Then download GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program. It's basically a gimped version of Photoshop.CrushDance said:I don't have Photoshop![]()
hirokazu said:Heh, yeah.
Don't read this, coz it seems like you're not up to there yet, but for everyone past Act 4:Why does Naomi choose to suicide? It seemed like an unnecessary sacrifice.
He meant she injected him in MGS1.