Need a PM regarding acquiring Quiet as a combat buddy. I don't want to go in the spoiler thread.
Ending was just ruined for me by a YouTube comment. It was just a fuckin music video as well, not even MG related.
Does anyone know if the physical version come with a steam key? I know it activates on steam but do I actually need to use the disc, because I don't even have a disc drive on my desktop? Or if I need to use the disc can I just put the disc to my laptop and redeem it that way and then install on my desktop pc? And before anyone asks why even buy physical: The steelbook looks pretty cool and it's cheaper than steam version =)
I know the feeling, the twist in RDR was ruined for me by a /b/ post.
Guy at my work ordered it from them and received it on Saturday.
As annoyed as I am that I got spoiled, that's a bit how I feel. I'm all in for the gameplay, anyway. I've played all the MGS games several times over and still loved them despite knowing all the story bits that were coming by heart.It's kind of made the story more interesting though. So many unanswered questions based on one tiny spoiler. Like a movie that shows you the ending at the beginning. Not too fussed over it. More irritated by the prick who thought it would be hilarious.
That's the only thing it comes with (disc is only the installer for Steam, not game content)
What do you want to know exactly? PM me if you want.
Eta to midnight Eastern? Cursory Google suggests 1pm tomorrow Japan time. Got I can play after work![]()
Is there any way to disable the multi player base raids other than going offline?
I tranqed her with a Tranq sniper. I assume if you damage the red bar she dies.
I tried to do it with tranq gun and the mission went on for about an hour. I got her to the 75% but then she got me. It can be done I assume but its hard.
To unlock the tranq sniper you need to have a Lvl 15 R&D and Lvl 15 Medical. I dumped all my B and C soldiers from every other departments to get it done.
Yes. It rained when I was at Motherbase. No rain in Afghanistan (or atleast I havent seen it).
Cover-art is ready.
Ending was just ruined for me by a YouTube comment. It was just a fuckin music video as well, not even MG related.
Will the servers be up today??
Cover-art is ready.
why would they be up before official release?
My copied has just arrived. So happy...
Is there a poster I can buy with the art on the back of that?
Motherbase has been a bit boring so far. Would have liked some more activities on MB.
Yes, the same thing just happened to me. Found it a bit weird.Anyone else from Europe having trouble to pre-order the game on PSN?
It always ends up failing and then being cancelled. Know for a fact that there's no problem with my credit card..