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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Jack Scofield said:
Where do I find the "Rock Me Baby" iPod song?

And how do I enable auto-aim? Nothing happens when I press Square, except for a noise.
You have to go to Options and make sure Enable Auto-Aim is on. I personally thought it was really retarded given that the Square button DOES NOTHING when it's off. I only figured this out myself halfway through my second play through, when I decided to play a round of MGO. I wondered why I couldn't switch to Auto-Aim in the final MGO and in MGS4, while I could in the MGO beta.

Yeah, I alternate between Auto-Aim and manual in MGO because I don't seem to fare well in it otherwise :/


hirokazu said:
I'm not sure if that's actually related to the
Solar Gun. I knocked out all his stamina in one hit with V.Ring shots once on my first play through, this was after he had "died" and revived twice IIRC. My guess is that because he had just revived, he takes a lot more damage in one hit in certain circumstances. The burning thing, I'll have to check that out.
....really? With a V-ring? I always used tranqs on my first solid normal playthrough, when I was just trying to get stamina kills only.

But yeah, no, I'm pretty darn sure the solar gun is related to him being a "vampire," ESPECIALLY since he burns :lol



Rat Patrol
part I was stuck on forever, It's so insane you can't even CQC the frogs. :/

Managed to do Act 1 in 46 minutes.

If I die and click continue does that blotch my stats in any way?


alterno69 said:
>We need a MGS4 picture contest or something where to post spoilerrific and awesome pics.

I took this one on Act IV.


Solid EYE thread is thataway ---->

Also a friendly reminder:

Killthee said:


DDC has 15 members...

Somethings wrong here <_>


Truly deserves to shoot laserbeams from his eyes
Steroyd said:

Rat Patrol
part I was stuck on forever, It's so insane you can't even CQC the frogs. :/

Managed to do Act 1 in 46 minutes.

If I die and click continue does that blotch my stats in any way?

Only if you're going towards a certain emblem. Counts as using a Continue if I am not mistaken which is why I think all those Big Boss people in here are nuts :lol


kozmo7 said:
Only if you're going towards a certain emblem. Counts as using a Continue if I am not mistaken which is why I think all those Big Boss people in here are nuts :lol


I want to be crazy with them. :(
Am I going quick enough for a Act 1 I think I'm going slow for an act with
no boss in it
, I can see the bosses particularly crying wolf eating ALOT of my time. :|


Steroyd said:

Rat Patrol
part I was stuck on forever, It's so insane you can't even CQC the frogs. :/

Managed to do Act 1 in 46 minutes.

If I die and click continue does that blotch my stats in any way?
you can CQC them, just only from behind them.


Steroyd said:

I want to be crazy with them. :(
Am I going quick enough for a Act 1 I think I'm going slow for an act with
no boss in it
, I can see the bosses particularly crying wolf eating ALOT of my time. :|

Yea, you're fine. I did act 1 in 55 minutes on my big boss emblem run. You can do it in 30 minutes if you're really good, but you've got plenty of time.
Hey I am online a lot now, I am slowly shifting my focus to MGO from MGS4 but its still so hard to do. I want to play MGS4 like 10 more times. :lol


Truly deserves to shoot laserbeams from his eyes
Jack Scofield said:

Just looked it up in my guide for you.

Act 2 - Confinement Facility - On the "island" at the center of the water in the South-East area
<- Is exactly word for word in my guide. I haven't gotten it myself but I assume that's correct.


Steroyd said:
"Rock me Baby" ???

Is that, that J-pop song?

No, it's not.

When you get to the rocky, red area past the power plant, you can go left or right. Left will take you right to the mansion and right will take you to another encampment (you can also take the road that Drebin takes when he drives off to get there faster, but you skip some items.) There will be an island of sorts surrounded by water. The song will be up there. You'll know the area cause a helicopter will fly in to attack the rebels in the area.


dabookerman said:
This pic is cropped. Where is DA F34R??

Would love more pics like this though, they are awesome. But the MGS3 and PO ones are the only ones i'm aware of.
There is also ones for Twin Snakes, Konami released one as a wallpaper a long time ago.

Ploid 3.0

Darkpen said:
people, its THE Boss Extreme.

Oh hah, I never payed attention to it. I figured it was like the Snakes one for easier mode, and another for a harder mode. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
after beating mgs4 last week i'm replaying all metal gear solids in order. i'm almost done with mgs2 and ugh. raiden mgs4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>raiden mgs2.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
besada said:
G4 just previewed the next Zero Punctuation. It's MGS4.

That's going to be an interesting thread.

Man forget that guy.

Seriously. The dude jumped the shark after his third video.
140.85 said:
Man forget that guy.

Seriously. The dude jumped the shark after his third video.

Oh this will be good ;p

So other than the usual, long cutscenes, boring/complex storyline, "lack of gameplay" what other things will he find to complain about?

If he can't find anything outside of those, then MGS4 wins.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
dabookerman said:
Oh this will be good ;p

So other than the usual, long cutscenes, boring/complex storyline, "lack of gameplay" what other things will he find to complain about?

If he can't find anything outside of those, then MGS4 wins.
Wins what exactly...? -.-


holy fuck, I thought area 3 was a bit stale until I got to the good parts last night (I'm moving way too slow through this game, but with a 5 month old it's hard to get any substantial playing time). From a 7.1 standpoint, I've never played anything that's looked nor sounded like this.



I just bypassed the whole
power plant section
, to take a shortcut and the next LOOOOOOOONG area is
swarming with the enemy instead of allies

I can't catch a break. :_:
Dax01 said:
I am not sure about the Essentials collection in my area. Will have to look into it.

Otacon said that once GW assumes control after JD has been destroyed, not even the Patriots will be able to stop him. This leaves me with the impression that the Patriots are still in control of the AIs in some way. Or, at least, JD.

yeah but at the end of Act 5 you learn that the Virus (FoxAlive) has spread to all the other AIs and all but the "brain stem" is left


....so I'm messing around in the shooting range, and a clump of virtual NPCs seem to have glitched on me, lol D:

Like, no matter what I do, nothing happens to them. I can walk through them, and I don't bump into anything. Shooting them and throwing grenades do nothing. I guess they didn't stamp out every glitch, eh?

Kydd BlaZe

Hmmm...just finished the game last night.

Big dissapointment for me. Too...many...fucking...cutscenes. It's not that they're particularly bad, in fact some of them we're really epic. It's just that they were overly and needlessly long, with a lot of unnecessary dialogue. They felt stretched to the point that it annoyed the shit out of me. Make no mistake, MGS4 is still a great game, it's just that I felt that there needed to be more gameplay, and a lot less chit chat.

The original MGS still holds the title as the best in the series, IMO. MGS4 just felt like a step backwards on so many levels. It just didn't blow me away like I thought it would.



Steroyd said:

I just bypassed the whole
power plant section
, to take a shortcut and the next LOOOOOOOONG area is
swarming with the enemy instead of allies

I can't catch a break. :_:
that's what you get for not helping the rebels take out the power station


Darkpen said:
....so I'm messing around in the shooting range, and a clump of virtual NPCs seem to have glitched on me, lol D:

Like, no matter what I do, nothing happens to them. I can walk through them, and I don't bump into anything. Shooting them and throwing grenades do nothing. I guess they didn't stamp out every glitch, eh?
The only glitch I've seen in the game is in Act 2, in one of the places where the rebels jump into the battlefield. Apparently, one of the rebels got killed while jumping into the battlefield and his body was lying dead in mid-air, but he quickly faded out as the game started clearing out dead soldiers.
Opus Angelorum said:
I don't plan to comment again until I have finished the game, because clearly my early impressions are ill-informed, biased and petty.

This place is unbearable at times.
You said it yourself.
Opus Angelorum said:
I feel that I need to play this as it's clearly a milestone within the medium.

Should be arriving tomorrow so I'll post some early impressions.

Let me state that I will be playing with a degree of scepticism, so my pre-disposition will either be validated or ripped to pieces.
You weren't interested based on your friends view of the game and siad you wouldn't pick it up.
Opus Angelorum said:
My friend Darren just spoke to me after finishing and said the latter half of the game tails off into obscurity, anyone had a similar experience?

Not picking this for the time being.
But then.
Opus Angelorum said:
I can't wait to come back with impressions, I'm up for some verbal sparring.

How could you be "ready for some verbal sparring" without playing it? Is the game really that bad or something? I mean if it got horrible reviews then one could say tht you going into it with skepticism would be valid. But it didn't. You went into it looking for problems and not actually playing the game first, digesting it and then posting your thoughts.

Let's not forget your constant multiplatform hopes.

Opus Angelorum said:
Well I'm approaching the end of Act 1 and I have to say...I don't see what the fuss is about.

These are early impressions:


- The cut-scenes are incredible, beautifully framed and directed
- The character models, lighting and environmental effects are the best I've seen
- Audio is impeccable


- Animation outside of the cut-scenes is passable, at best
- The cover system is awkward
- Dialogue is forced
- Environment feels vapid, despite an apparent war taking place
- Directed and linear progression
- Framerate
- AI is very rudimentary, at times laughable

I'll come back with more impressions when I'm further into the game.

A) I'm not sure what you're talking about with that. What specifically? What game are you comparing it to?

Cover system
[You press triangle to slap up against a wall. It's really meant for hiding and not for shooting. Although you can play in FPS mode, it's not meant to be 100% shooter.]

B) The only voice that sounded forced to me at times was Snakes, in the bonus disc with the LE it shows how the voice acting was done. It wasn't just people reading off a script, but rather two people talking back and forth as if they were the characters. I can understand why you'd say it sounds forced though, this was my first Metal Gear game and some parts were pretty bad.(Otacon especially).

C) The emptiness aspect of it has to do with only the militia and PMC's warring with eachother. Later on in the game though you do see unaffiliated NPC's getting caught between the two sides. It makes sense for there not to be many people in a warzone as most would flee to avoid being caught in the middle. A large number of the buildings and such are empty, yet there are things like rugs, pots, bottles, etc that give the impression of life.

D) The only linear aspect of the game is how to get to a certain point so that players don't get frustrated, everything else is up to you as to how you'll get there. The first act especially has lots of nooks and crannies that you'll never notice the first time and you can spend a lot of time running around. Watch some of the runs on The Boss Extreme mode. There are lots of paths to the goal. And in the harder modes, the point you're supposed to head to doesn't even show up on the map.

E) The frame rate does jump between 30 and 60. But it's not so frequent that it affects gameplay. Most of the time those jumps are in cut scenes and empty areas that you get through quickly.

F) Play on harder modes. Any games with better AI that you can think of for comparison?

Kydd BlaZe said:
Hmmm...just finished the game last night.

Big dissapointment for me. Too...many...fucking...cutscenes. It's not that they're particularly bad, in fact some of them we're really epic. It's just that they were overly and needlessly long, with a lot of unnecessary dialogue. They felt stretched to the point that it annoyed the shit out of me. Make no mistake, MGS4 is still a great game, it's just that I felt that there needed to be more gameplay, and a lot less chit chat.

The original MGS still holds the title as the best in the series, IMO. MGS4 just felt like a step backwards on so many levels. It just didn't blow me away like I thought it would.

Yeah. The cut scenes were great at first and blew me away, but after a while I just wanted to play and not watch people talk. I didn't mind most of them, but when they pulled out slide shows and just yapped for minutes I felt like just skipping them. I'm on my second play through and I just skip most of the cut scenes except or th good ones.


CrushDance said:
B) The only voice that sounded forced to me at times was Snakes, in the bonus disc with the LE it shows how the voice acting was done. It wasn't just people reading off a script, but rather two people talking back and forth as if they were the characters.

Yeah. The cut scenes were great at first and blew me away, but after a while I just wanted to play and not watch people talk. I didn't mind most of them, but when they pulled out slide shows and just yapped for minutes I felt like just skipping them. I'm on my second play through and I just skip most of the cut scenes except or th good ones.

I watched the bonus round interview with David Hayter and he said that he wanted snakes voice to sound really raspy and more forced this time around. He's old, rapidly aging and his voice should reflect that.

Well, to each their own. I enjoyed all that and still do. If there's a lot of cut scenes, when they go to an "intermission" (i.e. loading screen where you have to press start to continue or start of a new act for example) I'll just pause it, grab a drink or whatever, check GAF and then continue on. It really helps when you take breaks since there's a lot to digest in this game.


Darkpen said:
that's what you get for not helping the rebels take out the power station


I'm trying to weigh which is the quicker option... and helping the rebels seems like it, because all I have to do is
Grenade the power station myself?

Which i should be able to do straight away without getting involved in the firefight.


I just crawled straight to the power station.

Taking it out is a really good shortcut.

1:37 finished act 2 on The Boss Extreme. I'm tired.


Steroyd said:

I'm trying to weigh which is the quicker option... and helping the rebels seems like it, because all I have to do is
Grenade the power station myself?

Which i should be able to do straight away without getting involved in the firefight.

I took the time to help them, then ran up the left side (not the side that
Drebin drives down
) grabbed the tranq ammo, went to the next screen, hung a left, sniped everyone with the sniper tranqs and then ran to the next screen. Had plenty of time to spare.
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