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Metroid Prime Trilogy WiiU |OT| - Samus it Ever Was. Now with Ridleyculous low price!


I disagree. The only enemies in 3 that require you to aim independently from locking (such as the first boss) force you to do this even if Lock On Free Aim is turned off.

It really does come down to personal preference, like I said before, and I personally think that the freedom it gives you when it's turned on in all games is preferable.

I've actually never played 3 with lock on free aim off, so it's interesting that it forces it off when necessary. That said, what I should have said is that 3 was clearly designed to accommodate the lock on free aim, while 1 and 2 were not, and it's noticeable. Even early Prime bosses such as the
war wasp mini boss
become noticeably more difficult that they ever were with the option on, a problem made all the more than irritating by the fact that all you're trying to do in 1 and 2 is point the cursor at the center of the screen. Of course, to each his own, but I wholeheartedly recommend turning it off in the first 2 games.

Is the "normal" mode too easy?

I enjoyed the opening level, but it really was a breeze. The boss went down in seconds after I realized it's weak spot and I didn't go down more than 85% despite taking a few hits. I had assumed this was just because this was a first level and the difficulty would level out.

However, at the same time, I don't have the time for a super tough game these days.

I want something challenging but reasonably doable. Should I stick to 'normal' or bump it up to the originals normal?

Normal in Prime is pretty well balanced and none of the bosses are overly complex. Most of the challenge in the game comes from figuring out where to go rather than combat anyway. Some of the bosses can be pretty challenging in Echoes, though, but I think it's a better game for it.


However, at the same time, I don't have the time for a super tough game these days.

I want something challenging but reasonably doable. Should I stick to 'normal' or bump it up to the originals normal?

If it's an issue with time I say stick to normal (easy). Later bosses like say Omega Pirate and the final bosses can prove to be a bit more challenging that some may become frustrated with. I say enjoy the scenery/story and have fun with the game.

K' Dash

Is the "normal" mode too easy?

I enjoyed the opening level, but it really was a breeze. The boss went down in seconds after I realized it's weak spot and I didn't go down more than 85% despite taking a few hits. I had assumed this was just because this was a first level and the difficulty would level out.

However, at the same time, I don't have the time for a super tough game these days.

I want something challenging but reasonably doable. Should I stick to 'normal' or bump it up to the originals normal?

Normal Mode is Easy

Veteran is Normal

I'd say play it in Veteran, it is the perfect balance.
Crazy how well Metroid Prime still holds up today (almost a 13 year old game!), in my opinion. Absolutely fantastic game, I'm completely stoked to be playing it again.


I have a question regarding the controls. Are they strictly motion control with Nunchuck + Wii Mote or is there an option to use a controller? Prime 1+2 were originally for the NGC, but I am not sure what happend to the controls in the trilogy. I would prefer a normal controller for the simply reason that I don't have that much room and aiming can be quite difficult sometimes.


You need a classic controller or an external sensor bar to get past that screen. Candles will do in a pinch.

With Wii mode games it was possible to avoid it by holding down B when starting the system, but that option isn't available for these games that launch directly from the Wii u menu.
That is insane. Welp, I'm off to buy some candles, I guess.
Thanks for the reminder about the price, GAF, and since this game puts me over the top on internal storage, thanks for the link as well. I have a hard drive on its way from Amazon.

I doubt I'll play it soon, though; I completed 2 full trilogy playthroughs back-to-back just recently, first on the Gamecube and original Wii game, then the trilogy disc.

As to the difficulty settings: the hardest level ("hypermode" in this version) is just right for Prime 1, but it makes all the enemies into severe bullet sponges in Prime 2, and it makes most enemies practically require you to go into Hypermode in Prime 3. I'm not sure I'd really call it terribly difficult, even so, although a couple of the bosses in 2 certainly can be, but man, it can be tedious. I find 2 and 3 to be much more enjoyable on the default difficulty.

Oh, and boo at the 2nd-to-last boss,
, in Prime 1 being changed. It was better in the original release. I gather the new, repetitive animations that give you such a short window to attack are from the PAL version? I don't care for them.
Sölf;149824400 said:
I have a question regarding the controls. Are they strictly motion control with Nunchuck + Wii Mote or is there an option to use a controller? Prime 1+2 were originally for the NGC, but I am not sure what happend to the controls in the trilogy. I would prefer a normal controller for the simply reason that I don't have that much room and aiming can be quite difficult sometimes.

There's no regular controller support in this version. All 3 games are remote/nunchuck only.


Just how easy is this new Normal? I just want to breeze through the game and experience them. My backlog is too big as it is. But, I don't want the game to be a complete cakewalk...


Just how easy is this not Normal? I just want to breeze through the game and experience them. My backlog is too big as it is. But, I don't want the game to be a complete cakewalk...
Normal is very balanced; definitely not too easy. You'll probably die on a few boss fights.
I want something challenging but reasonably doable. Should I stick to 'normal' or bump it up to the originals normal?

I recommend you to bump it for Prime 1 and 3, but if you bump it for Prime 2... well, we'll talk after you've get bored of shooting shooting shooting shooting to kill even the punniest of creatures. You've been warned! ^_^


Holy shit I've just started playing Metroid Prime for the first time ever and what an opening! Beautifully introduced to the world and controls through that opening level, and then boom!
The Parasite Queen boss fight that I recognised from Brawl!

And then an escape sequence where I managed to get killed because of dicking around too much. And then just as you think you're safe, fucking Ridley appears and I've lost all my suit enhancements!
I've just touched down on the Tallon overworld and the Metroid theme starts blasting out, my god I love this game already and aI can see why it's been raved about for all these years. I just had to come on here and gush as I had no idea I'd been missing out all this time!
These kinds of first impressions are amazing. I hope you do not mind if I add you to the OP? :)

Again, I am still blown away by this game. That is telling because I no doubt replayed it multiple times after its initial release on the Gamecube. There is just so much detail put into this game that it's almost overwhelming.

Even the intro area on Frigate Orpheon is packed with stuff to scan, and most of it isn't "Critical Scans" (like logs or items), but optional stuff on computer displays which tells you the story of what was going on board the ship (to fine details like how logs note Parasitic Infections in various parts of the ship to calls for Pirate security to try to bring order).

Also scan the dead bodies and you get to read small autopsies of how they expired (which can be dark humor in some instances since their cause of death is plainly obvious). I actually felt somewhat bad for gunning down the injured Pirates (but they fired first!!!).

Damnit. I had to stop after landing on the Planet. I have to go back! :D


Traversing the world is pretty safe, though there were a few boss fights I died on:
the ice rock guy, Omega Pirate, and Ridley.

damn wow lol

I don't think I've lost more than half a bar on any of those on normal.
Ridley's a piece of shit tho. Lost one tank on him for sure


You know, I thought I was pretty sure I started on Veteran, but the Parasite Queen felt like she didn't take as many shots to kill as I recall from the original GC version. Anyone else feel that way?

Just want to make sure I really selected Veteran.


Okay, some first impressions from a new comer.

I started the game on Normal, but that was seriously too easy for me. So I began a new game on Hard, which is JUST slightly out of my comfort zone. I'm still getting used to the aiming a little bit, so getting shot a few times results in me going down 20%. It's not bad now, but I can tell this is going to be the kind of game that throws enemies at you by the dozens at one point or another. Anyway, I got up to the first save point on Tallon, having just explored a tiny bit of the Chozo ruins.

So, my thoguhts? This game is the fix I didn't know I needed. The first level threw me for a loop given I never expected Nintendo to go fucking Alien on me and give me this creepy dead space station where enemy corpses are littered and dying in horrific ways. As I said before, the game was a little too easy on normal, so bumping it up to hard made the boss fight appropriately difficult.

I'm still annoyed that I lost all my shit at the end of the level. Oh well.

Anyway, I get down to the planet, and now I'm exploring all these ruins. Where as the opening level was borderline horror, this now has a more action adventure feel, and I'm having fun scanning all the stuff. I really hope I get the map to this place soon because I feel so lost. In a good way, so I'm able to explore, but no one ever wants to stay lost.

Also, am I going to have to keep up this scanning shit the whole game? I don't mind it here and now, since being on a new planet, I feel it's appropriate to scan all the things, but I'm worried it's seriously going to slow the game down if I have to scan everything the whole game. And by 'have to' I mean 'miss out on vital information if I don't'.

Overall, first impressions are very good. I just want to get my abilities back right now though. I always thought the giant ass shoulder bumps looked a bit unweildy, but Samus looks so much less badass without them now that I miss them.


What also needs to be emphasized in terms of the presentation of this game is of course the rock-solid 60fps gameplay. It really makes the visuals stand out even more with such smoothness.

And yeah, Prime 1 still looks amazing. The Retro team artists were geniuses who were able to get so much out of limited resources (GC disks were tiny) and managed to create some amazing aesthetics using simple geometric shapes and of course some super effective texture art.


Okay, some first impressions from a new comer.


I'm still annoyed that I lost all my shit at the end of the level. Oh well.


Also, am I going to have to keep up this scanning shit the whole game? I don't mind it here and now, since being on a new planet, I feel it's appropriate to scan all the things, but I'm worried it's seriously going to slow the game down if I have to scan everything the whole game. And by 'have to' I mean 'miss out on vital information if I don't'.
I can see how the first thing would be a turn-off to some. I actually enjoyed going into a brand new environment even weaker as it made me more careful. I think this was a callback to Super Metroid IIRC you lost abilities at the start of that one.

As for scanning. If you don't want to scan everything then just keep a look out for the Red Icons. Still I personally enjoys scanning and reading all the lore and world-building in each environment.


I can see how the first thing would be a turn-off to some. I actually enjoyed going into a brand new environment even weaker as it made me more careful. I think this was a callback to Super Metroid IIRC you lost abilities at the start of that one.

As for scanning. If you don't want to scan everything then just keep a look out for the Red Icons. Still I personally enjoys scanning and reading all the lore and world-building in each environment.

But don't you get endings depending on how much you scanned? Or some other unlockables?


But don't you get endings depending on how much you scanned?

The different, or rather, additional ending is not some revelatory experience. It's akin to other Metroid games.

And I don't even think scan counts toward that ending anyway, just item collection, none of which can be permanently missed unlike scans. Scanning gives access to artwork via the token system in the trilogy IIRC.

Trying to get 100% scans the first time through is not worth it. There are some enemies that only appear for a room or two if you're playing normally, not to mention bosses sometimes have multiple scan points. It's awful. Don't worry about it, just play as you normally would. Don't sully your first experience with it.


But don't you get endings depending on how much you scanned? Or some other unlockables?
IIRC, endings are determined based on Items Collected (the percentage). So you have to collect 100% of items to get the "secret ending".

If that's too much it's always on Youtube ;)

Trying to get 100% scans the first time through is not worth it. There are some enemies that only appear for a room or two if you're playing normally, not to mention bosses sometimes have multiple scan points. It's awful. Don't worry about it, just play as you normally would. Don't sully your first experience with it.
Listen to this man if it is affecting your fun with the game. :) Probably 90% of scanning in the game is purely Optional and only for those who have fun with it and delving deeper into the Lore and such.


Just scan at your own leisure. If you want to learn the backstory of the characters, feel free. Personally, I would recommend scanning the Pirate logs in MP2 as it serves as pretty much pure black comedy and is wonderful, and the Bryyo lore in MP3, which is actually a solid civil war conflict.

It's also cool to learn about the creatures and whatnot but do not think that you have to scan if it's not fun anymore. It's just a way to flesh out the game environment.


The different, or rather, additional ending is not some revelatory experience. It's akin to other Metroid games.

And I don't even think scan counts toward that ending anyway, just item collection, none of which can be permanently missed unlike scans. Scanning gives access to artwork via the token system in the trilogy IIRC.

Trying to get 100% scans the first time through is not worth it. There are some enemies that only appear for a room or two if you're playing normally, not to mention bosses sometimes have multiple scan points. It's awful. Don't worry about it, just play as you normally would. Don't sully your first experience with it.

The trilogy versions of Prime and Echoes also back-port a nice feature from Corruption, in that everything that gets scanned stays scanned when you replay the same file. On the Gamecube you had to get all of the critical scans on one run, very frustrating.


scanning bosses in MP1 is so cool. if you aren't doing the datalog scans from computers and weak enemies, at least scan the bosses.

"this dude has been equipped with multiphase photon cannons, meson grenade launchers, plasma shockwave blah blah. Recommend maximum firepower when engaging this motherfucker."


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I haven't played Prime since the Gamecube.

This game is a goddamn triumph of design. It completely holds up in all areas, and in some is head and shoulders above anything that has come after it. Namely, the open nature of the way the levels are designed. The only thing that comes close are the Souls games, but I can't think of one example in the FPS genre.

The only thing it is lacking is resolution. 480p is rough. If they could just do a 1080p upres pass on it...

That said, this is truly one of the greatest games ever made.


Just how easy is this new Normal? I just want to breeze through the game and experience them. My backlog is too big as it is. But, I don't want the game to be a complete cakewalk...
Absurdly easy for Prime and Prime 3. Less absurdly easy for Prime 2.


Man it's been so long since I played Prime that I can barely remember what to do. Just got Morph Ball Bombs. I guess I should finds stuff to bomb. The ingame hint is... unhelpful at the moment. "Go here!" *question mark appears on an elevator in the middle of nowhere*

I know it's not Flaagra time just yet. Soon, but not yet. Is it Phendarna Drifts time? That seems... closer to what I remember. I think I have to go maul a Sheegoth or something. I can't remember if I'm required at any point to run the Magmoor Caverns gauntlet without the Varia Suit. It IS a Metroid staple, but I honestly don't remember. Maybe I should return to Samus' ship and have a look around.

In other words, I'm having a blast. It is almost as if I'm re-experiencing the game for the first time all over again. Except the combat is kind of easy with free aim. Some of the bosses were not meant to be free aimed to death.

I'm looking forward to playing Echoes, never played that one, but I wanted to do them in order.

K' Dash

Man it's been so long since I played Prime that I can barely remember what to do. Just got Morph Ball Bombs. I guess I should finds stuff to bomb. The ingame hint is... unhelpful at the moment. "Go here!" *question mark appears on an elevator in the middle of nowhere*

I know it's not Flaagra time just yet. Soon, but not yet. Is it Phendarna Drifts time? That seems... closer to what I remember. I think I have to go maul a Sheegoth or something. I can't remember if I'm required at any point to run the Magmoor Caverns gauntlet without the Varia Suit. It IS a Metroid staple, but I honestly don't remember. Maybe I should return to Samus' ship and have a look around.

In other words, I'm having a blast. It is almost as if I'm re-experiencing the game for the first time all over again. Except the combat is kind of easy with free aim. Some of the bosses were not meant to be free aimed to death.

I'm looking forward to playing Echoes, never played that one, but I wanted to do them in order.

Nah, you need to defeat Flaagra before you get a taste of Magmoor Caverns and Phendrana Drifts, you just keep exploring and try to get as many E Tanks and Missiles as you can, just let the world absorb you :D
I played through the Frigate in Metroid Prime 1 using just the Gamepad. I just broke down and bought a sensor bar off of Amazon for $6. The game really needs to be played on a big screen, even if it is doable on the Gamepad.


The level design in this game is so good. It almost never tells you where to go, and you just happen upon your next objectives so naturally. I can't think of a better example of 3D level design except for maybe Half Life 2.

It's pretty incredible.


So, my thoguhts? This game is the fix I didn't know I needed. The first level threw me for a loop given I never expected Nintendo to go fucking Alien on me and give me this creepy dead space station where enemy corpses are littered and dying in horrific ways. As I said before, the game was a little too easy on normal, so bumping it up to hard made the boss fight appropriately difficult.


Anyway, I get down to the planet, and now I'm exploring all these ruins. Where as the opening level was borderline horror, this now has a more action adventure feel, and I'm having fun scanning all the stuff. I really hope I get the map to this place soon because I feel so lost. In a good way, so I'm able to explore, but no one ever wants to stay lost.
Oh don't worry, the horror atmosphere comes back later... ;-)
I played through the Frigate in Metroid Prime 1 using just the Gamepad. I just broke down and bought a sensor bar off of Amazon for $6. The game really needs to be played on a big screen, even if it is doable on the Gamepad.

If you have the gamepad cradle I believe you can use it as a sensor bar below your tv.


I know it's not Flaagra time just yet. Soon, but not yet. Is it Phendarna Drifts time? That seems... closer to what I remember. I think I have to go maul a Sheegoth or something. I can't remember if I'm required at any point to run the Magmoor Caverns gauntlet without the Varia Suit. It IS a Metroid staple, but I honestly don't remember. Maybe I should return to Samus' ship and have a look around.

If you have the
Charge Shot and Morph Ball Bomb
, it's Flaahgra time. You can't get into Magmoor until you beat him and you have to go through Magmoor to get to Phendrana.


Nah, you need to defeat Flaagra before you get a taste of Magmoor Caverns and Phendrana Drifts, you just keep exploring and try to get as many E Tanks and Missiles as you can, just let the world absorb you :D
That was the general idea, yes. Take it slow and steady. Check out every item hum if it's something I can do something about. I know of at least one missile pack I couldn't get at before, so yeah. No hurry.

Some like speedrunning Metroid games. That's not my style. Honestly, I'm a little worried about the Dark Aether parts of Prime 2. Constantly ticking down health means I have to hurry. But that won't be relevant for a few days at the minimum.

If you have the
Charge Shot and Morph Ball Bomb
, it's Flaahgra time. You can't get into Magmoor until you beat him and you have to go through Magmoor to get to Phendrana.

Ah, well, I suppose I should start heading in that direction. How odd that the game hint didn't place the ? in Flaagra's chamber. It wants me to go to Magmoor and find the elevator to Phendrana. That seems... unwise with no Varia Suit.


If you have the
Charge Shot and Morph Ball Bomb
, it's Flaahgra time. You can't get into Magmoor until you beat him and you have to go through Magmoor to get to Phendrana.

you could skip Flaahgra if you get enough etanks and are fast enough to run through magmoor and survive. normal mode makes it doable.


I haven't played Prime since the Gamecube.

This game is a goddamn triumph of design. It completely holds up in all areas, and in some is head and shoulders above anything that has come after it. Namely, the open nature of the way the levels are designed. The only thing that comes close are the Souls games, but I can't think of one example in the FPS genre.

The only thing it is lacking is resolution. 480p is rough. If they could just do a 1080p upres pass on it...

That said, this is truly one of the greatest games ever made.
Preach it! I don't know about anyone else, but if this game was ever to be considered as "open-world" then this is the kind of open-world game I'd be all in with. I fear that developers mistook open-world to mean large vast landscape with nothing to do in it and uninteresting scenery. Metroid Prime and its sequels while not giving you sweeping landscapes to cross give you lots of places to go with so many differences in architecture and scenery.

And yeah, the design and level-design should be industry standards. Really a shame developers never took lessons from this game and instead went with CoD or Halo for how to make FPS'.

The picture and resolution looks pretty clean to me on my HDTV. I suppose I'm sitting somewhat far back from the display (around 5+ feet I think) that I probably am not noticing much quality issues. The 60fps also helps a lot there.
The level design in this game is so good. It almost never tells you where to go, and you just happen upon your next objectives so naturally. I can't think of a better example of 3D level design except for maybe Half Life 2.

It's pretty incredible.
I give credit also to the Map System. It is so nice to go into it and see what room/corridor you are in and watching how the map gets bigger as you fill it in or then find the map system. But the design is just top notch. And to think they went with even crazier layouts in Echoes.
That was the general idea, yes. Take it slow and steady. Check out every item hum if it's something I can do something about. I know of at least one missile pack I couldn't get at before, so yeah. No hurry.

Some like speedrunning Metroid games. That's not my style. Honestly, I'm a little worried about the Dark Aether parts of Prime 2. Constantly ticking down health means I have to hurry. But that won't be relevant for a few days at the minimum.
IIRC in Dark Aether you at least typically have some light sources in each room which you can pause/hide in and take in your surroundings while in them before moving on. And then of course once you get "that suit" everything opens up. :)
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