I'm enjoying the game a lot, I love the gameplay and most missions (except the one you have to kidnap a sheep... seriously what happen with open world games and sheeps? you always end up stealing one). I don't feel like I need too much story so far, I'm only at mission 7 and have done all side ops available and listened all tapes anytime they were given to me. I like the management of Mother Base, nothing too complicated so far and I don't need to spend time with it other than asign some work and develop stuff that are useful to me.
What I can say is that I'm not mindblowed so far, it's a great game and I still have a lot ahead but I've played 14hs and until now nothing has amuse me beyond the "this is great" feeling.
I'm with people saying that mute Snake is weird, it's not annoying but sometimes a response or word is needed from him.
Also, it's really obvious that this game is cross gen, I like what I see but to me the graphics aren't very good, I don't know but after the Witcher 3 this world feels really poor in comparison and I don't think it's all due to art direction.
Another thing is that traversing from one place to another doesn't feel appealing to me, I love to ride a horse in this games but here the only thing that matters are the missions, infiltration in bases and villages, and it's ok, that's the goal of the game but sometimes I've to travel a really long way and is somehow boring.
I don't know if someone had made the joke but: "This is a great game, but no a great Metal Gear Solid game".