Wait wait wait... You can use tranqualizer ammo with the sniper rifles? Damn, I've tranqued everyone during act 1 and 2 using the little tranq gun. :lol1stStrike said:I took the time to help them, then ran up the left side (not the side that) grabbed the tranq ammo, went to the next screen, hung a left, sniped everyone with the sniper tranqs and then ran to the next screen. Had plenty of time to spare.Drebin drives down
Only the Mosin Nagint. The weapons whos icons are blue are non-lethal. There is a type of shotgun round that is also non-lethal.Danielsan said:Wait wait wait... You can use tranqualizer ammo with the sniper rifles? Damn, I've tranqued everyone during act 1 and 2 using the little tranq gun. :lol
Rez>You said:Only the Mosin Nagint. The weapons whos icons are blue are non-lethal. There is a type of shotgun round that is also non-lethal.
Prayers.glaurung said:How do you get the burnt Solidus camouflage?
Rez>You said:Prayers.
Get Big Boss rank: complete the game in under 5 hours on "The Boss Extreme" with 0 alerts, kills, continues and recovery items used. Yep.
Ah right. I was unaware the camo even existed, heh.kamorra said:That's for the. He only need to use Continue for over 40 times for themask.camouflage
I got almost 500 kills in my first play because I killed pretty much everyone that was in my way, wth the exception of rebels/militia :lolBlockBastard said:I don't think I'll ever have the patience to do a Big Boss run in 4 even though I did them in all previous MGS games. Shooting fools is just so much fun here that I can resist doing something violent to unsuspecting enemy soldiers.
I can't bring myself to kill the Haven troopers though ;_;
Rez>You said:Only the Mosin Nagint. The weapons whos icons are blue are non-lethal. There is a type of shotgun round that is also non-lethal.
Rez>You said:Ah right. I was unaware the camo even existed, heh.
kamorra said:That's for the. He only need to use Continue for over 40 times for themask.camouflage
You know you can skip cutscenes... right?Kydd BlaZe said:Hmmm...just finished the game last night.
Big dissapointment for me. Too...many...fucking...cutscenes. It's not that they're particularly bad, in fact some of them we're really epic. It's just that they were overly and needlessly long, with a lot of unnecessary dialogue. They felt stretched to the point that it annoyed the shit out of me. Make no mistake, MGS4 is still a great game, it's just that I felt that there needed to be more gameplay, and a lot less chit chat.
The original MGS still holds the title as the best in the series, IMO. MGS4 just felt like a step backwards on so many levels. It just didn't blow me away like I thought it would.
If your opinion doesn't change by Act 3 then yeah your not capable of forming an unbiased opinionOpus Angelorum said:@ CrushDance
I'll elaborate on my points when I've finished the game.
I openly admit that I'm in a minority when I state my overall disappointment.
I get the impression that some people think that because I'm not a huge fan of the franchise, I'm not capable of forming an unbiased and informed opinion. They could not be more wrong.
Opus Angelorum said:I openly admit that I'm in a minority when I state my overall disappointment.
antiloop said:Disappointment compared to what?
kamorra said:That's for the. He only need to use Continue for over 40 times for themask.camouflage
Steroyd said:How many waves of frogs is there ffs!?!Laughing Octopus:
I quite like that aspect of the series, but even as a fan, I do feel that MGS4 had a mixed up cutscene to gameplay ratio. I think MGS3 remains the best example of how to balance cutscenes and gameplay to create something special.Baryn said:You know you can skip cutscenes... right?
MGS has always been an interactive story anyway. If you complain about that, complain about the amount of shooting in an FPS.
Wait, so thekamorra said:That's for the. He only need to use Continue for over 40 times for themask.camouflage
Corpse camo is a camo pattern for the OctoCamo. TheEphemeris said:They're two different things?Pics of the
Steroyd said:How many waves of frogs is there ffs!?!Laughing Octopus:
Opus Angelorum said:At the moment, disappointment at the core game-play compared to the story that encompasses it.
hirokazu said:Corpse camo is a camo pattern for the OctoCamo. TheFaceCamo is like every other FaceCamo that you get, but itBig Bosscomplements the corpse OctoCamo well.![]()
1stStrike said:Sleeping gas mines are your friend.
blindrocket said:I don't know if this has been mentioned yet or not, but we were talking at work about Drebin and how that is the name of the Leslie Neilsen's character from the Naked Gun films. Drebin strips the ID from guns thus making them a "naked gun."
Metalmurphy said:by the end of Act 3... Gaming Nirvana!!
blindrocket said:I don't know if this has been mentioned yet or not, but we were talking at work about Drebin and how that is the name of the Leslie Neilsen's character from the Naked Gun films. Drebin strips the ID from guns thus making them a "naked gun."
hirokazu said:I got almost 500 kills in my first play because I killed pretty much everyone that was in my way, wth the exception of rebels/militia :lol
Doing no kill/no alert really changes the way you have to think and play if you went running and gunning the first time, it's so much fun.
Simple, just use non-lethal weapons. I think it may be possible to let the AI take care of it for you in the easier difficulties, but it'd probably take ages because they might not "see" some of the enemies.McBradders said:How do you do sections like the FoxHound escape sequence without killing? Just take cover until the AI takes care of it for you? :/
hirokazu said:Simple, just use non-lethal weapons. I think it may be possible to let the AI take care of it for you in the easier difficulties, but it'd probably take ages because they might not "see" some of the enemies.
Charged rail gun, I would have thought.Madsucktion said:So, question for you people that have completed The Boss runs, which is the best weapon to use on theI've been messing around, and can't decided which ones are best. The 50-cal is nice and fast, but it seems to me that a rockect launcher *should* be faster.beast versions of the BB fights?
I'm pretty sure there were plenty of instances where you could not get to where they were, and hence the Mk.II couldn't either, but yeah, you could do that for the ones you could reach.dabookerman said:Hide.. then..
Metal Gear Mk II
the official strat guide.decon said:Just finished the game and wanted to know where the best place for secret stuff is? Gamefaqs or is there a better place?
Awesome game by the way, I really need to play it again, so much stuff that I want to try but couldn't in the first run. Only real complain that I have, is that you can't cover, then bind shootDidn't miss it all that much though. Story, gameplay anything is just awesome.
hirokazu said:Yeah, it was really cheesy, but I thought it was funny as hell. I actually laughed out loud at that.
But come to think of it, I don't think I've ever heard one positive comment from you about this game, like ever.
The only problem I had during that was theDanielsan said:The start of act 3 is really the only gameplay part of the game that I really dislike. I which it was shorter or maybe it would be nice if the game allowed me mulitple options.
I just finished listening to GFW's Metal Gear talk and I already regret it. I can definitely see some of the flaws that they talk about but for instance hearing Shawn Elliot talk about how he wanted to skip thebecause he died 5 times just make me sad. To me that was one of the most brilliant scenes in the game.Liquid fight
Maybe, when I'm reading the backlog of posts from overnight, I usually skim through the bits where people are bitching about the game and others are trying to defend it.Solo said:Then you've done selective reading! I love the gameplay, graphics, sound design, music, and the overall polish of the production values, and most of the cutscene direction. Its just the retarded/retconned/fanfic-ish story that I hate.
:lol :lol :lolKuroyume said:I thought the ending to Act 3 was retarded.He can shoot down helicopters and control guns with his fingers? What?
hirokazu said:Maybe, when I'm reading the backlog of posts from overnight, I usually skim through the bits where people are bitching about the game and others are trying to defend it.![]()
Wow, that looks brilliant.Kagari said:Where can I has more of this art:
h3ro said:You know what the best part about beating MGS4 is?
hi-lighting spoilers with reckless abandon![]()