Ninja Kn1ght said:Someone else made this one:
End of act 3 spoiler:
The quality isn't that high but you might like it.
Ninja Kn1ght said:Someone else made this one:
End of act 3 spoiler:
The quality isn't that high but you might like it.
MarkMan said:Anyone in Japan know if these are hard to come by?
Hori charger for PS3 controllers. I need me one of these...
Solo said:I see this thread has gone past hyperbole and taken a blasphemous turn - people are actually calling "Old Snake" a better theme than the "MGS Main Theme" from MGS1, 2, and 3? Sheesh. All 3 versions are better, with the "MGS2 Main Theme" and "MGS3 Main Theme" versions of the theme both especially crapping all over "Old Snake". I will concede that the TAPPY arrangement from MGS1 isnt overly great, but the two HGW arrangements of it from 2 and 3 blow "Old Snake" out of the water.
The lack of the MGS theme is indeed frustrating. But the OST includes many new additions, such as the Love Theme, Old Snake, Sorrow,Solo said:I see this thread has gone past hyperbole and taken a blasphemous turn - people are actually calling "Old Snake" a better theme than the "MGS Main Theme" from MGS1, 2, and 3? Sheesh. All 3 versions are better, with the "MGS2 Main Theme" and "MGS3 Main Theme" versions of the theme both especially crapping all over "Old Snake". I will concede that the TAPPY arrangement from MGS1 isnt overly great, but the two HGW arrangements of it from 2 and 3 blow "Old Snake" out of the water.
Gamer @ Heart said:Old snake is a cool piece, but i agree the other two are better. I prefer 3's more orchastrated style than MGS2's techno vibe, however.
Watch this: :lolsuikodan said:Speaking of the MGS main theme, anyone knows why it's not in the game? Old Snake is cool but I would have prefered the main theme by far.
I really missed it.
Dyno said:It's a shame that so much effort was put into those cutscenes because the vast majority of players are going to skip them henceforth. All that disk space and effort for a product that is too painful to sit through twice.
Dyno said:More than any other game I have ever played this title needed serious editting. There were some amazing concepts and ideas in here but their impact was completely dulled by all of the other poorly executed melodrama thrown in there. It's a shame that so much effort was put into those cutscenes because the vast majority of players are going to skip them henceforth. All that disk space and effort for a product that is too painful to sit through twice.
I dearly hope Kojima takes that gorgeous game engine and uses it to tell a completely unrelated story. Something small and tight and not prone to collapse under its own pretension. He might find it a refreshing change.
Dyno said:Finished the game over the weekend. You know what's ironic? The gameplay and the engine MSG4 runs on is so superb that a Game of the Year could be made without cut-scenes. As it was the cut-scenes totally dragged this game down. (At least in my opinion: There I said it, tha_con... settle down there boy.)
I honestly cannot comprehend anyone crying over this self-indulgent 'story.' There is so much to point to but I'll just keep it short and focus on the ending.
- Naomi's double agent work was tedious. Her death was more dramatic pandering. Consider she had discovered a way to stave off cancer! This astonishing invention is brushed aside. Instead as soon as she becomes inconvenient to the story she offs herself. Snake and Raiden simply watch a woman commit suicide by jabbing a needle into her neck three times. Only the first of a serious WTF moment.
- Everyone has a monologue, everyone has a tale to tell before death, it just gets terribly old and stale. There are other ways to impart a story but we saw none of that here.
- The ridiculousness of the implausable Johnny/Meryl romance is only exceeded by the fact that Meryl packed a fucking gun with her wedding dress. That is some awful, juvenile shit.
- Big Boss suddenly shows us with a mostly dead invalid, cuts off his oxygen in what is surely the most pointless death in video game history, all the while our hero Snake doesn't say or do anything. All this of course is perfectly timed for BB's own demise.
- Snake not dying because of yet another throwaway Deus Ex Machina. I think it's telling that so many people die while Snake doesn't. Compensating much? Looks like Kojima didn't have to creative balls to let this retarded story line truly die.
More than any other game I have ever played this title needed serious editting. There were some amazing concepts and ideas in here but their impact was completely dulled by all of the other poorly executed melodrama thrown in there. It's a shame that so much effort was put into those cutscenes because the vast majority of players are going to skip them henceforth. All that disk space and effort for a product that is too painful to sit through twice.
I dearly hope Kojima takes that gorgeous game engine and uses it to tell a completely unrelated story. Something small and tight and not prone to collapse under its own pretension. He might find it a refreshing change.
All I care is thatSolo said:I see this thread has gone past hyperbole and taken a blasphemous turn - people are actually calling "Old Snake" a better theme than the "MGS Main Theme" from MGS1, 2, and 3? Sheesh.
Doc Evils said:
sorry, feedback(0) are can not bid
dabookerman said:MGS4 has done this to me, and beware, ending spoilersMade Big Boss my ultimate video game hero.
Doc Evils said:
tha_con said:I'd honestly hope for a Revolver Ocelot game or another entry into the Big Boss saga before I ask for a Remake of any of the past games.
Gamer @ Heart said:I want the next game to be another prequel about Big Boss. There is so much they could do there.
MarkMan said:Thanks...
I'm not paying that much for one of those ;(
Otheradam said:I want the next game to star the Boss. I think there's a lot of potential there too.
TTP said:Goddamit I finally realized where the Gekkos neck is located. I can easily kill them with a machine gun now, even during the very prologue of the game. Am I the only one that didn't get it rightaway?
Hcoregamer00 said:Personally, I think it would be cool if they could remake the original two metal gear games.
Hcoregamer00 said:What are you talking about, MGS3 already did that.
I agree with the poster on Ocelothis story was tragic on so many levels
Personally, I think it would be cool if they could remake the original two metal gear games.
TTP said:Goddamit I finally realized where the Gekkos neck is located. I can easily kill them with a machine gun now, even during the very prologue of the game. Am I the only one that didn't get it rightaway?
1stStrike said:Yea, some of you guys must be deaf or something. I just went back and listened to em to compare and..while it may not share the same name..
Metal Gear Saga = Metal Gear Main Theme
It's just named saga in MGS4 and is changed up a little (I like this version the most).
Gamer @ Heart said:The series is about stealth. That is not Ocelots style.
El_TigroX said:I think it's somewhat necessary now. Clean up the origin stories JUST a tad. I never believed in remakes until I listened to Steven Totilo talk about remakes... and I think that's what's warranted here. Better graphics (naturally) and an enhanced story.
That whole era feels like a large black out spot in terms of continuity.
tha_con said:Who said anything about an Ocelot game being a Metal Gear game? You're saying it's impossible for Kojima to do an action game around Revolver Ocelot set in the same universe? :lol
Who said anything about MGS, I said I wanted an Ocelot game or a Big Boss game, never did I mention I want the next MGS to be about either character.
Guled said:I was hearing the talk of this game having a lot of retcons, but I don't really see that much. The only on I can think of isMadner, and that could just be a reference to Snatcher instead of the MG2 Madner
Dr. Zoidberg said:Finished the game over the weekend. I'd like to post my thoughts without spoiling anything, so here goes:
I'm not the biggest MGS fan in the world. I liked Metal Gear on NES, and I never played the sequel (either the REAL one or the fake NES version). MGS came out and blew me away. I loved the game, and played through it multiple times. I played MGS2 and some of the luster was lost. The whole Raiden thing, the ridiculousness of the story, the never ending boring conversations with Rose and the other characters via codec. It just didn't have the magic of the first but it was okay. Then I picked up Snake Eater. It just didn't do it for me. I hated the 60's setting, the lack of technology, the whole hunger and healing systems, the jungle. It just wasn't any fun to me. The cutscenes were well produced, but I didn't want to play the game to see them, so when Subsistence came out I got that and watched the "movie" disc of all the cutscenes and then traded it in. Yes, I bought it just to "see" the whole game's cutscenes. And they were great, although the story itself was not as interesting to me. I couldn't get into PO on PSP either, the controls and gameplay just didn't do it for me
So here comes MGS4. I was looking forward to it but after so many disappointments I didn't know how I would feel about the game. Well, I pretty much beat the whole thing in 2 days, playing for hours at a time because I couldn't put the game down. It's that good. To me, it feels like a real return to form for the series. It FELT more like MGS1 to me than any of the other games did. The gameplay is the ultimate refinement of the series, and the new combat mechanics worked very well for the way I always play (which is sneaking and tranquilizing whenever possible, but I'm not afraid to blow guys away when it's necessary. I shoot in MGS games ALOT, pure sneaking bores me.) So much action and fun. Far fewer CODEC conversations which to me is a good thing.
The cutscenes were phenomenal. As a man that prefers Twin Snake's graphics and cutscenes to the original, they were right up my alley. Some of the action scenes were totally over-the-top but I love them for it. This is the new high-water mark for cinematics in games, bar none. The framing, cinematography, music, etc. were all top-notch. Actual in-game graphics are good as well, although they don't stand out as much when compared to other games, I'd still say they are among the best.
Yes, some of the story elements were still over the top, but it all seemed to make sense in a way that "fits" in the MGS universe. I really felt for the characters in this game. It just seems so much better than MGS2 or 3. There was far more drama and far less philosophical rambling going on, which was a big problem in the last two games.
Kojima and his staff deserve all the kudos that they receive. The game is filled with fanservice and nods to the past which I loved. That being said, the game DOES sort of depend on fans knowing what the hell is going on. If this was my first MGS game I think I would have been really confused. But I think they realize most people buying this game are fans, so it's not a problem. Ultimately I give the game two big thumbs-up. It made me a fan again.
patsu said:How ? I know there is a weak spot because I could one-hit kill them sometimes using a large weapon. But whenever I shot at their neck with small arms, they simply squat down to hide that weakness.
Gamer @ Heart said:You can't blame me for assuming a game staring one the biggest characters from the MGS saga would not be an MGS game. It was a logical jump.
Do you really think Konami would market an Ocelot game as anything except MG? To powerful a brand to drop it.
Putting that aside, what era would you like a big boss or ocelot game to be set in?