What happened to the rumored 'big reveal' on the 12th? Weren't we supposed to see a hidden video of snake break dancing or something?
SMZC said:Yes, he's referring to Snake being Big Boss' doppelganger (or rather, Naked Snake's).
Wow, someone's bitter.
Pardon me, but the whole purpose of RAY is to be an anti-REX Metal Gear. The thing should be able to annihilate dozens of them without a scratch; that's its fucking purpose. But now MGS4 tells us that RAY can't destroy a single REX without living to tell the story? We're not even talking about a brand new REX, we're talking about one that was almost destroyed and abandoned for years. I mean, it's not like MGS4's strongest point is its coherence, but... lol.
With Snake defeating a Metal Gear with a stinger missile launcher you could at least say that a Metal Gear wasn't designed to battle against ordinary troops; using a Metal Gear to beat a single soldier would be like using a rocket launcher to kill a fly. On the other hand, Snake using REX to battle against RAY puts Snake (or rather: should put him) in a disadvantage, because he's turning himself into the target that is RAY's speciality. And still, RAY can't destroy REX without RAY itself being destroyed too. As a huge Metal Gear RAY fan, I felt insulted by the sheer idiocy of this.
Catalix said:The entire scenario is sort of idiotic, but it's simply just another way to drive home the whole "inferior" one besting the "superior." I don't take it too seriously.
On a side note, I agree with most of your sentiments on the retcons that were introduced in MPO/MGS4. But the thing you mentioned aboutZero "not giving a damn" about the Boss in MGS3 isn't true. They were indeed old friends, they served in the SAS together. In fact, The Boss was the one that helped Zero get the FOX Unit trial green-lighted. They weren't portrayed as extremely buddy-buddy throughout the game itself, but I'm just saying the precedent for their mutual respect and affection was present at that time. It didn't come out of nowhere in MGS4.
MoonsaultSlayer said:SPOILER:
You forget that Liquid/Ocelot isn't really trying to kill Snake...?
SMZC said:Yes, he's referring to Snake being Big Boss' doppelganger (or rather, Naked Snake's).
Wow, someone's bitter.
Pardon me, but the whole purpose of RAY is to be an anti-REX Metal Gear. The thing should be able to annihilate dozens of them without a scratch; that's its fucking purpose. But now MGS4 tells us that RAY can't destroy a single REX without living to tell the story? We're not even talking about a brand new REX, we're talking about one that was almost destroyed and abandoned for years. I mean, it's not like MGS4's strongest point is its coherence, but... lol.
With Snake defeating a Metal Gear with a stinger missile launcher you could at least say that a Metal Gear wasn't designed to battle against ordinary troops; using a Metal Gear to beat a single soldier would be like using a rocket launcher to kill a fly. On the other hand, Snake using REX to battle against RAY puts Snake (or rather: should put him) in a disadvantage, because he's turning himself into the target that is RAY's speciality. And still, RAY can't destroy REX without RAY itself being destroyed too. As a huge Metal Gear RAY fan, I felt insulted by the sheer idiocy of this.
NinjaCodah said:Wow, i can't believe that you're ignoring the fact that Solid Snake is controlling REXand that Ocelot's ultimate plan is to let Solid Snake get to the AI.
Are you sure you really played this game? I think not. I believe you were too busy finding ways to criticize it.
NinjaCodah said:Yeah you're right, i guess i'll just take your assumptions about certain characters and event and integrate them in the real thing, then complain about how it doesn't make any sense.
SMZC said:Read my reply above.
Also, from my experience, many of the people who like the game are the ones who don't understand some of the plot elements of MGS4 (I'm not saying that's the case of anyone here, I'm just talking about what I've seen in other places).
EDIT: You have to distinguish Liquid's plan from Ocelot's.
Liquid's would have worked with or without Snake. His plan was to take the Patriots out of the picture, whether by destroying them with Snake's virus or by nuking JD and taking full control of the system. That's why Liquid tried to kill Snake, because he didn't truly need him for his plan.
Then you have Ocelot's plan, which is basically the same, except for the fact that he only wanted to defeat the Patriots by inserting the virus, but since Ocelot is never in control of his body until after the final battle, this doesn't really matter. The important thing is that whenever Liquid tries to kill Snake in MGS4, he tries it for real. That's not an act.
NinjaCodah said:ah! see, you still believe that Liquid has something to do with this when in fact he doesn't. It really is all Ocelot.
SMZC said:Not Liquid per se, the Liquid doppelganger. What you see in MGS4 isn't neither Liquid nor Ocelot, it's Liquid's doppelganger, which is basically Ocelot believing that he is the true Liquid.
You seem to think that Liquid Ocelot is just Ocelot acting like Liquid. That's not exactly the case. Ocelot has split personality, one being his own and the other being Liquid's doppelganger. Whenever he is acting like Liquid's doppelganger, Ocelot isn't in control of his body. That's why I said in a previous reply of mine that the Liquid doppelganger was, for all intents and purposes, like having the real Liquid.
SMZC said:Pardon me, but the whole purpose of RAY is to be an anti-REX Metal Gear. The thing should be able to annihilate dozens of them without a scratch; that's its fucking purpose. But now MGS4 tells us that RAY can't destroy a single REX without living to tell the story? We're not even talking about a brand new REX, we're talking about one that was almost destroyed and abandoned for years. I mean, it's not like MGS4's strongest point is its coherence, but... lol.
SMZC said:Not Liquid per se, the Liquid doppelganger. What you see in MGS4 isn't neither Liquid nor Ocelot, it's Liquid's doppelganger, which is basically Ocelot believing that he is the true Liquid.
You seem to think that Liquid Ocelot is just Ocelot acting like Liquid. That's not exactly the case. Ocelot has split personality, one being his own and the other being Liquid's doppelganger. Whenever he is acting like Liquid's doppelganger, Ocelot isn't in control of his body. That's why I said in a previous reply of mine that the Liquid doppelganger was, for all intents and purposes, like having the real Liquid.
freethought said:I just don't think it was as clear cut as all that. The last fight seemed to hint at the possibility that it was more Ocelot than anyone thought. I like to think there was an element of self-deception there too. Playing the part of Big Boss' son, basically turning himself into the new Big Boss, would have been very appealing to Ocelot.
Liquid Ocelot : This is only the beginning, Snake. America will descend into
chaos... It'll be the Wild West all over again. No law, no
order. Fire will spread across the world. The people will
fight... And through battle they will know the fullness of
life. At last... Our father's will... His Outer Heaven... Is
Liquid Ocelot : Somewhere out there... I know he's laughing.
Liquid Ocelot : We are beasts created by man. Unless the light is put out...
The shadows cannot be erased. So long as there is light...
Erasing shadows will do no good.
(up until this point, he is Liquid's doppalganger. The following is when Ocelot is in full control of his body. Notice that up until this point he's always talked as if he was Liquid, whereas the next part truly sounds like Ocelot)
Revolver Ocelot : I am Liquid's doppelganger. And you are his. Just like your
father. You're pretty good.
True,SMZC said:Yes, you're right. The problem is when you look at the way Zero is portrayed in the events of the actual game. He and the others are always reminding Snake that The Boss is his objective and that he has to kill her, and the only person that has an inner conflict is Snake. He knows he has to do it, but the game shows that he is troubled by the fact that he has to kill his old mentor. With Zero we don't see any of this despite of the fact that they were in the SAS together; actually he's the one that is always reminding Snake of his duty, talking about killing The Boss as if it was a mere "objective".
I remember one dialogue that was something like:
-Snake, you have to do it. She's your enemy and your objective.
-Enemy? We were together for ten years, and now you tell me she's my enemy?
BigBoss said:The whole purpose of the Patriot missle defense system during the first Gulf War was to shoot down Iraqi SCUDs yet many of them hit their targets in Israel. Heres a newsflash, military technology doesn't always work as its intended, did you also have a problem with Liquid shooting down 2 F-16 with a Hind-D in MGS1? Liquid shooting down 2 F-16s like Snake destroying Ray in a junked up Rex was to show how badass each each character was, thats it, stop over-analyzing everything. For shit's sake, Snake destroyed an M1-A1 Abrams with a couple of frag grenades. :lol
140.85 said:You have a problem with Snake finding a way to take out 1 RAY with a REX after Raiden was able to take out tons of 'em with just a rocket launcher? :lol
Catalix said:Which sucks, 'cause I DO have a reasonably rational explanation for this apparent inconsistency too, but don't even know if it's worth going into it. MGS4 sort of took the fun out of hyperactive theorizing... but that's partially my fault anyway :lol
MoonsaultSlayer said:I'm in the biggest mood to play MGS2 again. My ONLY gripe with that game (besides Raiden's voice in many scenes) is the Ninja. I can't stand the bulky look nor the voice... not to mention that it's Olga.
Bebpo said:Maybe this is old but finally confirmation that MGS theme was removed from MGS4 because those douchebags thought it would be funny to embarrass Kojima and then put it on youtube that the MGS theme was plagerized.
I give jett full approval to do _____ things to those guys if he feels like it.
SMCZ said:Then he shouldn't have tried to tie the loose ends.
Catalix said:Zero didn't seem phased by the notion of killing the Boss at all, even being the one to repeatedly pound it into Snake's head. It bugs knowing what we know now...Which sucks, 'cause I DO have a reasonably rational explanation for this apparent inconsistency too
I love how everything in MGS2 runs at 60FPS.MoonsaultSlayer said:I'm in the biggest mood to play MGS2 again. My ONLY gripe with that game (besides Raiden's voice in many scenes) is the Ninja. I can't stand the bulky look nor the voice... not to mention that it's Olga.
Well, the CIA obviously didn't want the truth about that to come out. I meant that Big Boss was the only person left who knew about the truth behind The Boss and that actually cared for her.
Its not explicitly stated that Zero and the others didn't know about the truth, but EVA in the graveyard scene says "no one will ever learn the truth", implying that her and Big Boss are the only persons that know about it besides the people that planned the whole thing. Also, in the cut-scenes where Snake is given the title of Big Boss, when he is about to leave he crosses paths with Para-Medic, Sigint and Zero, and ignores them. You can see in Para-Medic and Sigint's faces that they are totally clueless, and Zero seems to wonder what's going on too. I've always seen that scene as Big Boss breaking away from his past life and friends, with the player knowing that now he resents everyone in the government and that his whole life will be focused on bringing down the same organization that had The Boss killed. You could say that he would tell other people about the truth, but as I said in a previous reply of mine, the whole point of The Boss in MGS3 was that no one knew about her in MGS1 or MGS2 despite of being such a legendary soldier, which meant that Big Boss never told anyone or failed in trying so because the Philosophers/Patriots fooled everyone into believing that The Boss was a war criminal. This made the story of Big Boss even more tragic for me: He dedicated his life to fight against an organization that ruled the world because of the truth behind his old mentor's death, a truth that only he knew.
i was just reading some of it and the details i never noticed are amazing. like how crying wolf picks up your scent depending on wind direction, or how naomi's breath suddenly appears after the injection, or liquids kiss. ive still barely looked at the book tooNinjaCodah said:SMZC: You should go out and buy the official guide to mgs4. It's really a nice book. It explains everything, and as you'll see, you're wrong on so many levels.
-COOLIO- said:i was just reading some of it and the details i never noticed are amazing. like how crying wolf picks up your scent depending on wind direction, or how naomi's breath suddenly appears after the injection, or liquids kiss. ive still barely looked at the book too
Well barring the people who got it early and took the "heart of the plot" and posted it all over gamefaqs. Still it didn't hurt my enjoyment a bit and yes the book is great. Hell the database is amazing. To think they gave it away for free.NinjaCodah said:This book is probably one of the best additions to a game i've ever seen. On top of being an excellent guide, it has a really good synopsis and the biographies of all the characters.
-COOLIO- said:yay more stuff ^__^
and the insignia on the ipod is on there for reeeaaalz, it doesnt feel like a sticker or anything but like a sweet ass custom ipod
<3 konami
That's hot! Congrats!-COOLIO- said:yay more stuff ^__^
and the insignia on the ipod is on there for reeeaaalz, it doesnt feel like a sticker or anything but like a sweet ass custom ipod
<3 konami
Nice scoop-COOLIO- said:yay more stuff ^__^
-COOLIO- said:yay more stuff ^__^
and the insignia on the ipod is on there for reeeaaalz, it doesnt feel like a sticker or anything but like a sweet ass custom ipod
<3 konami
-COOLIO- said:yay more stuff ^__^
and the insignia on the ipod is on there for reeeaaalz, it doesnt feel like a sticker or anything but like a sweet ass custom ipod
<3 konami
-COOLIO- said:yay more stuff ^__^
and the insignia on the ipod is on there for reeeaaalz, it doesnt feel like a sticker or anything but like a sweet ass custom ipod
<3 konami
NinjaCodah said:SMZC: You should go out and buy the official guide to mgs4. It's really a nice book. It explains everything, and as you'll see, you're wrong on so many levels.
oh, a pissing contest.SMZC said:Have you stopped to think that maybe you're the one who is wrong instead of me?
I've finished MGS4 at least 5 times watching all the cinematics, not counting gameplay-only playthroughs. I have the Big Boss rank, the bandana, stealth and all of the weapons available in single player.
I know, nobody cares about what I've done. I'm just saying that I doubt MGS4 has anymore secrets left for me, and that story-wise I've gotten to the point where I've memorized many of the dialogues.
If you think I'm wrong about the story don't just tell me "you're wrong". Tell me why.
e-penis waving
If you refuted the stuff he said with points of your own it would be much more constructive to the discussion than simply saying "you're wrong, read that book". If you can base it on official documents, even better.NinjaCodah said:oh, a pissing contest.
But guess what, I also played it through 5 times, got the big boss emblem, all the goodies, etc...
I don't need to write a mega-post about why you're wrong here. My personal interpretation of the story was very close to the one from the official guide book. Just find it and read it, it's worth it. I'm not saying that everything in the MGS series is perfect, but to say that "they pissed all over the previous games with mgs4" is pushing it, a lot.
NeoUltima said:So they actually put up a new intergral podcast today... Just downloaded going to check it out, I assume Ryan won't be in it since he left for Bungie.
NeoUltima said:So they actually put up a new intergral podcast today... Just downloaded going to check it out, I assume Ryan won't be in it since he left for Bungie.
Blablurn said:It's just a teaser. But they doing bi-weekly shows starting in january.
Colour me surprised, and happy. Although no Ryan kinda sucks but I'll still gladly listen.NeoUltima said:So they actually put up a new intergral podcast today... Just downloaded going to check it out, I assume Ryan won't be in it since he left for Bungie.
its just stating that they are gonna start doing them bi-weekly and to have a save ready at the start of the advent palace area. for Jan 8th