Hmmmmmm...............Orlics said:I have one that you don't have! Asian version (printed in Hong Kong, Chinese text on box).![]()
Nah........I'll pass.
I've seen that one, lots of typos on the box lol.
Hmmmmmm...............Orlics said:I have one that you don't have! Asian version (printed in Hong Kong, Chinese text on box).![]()
yup I left the page open just to let it rip!Bricfa said:Wow, /b/ has the "Love Theme" song playing in on the site, and it is now called "old /b/".
jaaz said:The problem is not that those sites gave it an 8, but rather than they are not consistent with what an "8" really means in their review scale. If a site rarely gives a game higher than an 8, reserving that score for an incredible game that has some issues, then there is not much to complain about. However when that same site awards clearly lesser (more flawed) games 9s and 10s simply because they prefer to play those other types of games over a stealthy/action game with a story, that is ridiculous.
I guess I find it difficult to understand why reviewers feel compelled to inject their own preferences for a particular game genre into the review and the score, instead of keeping those inherent biases outside of the review. Example: I do not like strategy games. But if I reviewed games for a living and had to review a strategy game such as the Civilization series, I would hope that I could put aside my personal distates for the genre as a whole and be able to evaluate the strategy game on its merits against the tenets of the strategy game genre. And not dock it simply because I personally do not like strategy games.
Same goes with sports games, puzzle games, survival horror games, etc.
Raging Spaniard said:I think Act 4 may be one of the best stages in videogame history. The art, the music, the setup. Absolutely amazing.
Maaseru said:Hey quick Question?
I'm doing the no alert no kill run.
Do alerts in the MGS1 flashback count towards the total?
eXistor said:Just finished the game. I liked it. I was never a huge MGS fan so that should explain my lack of enthusiasm but I did play and enjoy every MGS title so far with Snake eater being the clear winner imo. MGS4 has a lot going for it and it's great fu to play and to look at, but what nearly kills it for me is the ridiculous amount of cutscenes in it. No doubt this has bee mentioned many times, but I don't really feel like reading the entire thread.
The first 2 acts were fine and have the classic MGS gameplay, but act 3 and 5 were bordering on the absurd. I didn;t count but I know for a fact I've spent more time watchiung cutscenes than actually playing the game and what's more is that the bits where you do get to play (this includes act 4 as well, Normal difficulty I should add) it's in a competely diffent style than you're used to.
Now, I applaud the use of different gameplay elements, but I want MGS to play like MGS and only the first 2 acts have this (Act 4 only a little, but it was pretty cool otherwise so I'll let that one slip). I really do like the game a lot and I'm sure multiple playthroughs will be more rewarding but I swear that in the 20 hours I enden up playing only 10-12 were actaul gameplay.
Just look at act 3 for example: When you get control, it takes about 30-45 minutes to get to the next part after which there is a cutscene Then you get to play again, this time for about 15 minutes after which, another huge cutscene. Finally there's the last bit of gameplay which can take about 15-20 minutes and that's it. You get about an hour's worth of cutscenes after that and the act is done. There was literally more watching cutscenes than playing the game. I like the cutscenes I thought they were well done in a Hollywood kind of overplayed way, but come on people this is a videogame. I would not be surprised if the next sequel to MGS would actually be a Hollywood movie.
NinjaCodah said:Some people try too hard to find 'flaws' (as they like to call them) in this game and it's unfortunate. Rather than enjoy all the amazing things that this game offers, they try to pin-point little insignificant details instead. Such game shouldn't be played by people with such attitude. Also, I feel sorry for those who try to quantify the amount of gameplay each chapters have...
Btw, Act4 has:
- A LOT of sneaking around, or LOTs of fighting if decide to go that way
- Boss fight with Crying Wolf
- Boss fight with Vamp
- Battle with Gekkos
- Escape with REX
- Showdown between REX and RAY
Only a fan service? Please... Just try this act on a no-alert run and you'll see.
What do people gain from complaining so much?
TheOddOne said:Some funny stuff i found out:
I called rose when i was fighting the psycho matis boss, then cambell started to talk. He told me a way to defeat the boss, '' just put the controller in the other port ''. Rose said it wasn't possible this time! I laughed for a hour:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
not really, we're all in our underwear here. mgs4 is that good.BruceLeeRoy said:This is kind of a embarassing post but..I am so blown away by this game, truly just astounded by it.
Have any of you read a book where because of the great character development you start to just
love the scenarios and general world created so much that there comes a moment when you realize
your getting close to the end and you start reading really slowly trying to delay getting to the end
as much as possible.
This game is doing that to me...Now that I am in Act 4 I just dont want this thing to end....
Gamer @ Heart said:I think he meant act3, but in 4tension is greatly diminshed when its just robots and no need for the octo camo except for the boss. Act 5 of course, is only 2 areas including a boss battle. Its basiclly one giant cutscene.
NinjaCodah said:Some people try too hard to find 'flaws' (as they like to call them) in this game and it's unfortunate. Rather than enjoy all the amazing things that this game offers, they try to pin-point little insignificant details instead. Such game shouldn't be played by people with such attitude. Also, I feel sorry for those who try to quantify the amount of gameplay each chapters have...
Btw, Act4 has:
- A LOT of sneaking around, or LOTs of fighting if decide to go that way
- Boss fight with Crying Wolf
- Boss fight with Vamp
- Battle with Gekkos
- Escape with REX
- Showdown between REX and RAY
Only a fan service? Please... Just try this act on a no-alert run and you'll see.
What do people gain from complaining so much?
burgerdog said:Completely random: but I think some people don't realize there's an Act 1 briefing cinema. I've noticed whenever people ask for the camera, battery, etc most people suggest Act 2 or beyond. I don't know why Kojima chose not to have that briefing during the game. Only way to see if is by accessing the briefing menu.
Magnus said:Finding a store in the Toronto area that's carrying the MGS4 LE guide is next to impossible. This is tres retarded.
SRG01 said:Wait, are you kidding me? Gekkos can't see you with Octocamo and there's at least 3-4 screens with them.
I started MGS4 on Hard and the Scarabs were insane. It's almost impossible to go through Shadow Moses without at least one caution.
burgerdog said:Act II is so good, I could spend 10 hours in this act alone. GODLY. =\
-COOLIO- said:very true, its as if people figure they cant be taken seriously if they arn't a harsh critic.
either that or accepting a brand new game as an amazing, revolutionary experience makes the video game connoisseurs feel shallow. Like their jumping on a bandwagon.
mileS said:The music right before you get on the bike got me soooo pumped. Then when it finally started and you could take control after about 10 seconds I had to actually pause the game because I was jumping up and down completely blown away. The only thing I didn't like that much about that part of the game was the extremely small clip in the gun you get from EVA and if you have the 3rd person aiming sensitivity set to default it kind of seems way to slow to be aiming at all these targets flying by. I had to learn that I had to pick my targets instead of trying to take everything down.
Seiken said:Even on the Boss Extreme, two chaff grenades were enough to beat Shadow Moses without alerting anything!
Dr.Hadji said:You have got to be kidding me with this stuff. Its cool if you don't find any major faults with the game but to ignore the fact that others might have legit qualms is being a bit too myopic.
MGS is a love/hate game and 4 is no different. No need to broadly label those of don't agree with you and collectively bury them with MGS Defense Force.
Dr.Hadji said:You have got to be kidding me with this stuff. Its cool if you don't find any major faults with the game but to ignore the fact that others might have legit qualms is being a bit too myopic.
MGS is a love/hate game and 4 is no different. No need to broadly label those of don't agree with you and collectively bury them with MGS Defense Force.
Zefah said:I was just playing Metal Gear Solid 3 and inEva's codec profile it says she was born in 1936. If Metal Gear Solid 4 takes place around 2019, wouldn't that make her like 83 years old? She certainly didn't look it...
Zefah said:I was just playing Metal Gear Solid 3 and inEva's codec profile it says she was born in 1936. If Metal Gear Solid 4 takes place around 2019, wouldn't that make her like 83 years old? She certainly didn't look it...
traveler said:After playing it through yet again, I have to say that, personally, it's my favorite level in any stealth action game EVER. So gooood. (And, having just started trying out MGO today, I can't wait till they make a MGO map based on it; there are so many sections they could use- the area at the very beginning, the power station, the confinement facility, the vista mansion, etc.- so many potential battlegrounds)
Giant Robot said:can anyone tell me if you can choose any Act to play after you've beaten the game once? Like is there a Boss rush mode/level select, etc..
Raging Spaniard said:I like MGO but Im getting my ass kicked. Im way too eager and play it like I would play an action game instead of an MGS game, thus I die, a lot
1stStrike said:I bet you're not using any of the SOP plugins. I go with a sniper setup along with some CQC. The addon that lets you see your opponent through walls temporarily is pretty amazing. I tag em with one shot, line up my next shot and when they go peek around the corner or try to take a different route..blam.
Also, I have infinite amounts of fun sneaking up behind people, and stun knifing them constantly until I finally just headshot them.
MiamiWesker said:The first two acts did not have classic MGS gameplay, they had classic MGS3 gameplay. Act 3 and Act 2 in a way is a giant throwback to MGS1 and MGS2. In act 3 the area is gigantic but you are still maneuvering around guards but not really reling on camo, on creating diversions and stuff like in the first games. The following thing was there to guide you and provide interesting moments. Act 4 was obviously a throw back to MGS1, the gameplay there again fits more with MGS1, avoiding enemies, finding interesting ways to get around them and a bunch of boss fights and gameplay variety. Act 3 and act 4 are brilliant in how it brings the old with the new. MGS4 is really the culmination of all gameplay aspects of all MGS games in a perfect package.
Lonesome_Raod said:Just finished act 3. The first part on the streets was awful. Messy and dull. After act 1 and 2 I had high hopes. I hope it gets back on form.
I agree. I didn't really like the first part, thought it was too long. Loved the rest of Act 3 after that though.Lonesome_Raod said:Just finished act 3. The first part on the streets was awful. Messy and dull. After act 1 and 2 I had high hopes. I hope it gets back on form.
Zefah said:I personally really enjoyed the sneaking part in chapter 3 on my first playthrough. Then again, I hadn't been very stealthy in act 1 or 2, so it was a bit refreshing to have to play it like traditional MGS.
FabCam said:Really? I actually loved that bit. There's so much freedom. You do know you can just ditch the tracking bit and just explore the city? There are loads of places to go and PMC's to kill.
That's enough DP to buy 19 more weapons and get the Drebin face camo in act 5DrBo42 said:Just did my first ever no alert, no kill playthrough in an MGS game. Somehow it made the experience better.![]()
1stStrike said:Haha, yea. Actually,I climbed up a random ladder just to see what was up there and found the little robots in the trench coat peeking around the corner. It was pretty amusing. Also, if you get ahead of the guy in the park you can pose as a statue and the guy will piss on you. There's a bunch of little funny shit like that around there.
I was pretty blown away after act 3. It was different, but fun.
Yeah I know, it was actually just practice for the thing you mentioned. Just to see if I can do it and to learn the enemy behavior a little better. It was pretty tough. :loltraveler said:Edit: Nice job, DrBo!You do realize, however, if you had done the entire thing you just did only one more difficulty setting higher, you would have unlocked the best emblem in the game though? I can't imagine wanting to go back through and do what you just did right after doing it on a higher setting. :lol
FabCam said:How do you hide as a statue? I tried it in Act 1 but didn't know how to do it.
The-Switcher said:Can someone explain howRaiden got his arms back and was completely human in the hospital after seemingly loosing both of them when he saved Snake from the Outer Haven ship?