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ZeroTolerance the hell do you beat Vamp ? The dude keeps getting up ?
CQC, then use the syringe
ZeroTolerance the hell do you beat Vamp ? The dude keeps getting up ?
ZeroTolerance said:.....Give it away guys...I know but the fecker keeps getting up even when i tranquilize it
dark10x said:The dynamic lights in the game are realtime.
domlolz said:I think what I don't like about the ending isthat it totally overshadows and undermines all Snake's actions-this is his last mission and he has just ended up being a hired gun as per usual-I guess Snake wasn't too surprised but I'd of liked Snake to have done something for himself.
Third time through and just watching my brother play Act 4 and the music kicking in-it's still really emotional
jjasper said:Man I am starting to wonder if I was the only person that liked the ending.
Well, when underground in the first area, you'll find that the battle above causes the lights to shake around changing the shadows below them. I did not try it myself, but you could probably shoot each of those lights as well (not break the light, but cause it to move).dabookerman said:I've never tested that out actually. Any good spots to try it?
Dark Octave said:I feel like I'm the only person playintg through using mostly tranquelizer rounds. I only use lethal force if I'm spotted and surrounded. I played like this in MGS2 as well. But MGS3's camera and lack of radar was so awful I just ran and shot through the entire levels until I hit a cut scene.
burgerdog said:You can swim in mgs4, there's a pool of water deep enough for you to dive in. Here's a picture of said area.
Ganondorfo said:The ending was good, but could have been more amazing, but the scene ofbig boss salute to the grave of the boss just like he did in snake eater was the best scene of that ending
dark10x said:I also haven't tried it, but you can purchase a flashlight for your gun and I'm sure it creates a realtime light source as well.
burgerdog said:You can swim in mgs4, there's a pool of water deep enough for you to dive in. Here's a picture of said area.
jjasper said:Man I am starting to wonder if I was the only person that liked the ending.
jjasper said:Man I am starting to wonder if I was the only person that liked the ending.
Gamer @ Heart said:It was wierd how something emotional would happen, the music would pick up.....then back down. More rises...more talking. but yeah, when he finnaly saluted her, it got to me. "It was good" was his last line right?
Roxas said:"This is good......Isn't it?"
dark10x said:I'd extend more than that, personally. I know they won't do it, but there are several points throughout the game where I believe they could easily include additional gameplay sequences without compromising the original pacing (in fact, it would probably improve things).
Gamer @ Heart said:Che, would you agree MGS4 the "game" stops in the middle of act 3 and MGS4 the movie with a side of fanservice begins?
chespace said:Also, for a game that's so focused on a great cinematic experience, I'm surprised you can't watch all the great moneyshot cutscenes throughout the game from a menu somehow. Oh well.
burgerdog said:You can swim in mgs4, there's a pool of water deep enough for you to dive in. Here's a picture of said area.
depward said:Yeah, I would love to have the ability to watch all of the cutscenes ala MGS3
Integral.Gamer @ Heart said:I think it needs to start with S however, looking back at the others.
tha_con said:They have to save something for Metal Gear Solid 4:Exsistence
Attack You said:And MGS2, and MGS1. A really curious omission. I wonder if the installs hindered this from being possible.
ThirstyFly said:MGS2 didn't have a demo theatre.
Attack You said:Ohh, right. I remember what that was now: you could view the cut-scenes, but there was no audio.
ThirstyFly said:MGS2 didn't have a demo theatre. I checked both the standard version and Substance for it before MGS4, so I had to replay that one all over again. The closest it came was the cutscenne viewer in Document, but that didn't have sound.
Also I don't think the standard MGS3 had it either. MGS3:S did though.
domlolz said:Anybody found any humourous codec moments?
dhelfric said:There's a theatre in my european version of MGS2, IIRC.
Lifeonmars? said:Man, they need to remake MGS1-3 with MGS4 style gameplay and graphics.
That would be kick ass.jjasper said:It will have to wait till MG1 and 2 get Bionic Commando style PSN remakes.
Lifeonmars? said:That would be kick ass.
Well yeah, but I'd take any remake of any past MG/MGS game. (except Snake's Revenge:lol ) I started replaying Sons of Liberty yesterday and I definitely missed the free camera and better gunplay.Gamer @ Heart said:if they are downloadable, i suggest you lower your expectations from MGS4 type levels. Just sayin.
Gamer @ Heart said:if they are downloadable, i suggest you lower your expectations from MGS4 type levels. Just sayin.
jjasper said:When I say Bionic Commando I mean the PSN/XBLA game not the disc one. Basically a 2.5D HD remake.
jjasper said:When I say Bionic Commando I mean the PSN/XBLA game not the disc one. Basically a 2.5D HD remake.