So...was this ever clarified?:
dark10x said:That also confused me a bit. I believe what you stated is precisely what Kojima had in mind for MGS4. During the final battle with Ocelot, he removes his coat and you see that the arm he is using isn't even a human arm at all so it was obviously NOT the arm of Liquid.
dark10x said:That also confused me a bit. I believe what you stated is precisely what Kojima had in mind for MGS4. During the final battle with Ocelot, he removes his coat and you see that the arm he is using isn't even a human arm at all so it was obviously NOT the arm of Liquid.
I believe MGS2 creates a few problems for this story point that Kojima didn't initially think through and was essentially left to clear up with future games. Of course, what Big Boss says regarding stimuli triggering reactions makes sense (Snake triggering Liquid) and falls in line with what we are told Ocelot went through. The only thing I can think of is that the arm was simply used as a method for explaining why Ocelot was taken over by Liquid in order to evade the Patriots.
The only thing that remains a mystery is why they used Cam Clarke's voice in MGS2. THAT doesn't make any sense and certainly doesn't jive with what we are told. I think that was one of those things that Kojima thought would be cool but ultimately couldn't explain when the time came. MGS2 clearly had a lot of thought put into it, but I don't believe every plot point had a logical reasoning at the time of writing.
Of course, prior to MGS4, I had thought that MGS3 basically explained the arm. Was not Ocelot the son of The Boss and The Sorrow? As a son of The Sorrow, it seemed feasible that Ocelot would be a spirit medium as well and the attaching of Liquids arm would have triggered the type of reaction we saw in MGS2. That is a bit more fantastical, of course, but that seemed possible. Clearly that isn't what Kojima intended.
The whole situation is just a bit messy and I think they did they best they could to logically work with it.
JasoNsider said:Just finished the game and have incredibly mixed feelings.
This game is what happens to a story without a good deal of editing or restraint. It honestly reminds me of the script for the new Indiana Jones - when nobody bothers to stand up and say "sir, I think this might be too much" or "sir, I think we could stand to re-form certain sections". Metal Gear Solid, as it stood prior to release, could have used a load of reform in the way of writing. Now it's almost helpless and embarassing.
For the sake of reference, I've played through all games in the series. After MGS2 I remember thinking how badly the series needed to reform its outlook on creative writing and character development. The third game in the series, while still failing on a lot of elements in this regard, really pulled together an ending that left me breathless. For this latest title in the series there were points of frustration in dropping a potentially great story mechanic and also of complete embarassment at the whole ending sequence of events.
The list honestly goes on. I'm so confused about this series now and I feel it ended on such a sour note that not only bored me to tears, but confused it's own direction with gutless plot movements. I'll still be watching your work in the future, Kojima. Still looking forward to your games, I just really think the writing could use some restraint.As a story, this game fails on so many levels for me. The writing, at the beginning of the game, seems like it's ready to change the structure and flow on a number of levels for the better. When snake steps into the helicopter at the beginning and Ottocon says they've found "him", great work. Snake also standing outside in the graves, old, and still leaving the player wondering why he's so much older than Ottocon who just came out to see him. This is excellent structure. The speech at the beginning of the game (minus some really, really cheesy screams from the troops) with the use of the incredibly moving theme is totally incredible. From there, the game seems to slowly slump down and down to the point where I'm just left dissapointed at what could have been.
Here are a couple examples of writing that was dissapointing to me:
-Snake finds out he's got only a couple months to live. Snake finds out he could kill the world himself and it will only happen while he's alive. This is an incredibly dramatic story element that made me say "oh my god, I see that look in his eye, I know what he's thinking". But this seemingly goes nowhere and instead focus is moved to all sorts of other monologues and endless conversations about clones and lineage. For shame, as this could have been an asbolutely amazing climax
-Snake's downward spiral to death in the ship while crawling through the microwave. So incredible, so moving, and yet he gets up and walks away after that and even fights on top of the ship, etc. This was a perfect time to actually use a crescendo leading to an emotional climax and ultimately the falling action that would be the end of a story.
-Snake's suicide. I couldn't believe it while watching - the first time in the game from the opening that I was impressed with Kojima's structure. But no, he didn't even kill himself. I can't even tell you how dissapointing all the misdirection is.
-Tales of the women you killed. Very weak storytelling.
TTP said:Who is this "Ottocon" guy?
JasoNsider said:OtaconCouldn't remember how to spell his name.
Awntawn said:How quickly stuff gets lost in these threads ;'(
For those people who refuse to accept the wholething, I recommend the movie "Tale of Two Sisters". I have no idea how the Hollywood version is going to turn out, but the Korean movie was very eye-opening about a similar concept. Turn on the subtitles and let it rip D;Liquid Doppelganger
Downloading it right now.![]()
Hey, I obtained it the same exact way!Attack You said:You know you can get banned for that, right? Just sayin'.
You're in for a treat, though. And I guess the gore isn't gratuitous. It's more psychological than shock. It goes down a little better the 2nd time.
Found this gem at a Hollywood Video that was closing down at the time, for $5. Later gave it to a friend as a Halloween present, just because she appreciates all things Korean more than I do. I kinda regret that now, though, because I think she still hasn't watched it yet.![]()
Attack You said:You know you can get banned for that, right? Just sayin'.
Attack You said:You're in for a treat, though. And I guess the gore isn't gratuitous. It's more psychological than shock. It goes down a little better the 2nd time.
Found this gem at a Hollywood Video that was closing down at the time, for $5. Later gave it to a friend as a Halloween present, just because she appreciates all things Korean more than I do. I kinda regret that now, though, because I think she still hasn't watched it yet.![]()
Dave1988 said:Well, did a little search. It turns out I have to frisk a PMC walking outside the park, and not a resistance member.
Will do on the next playthrough.
TTP said:Nope. It's the Resistance member. You sure you are checking him out properly? Pressing Triangles when prompted?
JasoNsider said:-Snake's suicide. I couldn't believe it while watching - the first time in the game from the opening that I was impressed with Kojima's structure. But no, he didn't even kill himself. I can't even tell you how dissapointing all the misdirection is..
Doc Evils said:I've just ordered that Hori MGS4 charger stand.
I must of spent at least £500 on MGS4 related stuff and I still can't help my self.![]()
GoncaloCCastro said:BTW here's something I fooled around with, a panorama of the. Linkheliport
dermannmitdemcolt said:Shame on him....he really should be ashamed by that. I'm irrateted that people actually believe Snakes suicide would've been a fitting end. You act like Kojima dropped the tragic theme of the story and instead gave us a lazy happy end...which he really didn't. It's still a very bitter sweet ending.That he didn't spoil the ending with the start screen (and a 2 year old trailer)
Doc Evils said:I must of spent at least £500 on MGS4 related stuff and I still can't help my self.![]()
Firewire said:I can't kill the Octopus bitch! I have no bullets in my machine guns, I only have the stun gun and a pistol and they seem to do nothing! Do I have to visit Drebin for some fire power? What weapon would you guys recommend and is there a good strategy to take her out?
Sorry for the lame questions but I only get the time to play the game once a week if I get a couple of hours to do so![]()
Firewire said:I can't kill the Octopus bitch! I have no bullets in my machine guns, I only have the stun gun and a pistol and they seem to do nothing! Do I have to visit Drebin for some fire power? What weapon would you guys recommend and is there a good strategy to take her out?
Sorry for the lame questions but I only get the time to play the game once a week if I get a couple of hours to do so![]()
Firewire said:I can't kill the Octopus bitch! I have no bullets in my machine guns, I only have the stun gun and a pistol and they seem to do nothing! Do I have to visit Drebin for some fire power? What weapon would you guys recommend and is there a good strategy to take her out?
Sorry for the lame questions but I only get the time to play the game once a week if I get a couple of hours to do so![]()
wotter said:
dabookerman said:Whatcha get?
I might list my stuff in a sec.
JasoNsider said:You can disagree if you'd like. No problem with that.
My personal beef is that there should have been more clear direction with the story. This one is a great example of what I thought was one of the few bold moves the story had taken after so much let-down and again had an "oh, gotcha!" yet again. Some of the greatest stories ever told are powerful because they take risks. Even MGS3, with many similar structure and lower-level problems with the story, had one or two parts where a risk was taken on structure.
MGS4 just had an incredible amount of times where you could see it moving in a new emotional direction only to use a silly amount of twists and shotgun-blast style story direction.
Again, the first couple minutes of the game gave me hope, but the structure of the story just went straight downhill as it went on in my humble opinion.
dermannmitdemcolt said:Shame on him....he really should be ashamed by that. I'm irrateted that people actually believe Snakes suicide would've been a fitting end. You act like Kojima dropped the tragic theme of the story and instead gave us a lazy happy end...which he really didn't. It's still a very bitter sweet ending.That he didn't spoil the ending with the start screen (and a 3 year old trailer)
Firewire said:I can't kill the Octopus bitch! I have no bullets in my machine guns, I only have the stun gun and a pistol and they seem to do nothing! Do I have to visit Drebin for some fire power? What weapon would you guys recommend and is there a good strategy to take her out?
Sorry for the lame questions but I only get the time to play the game once a week if I get a couple of hours to do so![]()
atomico said:The resistance guy has a different Snatcher track, Bio Hazard.
Neo Kobe is supposedly on one of the PMCs just outside the park, (says the interweb).
Haven't had a chance to confirm that one. I had just finished act 3 when I read about it, and I sure as hell wasn't gonna replayjust to get itthe bike chase![]()
Steiner_Zi said:I can't understand all these suicide whores. You may as well commit suicide without reason whenever you want. Just leave Snake out of it. He deserves a few months of peace before he dies.
Brobzoid said:feels so fake though,instead of killing him, he basically said "he's not dead, you made it out of the game alive, be proud. But he's still gonna die, just off screen so you don't feel so bad about it... and he can come back in mgsx with an equally lame plot twist.
and I really do agree with a your list, jason. I was actually slightly upset after completing the game, because I had hoped, with all the ranting and raving going around at that time, the ending would be satisfying. :\
So true.AKS said:You guys just can't be satisfied with Snake having a few months of peace in which he isn't being shot, stabbed, electrocuted, beaten, of microwaved, can you? This guy deserves a bit of happiness and peace for a change. He only has a few months to live. Let him have a few moments to spend with people he cares about and enjoy his final days.
sonicmj1 said:Without reason?If he didn't do it, the whole universe was going to die. That's not without reason.
disappeared said:If Snake avoids the beauty form in the white room for 3 mins. They die - a LETHAL death. This could maybe mean that the beauties die of "grief" in that not even Snake would put them out of the misery. (Drebin says "cleansed" in a codec conversation). The beauties were bred for battle thus they want SNAKE the Legendary Soldier to kill them.
Steiner_Zi said:Didn't you get that the old FoxDIE which was the problem was having his ass kicked by the new one? The latter will start to mutate as well after a while but Snake will long be dead by then. That's what BB told him and that's why there was no reason for him to kill himself anymore.
sonicmj1 said:But if he had just killed himself before BB showed up, then that ending and the dumb 'new Foxdie kills old Foxdie' explanation never would have happened. It was entirely justified at the time he was doing it.
Naturally, after Big Boss arrives and explains stuff, there's no point in him killing himself anymore.
AKS said:You guys just can't be satisfied with Snake having a few months of peace in which he isn't being shot, stabbed, electrocuted, beaten, of microwaved, can you? This guy deserves a bit of happiness and peace for a change. He only has a few months to live. Let him have a few moments to spend with people he cares about and enjoy his final days.
SamuraiX- said:I don't see why everyone is saying that it's so stupid. Just because the ending wasn't what you expected, it must be stupid I guess. It actually makes perfect sense. The MGS series has always been about misdirection. Why should MGS4 have been any different? There's still not going to be any happy ending for Snake. He has only some months, maybe a year at most left to live. What the hell is wrong with letting him live the last days of his life not fighting/risking his life? That's all the guy has ever been doing.
I would have been absolutely disappointed if the game ended with the screen shifting above and fading out as you hear a gun shot. When the first credits started rolling, I felt completely empty. Having that kind of feeling like, "Wtf? It can't just end like that."
AKS said:You guys just can't be satisfied with Snake having a few months of peace in which he isn't being shot, stabbed, electrocuted, beaten, or microwaved, can you? This guy deserves a bit of happiness and peace for a change. He only has a few months to live. Let him have a few moments to spend with people he cares about and enjoy his final days.
disappeared said:guys, getting baked and playing MGS4 is awesome. Act 4 is crazy. anyways, my mind got racing and I jotted down some theories in my inebriated state. enjoy...
-when Otacon says Snake's memory is going, he's also kind of poking fun at the player's memory. Snake retorts afterwards saying "yeh well i just remembered it." He's like a crotchety old man.
-the return to shadow Moses is a sort of "coup de grace" for snake. Shadow Moses being his debut for the seris and the end of it. Full circle.
If Snake avoids the beauty form in the white room for 3 mins. They die - a LETHAL death. This could maybe mean that the beauties die of "grief" in that not even Snake would put them out of the misery. (Drebin says "cleansed" in a codec conversation). The beauties were bred for battle thus they want SNAKE the Legendary Soldier to kill them.
-the mini-gekko are the comedic relief. When Snake throws a magazine all of them in the vicinity will flock to it - something the player wishes ALL enemies would do.
Snake debuttted in Outer Heaven, not Shadow Moses >_>-the return to shadow Moses is a sort of "coup de grace" for snake. Shadow Moses being his debut for the seris and the end of it. Full circle.
Nemesis556 said:Snake debuttted in Outer Heaven, not Shadow Moses >_>