Finished this sucker up today.
Really enjoyed Act 1 and Act 2. Classic MGS gameplay is greatly enhanced with the new camera, shooting mechanics, Octocamo, Solid Eye, etc. Can you no longer use people as human shields with CQC? I couldn't get Snake to fire a gun while holding a guy. I really enjoyed doing that in MGS3.
Hated Act 3. Act 3 epitomizes everything BAD about Metal Gear. All flash and no substance.
Act 4 brought the sneaking back which was nice, but I did not like it as much as Act 1 or Act 2. No spoilers, but the enemies are very different, and just weren't as fun to fight IMO.
Act 5 is like, a little baby act. It was OK. I wasn't really digging the new mechanics they toss at you for the final battle. Thought MGS3 handled the final duel a lot better.
Cutscenes were really long. Every time a cutscene would transition to Hackers UI I would hit skip, because damned if I'm about to listen to a 5 minute lecture on nanomachines. Story was really convoluted. It's not hard to understand, but it was just too convoluted for me to care about. Reminded me of the last episode of Seinfeld, with every character who ever appeared showing up for their 5 minutes.
Can you no longer use people as human shields with CQC? I couldn't get Snake to fire a gun while holding a guy. I really enjoyed doing that in MGS3.