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Metroid Prime Player's Choice difference?

I just got a new GameCube and wanted to go back and pick up Metroid Prime before MP2:E comes out, but I thought I remember reading somewhere that the PLayer's Choice version was better in some way. After doing some googeling and finding nothing of signifigance, I figured someone here might know. Any ideas?


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General bug fixing. Some users experienced a lot of lockups related to the door loading that the game had. That's about all I know.


TekunoRobby said:
General bug fixing. Some users experienced a lot of lockups related to the door loading that the game had. That's about all I know.
ok, that's news to me, I bought it at launch and don't remember any bugs or lockups, but can you point to where this fix was mentioned or stated? I might consider picking up another copy if there's a chance that would happen and they fixed it...


One of the longer elevators in the game wasn't meant to be taken so many times, and had some checking in it disabled, so there was a small chance that there'd be a ram overflow somewhere and it'd lockup.
Doesn't the Player's Choice version also have a lot of the chances to sequence break removed? I guess those are bugs to Nintendo, but they're features to a lot of people. If you're interested in that sort of thing, you'd probably want the original.


Tag of Excellence
efralope said:
ok, that's news to me, I bought it at launch and don't remember any bugs or lockups, but can you point to where this fix was mentioned or stated? I might consider picking up another copy if there's a chance that would happen and they fixed it...
No sorry, I experienced zero problems with the game but I do remember people complaining about the issue I mentioned and hearing about the PC title fixing the bugs in the original release.

EDIT: YES that's right, a lot of the sequence breaking was removed in the PC version.

Here's a link to the differences between the original release and the PC version:
The first URL points you to the first point in the list. Check the list on the right which lists each area to see everything.


If you were "lucky" (like me), the original release of the game locked up if you took a specific elevator at a specific point in the beginning of the game. It was a completely random thing, and it only pops up when you first start, so it's not a huge, huge mega issue.

Nice to know that it was fixed, though.


Greenpanda said:
Doesn't the Player's Choice version also have a lot of the chances to sequence break removed? I guess those are bugs to Nintendo, but they're features to a lot of people. If you're interested in that sort of thing, you'd probably want the original.

That's what the Sequence Breakers say, anyway.
Nah sequence breaking isn't important to me, I had just gotten the impression that there was something more substantial in the differences. Thanks for the heads up..
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