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Metroid Other M |OT| You're Not Supposed to Remember Him

I got it this afternoon and I've played through the intro and a little bit of the beginning. I think it's pretty cool so far. I can see why some people have issues with the first person stuff though. I don't understand why they couldn't have had this game control with the wiimote + nunchuck. Why does Nintendo insist on making people play with a sideways Wiimote? It's uncomfortable and not a good replacement for a real controller like the classic controller or a GC pad. Why didn't they just make something like the Six-axis if they were going to make games like this? @_@ At least it's tolerable with a Wiimote condom on.
Metroid said:
Heavy Spoiler:
As far as I got it from the story it is Ridley
I'm pretty sure it isn't Ridley. The creature was just being used as a host for Ridley (Think Aliens), which is why you see its carcass including its bones and stuff, as well as the carcass of the big chicken baby-Ridley-look-a-like-thing.


Alright, I have a few hours under my belt and I can't believe anyone would give this game a 2/5. Here are my impressions, (the slightest of spoilers....if you read any reviews out there, it's probably not anything you already don't know)

The graphics are beautiful, easily one of if not the best looking Wii games out right now. The game runs at a silky smooth framerate and I haven't come across a hint of slowdown. The level design looks simplistic if you judge it by the map, but has enough turns, secret areas, and visual variety to keep you guessing.

I honestly don't find the controls that hard to deal with. Yes they can be at times clumsy, but I kind of like switching from first person to third person to shoot missiles. The game has an incredibly generous amount of auto aim which helps when things get frantic. As long as you can remember that Samus will aim in first person at the last place you were looking at in third person, you shouldn't get too disoriented.

The one complaint I have with the choice of control scheme is the game forcing you to press down B to free look when in first person. I find this to be pointless and should have just been that way automatically. As is I end up always hold down the B trigger when I aim in first person to help with auto aiming the bosses and aiming at objects of interest.

It's also kind of awkward to let go of the D-pad in order to morph into a ball. Sometimes I'll bring my right hand over to press the A button, but that really isn't any less awkward. It's a minor quibble, but still something worth mentioning.

As far as gameplay, I really like what Team Ninja did. It's 2D metroid on a 3D plane and a welcome change of pace from the slower pace that Metroid Prime seemed to have.

There is also a generous amount of auto aim in third person as well, but once you get the hang of how it works, you can use it to your advantage. The pace is frantic without going into Ninja Gaiden levels of frustration and difficulty.

The platforming works well here and you never feel like you are fighting against the controls while jumping from ledge to ledge.

I can see where Team Ninja and Nintendo made this so it would be more accessible for everyone. I can totally see my 8 year old son playing this and having a blast, which is more than what I can say for the Prime series.

Now onto the story, probably the most controversial aspect of this game amongst reviewers. Although I can't speak for the overall story itself since I haven't beaten the game yet, it seems like the narrative isn't getting a fair shake since this is the first Metroid game with a proper story (with cutscenes and tons of VO work).

Unless something changes later in the game, I'm honestly not seeing how sexist the plot is quite yet. As I mentioned in an different post, everyone keeps saying how weak and submissive Samus is in this story, but most of that is told via flashbacks of when she was a teenager. There really hasn't been a part of the story up to this point where she's acted like that in present time. Sure you can hear her inner monologue but it's a welcome change from the minimalist approach that the Prime series has taken to story.

Despite the fact that Samus has always been the silent type, it seems that everyone has forced this badass, doesn't take shit from anyone personality onto the character. Most people have taken issue that Samus exhibits personality traits to the contrary.

I think this is kind of unfair considering that the Metroid universe really isn't all that fleshed out. It seems like some people had certain expectations of what the character should be like and when those expectations weren't met, they decided that the game isn't worth experiencing.

Sure some of the dialogue can come off as hokey and there's a few things you can tell probably came off better in its native Japanese language, but I haven't seen anything thus far that makes me feel that the story is taking a sexist approach.

Samus is taking orders from Adam because she chose to join his squad. There was some (albeit loose) explanation as to why Adam will only authorize certain weapons for fair use, and to be honest it's good enough for me.

For a game that's about shooting aliens with a woman in a space suit, people are perhaps expecting a bit too much from the story.

So overall, I'm really digging this game. I most definitely do not regret purchasing it and I'm looking forward to playing it some more. I think the Prime series honestly ran it's course and I'm glad that Nintendo was willing to try something different with Other M. I don't know if it'll go down as my favorite Metroid game of all time yet, but if it doesn't, I'm honestly okay with that. Not every game has to be a perfect masterpiece. I will settle for really really good anyday.

Hopefully the game can keep up the same quality throughout my playthrough.



The one thing I truly don't like are the over the shoulder segments. They give me a headache, they're just so... I question their inclusion, they just don't make sense!

Also, DAMN at getting to the next checkpoint after acquiring the
diffusion beam
. Shit took me over an hour to figure out.

Edit: I also don't like the forced first person segments. I'm stuck in one right now and it's just annoying.
Played for about an hour.

First impressions....gameplay is pretty slick. More fun than I expected. Presentation and story shit all over everything that makes a Metroid game a Metroid game, though.


darkpaladinmfc said:
I'm pretty sure it isn't Ridley. The creature was just being used as a host for Ridley (Think Aliens), which is why you see its carcass including its bones and stuff, as well as the carcass of the big chicken baby-Ridley-look-a-like-thing.

Uh nope. It's Ridley. Game outright tells you later

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Internal monologue really grows on you. Over-the-shoulder walking is awesome, wish there was more of it, and that we could fight in this mode. Though why does Samus sometimes have blue eyes, and sometimes green? Admittedly, it looks like most of the time her eyes are blatantly green are under her visor, but it's not like the visor discolors her hair or face... just her eyes.
kiryogi said:
I almost agree with that but my confession time...

I want to see more MB/Melissa in the future.
I'm hoping we see more of that too considering
I feel she's an integral part of the research in Fusion.


Yeah some of the stuff about this game that bother me:

- Samus does seem the least natural of the VAs. It's not even awkward it just sounds so fake.

- The over-the-shoulder sections really are bad. They just so slow. It's especially bad in one section where
You're basically stuck in this movement for five or ten minutes.

- The parts when you're forced in first person is really annoying. Most of the time the thing you're supposed to focus on is a really small target or very discreet looking.

- The upgrade system really seems stupid. I didn't think I would care but man is it sill for Adam to not let Samus use her weapons when she's in danger and her weapons are basically underutilized because of his restrictions.


- I'm confused by the occasional over the shoulder sections where you can switch into FPS mode in. These sections just don't seem to indicate what you're supposed to be looking for, if anything at all. For example, I walk into what appears to be a woman's restroom and scan some sort of yellow object inside one of the bathroom stalles but nothing happens after that so I just leave the area. Strangely enough, the d-pad actually feels kind of clunky/sluggish here despite the very short and slow-pace of these sections. It does some harm to interfere with the pacing of the game. It's like Other M wants to be fast-paced and slow-paced by doing it a seamlessmanner. Problem is, the way it is executed isn't ideal.

Did you not think to pick up that item? :lol :lol :lol


darkpaladinmfc said:
I'm pretty sure it isn't Ridley. The creature was just being used as a host for Ridley (Think Aliens), which is why you see its carcass including its bones and stuff, as well as the carcass of the big chicken baby-Ridley-look-a-like-thing.
I assumed that the thing was "molting".


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Alright, switching to component actually did solve my brightness problem.

The Wii definitely has some weirdness going on with its video output, however. I don't understand why it would output a super dark image when run through the receiver using composite or HDMI. Doesn't make sense.

Ah well, at least I can enjoy the game at last!

The graphics are beautiful, easily one of if not the best looking Wii games out right now. The game runs at a silky smooth framerate and I haven't come across a hint of slowdown.
It looks nice enough, but I think Metroid Prime stomps a hole in this. The Prime games featured more detail, better textures, 24-bit color (as opposed to the 16-bit here), and a perfect framerate (it actually does drop here whenever things get hot). Didn't take much away, but it definitely isn't up to Prime levels. Metroid Prime 1-3 are insanely impressive games that really pushed the hardware.


I don't have a Wii (it broke when lighting struck the house a year ago) but is the scene where Samus does the thumbs down as bad as the commercial and trailers make it out to be? It just reeks of unnecessary camp. It's like when Samus crosses her arms to transform. That belongs in an pre-teen anime, not a game trying to be more serious and adult in its atmosphere.


Nemesis556 said:
Did you not think to pick up that item? :lol :lol :lol

First of all, the over the shoulder camera sections appear out of no where despite their seamless transition from 3rd person perspective. I was honestly dumbfounded by this part. I'm like "oh, now I'm in over the shoulder perspective, okay, I'm slowling and slugglishly moving Samus around a restroom. I don't think she needs to go to the bathroom (how could she anyway in that power suit of hers?).

Man, I was just dumbfounded. I think Other M tried to hard to implement different features that some parts of it just feel unnecessary... like this one.


Tenbatsu said:
How do you execute a sense move in first person view?
Chuck that pointer out of the way. Bam, instant loving.

My take on shoulder parts, is that they're used for more enclosed areas and a good change of pace. Turning is clunky, could be a lot smoother like RE4 turning, but it's no biggy. I'm glad they're there, but a bit of suspense shooting could be awesome.


delirium said:
I don't have a Wii (it broke when lighting struck the house a year ago) but is the scene where Samus does the thumbs down as bad as the commercial and trailers make it out to be? It just reeks of unnecessary camp. It's like when Samus crosses her arms to transform. That belongs in an pre-teen anime, not a game trying to be more serious and adult in its atmosphere.

That scene your speaking of is indeed stupid. Quite frankly, I think Sakamoto and D- Rockets tried to offer ways to help make Samus feel like a rebellious soldier (mainly because she happens to be female) while joining the manly men ranks of the Galactic Federation's military. It's like Sakamoto and D- Rockets watched the G.I. Jane movie while writing the script or something. Even the way the soldiers on the Bottleship are introduced is kind of awkwardly cliche. And people wonder why the game industry's general method of story telling and dialogue are generally perceived as being amateurish.

boiled goose

good with gravy
game in today!

will post impressions in a day or so.

Ive been a skeptic of the game , so i am excited to give it a go. I can only exceed expectations, right? :p
This first person shit is pissing me off. I just got to the guns that only missiles hurt but they will tackle you to death because you can't move....

Air Zombie Meat said:
It's because the game is on a dual layer DVD. Some Wii's (mainly launch models i think) just won't read them due to a crappy drive. I have the same problem :( Would like to hear if the lens cleaner works too.
FUUUUUUUUUUU has this been confirmed? I have a launch unit as well and was kind of hoping I'd get to play this soon. Damn my luck.


Knux-Future said:
This first person shit is pissing me off. I just got to the guns that only missiles hurt but they will tackle you to death because you can't move....


Sensemove dodge in first person, aim, shoot.

EDIT: I have a launch unit, and the game works fine.


Knux-Future said:
This first person shit is pissing me off. I just got to the guns that only missiles hurt but they will tackle you to death because you can't move....


You can charge beam them. Missiles just do more damage (like other Metroid games).


dark10x said:
It looks nice enough, but I think Metroid Prime stomps a hole in this. The Prime games featured more detail, better textures, 24-bit color (as opposed to the 16-bit here), and a perfect framerate (it actually does drop here whenever things get hot). Didn't take much away, but it definitely isn't up to Prime levels. Metroid Prime 1-3 are insanely impressive games that really pushed the hardware.

I can only speak about Metroid Prime 1, but I think they do different things better. I found Prime's graphics to be a tad on the bland side as far as color pallette. I did find all the visor effects phenomenal.

The graphics are pretty good in Prime, but not nearly as sharp as Other M. Whether they are better or not, I don't know...I think it depends on your preference. They are such different games that it's hard to compare them to each other.


I think Other M looks better than the first Primes, but Prime 3's art makes it one of the best looking games ever released to me. It's fucking astounding how imaginative the artists that worked on that shit are.
robor said:
You can charge beam them. Missiles just do more damage (like other Metroid games).


I hope I never see those assholes again.

I think I'm getting used to the first person stuff...but I find myself wishing that it wasn't there at all.

That so far is the only thing i don't like about this game. Hope I can beat it before BBS comes out next week.
Really on the fence about this...Maybe I'll pick it up sometime down the road. Reach is right around the corner, along with DR2 and Vanquish following it so...Maybe sometime later this holiday season.


Knux-Future said:
This first person shit is pissing me off. I just got to the guns that only missiles hurt but they will tackle you to death because you can't move....

how the hell did it spread that you can only kill them in first person!

they're clearly designed for 3rd person shooting.
Boney said:
how the hell did it spread that you can only kill them in first person!

they're clearly designed for 3rd person shooting.

I blame Brad.

also My shots weren't doing shit captain.

my point still stands about first person mode kinda sucking


Boney said:
how the hell did it spread that you can only kill them in first person!

they're clearly designed for 3rd person shooting.

They're designed for both, you just have to figure out which one is the best to use at the most appropriate time.
Are there really a lot of Wii launch units that have died? Mine's almost 3 1/2 years old and it works fine. It did freak me out last year a bit though because for a few weeks during one month it started freezing/booting back to the home page occasionally on the launch screen for disc games. So I called Nintendo tech support and they recommend I unplug the power every night (due to the issue with Wii Connect 64 being such a drain on the power source somehow). So that's what I do every night before bed, I unplug it and it hasn't acted up since.

Anyways, I still have barely gotten to play this, time for a late night session. Oh and add me to the "I like Anthony Higgs" confession/defense force. :D


Played for about an hour and a half before I decided to give it a rest and go back to studying. So far... Hm.

- After most of the press on this game, I readjusted my way of thinking in terms of expectations for this game. Instead of a full on Metroid game with better combat, I'm treating it as a Ninja Gaiden game that just happens to use the Metroid universe. The gameplay is definitely pretty good, if not having a "Ninja Gaiden for Dummies" kind of feel. If you really want to, you can run in circles and dodge almost anything coming your way. But that's not really fun, though. It's actually kind of jarring to come to this right off of the gun-heels of Bayonetta (especially when expecting Samus's dodge roll to trigger bullet time for a couple of seconds, but that's another story). It's still too early for a definitive judgment, but let's see how the enemies start faring later in the game.

- They kinda dropped the ball with the music so far (Well, not really "so far", since I listened to most of the OST for the game this past weekend). So far, nothing at all sticks out as remotely memorable and that is just an absolute shame for almost any Metroid game. I can't really think of a good reason why they couldn't have gotten Kenji Yamamoto to do the music. None at all. This actually bothers me more than the story so far.

- And.. well... the story. Now I see what the problem really is. As posters have said previously in this topic, the story is distinctly Japanese. Even so far, it's not quite close to the worst story I've ever seen in a video game by any means. But it comes with all the awkward script translations, stilted voice acting/direction, and baffling cutscenes that come with a vast majority of Japanese games (namely JRPGs). At worst, the dialogue is very cringe-inducing. At best, the cutscenes give some pretty unintentional moments of hilarity (Adam's mission briefing cutscene was like something straight out of an anime and the thumbs down scene crosses straight into Mystery Science Theater territory with absolutely no remorse on the game's part).

- Two complaints about Samus so far. One, her voice actress probably received some fucking terrible direction in voicing Samus. Two, Samus sure does like to drone on and on about stuff she probably could have said in a sentence or two. Hell, having her say less would probably do much better in convincing me how much of a isolated basket-case she might be. Brevity is the soul of wit and all.

- The controls are... okay. The D-Pad on the Wiimote isn't really a good fit for big hands and fingers, which really sucks. I know Sakamoto wanted a control scheme that would be accessible to everybody, but come on. Would it have been that difficult at all to implement multiple control schemes? Hell, Team Ninja isn't new to action games: Call the Wiimote-only control some kind of Easy-Automatic mode and give the people that want their nunchuck and wiimote control that kind of option.

- Surprisingly, I haven't had too many problems with the First Person mode just yet. Although, trying to find your reticule on screen in a pinch is really annoying.

- I have no idea how the over-the-shoulder segments even got into the game. At all. I find it absolutely insane to believe that these top Japanese game creators would make these segments while using these terrible controls in said segments and say "Yep.. THIS is what this game needs!"

- When concerning Adam's authorization of stuff, I was like "Well, it kinda makes sense. Samus does have the tendency to be a walking WMD on any planet or space station she's on. And with an actual team on board, we wouldn't want her destroying random seconds of the ship on accident... Now let's see where..."

*Use of Morph Ball Bomb requires authorization from Adam*

"Oh for fuck's sake, Samus!"

Will play more if I get a lapse in law school work again.


I'm having some problems with performing Lethal Strike. Do you charge your beam and then run toward the enemy or do you run to him and then charge? I had a really hard time with the roly poly guys in the forest area, I have no idea when to actually do lethal strike.


robor said:
They're designed for both, you just have to figure out which one is the best to use at the most appropriate time.
Well yeah, of course you can use both. Just wait for them to drop their shields and fire.

It's such a simple system that you guys are overcomplicating.


I never really thought about how Samus' suit is the only thing thats completely invulnerable to her power bomb blasts, until that blast shield dropped in the tutorial/ Adam's lecture on how dangerous they are.


FunkyPajamas said:
FUUUUUUUUUUU has this been confirmed? I have a launch unit as well and was kind of hoping I'd get to play this soon. Damn my luck.

I have a launch unit and I played the first 2 hours and I didnt have any problems.


Boney said:
It's such a simple system that you guys are overcomplicating.

That's basically how I feel too. I haven't even played the game yet but I can already see a lot of reviewers sucking pretty hard at what seems pretty obvious to me. The only guy that I thought got it down pat was Donkey Show.

I'm really interested to see whether the FPS mechanic is "flawed" once I play the game.
Teknoman said:
I never really thought about how Samus' suit is the only thing thats completely invulnerable to her power bomb blasts, until that blast shield dropped in the tutorial/ Adam's lecture on how dangerous they are.

So you never used them in a large room in Super or Fusion?

Also, a neat thing I'm not sure if everyone knows.
Fully charge your beam then press A to lay 5 bombs around you.

YagizY said:
I have a launch unit and I played the first 2 hours and I didnt have any problems.

Same. Runs just fine for me.

Glass Joe

I just wanted to share my thoughts regarding a couple of popular criticisms the G4 people gave the game:

SEXISM: I might not be far enough in the story and hopefully this isn't considered a spoiler since it's been heavily discussed already (and I'm only referring to the game's opening)... But it doesn't seem that evident to me. They explained a father/daughter style relationship, plus Adam IS the commanding officer. As for her being insecure, a lot of it seems rooted in flashbacks so far, with her reflecting to her teen years. So far I get the impression that they're just trying to give her some character depth, as opposed to being a typical action hero with cringe worthy one liners ("Mother, time to go!" lol). Realistically, people who deal with violence for a profession (example: Mike Tyson) probably are more likely to have social quirks or awkwardness than regular people.

Her not using all her available weapons because of Adam is the only thing I find suspect here. That's not necessarily sexism, just poor story telling. After all, by mid-game, I'm sure you can power bomb the shit out of any screen and super missile like mad without fear of blowing up the ship. If later on he authorizes better suits, then that really is a load of crap, lol. Really, it would have made more sense if they just had that lab guy at the beginning tell her that her suit was damaged and he's uploading her technology as the code is fixed, or some jazz like that. Or just have pickups in the Bottleship, not everything HAS to be explained. No explanation is better than a poor explanation.

CONCENTRATE ABILITY: This is just a poorly titled ability, IMO. A re-charge ability where you re-boot your suit to gain a little energy or re-charge your missiles actually makes a little bit of sense, especially since they've decided that missiles are beams of energy as opposed to being something physical. Even if you don't buy that, it's just a game. Blowing up creatures on Zebes and them dropping energy and missiles makes no damn sense either. It's just a gaming convention, and Other M chooses to do its "concentrate" method (which I consider an energy reboot) instead.


I just played a few hours of this. Jumping on enemies and blasting them in the face is super-fun! I also love how the bosses just keeps coming. I still have no idea how the sense move works. It doesn't seem to work when I tried to time it, but was dodging everything when I all I did was mash the d-pad. I also thought I was going to be bombarded with long cutscenes throughout the whole game. That was not the case at all. Most of them are short and are relevant to your current objective. The only real long cutscene I saw so far is the intro and that whole thumbs-down shenanigans.
I honestly found that one kinda cute

I kinda don't like how the progression is a lot like Fusion, though. And the way you 'acquire' the Varia suit is really, really stupid. They could have done a better reason than that one. Over-the-shoulder view is kind of weird, I don't have much say about it. So are the mandatory parts where you try to find 'clues'. Seems like those are some elements borrowed from adventure games. What are you trying to do, Sakamoto?:lol

So far, I am really enjoying the game. It is a weird Metroid game, but still very enjoyable:D


Confession time:

I'm a little way into Sector 3, just brushing 4 hours, and I already like this game more than Fusion and Corruption.



kiryogi said:
Nope. Concentrate! You'll find more E-recovery tanks too :p

Ive died twice while doing the concentrate shit. I get like 98% and some stupid thing flies at me and kills me.

This game is full of stupid design decisions so far. As a game developer I find a lot of it just baffling.
bluemax said:
Ive died twice while doing the concentrate shit. I get like 98% and some stupid thing flies at me and kills me.

This game is full of stupid design decisions so far. As a game developer I find a lot of it just baffling.

I always auto-dodge whenever I'm in Concentrate mode.


I thought you had to dodge yourself. You don't do it when you're low on health, you just do it when you can. Same with the missiles.

The only design choice I find weird is the Wii remote only. I mean it work alright, and the idea of making it accessible is fine and dandy. But the game is so complex, fast and flashy I doubt old Famicom players can work around it.
Boney said:
I thought you had to dodge yourself. You don't do it when you're low on health, you just do it when you can. Same with the missiles.

You do, but for some reason, whenever I'm Concentrating, I'll automatically dodge all attacks.
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