MGS2 was the perfect ending to the Metal Gear Solid Franchise. The main character had an ending, and the loose ends were better of not tied up. The last act where Solidus explains the "meme" theme to Jack, and then whispers something before falling to his death in the arms of George Washington's arms was FLAWLESS. I know I'm not the only one who got choked up when Solidus said, "Jack, you were always my son". Well, he did in the Japanese version, at least.
Bottom line is that the Metal Gear series was one of the greatest stories ever told. Hideo Kojima kept us guessing the whole time through the whole thing, but has he taken it to far now? Kojima has shat out a prequel, a sequel to a prequel, a sequel and just announced that he is making Metal Gear Solid Rising, and Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker. These new games are just going to further complicate the Metal Gear Saga, and make it harder to make a decent story out of it. Am I the only one who thinks Kojima has lost his passion for MGS, and that he is just turning the franchise into a marketing Scheme?
There are 2 things that have brought me to this conclusion. One that Kojima made a westernized control scheme for MGS4, thus drawing a larger audience to the franchise, because we all have to admit MGS can be frustrating to play. The second is that we are going to have to pay for new maps in MGO. What Kojima is doing to Metal Gear Solid is exactly what George Lucas did to Star Wars and Indiana Jones, destroying it from the inside out. Kojima should just leave well enough alone.
I suppose MGS2 is the last of it kind. It is as if Kojima has created MGS2 because he fucking wanted to, as if he truly wanted to make it. But now he seems to be telling us "Its time for me and MGS to move on."
The problem is that Kojima has us by the balls. We are suckers for a new MGS game, and we will buy whatever Kojima throws at us.
Please do not be angry at what I said here. This is my opinion, and I'm excited to hear yours.
PS: The above works with MGS3 as well.