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Metroid Prime 2: Echos -- US Boxart

king zell




Meh. This boxart lacks giant lobsters. I demand more giant lobsters in my boxart. I guess I'll have to settle for Pikmin 2...


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I'm thinking a light silhouette of Samus nude in the background with the game's logo superimposed in front. Yes, that would be better.


Wario64 said:
Needs more boobies

The series will have more boobs when Itagaki heads up Metroid Prime 3: X-Treme Intergalactic Beach VolleyBall. And it will be better than what Nintendo/Retro could do. Right after he finishes up Pikmin 3, of course.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I'm not too crazy about this box art.

I think a slightly different approach would be better. They should have a shot of Samus facing straight ahead (sort of like the MP1 box art) and then split it down the middle. On the left side you would have Samus w/ the Luminare in the background and on the right side you would have Dark Samus w/ the Ing in the background. Then place the logo about where it is now. I'd be perfect for this game.

Kon Tiki

Great boxart. Shows the struggle between dark and light.

Andrew Jones is a great artist, but that picture is not appropriate for the concept.


There's just something about prerendered art that I don't like on boxarts. I couldn't tell you why.

The only boxart that I thought looked pretty cool with the 3D-rendered art was Donkey Kong Country. It really worked on that game, because that's partially what the game was about.

For games like Metroid Prime 2, I feel like drawn art, like that of the Metal Gear Solid games, would look most appropriate.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
There's just something about prerendered art that I don't like on boxarts. I couldn't tell you why.

Funny, same here. I really like drawn art, prerendered/cg art just doesn't do it for me.


It's alright.

I would've left the Samus render off, and just had the game's logo dead center between the dark and light.


It's pretty lame. Samus isn't in as strong a pose as on the first game's cover. That was a better piece of boxart. It announced the long-awaited return of Metroid with a bold render of Samus standing tall (looking distinctly 3D, a selling point for the series).

On Echoes' cover, Samus looks like she's taking a dump.

At least get Dark Samus on there, an enemy, a cool background, something. THe half dark, half light motif is not that provocative or striking to the average shopper who isn't familiar with the game's premise.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Claus said:
I never do understand these boxart threads. You play the game, not stare at the box.

Ok, so you want plain white boxes with just black lettering? I like to have a nice looking box in my collection. Its not a huge deal, but I like a good all around package. Good game and good art. And it is art, not everyone is going to like anything they put out, we all have different tastes.

And I don't really think not liking this is whining, I just don't like it. End of story, no big deal.
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