Gomu Gomu said:War has changed.
War never changes. /Ron Perlman
Gomu Gomu said:War has changed.
is it ok if i read wiki summaries of mgs 2 and 3 and then play mgs4?
I'm opting for this to be a permabannable offense, seriously.How About No said:Did somebody just fucking say "Xbot"? Oh god I thought I left GameFAQs =(
VegaShinra said:Huelen is more like this:
kbear said:is it ok if i read wiki summaries of mgs 2 and 3 and then play mgs4?
:lol :lol :lol :lol godGomu Gomu said:
You do realize pcm is uncompressed. I've read that it outputs 5.1 pcm, but I've never seen hard proof of that.Philanthropist said:The main misconception is that MGS4 contains uncompressed data: it doesn't. The audio format is Dolby Digital 5.1. Some argue it also outputs PCM 7.1, but even in that case it would be lossless, which must not be confused with uncompressed (which is always the ridiculous fanboy argument, from either side). Anyway, there are no references to any kind of lossless sound output either in-game or in the manual, so I'm not so sure about these claims.
In any case, all signs have always pointed at that MGS4 will never be ported. At this point, only hopeless fanboys are still insisting on it. Only a minority of them actually want to play it though. It's been a while since that "debate" became pointless, even if some don't want to let it die already.
danootz said:I popped my MGS4 disc in yesterday to try and play the difficulty setting after Normal (Big Boss?) and it loaded up the info to the hard drive and then one of the live action videos started (the work out video) as soon as the video seemed to wrap up the image froze on screen and then on the upper left hand side of the screen there was a disc that flashed into an exclamation.
I stopped the game which caused my PS3 to restart and I tried the game again. Same steps, chose difficulty, no loading of info to hard drive this time though, and a video started (the who wants to be a millionaire looking vid). But the same thing happened, I got an error with the flashing disc.
I tried one more time thinking maybe I should skip the video but all I get when I press buttons is the changing channel sequence to new tv shows and the Hideo 2, Hideo 3 blank channels.
There are no noticeable scratches on my disc. I'm beginning to wonder if it's just a game the developers put in to mindf*ck players. Testing my patience.
I'm confused! (I'll have to test LBP today or any other disc because I haven't run one on the PS3 since i played mgs4 months ago. Maybe it really is the a dirty drive or something.
You do understand that videogames use different game engines, right? "Being on multiple discs" is not what would affect whether installation is required or not. Disc read speed and the streaming technology of the engine are, and it's well within the realm of possibility that MGS 4 would still need installation. It also might not, but other games with different tech aren't evidence either way.cantstanja said:Just like you do in Blue Dragon?
Oh wait... there aren't any mandatory installs for each disc swap.
SonComet said:You do realize pcm is uncompressed. I've read that it outputs 5.1 pcm, but I've never seen hard proof of that.
you can't skip the intro:jett said:Press START to skip the intro.
You should try another game with videos ASAP, or a BD movie. If it's not the disc then your laser is dying.
I tried one more time thinking maybe I should skip the video but all I get when I press buttons is the changing channel sequence to new tv shows and the Hideo 2, Hideo 3 blank channels.
Darkpen said:you can't skip the intro:
Philanthropist said:You do realize that I already explained that I know the difference between uncompressed and lossless and the fact that neither the game menu, the manual or the box mention anything other than Dolby Digital 5.1. If it really outputs PCM, I'm sure we would have lots of opinions and proof already.
Anyway, I guess it's hopeless to try to get this thread to discuss the game again instead of technical aspects and whether you'd prefer multiple discs or installs or if the sound needs 20 GB (lol), even considering it's never going to be ported.
at worst, you could try renting or borrowing someone's MGS4 to test, and if that doesn't work either, well :/danootz said:Well I tried the Blu-Ray disc you get with the PS3. (I don't have any bluray movies)
It plays fine.
It's strange. Cuz I made it through the entire MGS4 without an error. Now it's acting up.
I don't think the laser is going. I just got the PS3 In April or something and I hardly use it to play DVDs or even games. (Been using it as a media center mostly for mp4 files)
Darkpen said:at worst, you could try renting or borrowing someone's MGS4 to test, and if that doesn't work either, well :/
If that DOES work, something's wrong with your disc, and unless you bought MGS4 3 months ago or less, IIRC, that's out of the range of manufacturer's warranty.
Its also entirely possible that maybe you need to delete your MGS4 install and reinstall it.
stuburns said:There are two cutscenes which are video captures from the in-game engine.
One thing that is very strange about those is they look like crap at the start in the 'TV' mode. But if you leave the game on the main menu they'll play without the TV interface in much nicer quality. I have no idea why.jett said:There's also the TV cut-scenes at the beginning of the game. I think there's around 50 minutes of FMV total in the game. I wonder if they're encoded at 1080p.
They should have put that on the box.onijutsu said:also there is the live action egg cooking scenes.
jett said:There's also the TV cut-scenes at the beginning of the game. I think there's around 50 minutes of FMV total in the game. I wonder if they're encoded at 1080p.
isucamper1 said:I remember Ryan Payton saying in one of his podcasts that the videos at the start of the game are not encoded in 1080p, but they are on the bonus blu-ray.
Sylarkiller said:First off, what is the incentive to play this game again? I really cannot sit through all those cutscenes again! It was soul destroying. You would play a really good piece of gameplay and think "shit yeah, I am having a blast" and suddenly the game would lead into a 15 minute cutscene and by then your so bored that you would save it after the cutscene and go play something else.
Yes, there was.Secondly, why was the ending sequence 1 hour and 15 minutes long? There was no need for that.
And thirdly, does anyone else feel that the game would have had a better impact if Snake had died after his long slow crawl to the AI. Had his last act been uploading that virus, I think the impact of the game would have been awesome.
I mean that crawl, with the theme from MGS2 playing slowly in the background, whilst on top of the screen we see everyone fighting to give Snake more time then he uploads that virus and dies, I would have been chocked up and it would have been amazing.
Hell, no. That fight is pretty much the highest gameplay moment in the game.Instead to tie up the liquid angle we get a fist fight that was okay, it was pretty good how they used all the music from the previous games but it felt very tacked on.
He should have died, yes, but not there. The ending would be much, much better if he had pulled the trigger. None of that wedding and Big Boss bullshit.Sylarkiller said:And thirdly, does anyone else feel that the game would have had a better impact if Snake had died after his long slow crawl to the AI. Had his last act been uploading that virus, I think the impact of the game would have been awesome.
Shikashi said:Either that or the "original ending".
Snake and Otacon turn themselves in for the acts of "terrorism" committed over the years.JonStark said:What is it ?
Shikashi said:Snake and Otacon turn themselves in for the acts of "terrorism" committed over the years.
Or at least that's what Kojima said he wanted to do in the first place, but was rejected by the development team and Konami executives.
Darkpen said:Irishninja: Its The Boss Extreme, not Big Boss Extreme. Everyone gets this wrong every time. Its kind of annoying.
As suggested by a GAFer a long time ago:Shikashi said:They should just announce a ***tence version of the game. We need a cutscene viewer, we need to be able to play any act without it requiring a tedious installation (yes, it's 2 minutes, but, for people who like to just go to whichever act and try out new things, it gets pretty boring and kills an unfortunate HDD), we need more camos/face camo and we definitely need all those extras that Substance and Subsistence had.
Make it happen, Kojima!
Actually, that would've made sense, and given the briefing sequences some more meaning, at the cost of interactivity via Mk. II but hey.Darkpen said:I wish they masked the install with forced cutscenes, and they didn't. It pisses me off.
Also makes sense, and sounds like 'Sense'. I'd be for this, but I'm burnt out on MGS4 now unless they seriously put in substantially new content.Darkpen said:
Forced cutscenes of what? I don't think there's anything they could do besides putting a cigarette in Snakes' mouth.Darkpen said:I wish they masked the install with forced cutscenes, and they didn't. It pisses me off.
It fits really well actually. Nice one to whoever came up with it.Darkpen said:
Sylarkiller said:Instead to tie up the liquid angle we get a fist fight that was okay, it was pretty good how they used all the music from the previous games but it felt very tacked on.
I don't know, the briefings? The fact that the game actually makes no sense if you don't watch the first briefing or if you've been following the previews for MGS4 up to its release is a huge detriment to comprehending the story, and it was taken out because they wanted to throw you in the game faster.Shikashi said:Forced cutscenes of what? I don't think there's anything they could do besides putting a cigarette in Snakes' mouth.
It fits really well actually. Nice one to whoever came up with it.
freethought said:How could it be tacked on? Every single MGS has ended with a one on one fist fight, why should this one be any different?
Again, I disagree. You need to be more specific about where you'd want Snake to actually die: before Naomi's video, or after, when he starts to look like he's dying, and you hear Otacon's voice?Sylarkiller said:It felt tacked on because in my opinion the game should have ended after the slow crawl, that felt the climax of a movie to me.
For example in The Rock, Nicholas Cage destroys the last chip and crawls out and sets off the green smoke, that was the climax of that movie, they see the green smoke and the jet accidentaly releases the rocket. Everything about that was epic.
And Snake crawling and uploading the virus, maybe Liquid running to stop him and too late Snake uploads the virus. Something like that should have been the way it went.
Instead we see Snake near death and Liquid "magically" able to get Snake into a position to fight him, so of course we have the fight. Which I have no problem with HOW it was done, I enjoyed the fight but I felt it was unnecessary, they could have tied up the Liquid angle any number of other ways.
And I would argue about all MGS games finishing in a fist fight, the second game ended in a sword battle but that just semantics.
My entire sentiment of this game was of just dissapointment, it felt like it ran out of steam and was an excuse to tie up a lot of loose ends so they padded out the game as much as possible. There was flashes of brilliance but in the end most of it was wasted.
freethought said:How could it be tacked on? Every single MGS has ended with a one on one fist fight, why should this one be any different?
I get what you're saying, but for further playthroughs it wouldn't improve the situation, you'd just grow tired of the briefings.Darkpen said:I don't know, the briefings? The fact that the game actually makes no sense if you don't watch the first briefing or if you've been following the previews for MGS4 up to its release is a huge detriment to comprehending the story, and it was taken out because they wanted to throw you in the game faster.
Worse yet, you can only view it through the main menu. Unless you actively seek it out, you won't ever know about its existence.
Interviews.jsnepo said:Where did you guys get your information about the original ending of MGS4?
The entire idea and purpose behind MGS4's fistfight ending is threefold: 1) as homage to the way each game has ended, 2) a technical and story throwback to MGS1, which leads into the third point: Snake's old, Kojima's old, series is old, therefore the game plays like an older, more archaic (and difficult) game.IrishNinja said:wait, i get MGS 1. 2....the sword fight with Solidus? and 3's was guns but that was some touching shit.
Darkpen said:Seriously? Game had me by my balls, both story and gameplay wise, when I first played it.
As for your Act 3 complaint, its a known fact that they were in fact planning on letting you traverse the underground sewers in conjunction with above-ground, during both the stalking and post-raven fight, where you see them go down the manhole, so basically we lost at least 30 minutes to an hour's worth of playtime.
But seriously, the magic was there, at least for everyone who was there day 1.
Again, I disagree. You need to be more specific about where you'd want Snake to actually die: before Naomi's video, or after, when he starts to look like he's dying, and you hear Otacon's voice?
Regardless, I disagree with your sentiments.