Yeah after I played it I ordered the Essentials pack:lolSolo said:Really reinforces how awesome MGS1 was.
Yeah after I played it I ordered the Essentials pack:lolSolo said:Really reinforces how awesome MGS1 was.
I suppose so. Act 3 and act 4 are good gameplay wise, but not as good as the first two acts. As you said,Dyno said:Acts 3 and 4 (don't know about 5) don't have the rebel faction and this adds so much to the gameplay. Helping them out or using the intense battle between rebel and PMC to get through the battlefields is where MSG4s game play is at its best.
psycho_snake said:What was wrong with the gameplay in Act 4?
haunts said:Review scores are not my thing and I dont really care, and I rarely ever comment on them but i think its funny/interesting that some of these magazines would give this game a 8/10, and I truly do not understand how someone could come to that conclusion outside of wanting to be different from other publications.
FFObsessed said:Wow I can't stop listening to the soundtrack. I've been playing Pro Evo for a couple of days with my fav songs from the MGS4 soundtrack playing on repeat. Just beautiful. "Sorrow" being my favorite.
Shinz Kicker said:should we make a thread for BIGBOSS EXTREME difficulty updates and strategies rather than making arbitraty posts about what time you got here and how to get through there, while mucking up spoiler discussion.
Speevy said:I have a question.
If I've beaten the game, can I just start a new game freely and get the bonuses of completing the game?
Such as? I guess keeping a final save and checking the Mission Briefing. I believe Emblems can only be seen when you beat the game.Also, is there a place where I can view all my accomplishments from the previous completion?
Can I watch all the movies from the game?
Shinz Kicker said:should we make a thread for BIGBOSS EXTREME difficulty updates and strategies rather than making arbitraty posts about what time you got here and how to get through there, while mucking up spoiler discussion.
Speevy said:I have a question.
If I've beaten the game, can I just start a new game freely and get the bonuses of completing the game?
Also, is there a place where I can view all my accomplishments from the previous completion?
Can I watch all the movies from the game?
Gamer @ Heart said:Could you post the names of all the tracks and bold your favorite so i may scower the internet to hear them?
Xizk said:You think it's funny how different people can have differing opinions? I can totally understand why someone would give the game a 8 or 9 because somewhere around there my own score would fall. It's an amazing game but I wouldn't rank it near the top of my favorites because it still has some flaws in my opinion that lowers the score I would give it. I really love the first two acts with the awesome gameplay but from act 3 and forward I really would have liked some more of it.
The ending also didn't have the same impact on me as the ending for MGS3 and I would rank MGS3 higher than 4.
This is of course my own opinion and I can totally understand how some people like it so much.
SnakeXs said:Didn't you, earlier in this thread, say Big Boss wasn't all that hard to get?
Anywho, I'm open for whatever. I'll keep tabs in here and offer whatever help I can give.
Why would you want to? Loading a final save is New Game+, and starts with you picking the difficulty.
Such as? I guess keeping a final save and checking the Mission Briefing. I believe Emblems can only be seen when you beat the game.
Nope. :'( Existence, here we come, Theater Mode please.
FFObsessed said:Sure. I only have th soundtrack that came with the LE, so only 16 tracks.
1. Old Snake
2. Love Theme
3. Gekko
4. BB Corps
5. Endless Pain
6. Breakthrough
7. White Blood
8. Midnight Shadow
9. Desperate Chase
10. Guns of the Patriots
11. Mobs Alive
12. Next-Gen Control
13. Sorrow
14. Father & Son
15. Metal Gear Saga
16. Here's to You
Spoilered for the sensitive.![]()
Speevy said:You sound kind of defensive. I'm only asking about features which are in several other games. If they're not in this one, I'll live.
yeah I agree with that. I still liked the act 4 gameplay, but its definately not as good as the first two acts.Dr.Hadji said:I just don't think the game redefined the old MGS mechanics (staying out of vision cones/lazer sweeps) into anything with much depth (compared to the rocking "No Place to Hide" gameplay in acts 1+2). The whole time I thought to myself "Hah this is how I used to played MGS", though MGS4's superior mechanics might have even made that play style feel less fulfilling.
That and I don't think some other elements stood out well thanks to too many similarities between the compare and contrast of the old and new.
I didn't feel there was anything special enough about Crying Wolf's style to overcome a slight feeling of "been there done that" when directly contrasted with Sniper Wolf.
I didn't think Vamp brought anything new to the table play wise. And I really didn't enjoy his clunky melee attacks and hand to hand. Both of which seemed to feel really out of place compared to the advancements other mechanics made.
The Self-Destruct Gecko standoff wasn't terribly different than having to fight off the numerous Rays at the end of MGS2 (again play wise). Better controls made the battle more fluent but basically the set up and strats were the same.
I guess the simple way to put it is, those parts didn't feel like they experienced the next-gen boost to the gameplay like previous parts of the game did.
SnakeXs said:And, to the stats, I just wanna know WHAT stats. There's no cumulative stats page, really, but some things are in some places and some are per game while others carry over through all your replays.
Raging Spaniard said:Act 4 wasn't the strongest gameplay wise, it just struck a mayor cord with me, is all.
So, question:At the last fight, I died a whole bunch of times (damn that Falcon punch!) after the 4th time or so, my wife looks at the continue screen and notices "did that say "exist" the whole time, or "exit"?" She was right? Not only the "continue" option had been reduced to a super small font, but the usual "exit" option had been changed to "exist" Anybody know what the deal with that is? I didn't click on it cause I didn't wanna re-do act 5 but I'm thinking that may happen if you continue several times on the same spot, or is it just one of those end-of-game Easter eggs Kojima likes so much (FISSION MAILED)
MiamiWesker said:Playing it very slow on my second time through, there is NO WAY you guys can see everything the first time, you have to play this game multiple times. This game is huge. I bought the guide and the amount of hidden stuff I would have never figured out blows me away.
I love act 1 and 2, it has incredible gameplay but Act 3 and 4 to me are what makes this game stand out. Act 3 is amazing, forget the guy for a bit and just run around the city taking out guards, its so very different. As for Act 4, the variety in that act is incredible. It felt the most like MGS1 in pacing cause you actually had a bunch of boss fights. Act 3 and 4 keep the excellent gameplay and turn it into something new. This game is such a masterpiece!!
Shinz Kicker said:Next i dont know about the next MGS but act was very Snatcher/blade runner esque. Aged buildings, very alive enviroment with a pulp noir setting mood, with old school bond gadgets and weapons would rock sooo fucking hard. thats pretty much all i was thinking in act was how much i want a whole game PI in that engine and similiar controls gameplay.
TheNinjaCodah said:Some people try too hard to find 'flaws' (as they like to call them) in this game and it's unfortunate. Rather than enjoy all the amazing things that this game offers, they try to pin-point little insignificant details instead. Such game shouldn't be played by people with such attitude. Also, I feel sorry for those who try to quantify the amount of gameplay each chapters have...
Btw, Act4 has:
- A LOT of sneaking around, or LOTs of fighting if decide to go that way
- Boss fight with Crying Wolf
- Boss fight with Vamp
- Battle with Gekkos
- Escape with REX
- Showdown between REX and RAY
Only a fan service? Please... Just try this act on a no-alert run and you'll see.
What do people gain from complaining so much?
FabCam said:The setting is what I expect of LA Noire. Men walking around in trench coats and hats. Old buildings with cobbled streets. Dark back alleys and dimly lit roads.
Dr.Hadji said:Act 4 has one of the best intros and outros for a stage with a "ok" middle section in between.
I just don't know if I can get over the gameplay murder the game committed half way through. Makes me feel kinda strange when I'm one of the few complaining about it, though when people toss around the word "experience" I shouldn't be surprised if certain things take a backseat.
Giant Robot said:i think this thread has the most spoiler tags i've ever seen :lol
jjasper said:Che you will find out the deal with Noami soon.
jjasper said:Che you will find out the deal with Noami soon.
Giant Robot said:MGS4 felt like you played how you wanted to and less linear in that sense.
BruceLeeRoy said:MY GOD!!
I just played the ACT 3 Minor SpoilersWTF!!! How can they even do that!Motorcycle sequence.....that was seriously one of the
most breathtaking pieces of gameplay I have ever experienced. When the car blows up and is flying over you in slow mo and you can shoot the driver and the guys on the turret
gogogow said:My MGS4 gaming collection is finally complete:
- MGS4 - European version
- MGS4 - Japanese Limited Edition
- MGS4 - US version
- MGS4 - The Complete Official Guide - Collector's Edition
TheWolf said:eh, you never really find outwhy she was feeling up Vamp or why she told him that she wished for Shadow Moses to be Snake's final resting place.
haunts said:Ill have to read the actual reviews after I'm done with the game too see why they gave the scores they did. Of course people can have different opinions, but at this point it is a little mind boggling as to how someone who could give it anything less than a 9 really. It's not like im upset or anything, but again, it's just interesting to me. I havent played every last next gen game thats out there, but again, as far as graphics, game play, content and replay value, I dont know of any other game out there that even comes close to MGS4. At the same time I am a pretty big fan of the series too, not saying the reviewers of the game arent, but that may have something to do with it.
I do have some minor issues with the game myself, but they are pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Really its just a couple things, I wish I could hop over more objects and climb around a bit more. I felt a little too "grounded" through most of the game especially after playing Uncharted.. Also some of the melodrama in the cut scenes is a bit much sometimes, but over all none of these are huge issues and dont detract from the over all experience to me.
gogogow said:My MGS4 gaming collection is finally complete:
- MGS4 - European version
- MGS4 - Japanese Limited Edition
- MGS4 - US version
- MGS4 - The Complete Official Guide - Collector's Edition