Blame your girlfriend..Seiken said:
Blame your girlfriend..Seiken said:
;(Ozorov said:Blame your girlfriend..
Ozorov said:I picked up a PS3 today and MGS4. Wow. Incredible good game i have to say. The only thing that is kinda hard to understand is the story, since i never have played a MGS-game before :lol. Go Kojima!
Oooh, he hasn't beaten the game yet! Now that's much better, keep us updated sirDever said:This should be fun. Post your impressions of the ending once you get there. :lol
Sure! Just finished Act 2. Cool ending!!Dever said:This should be fun. Post your impressions of the ending once you get there. :lol
Ozorov said:I picked up a PS3 today and MGS4. Wow. Incredible good game i have to say. The only thing that is kinda hard to understand is the story, since i never have played a MGS-game before :lol. Go Kojima!
Yes but clearly things will not be appreciated as much if you haven't beaten the previous games (especially Snake Eater).McBacon said:Really?
Kojima may be an auteur with his zany storylines and ludicrous plot holes, but it isn't exactly the most impregnable narrative ever conceived.
In fact, most of MGS4's main plot points are conceived during the game - ID tagging weapons, mind control on soliders. Heck, as long as you know that Liquid is Snake's BROTHER (I'TS BEEN TOO LONG) and Big Boss is your dad, then you're pretty much set, and can figure out the rest.
If you're not used to it though, it's pretty out there. I remember getting MGS 4 and playing it in front of a couple family members... safe to say they didn't know wtf was going on.McBacon said:Really?
Kojima may be an auteur with his zany storylines and ludicrous plot holes, but it isn't exactly the most impregnable narrative ever conceived.
In fact, most of MGS4's main plot points are conceived during the game - ID tagging weapons, mind control on soliders. Heck, as long as you know that Liquid is Snake's BROTHER (I'TS BEEN TOO LONG) and Big Boss is your dad, then you're pretty much set, and can figure out the rest.
Shalashaska said:If you're not used to it though, it's pretty out there. I remember getting MGS 4 and playing it in front of a couple family members... safe to say they didn't know wtf was going on.
Capcom hates trophies. They have yet to patch any of their games, and they even promised some.Darkpen said:god dammit, capcom. That didn't stop Naughty Dog from patching Uncharted, now did it?![]()
Well, from 2009 it's Sony law that trophies must be inBlu_LED said:Capcom hates trophies. They have yet to patch any of their games, and they even promised some.
Blu_LED said:Capcom hates trophies. They have yet to patch any of their games, and they even promised some.
YesAmon37 said:Just finished ACT 1
Total Play time: 2 hours 24 minutes=2 hours of cutscenes and 24minutes of playtime is the whole game like this?
You're playing it fucking wrong.Amon37 said:Just finished ACT 1
Total Play time: 2 hours 24 minutes=2 hours of cutscenes and 24minutes of playtime is the whole game like this?
Amon37 said:Just finished ACT 1
Total Play time: 2 hours 24 minutes=2 hours of cutscenes and 24minutes of playtime is the whole game like this?
Amon37 said:Just finished ACT 1
Total Play time: 2 hours 24 minutes=2 hours of cutscenes and 24minutes of playtime is the whole game like this?
autobzooty said:Okay, I just finished the game andam I the only one who thinks that the game would have been waaaay better if they just left out that last scene with Big Boss and Snake? Snake killing himself was going to be the perfect ending to the perfect story. It was SUPPOSED to be fucked up. Yeah, it's totally unfair that Snake has to die, but he HAS to die. It was sad. I almost cried when Otacon said "Snake had a hard life."
But it's like they had to completely undermine the entire point of the story and give it a happy ending. All the buildup they created throughout the series just kinda falls flat because, "Oh btw, the FOXDIE isn't going to kill you and all your friends after all. J/K SNAKE!"
Also, I really wanted that mangled corpse on life support to be Big Boss'. There was something really eerie about seeing the character I played as in MGS3 in that condition. And then he was tossed in a fire and it was a pretty cool death, really. But he really needed to just die. He's come back to life like 3 times now. :lol
I was 100% satisfied when the credits started rolling, but that last epilogue really ruined a lot of the story. I'm at the point where I think that it must have been something with the publisher pushing their influence on the developer because they don't want the ending to be sad or gruesome or anything. It sucks.
So I'm just gonna pretend that Snake DID in fact kill himself. If I ever beat the game again, I'm going to turn off the system before they show me that epilogue.
Liabe Brave said:I have to disagree. First, on a matter of fact:The FoxDIE was not a lie, just the "Solid will turn into a human WMD" is negated; the accelerated decrepitude isn't, and he still has only a few months to live at most.
Now, for interpretation:Though Solid is noble in the face of inevitable death, that's not what the game is about. "Inevitable death" is a tautology, for we're all under that sentence; the game is about embracing life despite this. Solid is given many counterexamples: Naomi commits suicide rather than live with cancer; Vamp is desperately trying to die; Raiden has a deathwish just as strong; EVA regrets her mistakes unto death; and so on. Given these examples, Solid is about to commit suicide at the end.
This type of traumatic "hard-nosed" ending ("Because that happens. People die.") has capped many a melodramatic pulp narrative, to the point where it seems "natural" or even "necessary" to you. But the game rejects it outright, and not as some sort of eleventh-hour cowardice or thematic confusion, but as the entire damn point. Meryl and Johnny survive to get married; Drebin survives to get drunk; Jack finds peace and union; and finally, Solid, even though he's going to die soon anyway, chooses not to end it sooner. I think we're meant to see that this is a reaction to his meeting with his (bio)dad: a broken idealist who's tried multiple times to establish "survival of the fittest" as a moral code, and who does indeed murder an old man just for some sort of abstract "closure". All Big Boss' "tough-minded" coldness has done is destroy things around him.
In the end, Solid rejects all the suffering and idiocy the ideals of the Philosophers, Patriots, and Bosses created (no matter how well-intentioned). They all had believed in ultimate control--of money, country, and military, of the human will, and yes, even control over when you die. Solid chooses chance and the unknown instead, relinquishing control. I believe the game is arguing that this is true freedom, not the "freedom" of power all the antagonists pursue.
Kojima is a sloppy writer at times, and his goal to tie off absolutely everything in this one game resulted in some real dicontinuities and problems with the narrative. (For example,) But the ultimate outcome isn't a mistake or a problem. I think it's one of the greatest strengths of the story.Raiden's recovery, while well-tied to the game's theme, just doesn't seem physically possible.
autobzooty said:Okay, I just finished the game and...
Cartman86 said:I remember hearing a story that Kojima wanted the ending to originally beA couple pages back Liabe Brave gave his opinion on the ending. I liked how he put it.Snake and Otacon being put on trial and hung. But his team wanted something different. Anyways I can see where you are coming from, but with my love for MGS3 so high I found the ending to MGS4 to be the perfect "sequel" and "conclusion" to that story. Did it need one? Maybe not, but it was so emotional that I loved it.
EnthusiasTech said:How many GOTY awards has MGS4 won so far ?
Cartman86 said:Here is the GAF thread for that.
So far though it's only been 2.
RPS37 said:I just bought a ps3 with this the other day. I played for like 10 minutes.
I forgot that the controls are a little different...and then I started freaking out about the brightness of my tv and futzing with my display settings, and eventually just shut it all off.
Bearillusion said:Now I'm on to Act 3. This level is so boring. So very very boring. Not only that the graphics in this level look terrible. Does anyone like this level?
MNC said:FINALLY. MAIL ARRIVED. I'm somewhere in act 1. Just left.Meryl
Oh my shitting fuck it's Johnny :lol This is awesome. Is he the same Johnny as the rest of the MGS games or is he some kind of relative of the others? Either, way, good stuff
STG said:the new integral podcast should be online today (I think)
anyone checked it? any good?
Favorite level of the game.Bearillusion said:Just played through the first two acts on my second playthrough but this time on Big Boss Hard. Had a great time and it was fun having all my weapons from my previous game.
Now I'm on to Act 3. This level is so boring. So very very boring. Not only that the graphics in this level look terrible. Does anyone like this level?
Bearillusion said:Just played through the first two acts on my second playthrough but this time on Big Boss Hard. Had a great time and it was fun having all my weapons from my previous game.
Now I'm on to Act 3. This level is so boring. So very very boring. Not only that the graphics in this level look terrible. Does anyone like this level?
STG said:the new integral podcast should be online today (I think)
anyone checked it? any good?
patsu said:Act 3 is superb. Finish it before you complain.
I like the espionage gameplay. The environment kinda reminded me of the first Mission Impossible movie.
Bearillusion said:Just played through the first two acts on my second playthrough but this time on Big Boss Hard. Had a great time and it was fun having all my weapons from my previous game.
Now I'm on to Act 3. This level is so boring. So very very boring. Not only that the graphics in this level look terrible. Does anyone like this level?
~Kinggi~ said:Man Act 3 had the bike segment. I shit myself playing that.
They choreographed the interaction of the camera and the action, along with how you could interrupt it and aim seamlessly, so perfectly.
Auron_Kale said:Loved Act 3. I liked the fact that it's definitely more stealth-based than any of the other levels in the first half but then it becomes one of the most awesome action-intense sequences in the second half. If anything though, I loved simply just walking around the city as the fog would roll in and out.
Plus, I really liked Snake's interaction with the resistance.I really loved Big Mama/EVA's connection to Snake. I kinda figured beforehand that she was his mother. The part where Snake risks his life to save her from the fire (only to get burned himself) and then have her die in his arms a little later made me tear up a bit.