I have to say that MGS4, just played with my emotions. I cried like a little wuss on the
scene and I think the
scene made everyone at least tear up and/or make them sad. Do not lie I teared during that part for some reason maybe it was because you saw everyone on the verge of
I'm sorry but Kojima-San you rock!
dying/losing and trying to give Old Snake time to save the world. You saw Raiden almost getting killed...Mei Ling getting ready to do a last stand, the Colonel looking away because he couldn't bare to look at Snake and more importantly his friend...at the verge of death in the microwave, same thing goes for Rosemary, and Akiba/Meryl doing a last stand as well and them being together before they supposedly die. I think Kojima-San definitely delivered there, especially since he made that chamber look as it was never ending and Snakes suit just tearing up each time you went on.