Can someone tell me how to attach ato my damn heli? lol. I cant seem to figure it out.speaker
probably customise in the ACC
Can someone tell me how to attach ato my damn heli? lol. I cant seem to figure it out.speaker
Can someone tell me how to attach ato my damn heli? lol. I cant seem to figure it out.speaker
Can someone tell me how to attach ato my damn heli? lol. I cant seem to figure it out.speaker
I'm at the credits. Please tell me there's more story.
I'm at the credits. Please tell me there's more story.
So I'm hearing soldiers talking about the 'woman that disappears' being seen near the power plant. Should I head over there and randomly encounter her or is there a certain mission for it?
Now I'm scared of finishing the game and tainting my feelings on it.
On another note, not surprised to see Jackpot was banned and nothing of value was lost.
I just got a message saying we built a platform for the animals, but I can't find it on my map. How do I get to it?
Those target practice side ops on mother base can get fucked. There goes the completionist in me.
the fuck is wrong with combat deployment missions?
I can't do a single one. "not enough units" which seems bullshit, I have more than enough units but when I try to assemble a squad for the mission the game doesn't let me select all the units I have, just 2 - 4 of them, and I need 5.
I'm not very far in, but once you come to the realisation that there won't be 1 hour cutscenes, huge info dumps, and crazy Revelations and just general mgs craziness/humour, I think you'll feel better.
Just take it for what it is and enjoy the ride with no expectations. I know I've come to that realisation. This really is not mgs.
I was afraid of all those things disappointing me, but so far it hasn't bothered me too much, but I'm terrified of the ending leaving a sour taste in my mouth.I'm not very far in, but once you come to the realisation that there won't be 1 hour cutscenes, huge info dumps, and crazy Revelations and just general mgs craziness/humour, I think you'll feel better.
Just take it for what it is and enjoy the ride with no expectations. I know I've come to that realisation. This really is not mgs.
If you don't like it now, you're probably not going to like it in the second half. MGSV is a game where you can pretty much understand whether it's for you or not in about 10 hours. Not much is going to change after that that point.I find that incredibly difficult lol
it's a numbered metal gear. 2, 3 and 4 all managed to reach or surpass the hype. this has been my most hyped games since its announcement... there's expectations, and they're damn high.
still holding out hope that things turn around during the second half of the game ; _ ;
Super duper early Quiet spoilers:
Woah, that fight was hard. I wish I knew that I didn't have to tranq her the entire time, because using my sniper would have made the fight way easier. Oh well. I just could not spot her before she spotted me. I was using the directional mic to find her, but she's always spot me just as I spotter her. She'd take a shot, I'd recover and then pop out of cover for a quick tranq, causing her to run to the next destination. Still a pretty fun fight, but I'd like to try it again with a sniper. Also, I was really bummed to sneak up right behind her during a sandstorm and find out I couldn't CQC her. What would have been such an easy headshot was wasted.
Super duper early Quiet spoilers:
Woah, that fight was hard. I wish I knew that I didn't have to tranq her the entire time, because using my sniper would have made the fight way easier. Oh well. I just could not spot her before she spotted me. I was using the directional mic to find her, but she's always spot me just as I spotter her. She'd take a shot, I'd recover and then pop out of cover for a quick tranq, causing her to run to the next destination. Still a pretty fun fight, but I'd like to try it again with a sniper. Also, I was really bummed to sneak up right behind her during a sandstorm and find out I couldn't CQC her. What would have been such an easy headshot was wasted.
You cancall in a supply drop on her head. 2 drops will empty her stamina bar.
If you don't like it now, you're probably not going to like it in the second half. MGSV is a game where you can pretty much understand whether it's for you or not in about 10 hours. Not much is going to change after that that point.
I'm so sorry, Anth0ny.
Just think about Roman Reigns. Things will get better. There'll be better games.
When is the earliest I can getalternate costumes for Quiet? Want to cover her up.
So what's the deal with interrogating guards? They frequently tell me "Our specialist is located here!" and the map is updated.....then I check the map and there's nothing differentiating whoever he just marked from a regular soldier. Odds are I'd already marked his "specialist" with my binocs.
woooooooooooow at that retcon:
(medbay scene... if you don't know what it is, don't highlight)
Seriously this where they go with Paz? Hey, surprise, we actually checked her vagina and she totally didn't blow up! You see Snake was all "I know something's wrong! Why don't you shove your hand into her vagina and check!" Except he didn't say that, but the doctor knew it anyway, and we got a great fisting scene. It's all good now, she's alive, yay! wut
You can get alternate costumes almost immediately, but they're just bikini variants. After mission 32 or something with maximum bond I got her prologue outfit. There's a later story mission where you get another variant outfit although it only slightly covers her.
So what's the deal with interrogating guards? They frequently tell me "Our specialist is located here!" and the map is updated.....then I check the map and there's nothing differentiating whoever he just marked from a regular soldier. Odds are I'd already marked his "specialist" with my binocs.
Super duper early Quiet spoilers:
Woah, that fight was hard. I wish I knew that I didn't have to tranq her the entire time, because using my sniper would have made the fight way easier. Oh well. I just could not spot her before she spotted me. I was using the directional mic to find her, but she's always spot me just as I spotter her. She'd take a shot, I'd recover and then pop out of cover for a quick tranq, causing her to run to the next destination. Still a pretty fun fight, but I'd like to try it again with a sniper. Also, I was really bummed to sneak up right behind her during a sandstorm and find out I couldn't CQC her. What would have been such an easy headshot was wasted.
Can't find this stupid little lost sheep. I swear I've been to every building!
I'll be brutally honest -- I'm a little bored with this game right now. I'm on Mission 6, which I know is not far, but there just doesn't feel like there's the cohesion or direction of other Metal Gear games. Everything is sneaking. Sneaking. Yes, I know it's a stealth series and game, but I'd love some variety.
So what's the deal with interrogating guards? They frequently tell me "Our specialist is located here!" and the map is updated.....then I check the map and there's nothing differentiating whoever he just marked from a regular soldier. Odds are I'd already marked his "specialist" with my binocs.