Probably the reason no one is responding is because very few of us have beaten it at this point. No idea how you did!
But anyways without seeing the ending I am under the impression there is a true ending to unlock somehow?
Keep doing side ops peace walker style.Mission 43 spoilers:Where exactly do I go from here? I've been completing side ops & everything. Nothing is marked in yellow. I got a call from Miller about suspecting Huey of causing the outbreak during mission 43. My bond with Quiet is all the way up. How do I unlock mission 45 & 46?
This is the worst Metal Gear game in my opinion.
But at the same time, it is probably my GOTY.
Uhh, this sounds horrible.Oh no, the 'true ending' isn't an ending, Kotaku has an article showing off the cut content. The ending was cut and the story left unfinished.
This is a disaster. I got the gamea week ago, when people reach where I am gonna be a lot of extremely annoyed gamers I think.
I kept waiting for a certain part of the story to continue...and it never did.
Ōkami;177527645 said:Precious metals are only good for selling, right?
Oh god. That's terrible. Uhh... I really hope there is. D: Good luck.
This whole "one save file" thing is so... so... so... Pokemon.
Please don't discuss the ending in this thread. There is a spoiler thread for a reason.Oh no.
From a LZ? No, but certain areas have fast travel 'stations' you use using the box. You gotta take te sticker off them to use them first.
Please don't discuss the ending in this thread. There is a spoiler thread for a reason.
Or spoiler tag it at least.
Oh no, the 'true ending' isn't an ending, Kotaku has an article showing off the cut content. The ending was cut and the story left unfinished.
This is a disaster. I got the game a week ago, when people reach where I am gonna be a lot of extremely annoyed gamers I think.
I kept waiting for a certain part of the story to continue...and it never did.
I'm only about to Mission 7 or 8, but so far the Prologue is the only thing that truly felt like a MGS game. The rest of the game is MGS trying to be something else, while still trying to retain its core. MGSV is a disappointment to me, in that regard.I can't agree or disagree yet, but I really get what you're saying.
If this was a new game I would be blown away by everything (aside from a few annoying quirks). But as a Metal Gear game it just is not hitting the right buttons... I don't know, it's like I keep waiting for the game to actually start, with a long ass introductory cutscene, total gun fetishism, and hokey voice acting. It's just missing a certain something the other MGS games had.
I gotta say, limiting you to only 3 guns per mission could be one of the most asinine decisions I have ever seen in a game.
Firstly, why in the holy fuck is bionic arm a whole god damn pistol slot? Are you shitting me?
Secondly, why the crap only 1 pistol slot? I mean, come the fuck on. Tranq is a must. So that leaves me with absolutely nothing else....
Then the 2 heavy weapon slots are both different as well, so you cant have 2 rifles for instances.
Man, I wish I got this game for PC, so someone could mod this garbage out.
I don't understand how I'm supposed to kill four of these indestructible fuckers. I know I'll eventually beat this mission, but it won't be due to skill. I'll get lucky and exploit bad AI. They keep shooting me from a distance/throwing giant fucking rocks at me that I can't dodge.
At this moment I am really enjoying it but it isn't any where near MGS1, 2 and 3 levels. More so on level with MGS4.
I don't even know if it will be my GOTY though after Bloodborne, still too early to tell. And yet Fallout 4 is still coming.
At the base, where is the jail?
Medical platform.Reposting for new page.
Reposting for new page.
Because the arm gets.ranged attachments later on, so it can sort of be a pistol
But I agree, one more pistol would be nice, tranq should just be its own thing.
Either way you know you can call in new gear anytime you want, delivered to your location, right?
Oh no, the 'true ending' isn't an ending, Kotaku has an article showing off the cut content. The ending was cut and the story left unfinished.
This is a disaster. I got the game a week ago, when people reach where I am gonna be a lot of extremely annoyed gamers I think.
I kept waiting for a certain part of the story to continue...and it never did.
Ōkami;177528251 said:Medical platform.
Pretty sure I found the room you're referring to, but there's no one there. Says in my menu there's someone in the brig, but haven't been able to find him.I think the brig is on your med deck. Look around for a set of stairs that take you down.
It's less a jail and more a perv at quiet room.
No, I believe it is game time, not system time. You need to spend that set amount of time in game playing for it to pass.Quick question - can I change the system clock to skip waiting times for research/mother base upgrades?
My guess is that it should work in offline mode, but I want to be sure.
Fuuuuu only on mission 7 and they're already wearing tranq-headshot-proof helmets!
Use stronger guns.Episode 16I can't beat these fucking skulls it's ridiculous. I shoot once and it's impossible to get away.
I think perception of this game is gonna go south once people get to the back half. It's embarrassing how unfinished this game seems.
I still think there's no reason to post impressions of the ending (or even late game stuff overall) without spoiler tags. There's a spoiler thread where you can discuss freely if you think the ending was disappointing and unfinished and what story threads you didn't get resolutions to.I didn't post any details at all.
Just spent over two hours on mission 7. I ambushed the first two targets as they were being driven along the road and extracted them. I then went into the town and interrogated everyone, other than one guy I dragged into a dumpster as he came to see why the power was out. Got some prisoner locations and couldn't find the third target to complete the mission. Travelled all of the way to the other base, took out and interrogated everyone there and extracted the two side mission prisoners, still no Intel or clue where the third main target was. After clearing out three or four checkpoints, I decided to go back to the first town again. Turns out the guy I pulled into the dumpster was the officer I had been looking for the whole damn time lol. Pulled him out of the bin, gave him a good few kicks for good measure and extracted him. Feels good.
Ohh I know. Its just that sometimes I just want to shoot out a light for instance, or destroy some radio. So I am forced to carry suppressed assault rifles, of which I only have 1 unlocked which I don't like that much.
Dunno, I guess I was just spoiled by the other metal gear games....
Episode 16I can't beat these fucking skulls it's ridiculous. I shoot once and it's impossible to get away.
Ōkami;177528629 said:Use stronger guns.