Kinda regretting not starting with MGS3 and opting for 2 instead; purely for the fact that I want to play it that badly. I hope I don't get burnt out on MGSness.
play them in release order.
Kinda regretting not starting with MGS3 and opting for 2 instead; purely for the fact that I want to play it that badly. I hope I don't get burnt out on MGSness.
play them in release order.
Picked this up last November, but finally got to finishing Snake Eater. WOW! In HD, It's like playing the game for the first time. Just so god damned good. I think I'm moving on to Peace Walker next (which I've never played)
As far as timeline, is this how it goes?
Peace Walker
play them in release order.
Just finished MGS3.................... This game............was phenomenal. I thought #4 was awesome , but #3... the storyline was utterly amazing. The Boss is easily one of my favourite characters of all time. A buddy of mine keeps singing "I GAVE MY LIFE, NOT FOR HONOUR, BUT FOR YOU!" It's so beautiful.....
I am speechless............
Hah, I just beat it last night too. The whole end segment was amazing. When the MGS theme started playing before the Shagohod battle, I was hyped and in awe. I'm gonna buy MGS1 on psn soon, but I'm thinking about playing MG1 & 2 since it's right there. How long are these 2 classics?
Still haven't got this yet. It looks like it launched with low stock in the EU
About halfway through on Hard.
I think it's pretty easy at this point except for the MGRs. Still have a tough time with those.
Have fun with them on extreme. There's basically no room for error. I think you can get hit once and survive as long as you have a ration or two, but after that it's over. I recommend watching a Big Boss run video for that fight. There are some good strategy's out there.
MGS2 is just phenomenal, what a game. i enjoy the two subsequent entries a lot but part of me wishes they were never made. the MGS1+MGS2 combination is perfect, nothing more needed to be said. it was over.
I mostly agree.MGS2 is just phenomenal, what a game. i enjoy the two subsequent entries a lot but part of me wishes they were never made. the MGS1+MGS2 combination is perfect, nothing more needed to be said. it was over.
Having just completed MGS3 for the first time, I have to disagree. MGS3 is damn near the pinnacle of story telling in video games, and while I appreciate MGS2 for it's "No one can be Solid Snake" angle, I'm going to go back to MGS1 and 2 wishing I had CQC and a deeper story.
Can you play this in 4:3? I only got an SDTV here and I don't want to have black bars during gameplay like MGS4 and Uncharted.
I don't think so. MGS2 cannot be finished on an SDTV due to a glitch.
What? That's not true. Where did you get that?
If you read the description it says otherwise.I should have specified that the PAL version can't be completed on an SDTV
Ha. PAL. Suckers.
I don't think so. MGS2 cannot be finished on an SDTV due to a glitch.
I mean can I play this without black bars. I'm only after 60fps MGS3 and Peace Walker.