i'm a metal gear veteran, can't believe i sound like such a noob right now..
i still need to find an interpreter so i can talk to people.
There are way too many soldiers with helmets around later in the game, the tranq is sometimes so inefficient that even putting 7 bullets in one won't put the bugger to sleep instantly. One tranq should be enough to put one to sleep after a certain duration. You can still put a guy with helmet to sleep with a headshot provided you hit their face but the sniper hit detection is wonky for such small targets.
The worst ones are the dudes who have a shield on their back, helmet on their head and use a walker....wtf?
Is this game OK to jump right in if you know nothing about the MGS series? The stealth aspect interests me and I'm tempted to buy it, however, the last one I played was Snake Eater back in the day!
Didn't you already finish the game?Man the side ops are getting tedious, 100 down, 57 to go.
There is a dispatch mission with the goal of disrupting enemy helmet distribution, which sounds like it resets the "if x headshots, soldiers wear helmets" condition, but maybe main missions aren't affected by it.
I'm at mission 9, but I already have Quiet in my brig since I ran into her randomly doing sideops. Anyway, Ocelot said I should visit her in the brig, but I can't find the damn thing. Anyone know where it is?
Do you have a medbay yet?I'm at mission 9, but I already have Quiet in my brig since I ran into her randomly doing sideops. Anyway, Ocelot said I should visit her in the brig, but I can't find the damn thing. Anyone know where it is?
I think hitboxes for helmets and bulletproofvest bug out at times, and give enemies full protection against darts above waist. Shot one soldier to middle of his face from ~6 meters away to only hear ding like it hit his helmet, then he rubbed his vest like it hit vest instead of helmet or head.
I think hitboxes for helmets and bulletproofvest bug out at times, and give enemies full protection against darts above waist. Shot one soldier to middle of his face from ~6 meters away to only hear ding like it hit his helmet, then he rubbed his vest like it hit vest instead of helmet or head.
You mean combat deployment?
is there a list with the locations of the main cast on mother base?
Medical Platform, on the northern/north west bit there are stairs going downstairs.
I think Mother Base for most part is very missed opportunity. It's so empty with nothing interesting to do or find, you don't even see buddies or major characters there for most of the time. Beating up soldiers gets boring quite fast, but same time seems to be tad mandatory because of moral so departments run in their full capacity.
At least it's pretty during night because of all lights :b
Bullet drop.
It's totally possible to shoot them in the face when they wear helmets.
Bullet drop.
I have visited her, but can't interact with her at all. No cutscene etc. All she does is. But I have seen a cutscene with her where shelistening to music and sunbathing. How do I "advance" her plot from there?wants to get on the chopper with me, but is held back.
There are way too many soldiers with helmets around later in the game, the tranq is sometimes so inefficient that even putting 7 bullets in one won't put the bugger to sleep instantly. One tranq should be enough to put one to sleep after a certain duration. You can still put a guy with helmet to sleep with a headshot provided you hit their face but the sniper hit detection is wonky for such small targets. At it doesn't work all the time. shot to the head shot blow away their helmet all the time while putting them in caution mode, b
The worst ones are the dudes who have a shield on their back, helmet on their head and use a walker....wtf?
Medical Platform, on the northern/north west bit there are stairs going downstairs.
Anybody that has finished or very close to finishing able to answer a quick question? Around mission 36
So I captured all the kids that escaped, immediately I got a call to say there had been a radiation leak or something so I headed back to Mother Base (where pretty much something has happened every time I came back after mission 32) expecting to see an interrogation with Eli, something regarding the leak etc etc, but there's just...nothing. The way MB is designed makes me think I could just be missing something but I have no idea how to get to where the children/ocelot are, or if even that's a possibility.
man there's nothing you had to do, just resume doing side ops and replays.Anybody that has finished or very close to finishing able to answer a quick question? Around mission 36
So I captured all the kids that escaped, immediately I got a call to say there had been a radiation leak or something so I headed back to Mother Base (where pretty much something has happened every time I came back after mission 32) expecting to see an interrogation with Eli, something regarding the leak etc etc, but there's just...nothing. The way MB is designed makes me think I could just be missing something but I have no idea how to get to where the children/ocelot are, or if even that's a possibility.
It is. I really was surprised when the AI adapted to my playstyle but as long as their faces are exposed tranq will work. Wonder if the enemies get full helmets later on. This game is addicting as hell. Especially with new companions and the options you have.Bullet drop.
It's totally possible to shoot them in the face when they wear helmets.
I have visited her, but can't interact with her at all. No cutscene etc. All she does is. But I have seen a cutscene with her where shelistening to music and sunbathing. How do I "advance" her plot from there?wants to get on the chopper with me, but is held back.
Also a question about D-Walker:I've used Hueys D-Walker in the Mission where you have to rescue him, but after the mission I didn't get D-Walker as a buddy. Did I mess up? or will I get him later?
I can land dart to eye of enemy soldier from 20+ meters away by now, aiming to master that shit. From 6 meters away drop for dart should be non existent and hit to point where you aim and result in hit to flesh. In fact I have landed such hits against helmet soldiers, but then there is that oddball soldier at times with super helmet and vest. If not bug then then game just isn't consistent with hit reg.
Edit: To your edit, I know. At times game doesn't register it as face hit tho when it should be with 100% certainty.
Are the servers up on the Xbox? I would like o transfer my gz save
It is. I really was surprised when the AI adapted to my playstyle but as long as their faces are exposed tranq will work. Wonder if the enemies get full helmets later on. This game is addicting as hell. Especially with new companions and the options you have.
For some strange reason, the alternative version of Quiet's theme isn't on either of the OST releases. The humming version, that is, that was used for one of the trailers.
'Heavy' guards have full helmets on that are impossible to tranq I think. Man they are tough. You can see them from as early as 10 hours in, in a side op I think.
I've accidentally started mission 11 or 12before finishing episodes 9 and 10 I think. Is this going to cause a problem, or should I bail and backtrack?where you recover Huey
not at allI've accidentally started mission 11 or 12before finishing episodes 9 and 10 I think. Is this going to cause a problem, or should I bail and backtrack?where you recover Huey
I've accidentally started mission 11 or 12before finishing episodes 9 and 10 I think. Is this going to cause a problem, or should I bail and backtrack?where you recover Huey
Yeah the Donna Burke version is missing from both soundtracks and that really pisses me off.
It is. I really was surprised when the AI adapted to my playstyle but as long as their faces are exposed tranq will work. Wonder if the enemies get full helmets later on. This game is addicting as hell. Especially with new companions and the options you have.
I've accidentally started mission 11 or 12before finishing episodes 9 and 10 I think. Is this going to cause a problem, or should I bail and backtrack?where you recover Huey
2. A cardboard Box with anime on it. Easy grab lol
Speaking of, how do I put posters on my boxes? I've already got a couple
man there's nothing you had to do, just resume doing side ops and replays.
the story's happening but you get to interact with very little of it.
I don't remember having to run around to trigger anything. I think I might have actually done another side-op before going back to base, so maybe that's a requirement.
I am still at the beginning of the game, mission 6 I guess. However, when I am doing missions like extractingand other missions, the game show me one objective while there are question marks around the other objectives! How do I uncover those?the professor
I am still at the beginning of the game, mission 6 I guess. However, when I am doing missions like extractingand other missions, the game show me one objective while there are question marks around the other objectives! How do I uncover those?the professor