Darkpen said:I don't agree. MGS1 certainly had the best fleshed out characters, but I wouldn't call out Solidus. His relationship with Raiden was interesting, and the introduction of the Patriots gave new weight to the ominous world of MGS1's ending phone call.
By disregarding Solidus's importance, as well as the S3 plan, you're completely ignoring the entire point of both MGS3 and 4.
Isn't that ironic?dalyr95 said:I was just using Solidus as an example as he was the main villain of MGS2, yet I felt very little for him as opposed to Boss, Liquid, OcelotFatman would of been a better example. I understand Solidus's importance and what the Patriots were hoping to achieve, but the goals have always been obscure and the lack of a readily identifiable avatar for the Patriots I felt that aspect of the storyline has been one of the weaker points of >MGS2(to be honest, the way he was treated in 4, provoked the strongest feeling from me.)
Torquill said:Anyone else figure out the bit in the Liquid fight where you can start smashing his head against the metal poles? Fun times.
personally, I feel like I rushed through the game on my first playthrough, and ended up clocking in at 17 hours. About 8 of those hours were probably cutscenes.njp142 said:Can someone give me a rough estimate of how long each Act takes (including the cutscenes)? It's probably been asked but I don't want to wade through the thread in fear of spoilers. I beat Act 1 in 2.5 hours, and I'm trying to plan the rest of this week to finish it. Thanks.
Auron_Kale said:Started my second play-through last night - working on trying to get the assassin emblem, as well as other things. I told myself that I'd take a brief hiatus from the game after completing it the first time (I wanted like at least a week's break) but after deciding to complete the database instead of patching GTA4 (like I had originally planned), I went right back to playing MGS4 again. God I love this game.![]()
Probably my favorite touch in the game is the fact that Sunny's songs are all sung to the MGS main theme. Now I won't be able to stare at the periodic table without humming the main theme :lol.
that's context sensitive. If you're near him, and you do CQC, it happens, I guess.Torquill said:Anyone else figure out the bit in the Liquid fight where you can start smashing his head against the metal poles? Fun times.
Darkpen said:Its not the first time I've heard that complaint. There is a minority of people, who we shall dub "english majors," that find the story laughable at best. Personally, I don't really care for their opinion.
Darkpen said:But you're right. You can't appreciate who Solidus was, and what he was trying to achieve, because not only is everything explained right at the end, and in the most horribly written fashion ever, but the guy's just trying to kill you. What's confusing is wrapping your head around the fact that he was a good guy (in a way).
Darkpen said:No
I'm sure those emblems will have something to do with when Home comes out.
Also, what part ofAct 5 are you talking about? The long hallway that you have to go through, or the fight right before Screaming Mantis? I just beat the game w/ the Big Boss emblem, and honestly, it initial wave of haven troopers aren't that bad, and the long hallway with the dwarf gekko can be completely ignored by using the drum can to roll them over.
soldat7 said:Hopefully. I find little motivation to earn emblems, camos, etc. in the absence of Achievements.
With regards to Act 5(I'm talking about the very beginning of the level primarily). The haven troopers just keep coming endlessly, there's very little stealth, and just as I get my rail gun powers up to take out a Gecko I get attacked from behind...lame. MGS4 is not at it's best during these moments.
Perhaps my biggest complaint about the game is the omnipresent Drebin store. This almost completely eliminated any challenge that the bosses posed (and it would have been more interesting to know about their back-stories BEFORE the fights...)
Regardless, FOXDIE working onDunpealD said:You can see as you could have seen in MGS 1 you may have not noticed this, but MGS4 also puts more emphasis on the action of the characters than the previous games.
Brad said:i think there might be something wrong with my game..
i'm on act 3 and I can't find the resistance member. The first time I tried the act I found him right away, however after failing the mission and restarting I am unable to find him at all. I can constantly hear him whistling but I don't see him anywhere. After searching for 10 minutes Otacon tells me I need to find another member. -_-
you fool.soldat7 said:Hopefully. I find little motivation to earn emblems, camos, etc. in the absence of Achievements.
With regards to Act 5(I'm talking about the very beginning of the level primarily). The haven troopers just keep coming endlessly, there's very little stealth, and just as I get my rail gun powers up to take out a Gecko I get attacked from behind...lame. MGS4 is not at it's best during these moments.
Perhaps my biggest complaint about the game is the omnipresent Drebin store. This almost completely eliminated any challenge that the bosses posed (and it would have been more interesting to know about their back-stories BEFORE the fights...)
personally, I messed up half-way to the door on my first playthrough, but I certainly wasn't as crappy as to complain about an "unending wave of frogs and gekko"Marconelly said:I don't get complaints about Act 5 beginning. I was playing the game on hard and was able to sneak through just fine. I tried going into fight first time, died, then realized I could pretty easily sneak there.
What I did is I just crawled towards the left side (where you start) and used tranq gun to put to sleep everyone who was close. It was pretty easy, and the only time I was spotted was one of the moments where the enemy was unsure about it, so I was able to put them to sleep before they got closer. Sneaking past Gekkos there was even easier.
Darkpen said:you fool.
You can stealth through that. How do you think we're getting our Big Boss emblem?
personally, I messed up half-way to the door on my first playthrough, but I certainly wasn't as crappy as to complain about an "unending wave of frogs and gekko"
Darkpen said:Its not the first time I've heard that complaint. There is a minority of people, who we shall dub "english majors," that find the story laughable at best. Personally, I don't really care for their opinion.
I'm calling you a fool for thinking that Act 5's beginning is intentionally a shooterfest.soldat7 said:Fool? Well screw me for not knowing about the sacred Big Boss Emblem.
Good grief.
thetrin said:Dude, I'm an English BA, and loved the script. Don't label all the haters that way. We may all WRITE pretentiously, but we don't all think everything has to BE pretentious.
What do you propose?Skilletor said:But I like the story. Come up with a new "dub."
Of course, this is comparing it to other games.
U K Narayan said:Regardless, FOXDIE working onis the same as it working onEVA. There is no obvious visual cue. The virus did its thing IMMEDIATELY whenBig BossEVA made contact with Snake.
Darkpen said:I'm calling you a fool for thinking that Act 5's beginning is intentionally a shooterfest.
soldat7 said:MGS4 is one of the best games I've played and I level a couple of complaints and am called a fool.
Nice MGS4 community we have going here. *Exiting stage left*
.soldat7 said:With regards to Act 5(I'm talking about the very beginning of the level primarily). The haven troopers just keep coming endlessly, there's very little stealth, and just as I get my rail gun powers up to take out a Gecko I get attacked from behind...lame. MGS4 is not at it's best during these moments.
soldat7 said:Hopefully. I find little motivation to earn emblems, camos, etc. in the absence of Achievements.
With regards to Act 5(I'm talking about the very beginning of the level primarily). The haven troopers just keep coming endlessly, there's very little stealth, and just as I get my rail gun powers up to take out a Gecko I get attacked from behind...lame. MGS4 is not at it's best during these moments.
soldat7 said:MGS4 is one of the best games I've played and I level a couple of complaints and am called a fool.
Nice MGS4 community we have going here. *Exiting stage left*
The lower difficulties certainly are shooterfests, but in turn, it ruins any chance at inspiring the idea of the game being a fucking STEALTH GAME to the god damned newbies. MGS1 had an oldschool approach of giving you limited health that would slowly grow by defeating new bosses, but with MGS4, that same sense of stealth is absolutely gone. People run into the open, and complain about how they're dying so damned much, as they blow through their initial collection of rations like the dumbasses they are.ChrisGoldstein said:That's what I love about MGS4, you can play it as a shooterfest if you like. I'm doing my
2nd play thru right now and I'm taking out everything. Love killing those big apvs now with the rail gun. I think I'll just spare the beauties, I'm not going for the Big Boss Emblem until I have confirmation that it will show up on my trophies/achievements.
soldat7 said:MGS4 is one of the best games I've played and I level a couple of complaints and am called a fool.
Nice MGS4 community we have going here. *Exiting stage left*
For a good lot of its victims, I agree. I just disagree that it happened with the two characters that I mentioned.DunpealD said:Sorry my fault for expressing my thoughts inaccurate, of course you're right it does its work IMMEDIATELY, but there's an actual visual cue that shows that FOXDIE has progressed to a deadly state.
U K Narayan said:For a good lot of its victims, I agree. I just disagree that it happened with the two characters that I mentioned.
soldat7 said:MGS4 is one of the best games I've played and I level a couple of complaints and am called a fool.
Nice MGS4 community we have going here. *Exiting stage left*
tha_con said:If I said GTA IV was a bad RPG, then I would be a fool.
You saying the beginning of Act 5 is a 'shooter fest' is essentially the same type of comment.
MoxManiac said:I'm happy that the stealth is underrespresented in this game. I never liked the heavy stealth much in MGS1 and 2 and thanks to changes in( the freedom of how you can play) MGS3 and MGS4 i'm enjoying the series much more. I can see why die hard fans would be dissapointed though.
soldat7 said:Fool? Well screw me for not knowing about the sacred Big Boss Emblem.
Good grief.
Gaudi, the program Otacon uses to do everything. For instance, its through Gaudi that he detects REX's statistics and actions, as Snake pilots it.alr1ghtstart said:Maybe I'm just dense (or overlooked something in the game), but what the hell is that logo used on MGS Database supposed to be (it's the little icon used when selecting from the XMB and in the main program right after you click "Database")?
it looks like this:
Dyno said:The great thing about MSG4 is that the stealth (which was always decent) is all there to use but the shooting has been elevated to equal status. Snake was always an amazing sneaker but his gunfighting was spotty at best due to camera and controls.
Now Snake is every bit as good an infantryman as he is a scout. I love that about the game.
Torquill said:My analogy would have been "GTA IV has too much bowling"
The only time I was frustrated was during the bike chase. At other times, it was me being stupid and not taking something into account, or accidentally killing someone.Shinz Kicker said:im suprised so many people are having so much trouble with BE mode. im gonna try a from scratch runn sometime soon. thats going to be rough.
Shinz Kicker said:im suprised so many people are having so much trouble with BE mode. im gonna try a from scratch runn sometime soon. thats going to be rough.