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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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NeoUltima said:
Gekko's don't count as kills...At the begining of the
escape sequence atop Drebin's vehicle, are you killing those "powersuit" guys? Those do count as kills.
Also maybe you did acidently kill guys b4 that sequence...A way to find out is to go to the main menu, and view a mission briefing via the save from just before the said sequence. There should be scrolling orange text that gives statistics, including kills. If it says you have six kills, then they are not from the escape sequence.

Thanks guy. I had played that sequence over 15 times and never realized. I never let them get close enough to notice. Also thanks for advising me to go into the mission briefing. I didn't even realize you could take control of the mk. 2 and got some goodies for my troubles. I have to go back and play with the other briefings now to see what else I can find. The briefings are so much more tolerable now that I don't have to give the cut scenes my full attention.

Verboten said:
Also, if you tranq the Frogs when they on the walls or ceilings, when they fall, the drop kills them. Be more careful, idiot.

I may be an idiot but that was uncalled for.


Lion Heart said:
I'll ask again, why does CD Projekt, makers of the witcher, show up in the credits

I know that CDProject is the distributor for the game in Poland, but I have no idea why they're in the credits.


I finally finished the game yesterday. It was my first MGS game. In the end, i have mixed feelings about the game.

First of all and without doubt: the production values are insane. Graphics, music, presentation, voices,... Absolutely splendid.

I didn't know anything about the story prior to MGS4 so i might not be the right person to judge. In general though, i found the story to be a bit too complicated, too bombastic maybe. To be honest, when i tried catching up with the story prior to playing MGS4, my head already exploded. I guess i'm not cut out for this sort of stories, with a lot of names to remember and a lot of tech words flying around. It did manage to move me at certain points though.

I didn't mind the cutscenes being that long. However, i don't think that there was enough balance between cutscenes and gameplay. It seems Kojima really wanted to make a movie and tell his story and that the game was for the moments in between that. In short, i found that the cutscenes took away the flow of the game.

My biggest problem with the game: i never felt that i actually mastered the gameplay. I played at an easy difficulty (2nd difficulty) and didn't die much but i had the feeling that this was more pure luck than skillful gameplay. I never managed to be as sneaky as i wanted. At times, i got caught and just ran through the wave of enemies because i had enough ration. I never really understood the gameplay mechanics behind this game. Most of the time, when i wanted to do something, i didn't turn out the way i wanted. I had the feeling that i managed to get to the end inspite of my poor gameplay.

In the end, i'm glad i bought the game as it is definately an experience. I'm going to replay it at a higher difficulty and try again. Maybe the gameplay is going to make more sense now than it did the first time around.


atomico said:
stuck on act 3, on my BBE TBE run

Last part of the chase is impossible. I don't take any damage untill the part where you pass through two humvess with gunners. I just can't seem to hit them with either the sawn-off or the mk 22. Can't hide either. So I'll get shot a few times, and lose about 1/3 health

My health drops even further after the part when Eva hits some cars. I'm drawing gunfire and losing health, but I have no idea where from

Anyway, by the time I start fighting the frogs (after two humvess flip), I'll be around 25%. I die shortly afterwards. Wash, rinse, repeat, over a dozen times

The solar gun can be useful immediately following the flipping hummers. Don't worry about charging it; just quickly hit each with a shot. Throw a smoke grenade at crowds following that, especially next to any turrents, which kill you in a couple of hits. Time smoke grenades in the alley so that they land in the middle of groups and distract them rather than trying to take each one out individually. Memorize where they appear. You'll get make it eventually.


SamuraiX- said:
The beginning was "out there?" Dear lord, by the end of the game you'll probably drop the controller, go outside, and sit there while examining your views on life more closely. :lol

It seems that way. I feel like I'm playing in a movie.

DangerStepp said:
New to Metal Gear I assume? :D

Sort of? Played it on the NES. Then played the first one of the PS1.
Tried to get into MGS3 - hated the controls - quit the game.

I've always been more of a stealth fan then a run-and-gun fan. So... as I play through this version (so far) - especially after playing Army of Two and Grand Theft Auto - I'm happier than a pig in shit.


AKS said:
The solar gun can be useful immediately following the flipping hummers. Don't worry about charging it; just quickly hit each with a shot. Throw a smoke grenade at crowds following that, especially next to any turrents, which kill you in a couple of hits. Time smoke grenades in the alley so that they land in the middle of groups and distract them rather than trying to take each one out individually. Memorize where they appear. You'll get make it eventually.

yeah, I'll try to memorize the layout of the frogs. I didn't have this many problems on BBH, and I didn't even have the solar gun by then.

maybe I was just burned out on that damn bike chase, last night. I even had to replay the entire sequence three times, after succesfully completing it. First, I drained the solar gun too early on, then I accidetally nail a machinegunner with the p90 and finally, I forget to save, and only notice when I reach the continue screen.

thanks for the tips, btw.


Wouwie, that was an excellent post that mirrored my own experience point for point. I have since replayed the game with the intent of challenging myself (a no-kills run, and now a no-alerts run), and my appreciation of the gameplay has skyrocketed. Still, I wish my first experience could have thrilled me in some areas like it's doing now.


Will Eat Your Children
Started my second playthrough, somehow it feels even better than the first time! Question though. At the beginning you see Snake saluting at a grave, supposedly it's from The Boss. Why would Snake salute at that grave?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
drknite said:
Just thought I step in here and let you guys know that there are 2 new camos up to download.

Thanks for the heads up.

New camos are Crying and Screaming ones. Basically completes the "B&B unit set".


Grandmaster of
Official Threads!

Thanks for your work, clapclap.gif
I'll read this thread when I'll finish THE game.
Teetris said:
Started my second playthrough, somehow it feels even better than the first time! Question though. At the beginning you see Snake saluting at a grave, supposedly it's from The Boss. Why would Snake salute at that grave?

Your second playthrough and you don't know who that grave belongs to?
He's saluting the grave next to The Boss's grave. If you look at the date and a MGS timeline it should tip you off to who's grave that is


Will Eat Your Children
ThirstyFly said:
Your second playthrough and you don't know who that grave belongs to?
He's saluting the grave next to The Boss's grave. If you look at the date and a MGS timeline it should tip you off to who's grave that is
Watched it again but I only saw the begin date 193X, thought it could be Grey Fox but since he was a child soldier in the 60s that doesn't add up. So I can only think it's either Big Boss or The Boss, which brings be back to my question. Why the hell would Snake salute those people?


Teetris said:
Watched it again but I only saw the begin date 193X, thought it could be Grey Fox but since he was a child soldier in the 60s that doesn't add up. So I can only think it's either Big Boss or The Boss, which brings be back to my question. Why the hell would Snake salute those people?

why wouldn't he salute Big Boss? There are like a hundred raesons why he would.
Finished the game the other day and like others it has taken me a few days to digest it all. In the end I think the game and the ending was very satisfying. They really did a good job of humanizing Snake and that made me care about him more then in the other games. I think having him wear normal clothes in the briefings, rather than have him in his sneaking suit all the time help make look, well more normal. I was a tad disappointed in the final fight. Was expecting it be a bit more epic. But in the end, the game was fantastic.
darkiguana said:
Finished the game the other day and like others it has taken me a few days to digest it all. In the end I think the game and the ending was very satisfying. They really did a good job of humanizing Snake and that made me care about him more then in the other games. I think having him wear normal clothes in the briefings, rather than have him in his sneaking suit all the time help make look, well more normal. I was a tad disappointed in the final fight. Was expecting it be a bit more epic. But in the end, the game was fantastic.

I don't know why, but when youre following snake around during the briefings etc, he feels like an uncle or something.
He really grew on me.


I'm in the middle of one of "those" cut-scenes. Is there a way I can watch it later?

I need to save and quit.

Also... .Is this game taxing on the ps3? My fan is on mega high. But I've recently switched it to the upright position and don't know if that is the reason instead.

Thanks peeps-


_RT_ said:
I'm in the middle of one of "those" cut-scenes. Is there a way I can watch it later?

I need to save and quit.

Also... .Is this game taxing on the ps3? My fan is on mega high. But I've recently switched it to the upright position and don't know if that is the reason instead.

Thanks peeps-

I think Uncharted is probably rough on the BD-ROM drive (no install; constantly searching), but I haven't noticed anything unusual with MGS4. I wouldn't be surprised if it taxes the PS3 more than most games, though.

Vertical orientation shouldn't be a problem as long as the HDD is the end that's on the bottom and the vent is on top. :lol Hot weather would affect fan speed,, however.


shooting blanks
I think mine runs better in the vertical position, Plus I put it on its own table because before it was below my tv next to the 360.

IDK, but it is damn hot, just that vent on the right side (now the top)


well, finally got this done:


the Big Boss camo isn't exactly what I was expecting


atomico said:
well, finally got this done:

the Big Boss camo isn't exactly what I was expecting

Its useful in its own ways.

I'm currently doing my chicken run, and god damn is this bothersome. I'll probably have to do it again when the trophy patch comes for the game, but come on :(



Yeah, I tried the camo out for a little while. It's kinda fun, but I just thought
the corpse camo and the big boss camo were two different things

I'll probably just get the the assassin emblem and give the game a rest. The 35 hour emblems are way too much for me (my first playthrough was about 33 hours, tho :lol )
_RT_ said:
I'm in the middle of one of "those" cut-scenes. Is there a way I can watch it later?

I need to save and quit.

Also... .Is this game taxing on the ps3? My fan is on mega high. But I've recently switched it to the upright position and don't know if that is the reason instead.

Thanks peeps-

Nope, it's not. I think GTA4 is the most taxing, always gets the fan in high a after a few minutes. Never with MGS4 though.


May contain jokes =>
Forgive me if there's a better place for this but I've recently been finding myself wishing I'd bought the LE of MGS4. I wonder if anyone would be willing to sell their LE content (primarily the bonus disc)? I looked on eBay and found nothing so decided to post here and CAG just in case.

Same goes for the Metal Gear Saga preorder disc. I can get that off eBay but if someone here would be willing to sell it I'd rather give the money to a GAFfer.


Emerson said:
Forgive me if there's a better place for this but I've recently been finding myself wishing I'd bought the LE of MGS4. I wonder if anyone would be willing to sell their LE content (primarily the bonus disc)? I looked on eBay and found nothing so decided to post here and CAG just in case.

Same goes for the Metal Gear Saga preorder disc. I can get that off eBay but if someone here would be willing to sell it I'd rather give the money to a GAFfer.
the documentary really isn't worthwhile, though the OST is nice.


Miburou said:
The documentary is the best videogame documentary I've ever watched. The OST, on the other hand, is incomplete
I guess I'm sort of a whore for mocap and voice session footage, but there wasn't much of either, so therefore it was a disappointment to me.

It was cool to watch Phil La Marr, though D: I just wish there was more, like Paul Eiding, and friends.
just finished the game - best game since ff7 for me...
i cougth myself moving like snake after i beat the game in one sitting...
can someone tell me if there is a post around here where i get info about all the gadgets of the game?(like a special bandana?!?)
i tried to find it myself but this thread is too huge...and this is the first time i`m on a webside about mgs4 so im cluless of what there is to see and do beyond finishing it once!
(bougth it day one but i had exams...and i didnt let any media in my sigth -
i know im late)
thx gaf


Will Eat Your Children
sankt-Antonio said:
just finished the game - best game since ff7 for me...
i cougth myself moving like snake after i beat the game in one sitting...
can someone tell me if there is a post around here where i get info about all the gadgets of the game?(like a special bandana?!?)
i tried to find it myself but this thread is too huge...and this is the first time i`m on a webside about mgs4 so im cluless of what there is to see and do beyond finishing it once!
(bougth it day one but i had exams...and i didnt let any media in my sigth -
i know im late)
thx gaf
Gamefaqs has some indept faqs on it. Check the easter/secret guide.

Now that we're on the subject, if I accidentally get alerted/kill somone would they go away if I die and restart in that area?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Teetris said:
Gamefaqs has some indept faqs on it. Check the easter/secret guide.

Now that we're on the subject, if I accidentally get alerted/kill somone would they go away if I die and restart in that area?

Nope. They will still count.


May contain jokes =>
Miburou said:
The documentary is the best videogame documentary I've ever watched. The OST, on the other hand, is incomplete

lol, figured as much. Hence why I'm looking for it...:D


Fifty said:
You get them back once you get the MKII

Yeah, you have to wait until you get to that cut scene, but I wish I could have some of my most powerful weapons to use on those Gekko pests during the opening. I tried to kill them with the very limited weaponry I could find at the beginning and could do much to them. They'll eventually kill everyone. I guess the following cut scene wouldn't work if it was possible to win that fight.


This game truly shows the power of the PS3, the graphics are close to flawless. The game turn out to look better than I thought it would. And I also thought it wasnt gonna run on 1080 !!! I was expecting my tv to switch to 720, but then I was like whaaaat ???? I guess I lost the confirmation that this game was full high def. After looking at this game Im confident that the ps3 still has a long life ahead of itself. I wanna see more games use 1080 and look this good.

So far best game Ive played in a while, beutiful beutiful game.


Danydrunk said:
This game truly shows the power of the PS3, the graphics are close to flawless. The game turn out to look better than I thought it would. And I also thought it wasnt gonna run on 1080 !!! I was expecting my tv to switch to 720, but then I was like whaaaat ???? I guess I lost the confirmation that this game was full high def. After looking at this game Im confident that the ps3 still has a long life ahead of itself. I wanna see more games use 1080 and look this good.

So far best game Ive played in a while, beutiful beutiful game.

It's upscaled 1080 (don't know the specifics), but I agree, it looks damn good. The image quality is clean as hell on my full-HD set. And it helps that the game is fuck-awesome aswell.


CosmicGroinPull said:
Nope, it's not. I think GTA4 is the most taxing, always gets the fan in high a after a few minutes. Never with MGS4 though.

I've also relocated my entertainment center and now my ps3 is out in the open near the couch instead of near the tv, so maybe that's why I think it's louder.

I just wanted to make sure going vertical wasn't going to red ring my launch 60-gig.
Gracias for the input all-


BeeDog said:
It's upscaled 1080 (don't know the specifics), but I agree, it looks damn good. The image quality is clean as hell on my full-HD set. And it helps that the game is fuck-awesome aswell.

If this is upscaled then other companies should use whatever technique MGS4 is using because I see absolutely NO tearing, no aliasing, nothing. perfect image quality.


How do I take pictures by the way? Im going through my first run but I havent been able to figure out how to take pics ? is there anyway to do so ?


Danydrunk said:
How do I take pictures by the way? Im going through my first run but I havent been able to figure out how to take pics ? is there anyway to do so ?

Well, there's the digital camera you can get on the gunship during the mission briefings, and I believe there was a way where you hook up an USB keyboard to your PS3 and press the Print Screen-button or something. Someone else might know the specifics.
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