The Everyman
videos of the mgo WC finals are up if anyone's interested:
cool, i just finished playing a ton but you'll definitely see me around.MoonsaultSlayer said:Hey, Coolio. I tried sending you a MGO e-mail but your inbox is full. Just wanted to say I've added you on my FL and look forward to getting in some games with you.
Just replayed the opening and I have to say... I feel bad for Johnny shooter fan who picked this up and played only to watch cutscenes after every 3 steps lol. And even though I'm part of the camp who loves the game, I do wish I was in control for some of those scenes. Imagine running from the Gekko up those stairs when they crash down and it grabs you... that would have been ace.
Class_A_Ninja said:I gotta see how someone figured out how to turn this into a competitive game.
EDIT: actually, that gametype didn't look so bad, maybe I should go play a couple games again.
<--- oh this oneClass_A_Ninja said:duckie/froggie one
-COOLIO- said:cool, i just finished playing a ton but you'll definitely see me around.
-COOLIO- said:<--- oh this one
we are now brothersTabris said:I just beat the game for the first time. I don't know why I didn't play it before. I played up to South America when it first came out but I believe my life was crazy for a week and I forgot about it. Then I read negative opinions on GAF (luckily I read no spoilers) and that lessened my drive to play. Well I put it in today and after an hour, I cancelled all my plans for tonight and played the entire game.
The ending... Well first, I cried straight up. When Otacon was talking to Sunny at the end. I actually couldn't stop crying until the voice credits finished. Anyways, yes, the game was cheezy or cliched in a lot of spots and most of the scenarios were completly unrealistic, but god damn it, that was the best video game experience I've had this generation. I went from intrigued to excited to completly amped to being so behind something/someone (the microwaves scene) to shock to somber to most sadness I've felt in a while and finally to satisification.
Game of the Generation right here for right now. I can't believe I was this late.
Tisan said:Has there been ANY news on a new version a la Substance/Subsistence?
I sold my copy of the game while it was still worth something, and now I want to play it again :/
Bearillusion said:Fixed?
Bearillusion said:Fixed?
glaurung said:A very quick question, but is the Japanese limited edition's BD-ROM "making of" video disc region free or not?
That is, can I play it on my PAL PS3?
Tarin02543 said:I wouldn't think so, blu ray movies are all region protected as in your japanese copy is region 1 and your machine is region 2.
Tarin02543 said:I wouldn't think so, blu ray movies are all region protected as in your japanese copy is region 1 and your machine is region 2.
glaurung said:A very quick question, but is the Japanese limited edition's BD-ROM "making of" video disc region free or not?
That is, can I play it on my PAL PS3?
STG said:Guns of the HIDECHaN! Radio
seems like the radio ipod channel thingy is resurrected
The first broadcast is about South America "MOUTAIN TRIAL." I think... with comments from hideo and tips or something like that. dunno if this is Japan only
UntoldDreams said:On a technical level MGS4 deserves to win ...
MoonsaultSlayer said:Forget anything positive that I may have said about MGO on the last few pages. It is truly the worst piece of shit I've ever played. This comes after a few days of play watching myself get killed through walls, while the enemy is reloading, when they aren't facing me, after they've morphed away. This comes after watching someone survive a POINT BLANK shot where I held down the trigger for nearly 2 seconds but I die. He had time to raise his weapon and kill me? Fuck that. This game is the only game to get my blood boiling tothe point my fiancee starts yelling at me for yelling. I need to stop playing. Fuck this game. /rant
Byakuya769 said:ahahaha, I played a little this weekend and my wife knew right away what game I was playing do to my fury.
MoonsaultSlayer said:Typing out my caveman post really helped get out my frustrations. Knowing there are others like me also helps haha.
I need to reiterate something. I popped out; surprised the bastard; shot him in the face.... a lot; he takes steps forward; shoots me; I die. I laughed and quit right there. That after many similar incidents. Yesterday, I did the same pop out, surprise attack but "won" that battle but still took shots. Sounds normal until I mention he never even readied his weapon. WOW.
INDIGO_CYCLOPS said:LOL. That's my typical reaction to that god damn game. It just baffles me, game is based purely on luck IMO. You can unload a full clip into someone and they live...
there's invincibility framesINDIGO_CYCLOPS said:LOL. That's my typical reaction to that god damn game. It just baffles me, game is based purely on luck IMO. You can unload a full clip into someone and they live...
Miburou said:The game can be laggy and glitchy at times, but it is not based on luck. If it were, then my bro wouldn't have 2.5x as many kills as deaths. My kills to deaths are about 1:1 (yeah, I suck), and when the connection is good the game goes according to how it should, with no frustration or feeling of unfairness...
by invicible frames i mean you can only damage an enemy about once every third of a second. the guns fire a lot faster than though, especially the smgs.MoonsaultSlayer said:Well, I can say that the problems I suffer I'm also guilty of. I've gotten kills when I was in a reloading animation. I've continued shooting people long after they've turned a corner and got them through the wall apparently. Those times are laughable too. It's just more frustrating when it happens to me.
So yeah, I do believe it's luck. Luck of the shot and luck of being on the good side of the "lag".
And what's this about invincible frames??? If this is legit, this game can fuck itself with a spit covered stick dipped in shards of glass. I don't have a right to kill some bastard who walks in front of my gun simply because the game didn't "allow" it to happen? WOW!!!
-COOLIO- said:by invicible frames i mean you can only damage an enemy about once every third of a second. the guns fire a lot faster than though, especially the smgs.
edit: it was intentionally put in
-COOLIO- said:by invicible frames i mean you can only damage an enemy about once every third of a second. the guns fire a lot faster than though, especially the smgs.
edit: it was intentionally put in
beginner lobby?Red Blaster said:Any handy tips by MGO pros? I've been tooling around with it more recently and goddamn do I get pissed when playing Level 10s.
-COOLIO- said:beginner lobby?
ya it isRed Blaster said:I'm Level 6 with a k/d ratio above 1. Gulf between experts and non-experts is enormous in MGO.