Blu_LED said:Is it possible?to get past the motorcycle part without killing anyone on Big Boss Extreme
Kagari said:One issue I have a question on:
When you get tomy TV likes to cut out and lose signal and so I have to turn it off then back on. Anyone else had this problem and is there a way to fix it?the MGS1 flashback playable scene
There is also this one for Twin Snakes.Kagari said:Where can I has more of this art:
Ephemeris said:
Blu_LED said:Is it possible?to get past the motorcycle part without killing anyone on Big Boss Extreme
How. Can you switch to the Mosin Nagant or do you just sit there?Steroyd said:Yes.
For the love of god I'm going to be upto that part soon. ;_;
Kagari said:One issue I have a question on:
When you get tomy TV likes to cut out and lose signal and so I have to turn it off then back on. Anyone else had this problem and is there a way to fix it?the MGS1 flashback playable scene
atomico said:lol
are you serious?
look carefully. it says "HIDEO 2" instead of "VIDEO". Kojima's way of fucking with your brain. Psycho Mantis did the same thing in MGS1
atomico said:lol
are you serious?
look carefully. it says "HIDEO 2" instead of "VIDEO". Kojima's way of fucking with your brain. Psycho Mantis did the same thing in MGS1
Ken Masters said:I am trying to unlock the Stealth Camo and I know you need to get this by not getting a single alert
If I do get an alert do I have to just quit the game every time? or can I just get killed? Because I don't see any load game option, just save option
Ken Masters said:If I do get an alert do I have to just quit the game every time? or can I just get killed? Because I don't see any load game option, just save option
I still have no clue how I got through that on BB hard, and thats the part I'm at on my BBxtreme run : (. The only thing I can suggest is toSteroyd said:Yes.
For the love of god I'm going to be upto that part soon. ;_;
AzRim904 said:Zero Punctuation review is up! Some funny parts, and most of you will hate it![]()
alr1ghtstart said:no, it's probably an HDMI handshake issue (although the screen does stay black for a good 5-6 seconds before it loads.. HIDEO 2 comes up when you fight Screaming/Psycho Mantis.
sonicmj1 said:If you get an alert, go to the Save option, and select 'Return to Main Menu'. You can then load your last save from there.
Kinda clunky. I wish it had an RE4-style "restart from continue point" option in the pause screen.
atomico said:lol
are you serious?
look carefully. it says "HIDEO 2" instead of "VIDEO". Kojima's way of fucking with your brain. Psycho Mantis did the same thing in MGS1
Kagari said:One issue I have a question on:
When you get tomy TV likes to cut out and lose signal and so I have to turn it off then back on. Anyone else had this problem and is there a way to fix it?the MGS1 flashback playable scene
alr1ghtstart said:go to Save>Title Menu. It's a giant pain in the ass, I hope they patch a Load Game option to the in-game save menu.
Ken Masters said:I am trying to unlock the Stealth Camo and I know you need to get this by not getting a single alert
If I do get an alert do I have to just quit the game every time? or can I just get killed? Because I don't see any load game option, just save option
atomico said:you have to either restart or load a previous save. if you kill yourself and continue the game, the alert (and whatever you did until you died) will still count
fake edit: still haven't finished the game, but that's how it worked in the previous titles.
iirc there used to be a few more requirements as well, besides not triggering any alerts. you also had to get 0 kills, 0 deaths/continues, less than X number of saves, less than 1 lifebar of total damage and complete the game in less than X hours
Depends. Do you want it to be easy?Ken Masters said:damn, this is going to be a bitch then
do you suggest I just play it on a easy difficulty ?
roxya said:Yeah it's not nice when he doesn't play the game properly and tells lies. Like 'Snake takes 1 second to ready his gun before shooting' only happens if you emptied your magazine and didn't bother reloading before putting it away. And apparently you have infinite tranq rounds? And you 'have to press L1 AND R1 AND triangle to shoot'? wtf!]/b]
Yes, i'm a MGS fanboy. So what.
Lol, if I did that, there wouldn't be much left of the game. And not only that, i'd miss out on the story. I just felt that the cutscenes were ridiculously long with a lot of unecessary dialouge.Baryn said:You know you can skip cutscenes... right?
MGS has always been an interactive story anyway. If you complain about that, complain about the amount of shooting in an FPS.
It was pretty easy for me, but I was sneaking. OK, that's exaggerating - it wasn't pretty easy, but not nearly as hard as some other places in the game. I got through I think on my 3rd attempt.Paranoid_Robot said:I want to play through it again and this time I will try and sneak by it but on my first playthrough I just run and gunned it and had to use about 6 rations o something :s
Darkpen said:Its not the first time I've heard that complaint. There is a minority of people, who we shall dub "english majors," that find the story laughable at best. Personally, I don't really care for their opinion.
Ephemeris said:
Bishman said:MGS4 is up there with the best gaming experience I have ever had. OoT, RE4, Portal, and now MGS4. Now I can read all the spoilers in this thread. :lol
Danielsan said:Damnit, the tune that the resistance from act III whistles is stuck in my head. :lol
Ploid 3.0 said:Sunny sings it too with different lyrics. I wonder if it was some kind of nursery rhyme or something that the patriots played for the children they obtained. Or perhaps it's just a popular tune in the world of MGS.
Yeah I noticed. It's just that I found myself whisteling along with the resistance member during the entire stalking part. :lolPloid 3.0 said:Sunny sings it too with different lyrics. I wonder if it was some kind of nursery rhyme or something that the patriots played for the children they obtained. Or perhaps it's just a popular tune in the world of MGS.
Danielsan said:Yeah I noticed. It's just that I found myself whisteling along with the resistance member during the entire stalking part. :lol
BobTheFork said:I still have no clue how I got through that on BB hard, and thats the part I'm at on my BBxtreme run : (. The only thing I can suggest is tohit the jeep gunner first and FAST. They will kill the most life. Also you can save after every single part of the chase, so restart and get through it with more health if you have to. You get you health restored during the last part so that helps. I found grenades to not be helpful at all. Have the double barrel loaded with v-ring ammo too. Make sure you hit one of the jeep gunner during the slow-mo jump. good luck
Lemming_JRS said:As a former English major, you probably won't care for mine either, but here it is anyway:
I like to divide the narrative into two parts: the story and the writing. The story in all the Metal Gear games has always been entertaining, if a little too convoluted for its own good. That's never bothered me. It's all part of the fun, part of the genre that Kojima helped create.
What's always bothered me is the writing, and by writing, I mean the actual words coming out of the character's mouths. Very few scenes made me feel like I was witnessing real human emotions -- the best written scene in the game, in my opinion anyway, was the one in Act 3It had dialogue that actually sounded like something people would actually say in that situation. And yeah, the epilogue withwhere Snake and Meryl talk in the train station.Big Boss in the graveyard was kind of cool for the character reveal, and then it turned into a 30 minute blah blah blah fest and felt like a huge wasted opportunity.
The other problem with the writing? There's way too much of it. I'm all for expressing a viewpoint through your characters, but for chrissakes, there are ways to do it that aren't so heavy-handed, long-winded, or frankly, boring. Did Naomi's talk about nanomachines prior toneed to go on for 20 minutes? Are there ways that Kojima could've used a few sentences instead of a few paragraphs? Hell yes. The over-expository dialogue ends up working against the emotional content that Kojima's trying to hard to create. At the end of Act 4 whenthe fight with Laughing OctopusNaomi is dying and Otacon is crying, Otacon's crying turns from sad to laughable because he has to keep on crying through Naomi's long, long farewell speech. If she had gotten her point across quickly, I might've felt something for him, but instead it turned something that could've been sad into something ridiculous.
And yeah, I realize that I could've skipped the cutscenes. But frankly, that's half the reason you buy these games. Still had fun playing the game, but I hope that Kojima spends a little bit of money on a good copy editor next time.![]()
Farnack said:So I finished the bike chase scene on The Boss Extreme only to find out that I accidentally continued once instead of reloading the save... >_>;
It's the Metal Gear Solid theme.Ploid 3.0 said:Sunny sings it too with different lyrics. I wonder if it was some kind of nursery rhyme or something that the patriots played for the children they obtained. Or perhaps it's just a popular tune in the world of MGS.
Guzim said:It's the Metal Gear Solid theme.
140.85 said:I'm really lovin' the "Here's To You" song in the credits. It's only four lines repeated and apparently it was originally in an Italian film, but it just fits so perfectly with the end of Snake's saga.
Guzim said:It's the Metal Gear Solid theme.