What's everyone using for their custom helicopter music? I'm using: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYKupOsaJmk
I like this post.It's clear we need a course on how to tag spoilers.
Step 1: Provide context for your tagged content.
Bad example:Bad example: "Yo wtfAt the end you find out Snake was 3 kids in a trenchcoat, the WHOLE time."At the end you find out Snake was 3 kids in a trenchcoat, the WHOLE time.
Fixed version: "End game spoiler"At the end you find out Snake was 3 kids in a trenchcoat, the WHOLE time.
Step 2: Ensure your tags are correct before you hit the post button.
It's not hard, folks. You'd all be gone if it was up to me.
Just curious (to gauge how far I am in the main missions): How many Main Missions are there in total? just the number.
What's everyone using for their custom helicopter music? I'm using: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYKupOsaJmk
Mission 5, again,and not a word. I hate Mute Snake.Snake sees the creepy gas mask kid from the hospital, a giant robot hand grabs him, a guy with a messed up face and a grudge walks up and talks about wanting him dead, sees a giant walking robot, and fights more Skull soldiers...
Does anybody know how you trigger the cut-scenes for Quiet? The onlyI don't want to miss any of those moments, as they seem pretty important.scenes I've had with her so far are the initial capturing of her, and one time when she attempted to board the chopper when I was leaving, but decided not to go.
It's ... complicated.
31 until you see the credits.51 total.Perhaps 10 of those 51 are harder versions of old missions, maybe slightly more.
Why do they make this game such a pain to travel around?
Can you really not get in the helicopter and go to a different point? What a shit design. You can do it at motherbase...
What's the point of the remaining20 missions? Is there any new story attached to them?
Why do they make this game such a pain to travel around?
Can you really not get in the helicopter and go to a different point? What a shit design. You can do it at motherbase...
Why do they make this game such a pain to travel around?
Can you really not get in the helicopter and go to a different point? What a shit design. You can do it at motherbase...
What do you mean random.
Mission 5, again,and not a word. I hate Mute Snake.Snake sees the creepy gas mask kid from the hospital, a giant robot hand grabs him, a guy with a messed up face and a grudge walks up and talks about wanting him dead, sees a giant walking robot, and fights more Skull soldiers...
I think that is if you get a ticket from an outpost yu then can use it with a box to travel to that outpost. I'm sure it takes a while and is convoluted as fuck though, so I don't try it.There is fast travel but I'm not even clear how it works? You get tickets from machines or something?
What's the point of the remaining20 missions? Is there any new story attached to them?
You can just use touchpad and click go to ACC. and there is fast travel between points using the cardboard box.
How do you play though? In sidemissions I play a lot more 'loose', trying to use more experimental techniques (blowing stuff up to create distractions, using reflex mode to pop headshot after headshot on a group of enemies, using the horse for stealth etc), while I'm trying to play more stealthy in main-missions. I feel like there's plenty of variation in the gameplay but it's kinda up to you to make it happen.Overall I would've preferred a normal MGS style game over this. This kind of thing you can get in places like Far Cry, GTA, Skyrim, Fallout - you name it. I felt a bit fatigued in the 2nd mission already because I could foresee the gameplay of the next 50 ahead of me. As of mission 10 that prediction hasn't been disproven. I hope as more gameplay elements get brought up and the story progresses things that to feel more distinct but right now this is a fine game which just kind of improves on an open world formula that has already been done.
I'm sure there's some game that has done something similar, but at least for me this type of open-world stealth game feels fresh and it's one of the few games that truly feel like it nails the 'freedom' aspect of being an open-world game.Played 8 hours. More or less enjoying it, but these are some criticisms I've got of it so far:
- Open world 'take the outpost' style gameplay is derivative of other games and repetitive
Agreed, would like some type of quick-access to the tapes, so you could start them up quickly. At least they autoplay.- Accessing cassette tapes should be much more intuitive if it is supposed to provide entertainment during the dull travelling sections. The constant radio and UI chatter going over tapes doesn't help either.
I've done like 5 main story mission and 4 or 5 side-missions, and I've been in the chopper like... 3 times? Starting up missions while being out in the world, calling in supply drops, every now and then managing some Mother Base upgrade stuff.. I just love the way the game flows with very little interruptions. I was a bit concerned when you were forced back to Mother Base after Mission 1 but since then it hasn't happened. I've built like 3 platforms and recruited probably 50 people since since I was last to the Base.- Helicopter feels like a waste of time 10 missions in, it should be skippable, credits are pointless (although you can skip through most of this at least)
... this game! However do you need to upgrade the bond or something? I feel like I've called the horse while running and it has stopped behind me.. I do remember one time that it kept walking/running beside me which was awesome, but I haven't been able to trigger it again.Tip: you can jump on D-Horse while running, if you call the horse while you run it will run beside you until you get on it.
I'm on that mission now. Spent like 2-3 hours just getting to the actual mission area. Just incredibly epic so far. Had to go to work so couldn't finish but yeah. That relay station area or whatever.. incredibly fun area.Mission 6 had the best level design since... I don't remember, but it's just perfect. Now I'm doing side ops with the sneaking suit, listening to some 80's badass music, feels damn good man.
I think that is if you get a ticket from an outpost yu then can use it with a box to travel to that outpost. I'm sure it takes a while and is convoluted as fuck though, so I don't try it.
What's the point of the remaining20 missions? Is there any new story attached to them?
Am I the only one that thinks Mother Base is an absolute waste of time?
Yeaaa, I see that. But you have to go through all the loading and loadout crap again I assume...You can just use touchpad and click go to ACC. and there is fast travel between points using the cardboard box.
It's so weird. It is a common thing I think with Japanese titles, noting making things that comfortable.Big parts of this game speak of splintered design and direction. Sections of MGSV are indescribably wonderful. And other sections play like they were forgotten features rediscovered and reincorporated at the last moment.
Am I the only one that thinks Mother Base is an absolute waste of time?
Ook. That seems a lot faster than I was thinking. I was assuming it would be Metal Gear and make you wait for a truck, he loads you, says some jokes, drives there, fades out for a bit, appear at your spot, unloads you, has a chat, then you are there. Someone probably had to take Kojima down from that.
... this game! However do you need to upgrade the bond or something? I feel like I've called the horse while running and it has stopped behind me.. I do remember one time that it kept walking/running beside me which was awesome, but I haven't been able to trigger it again.
Played 8 hours. More or less enjoying it, but these are some criticisms I've got of it so far:
- Open world 'take the outpost' style gameplay is derivative of other games and repetitive
- Story is densely packed into the background which is a poor delivery system for something which this much information to portray
- Helicopter feels like a waste of time 10 missions in, it should be skippable, credits are pointless (although you can skip through most of this at least)
- Waiting for Mother Base to feel important beyond being a weapons shop you can access in the menu
- Accessing cassette tapes should be much more intuitive if it is supposed to provide entertainment during the dull travelling sections. The constant radio and UI chatter going over tapes doesn't help either.
Overall I would've preferred a normal MGS style game over this. This kind of thing you can get in places like Far Cry, GTA, Skyrim, Fallout - you name it. I felt a bit fatigued in the 2nd mission already because I could foresee the gameplay of the next 50 ahead of me. As of mission 10 that prediction hasn't been disproven. I hope as more gameplay elements get brought up and the story progresses things that to feel more distinct but right now this is a fine game which just kind of improves on an open world formula that has already been done.
Today's my birthday...