bloody pirate said:Any tips on how to get past the first part of act 5? i keep getting spotted and after that and there seems like theres no way to progess after that... what am i missing?
Break from cover, go up the stairs and the ladder. Climb across and drop down while tapping triangle to catch yourself on the middle platform. Crouch and throw a magazine in front of you. You should be able to get the patrol beneath you to come forward. Tranq them, drop down and camo yourself onto the ground. Throw another magazine to the left and tranq that patrol as well. Move forward, and repeat until you hit the boxes on the left. Lean against the circular pillar (wait for the Gekko to move first) and slide past. You should hear two clicks in the distance as two Frogs landed to the distance. Lie down and tranq them. Move forward and you'll see another Gekko drop down in front of the door. Wait until the artillery barrage takes care of it. Move forward and look right until the far Gekko can't see you. Rush to the door and tap triangle.