Holy shit I just saw this on tumblr and it gave me chills I tell you!
>Hideo Kojima announces he is leaving Konami after MGSV
>MGSV is released.
>Widely acclaimed
>Ending is amazing and wraps up the plot perfectly
>Maximum score in every single gaming website or magazine
>Gets all game awards ever
>Kojima does not show up to receive any awards
>Konami representative shows up to get the award and is booed by the audience screaming A HIDEO KOJIMA GAME
>Kojima vanishes completely
>Konami announces a new MGS game without Kojima on the team
>Critics are not pleased. Say it is a sacrilege to the series legacy.
>Valve announces a surprise press conference to be broadcast worldwide at Camp Nou, Barcelona
>the stadium is packed full, the entire worlds press is there
>during the conference Gabe Newell talks about the SteamOS, SteamVR and such.
>conference ends.
>lights go off
>Gaben says I have a surprise for you
>spotlights pointing to the ceiling
>a helicopter appears, a rope comes out of it
>Hideo Kojima goes down the rope
>Gabe Newell says please applaud our new developer
>the crowd goes wild
>people are crying
>people are on their knees and bowing
>Kojima goes up on stage and holds the microphone
>I also have a surprise for you he says
>Lights go off again
>The screen shows Valve and Kojima Productions present
>A Hideo Kojima game
>Half Life 3
>histerical screaming
>people are crying on the streets
>the cure for AIDS is discovered
>world peace
>Half Life 3 is released
>Acclaimed as the best game of the entire history of videogames
>creates new standards for videogames
>released on every platform existent.
>Valve buys Sony, Microsoft, Motorola, Apple and Samsung
>Valve is the biggest corporation in the world
>Gabe Newell announces another press conference
>stadium is full again
>Gaben and Kojima appear on stage, hand in hand
>everyone applauds
>then the lights go off
>the center of the stadium opens
>a huge machine appears, armed with all belic power existant in the world
>Thanks to Mr. Newell, I could conclude my life plan, I announce to you
the metal gear
>world domination plan
>millions of other Metal Gears appear in the world
>The era of Valve is here
>Kojima cannot be stopped
>War begins
>Humanity is extinct,