Gnome Scat
Well the credits are rolling for me now after finishing Mission
46 and wow what a let down. You make me play through that entire cinematic level again, reveal the obvious twist (it was clear since the beginning completely predictable), leave as many loose ends as possible, no Paz, no Zero(despite seeing him in the credits), and worst of all it feels like some fucking MGS3 fan who had such massive a hard on for Big Boss that he wanted to figure out how to write himself into the canon, but not only did he not stop there, he continued to write a botched story that he never tied up because his parents called him down for dinner or some shit. This story felt mostly amateur, despite a few good sequences like mission 43. I get what Kojima was trying to do, but come on man, that's just bad. Hopefully there's more.
Also, if you looked at your reflection in the ACC, it was your avatar, which was a cool I guess. Also, Eli not being related to him was another giveaway.
After credits talking was alright I guess. Oh and nevermind about Zero, he's in some tapes.