Metaphor: ReFantazio |OT| Don’t Worry, It’s All in Your Head!

On which platform will you be picking up the game?

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Metaphor in contrast has you trying to become king. If you decide to make a series about becoming a king each time, I think that concept would wear itself out much faster.

I agree 100% so they would have to keep this template but create an entirely new motivation for the characters, they simply can't do this concept twice, you identified why it's a lot easier with Persona 👌


Gold Member
You only get 10 days before the final battle with Louis?

Seems pretty scarse.

Can you even max out multiple social links in the first run?
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Good writeup man, love reading lengthy opinions about this game here.
Personally, something I omitted from my "review": I'm not really sure if Metaphor has the ingredients to make it as a series. Despite being such a strong game, I'm not sure what they can do in sequels that would make each experience shine in their own way. Persona is pretty simple, just drop highschoolers into a town somewhere in Japan and tackle modern issues. The framework of leading a double life for a year as a highschooler I think has a strong appeal. Hell, with the nature of shadows and personas, they don't even have to stick to high school, as Persona 5 was initially supposed to be a globetrotting adventure with the theme of "finding yourself", think Persona 5 Strikers but not exclusively in Japan.

Metaphor in contrast has you trying to become king. If you decide to make a series about becoming a king each time, I think that concept would wear itself out much faster. It's too high stakes from the get go and is pretty confined in the way gameplay is designed, because it'd be your job to help citizens as a throne candidate every game. If you decide to do something else, like the inital plan with Persona 5, you'd kinda "downgrade" the game because now it's not as cool as trying to usurp the throne. It would also change gameplay radically because you'd have a different framework.

Maybe I'm just not creative but it's a little hard for me to envision sequels or a series for this game. However, if they find a way to keep things fresh and make it all work, I'm fully on board. I also want to return to this world, this game in general, just don't see how it'd work.
If they do make a sequel/Metaphor a series, I think I'd prefer a direct sequel, tbh. The ending sets it up well to where these characters have a whole new arc they could go on.
My mid-playthrough impressions have not changed much from my initial ones, but I have to say, it feels kinda weak for some reason, as a whole. in comparison with P5R, Persona had a much more awesome soundtrack than Metaphor, or at the very least far more memorable. Music is very important to me. Boss fights as well are extremely underwhelming compared to Persona where you genuinely had to think and prepare properly, while Metaphor outside of Human designs, their mechanics are just boring. I also havent gotten attached to any of the companions, where as in P5R I instantly liked Ryuji and wanted to bang all the female cast. Even if Metaphor had romance I find none of the female cast interesting. I suppose everything else is...pretty good, archetype-wise I mean except for the Summoner one and the Dancer w/e its called. You'd expect something called Summoner to actually summon some monsters in combat to assist but it's just a mage. Same with Dancer, you just put on a specific Archetype mask and get its abilities, meh. As for the main story, dunno how to feel yet, it's very generic and the more I progress its mature tones have completely vanished, they';re basically doing the same thing as FF16 which starts of with some brutal stuff only to end up being just another boring teen story. Metaphor seems to be heading that way as well and Im pretty sure I've seen the same story somewhere else multiple kknow...
ruins of a civilization are actually ruins of our present time and all dat shit.
maybe ill be surprised by it, but I doubt it.
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I finished the game at around 100 hours, I farmed a lot of aexp.
I enjoyed the combat but in a game where you need to farm for hours to unlock archetypes, enemy variety is pretty lacking.
Needing to do another full playthrough and farming levels for 1 achievement is a bit too much to ask for 100%.
Story and characters were fine but nothing memorable and the ending is a bit underwhelming.
They need to upgrade their engine, it really shows its age, the Gauntlet Runner has some really low textures, it's jarring during exterior scenes.

It might be me but this year I haven't been impressed by any RPG: Infinite Wealth, Granblue Fantasy Relink, Dragon's Dogma 2, Metaphor or Dragon Age, none will get my GOTY. Fun games for the most but not GOTY material in my view.


If they do make a sequel/Metaphor a series, I think I'd prefer a direct sequel, tbh. The ending sets it up well to where these characters have a whole new arc they could go on.
You just reminded me about how Catherine is actually going overseas on scouting missions for you to inform you about what's going on outside of the Kingdom of Euchronia, so hell who knows, maybe a direct sequel could actually work!
Infinite Wealth

People complain a lot about western rpg's being safe, but boy do jrpgs have gotten extremely safe as well, like theres nothing to push them over the edge of just being ok anymore and people have lowered their standards for them as well. Infinite Wealth is the perfect example of this. I enjoyed the game a lot but boy did it also disappoint in a lot of aspects. Japanese games are getting bigger and in turn they also become safe, less risky, less random, less mature.


Gold Member
A simple yes or no answer:

Does the game continue after 09/24?

I don't have a single social link maxed out and this is bugging the hell out of me. Usually, in Persona games, by endgame date I would have a couple of them maxed out, plus the strongest Persona done.

Here I'm lacking in both (social links and archetypes).
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A simple yes or no answer:

Does the game continue after 09/24?

I don't have a single social link maxed out and this is bugging the hell out of me. Usually, in Persona games, by endgame date I would have a couple of them maxed out, plus the strongest Persona done.

Here I'm lacking in both (social links and archetypes).
Yes. You have time.
I don't have a single social link maxed out and this is bugging the hell out of me.
I'm curious what you have been doing with your time? I read all the books, talked to most people in the towns, grew a few seeds, did every side quest, and yet had five characters at max rank by that point. Basically, every time Gallica said someone wanted to talk to me, I did. What were you up to?


Gold Member
You only get 10 days before the final battle with Louis?

Seems pretty scarse.

Can you even max out multiple social links in the first run?

I’m assuming you mean the battle on 9/24 — Its not even close to the final battle, don’t worry.
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Gold Member
Been grinding tower of Insolence before Louis battle and I'm still level 56.

Dumb me didn't level up my tolerence enough to get extra EXP from Maria.


Darkness no more
I am 30 hours in and am losing interest. The characters are mostly dull. The story is ok, but nothing great. I don't like the calendar/bond system here as much as Persona. The dungeon design is 20 years in the past. The combat is ok and has been mostly what is carrying things for me, but after 30 hours that is starting to wear thin too. I like the idea of the archtype system, but harder fights mostly boil down to making sure you have the right ones equipped and running down a checklist of actions to win the fight. I don't think the current system would work with being able to change them on the fly, but having to reload, change archtypes and then do the fight again doesn't really feel all that satisfying. I will probably shelve the game for now and maybe come back to it in the future. It's not a bad game, but I will admit I find the 94 MC score baffling.


Gold Member
So instead of facing our true self, Atlus makes us play 90% of the game as a shadow?

Cool twist. I always thought there were quite a few similarities between MC and the prince, but that was not where my mind was headed.
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I am 30 hours in and am losing interest. The characters are mostly dull. The story is ok, but nothing great. I don't like the calendar/bond system here as much as Persona. The dungeon design is 20 years in the past. The combat is ok and has been mostly what is carrying things for me, but after 30 hours that is starting to wear thin too. I like the idea of the archtype system, but harder fights mostly boil down to making sure you have the right ones equipped and running down a checklist of actions to win the fight. I don't think the current system would work with being able to change them on the fly, but having to reload, change archtypes and then do the fight again doesn't really feel all that satisfying. I will probably shelve the game for now and maybe come back to it in the future. It's not a bad game, but I will admit I find the 94 MC score baffling.

You really should stop taking MC scores at face value. They havent been accurate for ages and it's funny that gaf still swoons over them. As for the complaints I think the main issue with the game is that it has no focus. The combat is pretty much ambush the enemy and insta win or get attacked by mistake and you have to restart. Every single combat encounter in the game is one way or the other. Theres no middle ground, you can't evne get to enjoy combat encounters because they end up instantly, which leaves boss fights and the story. Boss fights are all garbage, there was never once that I said wow, this is awesome, theres no focus on the villains outside of Louis and he's just as generic as any other fantasy game. Companions are dull indeed. Still, I am enjoying the game. I am nearing the end, it's def not an 120 hour game, no idea who said that? I have 60 hours on Hard and I'm nearing the fight on the end of Sept and based on the calendar the game ends at the end of Oct. Not sure I wanna grind anymore, i wanna finish it and move on. All this game has done is make me want to replay P5R again.


Gold Member
You really should stop taking MC scores at face value. They havent been accurate for ages and it's funny that gaf still swoons over them. As for the complaints I think the main issue with the game is that it has no focus. The combat is pretty much ambush the enemy and insta win or get attacked by mistake and you have to restart. Every single combat encounter in the game is one way or the other. Theres no middle ground, you can't evne get to enjoy combat encounters because they end up instantly, which leaves boss fights and the story. Boss fights are all garbage, there was never once that I said wow, this is awesome, theres no focus on the villains outside of Louis and he's just as generic as any other fantasy game. Companions are dull indeed. Still, I am enjoying the game. I am nearing the end, it's def not an 120 hour game, no idea who said that? I have 60 hours on Hard and I'm nearing the fight on the end of Sept and based on the calendar the game ends at the end of Oct. Not sure I wanna grind anymore, i wanna finish it and move on. All this game has done is make me want to replay P5R again.

I share the same feeling. I think the narrative and setting are more interesting, but everything else feels short for a project like this. This was supposed to be their biggest project yet, and to be honest, it doesn't feel like it. Gameplay wise I don't see a single innovative mechanic at all, and in other parts they seem to have cut corners for no fucking reason.

I'm getting from this game the exact same feeling I got from FFXVI. Starts great, but once you see the loop and the side content they throw at you,'s not that good and memorable from a gameplay perspective.

I'm about 80 hours in, time wise I'm invested in the game, I'll finish it, and that's it for me.


I share the same feeling. I think the narrative and setting are more interesting, but everything else feels short for a project like this. This was supposed to be their biggest project yet, and to be honest, it doesn't feel like it. Gameplay wise I don't see a single innovative mechanic at all, and in other parts they seem to have cut corners for no fucking reason.

I'm getting from this game the exact same feeling I got from FFXVI. Starts great, but once you see the loop and the side content they throw at you,'s not that good and memorable from a gameplay perspective.

I'm about 80 hours in, time wise I'm invested in the game, I'll finish it, and that's it for me.
Skipping non-essential dialogue as boosted the experience me greatly for me. I really like the main characters and plot action for the main story, but all the side content feels like typical modern JRPG templated cutscene fair which I never liked to begin with. You know it's bad when you don't miss any key info after skipping 10 textboxes full of dialogue. This game is at it's best when you're just griding in dungeons or doing story missions, most other stuff feels like filler.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I think the game would have been better off without these two. They come late to the party and don't bring anything very unique. There are already two variants of wizard to use.
You gotta be kidding. Dancer and Persona Master are amongst the most OP classes, with the high magic damage output and the skills to create weaknesses.

Couldn't have beaten the tower dragons without it.
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The nicest person on this forum
You gotta be kidding. Dancer and Persona Master are amongst the most OP classes, with the high magic damage output and the skills to create weaknesses.

Couldn't have beaten the tower dragons without it.
Yup I don’t think I could beat Dragon that repels every element without Persona Master.
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Gold Member
Been grinding tower of Insolence before Louis battle and I'm still level 56.

Dumb me didn't level up my tolerence enough to get extra EXP from Maria.

I decided to check out the final dungeon at level 50 and that was a mistake. Luckily I still have like 28 days from that decision to get it figured out, lol (I did make it a little ways in, get some treasures, and beat a mini boss but it was draining my resources way too fast, so it wasn't a total waste but I was clearly underleveled).


Gold Member
I decided to check out the final dungeon at level 50 and that was a mistake. Luckily I still have like 28 days from that decision to get it figured out, lol (I did make it a little ways in, get some treasures, and beat a mini boss but it was draining my resources way too fast, so it wasn't a total waste but I was clearly underleveled).

I ventured into tower of Insolunce after activating the Dragon about a difficult spike.

I had farmed quite a bit in there and thought about going back, just to find out that there are level 74 lurking there now.

Frustrated Here We Go GIF by Sesame Street
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Dancer and Persona Master are amongst the most OP classes
Im playing on hard and havent found any arch OP outside of Faker and the free turn spam which is pretty much cheating. Sure you can lose all ur turns as well but i spam it early on to get free turns twice(third one is always a fail from what I tested). You can also just inherit whatever you want on the wizard arch and nuke whomever u want.


The nicest person on this forum
Im playing on hard and havent found any arch OP outside of Faker and the free turn spam which is pretty much cheating. Sure you can lose all ur turns as well but i spam it early on to get free turns twice(third one is always a fail from what I tested). You can also just inherit whatever you want on the wizard arch and nuke whomever u want.
I used combination of elemental mage Arch for MC and give him staff that will increase electric damage and Junah will use her Persona Master ability to make the boss weak to electric and I use elemental mage Arch’s Synthesis attack to do severe electric attack that will do close to 5k damage.
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Time to piss off some people. After my mid impressions of the game, the end completely destroyed any enjoyment I had towards it which, sad to say, I won't recommend it on my steam review. I liked no characters, the entire story was generic fantasy, everything about the game was a shameful different skin of Persona and while that in itself is not a bad thing, a lot of western games get a ton of flak for being samey, yet japanese games always seem to take a free pass for it. Well not from me. Every single event was copied from Persona, down to how the final fight goes, and how the final boss looks, and what happens. But thats not what pissed me off the most, as much as the grind. I've had no issues dealing with anything in the game on Hard difficulty but as I reached the last 30 days, the end game, I was level 60(with some mid grind). To my surprise every enemy was way above my level in the 3 towers and the dragons were absolute dog shit tedious to fight and I gave up and lowered the difficulty because no way in hell was I going to spend 10 hours grinding. Then the final dungeon hits and the most annoying song in the game blasts through my fucking years for 2 hours just to piss me off even more. I hate the soundtrack in this game, the boss songs are so generic it made me weep tears of blood out of my ears and even more shocking that this a game that was made by Atlus who has a history of making super awesome bangers. There were 2 songs I liked in the entire game. Generic ass twists one after another at the end soured my mood even more, but boy did the final boss piss me off. I've beaten P5R on hardest difficulty without ever grinding but this shit was just absolute tedious. Not difficult, just boring. I sadly made the mistake of not lowering his power and I had to also fight his third phase, which took 3 hours on lowest difficulty, with me being overpowered. what the fuck was that shit? Clearly not many people bothered since it has a 4% achievement rate but i bothered and it made me hate the game completely.


Imma chill out.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Time to piss off some people.

I liked no characters
Dude how?

Strohl is the best "main buddy" Atlus has ever written, and all the other characters seemed to me like they were very nicely developed. Eupha might have got the short end of the stick having way less screentime than the others, but still I think they did a very good job, much better than Persona 5's Haru for example.

and how the final boss looks
The boss is based on Dante's Inferno interpretation of Satan.


Many of the human enemies are based on stuff from paintings and the like as well, specially from El Bosco.


I've had no issues dealing with anything in the game on Hard difficulty...
...and I gave up and lowered the difficulty because no way in hell was I going to spend 10 hours grinding.
Those fights are perfectly doable at level 60. I did them on Hard even before stepping into the Royal Palace.

SMT games are never about grinding levels. When hitting the dragon bossfights wall you should have looked at the available jobs and see that there's one lineage that's specially useful against those bosses, the dancer, since it can create weaknesses. Having Hulkenber with Holy Knight Proclamation or Heismay's dodges.

But hey I understand that you were already pissed off with the game enough that you resorted to lowering the difficulty rather than thinking about how to tackle those bosses.

I hate the soundtrack in this game, the boss songs are so generic it made me weep tears of blood out of my ears
Counter argument:


Imma chill out.
I agree with you that the game could and should have been harder (Atlus seems to be making their newest games easier and I don't like that at all) and got some criticisms of my own specially when it comes to dungeons and story pacing but come on now.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I finished the game last night and loved it, but I will echo the sentiment that the final section is an absolute slog and poorly designed. I don't believe strategy really matters for that part of the game - maybe you lucked out by focusing on the right characters, or you might just have to spend the last bit farming. For a game that did such a good job of rewarding strategy up until that point, that was a bummer.

But the game was fantastic overall. I'd still rank Persona 5 higher, but I really like how they took the basic concepts from P3-5 and reworked them into something that felt genuinely fresh.
SMT games are never about grinding levels. When hitting the dragon bossfights wall you should have looked at the available jobs and see that there's one lineage that's specially useful against those bosses, the dancer, since it can create weaknesses. Having Hulkenber with Holy Knight Proclamation or Heismay's dodges.

I had the Dancer maxed, its the only way I managed to defeat them. It wasn't that they were difficult, like I said, it was just so...fucking...tedious. I know you're a huge fan, hell, Persona 5 Royal for me is one of the best games ever made, I know how mechanics work. I hated the end game. There was never any fun involved. And yeah the third phase of the final boss? Lmao fuck that trash. I've looked up on other sites and a lot of people just dropped the difficulty there as well. That shit was ridiculous even for Persona standards. Horrible encounter. It should've been ng+ only.

Counter argument:

yes thats the song I hated. Theres no way you can possibly think that song is a good fit for boss fights. It's generic drab compared to this fucking awesome shit:

But rage aside, music tastes should never be discussed as we all like different things, just like some people love hiphop and I don't, but i can 100% guarantee you, in a few years no one is going to talk about Metaphor ost, like they are still doing with Persona 5 R ost. The songs in P5R stay with you forever. The songs in Metaphor are something you listen a few times and move on.

I agree with you that the game could and should have been harder

Not really harder, but I wanted this game to be....different...but the combat went extremely one sided. Every combat in Persona i enjoyed, but this game the combat was just a means to grind and move on as fast as possible. I dunno, the story was just meh and maybe thats the only reason im raging.

Dude how?

Strohl is the best "main buddy" Atlus has ever written

How? He's like a generic Sasuke cool dude and shockingly he's also a warrior. Wow. Ryuji is also generic in the sense that he's the fool character but he had far more charm than all the characters in Metaphor.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I had the Dancer maxed, its the only way I managed to defeat them. It wasn't that they were difficult, like I said, it was just so...fucking...tedious. I know you're a huge fan, hell, Persona 5 Royal for me is one of the best games ever made, I know how mechanics work. I hated the end game. There was never any fun involved. And yeah the third phase of the final boss? Lmao fuck that trash. I've looked up on other sites and a lot of people just dropped the difficulty there as well. That shit was ridiculous even for Persona standards. Horrible encounter. It should've been ng+ only.
I didn't have that much of an issue aside from the final boss being kinda easy. Sure it's a long fight but so are many final bosses in JRPGs, the length adds to the tension imo.

yes thats the song I hated. Theres no way you can possibly think that song is a good fit for boss fights. It's generic drab compared to this fucking awesome shit:

But rage aside, music tastes should never be discussed as we all like different things, just like some people love hiphop and I don't, but i can 100% guarantee you, in a few years no one is going to talk about Metaphor ost, like they are still doing with Persona 5 R ost. The songs in P5R stay with you forever. The songs in Metaphor are something you listen a few times and move on.

You are right, specially since you posted the battle theme I like the least from P5 lol. :goog_relieved:

Music's quite subjective. I get that many people would prefer the jazzy tunes of P5 or the fast-paced battle tracks of SMT, but I think the music in Metaphor is well composed and fits the game like a glove.

Not really harder, but I wanted this game to be....different...but the combat went extremely one sided. Every combat in Persona i enjoyed, but this game the combat was just a means to grind and move on as fast as possible. I dunno, the story was just meh and maybe thats the only reason im raging.
Game would have felt different if it were more challenging imo. Think they were too generous with the "you stun the enemy and they lose a whole turn" at the start of battle thing. Whenever I got ambushed the combat felt much better.

How? He's like a generic Sasuke cool dude and shockingly he's also a warrior. Wow. Ryuji is also generic in the sense that he's the fool character but he had far more charm than all the characters in Metaphor.
Cool dude? It didn't struck me as that at all. It's a noble who lost it's house and realizes a lot of stuff about his parents, his heritage as a noble and even himself during his journey. Overall I would say the characters are much more developed than in Persona 5.

Meanwhile all Ryuji does is have some drama on the running team and screaming "adults bad" and "for real?!" for 100+ hours. :lollipop_tongue:
Like yeah he sure is a bro, but not best bro.
I didn't have that much of an issue aside from the final boss being kinda easy. Sure it's a long fight but so are many final bosses in JRPGs, the length adds to the tension imo.

You are right, specially since you posted the battle theme I like the least from P5 lol. :goog_relieved:

Music's quite subjective. I get that many people would prefer the jazzy tunes of P5 or the fast-paced battle tracks of SMT, but I think the music in Metaphor is well composed and fits the game like a glove.

Game would have felt different if it were more challenging imo. Think they were too generous with the "you stun the enemy and they lose a whole turn" at the start of battle thing. Whenever I got ambushed the combat felt much better.

Cool dude? It didn't struck me as that at all. It's a noble who lost it's house and realizes a lot of stuff about his parents, his heritage as a noble and even himself during his journey. Overall I would say the characters are much more developed than in Persona 5.

Meanwhile all Ryuji does is have some drama on the running team and screaming "adults bad" and "for real?!" for 100+ hours. :lollipop_tongue:
Like yeah he sure is a bro, but not best bro.

All I have to say is if Persona 5 Royal made me love jrpgs, Metaphor made me hate the genre. To be fair I was never truly a fan, the fantasy trope with ancient civilization, racism, and all that political shit is boring to me. The modern setting speaks more to my soul and it is why P5R remains the top dog probably forever since I don't see P6 ever releasing. Also they need to get rid of the fukcing voice spam in combat. I hated Futaba and I hated Gallia for that same reason.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I don't see P6 ever releasing.
With how good P5 sold? Of course P6 is coming.

Also they need to get rid of the fukcing voice spam in combat. I hated Futaba and I hated Gallia for that same reason.
Yes. YES. Holy shit is that annoying. Specially when you get your party debufed and Gallica won't shut the fuck up.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Music's quite subjective. I get that many people would prefer the jazzy tunes of P5 or the fast-paced battle tracks of SMT, but I think the music in Metaphor is well composed and fits the game like a glove.

Metaphor's music was successful for me because it fit the game well. But only just - it still mostly felt like typical fantasy shlock, with largely indistinct melodies and a lack of punch overall. It's just not very memorable and I can't say it's the sort of thing I'd ever want to listen to outside of the game, itself. But it works, and some of the tunes are actually really good - I think the Akademia theme is better than the Velvet Room theme, for example. But in any case, you can really tell Meguro's way more at home with an electric guitar.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Hope that at least we can agree on Eupha being the best girl.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Depends on how we are saying she is "best"
Best to hold hands with, but in the Mustari kind of way. :lollipop_content:

Nah but seriously, I mean as a character. When it comes to gameplay I didn't really care too much about the summoner beyond spamming Jack Frosts for my personal enjoyment.


Identifies as young
Best to hold hands with, but in the Mustari kind of way. :lollipop_content:

Nah but seriously, I mean as a character. When it comes to gameplay I didn't really care too much about the summoner beyond spamming Jack Frosts for my personal enjoyment.

I like Hulkenberg's character story more. Euphra was a great gameplay character but honestly.....beyond that.....she was a bit boring.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I like Hulkenberg's character story more. Euphra was a great gameplay character but honestly.....beyond that.....she was a bit boring.
Aw really? I liked her thing about being a naive girl finding out about the outside world.

Hulkenber's great as well yeah. Wish they didn't went with the "she'll eat anything" thing so much tho, made her look a bit silly although I guess it's a nice trait in contrast with her knighthood.

Honestly I think the only character that did nothing for me is Junah. Even Basilio being the last to join the party felt like a great character to me.


Identifies as young
Aw really? I liked her thing about being a naive girl finding out about the outside world.

Hulkenber's great as well yeah. Wish they didn't went with the "she'll eat anything" thing so much tho, made her look a bit silly although I guess it's a nice trait in contrast with her knighthood.

Honestly I think the only character that did nothing for me is Junah. Even Basilio being the last to join the party felt like a great character to me.

Yeah....I don't know. Euphra just didn't resonate with me, but I loved summoning shit with her. That was badass. Yeah....Juna's story with her sister in the main story was pretty good, but I honestly got so bored with her character story that I skipped most of it.

Basilio was awesome.
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