Just got a ps3 bundle on black friday, so MGS4 is the third game I'm playing. I guess, I should mention I am not the biggest MGS fan. Played about an hour of the original and another 3 of the second, skipped 3 altogether. Just started this one today and did not put it down until I finished the first act. I know it's probably been mentioned a million times, but I'm really enjoying it so far, so what the hell?
I remember the big comparison between MGS2 and Splinter Cell for the best stealth game out there... those times are long gone, but it's been replaced by a good variety and excellent pacing. We have some very obvious stealthy scenarios and close quarter shootouts connected via a sort of "find the easiest path by these bad guys"bits. All enjoyable and very well paced. Couple that with a great sense of humor and it makes for a very enjoyable, stress free experience, the long cutscenes just add to that rhythm. The main thing I have to point out though is the absolute insane attention to detail.
The detail put into every object and the quality of animation is nothing short of jaw dropping. Just the arbitrary scene where Snake checks out the M4 Drebin throws his way, the amount of effort and the craftsmanship that had to go into one little part of a long cutscene in a much longer game, insane. The way he inspects the rifle is more impressive than whole game's worth of animation work in some supposedly triple A games. Then, there's the scene where jonny(is that raiden? it has to be) shits his pants as a shootout unfolds. Anyway, I have to play some more tomorrow.