Loving the game at the moment, just went into area for, the only thing the game needs is Zero Suit costume DLC 
That's a huge issue in Metroid Prime, in Metroid Fusion and in Metroid Zero Mission. There's really only in the first three games that it's not an issue.But anyway, I was thinking about the game and one thing I disliked it how the segmented world impacted my interest in getting all the items. One thing I love and think is very satisfying about Metroid is when you naturally end up revisiting places while having new power ups and gaining access to previously inaccessible items.
Key word: Naturally.
That's a huge issue in Metroid Prime, in Metroid Fusion and in Metroid Zero Mission. There's really only in the first three games that it's not an issue.
Oh my god, someone just told me (area 8 boss)me and two other friends finished the game and none of us realized that, we were only shooting the mouth the whole time.you can roll into the queen mouth after a melee counter and set off a power bomb in its stomach
Uh, no? Metroid 2 is designed just like this, while Prime (infamously) has you crisscross the entire map multiple times and basically has only two items you have to wait until the final upgrade for (and one of them is literally in the next room).That's a huge issue in Metroid Prime, in Metroid Fusion and in Metroid Zero Mission. There's really only in the first three games that it's not an issue.
I took on an Omega Metroid last night it was pretty tough, please tell me that was the only one.
I started playing this today and its great, but holy shit I forgot how uncomfortable the 3DS actually is.
I cant play my 3ds without this thing
Do they still make these for Old 3DS XL?
search bar: "-new"
I hope it's speed running part of the game on Fusion mode.
Can't agree with that. Prime had really HUGE backtracking issues that everybody recognizes now, and Fusion and Zero Mission locked whole areas in the game until you're near the end of the game, then you have to visit every past areas to collect everything. It was pretty artificial and annoying.It definitely happens in those in points too (especially Fusion lol), but it's waaay more rare in those, and I'm talking about item collection in general, not just 100% (which can end up feeling like a chore in any game), I also meant to compare 2D games only. But at least in Prime 1 and especially ZM you'd backtrack often enough that you'd still find a handful of items organically. In ZM they even had some very complex puzzles to get them so even when you were purposely going back for them, it didn't feel like a chore.
SR is pretty much the only game in the series where you straight up never need to backtrack at all, and thus item collection can never happen naturally.
Every single metroid, outside the alphas, gave me a tough time on first encounter. Once you get the patterns down though, none of them are too bad.
Out of 100%, Samus Returns item collection is natural and well handled to me, especially since the teleportation points ease up everything.
just buy a 15 dollar amiiboLoving the game at the moment, just went into area for, the only thing the game needs is Zero Suit costume DLC![]()
Oh my god, someone just told me (area 8 boss)me and two other friends finished the game and none of us realized that, we were only shooting the mouth the whole time.you can roll into the queen mouth after a melee counter and set off a power bomb in its stomach
Made it to area 6 and....fuck the digger boss fight it was frustratingly hard as the third phase was difficult as I couldn't dodge the laser beams wave without getting hit and it wasn't made clear how to deliver final hit on the boss.
Ah well I at least have the Power Bomb and I will be backtracking to get all the items that I can possibly get.
Oh my god, someone just told me (area 8 boss)me and two other friends finished the game and none of us realized that, we were only shooting the mouth the whole time.you can roll into the queen mouth after a melee counter and set off a power bomb in its stomach
Paltheos said:Feels like a fangame
- Super metroid fangame
- one way blocks like it, everywhere - locked doors, must-go paths with must use-items
Allot of puzzles spread around, detailed in design and variety - It feels like allot of passion was poured into them.
Enemies are designed obnoxiously - Allot have armor that is difficult to pierce and are just tough to beat period. The game give you Wave early on because you'll be shooting through walls allot, and you have to hit them *just* right.
Area 3 is the worst - 10 metroids and deadly laser statues and the only upgrades are beam burst and grapple beam. Fuck you.
Most of the way into area 3 I'd just started using a map to see if there were any major items in the area and eventually just stuck doing that because I wanted better weapons to kill the enemies. Spazer helped a bit in killing armored enemies, but I didn't let out a sigh of relief until I'd gotten Plasma.
Aeon abilities are dumb - In particular the one which scans the entire vicinity for secrets. It lets the developers get away with allot of lazy level design too and it sucks out the fun and intrigue of the experience. Just bomb walls, because that's what you *do* in Metroid games. There's no intuition behind their placement. They expect you to use the scan, because these bombable walls are *everywhere*. In previous Metroid titles this came up, but usually as a result of manipulating of player expectation, like leading to the end of a corridor with nothing at the end. Ya know, makes him suspicious, use their head. Pretty basic stuff. Not fucking placed everywhere you can imagine.
Same deal with those one-way blocks - laaazzzyyy.
Why do enemies take so many fucking hits? I'm Samus *fucking* Aran. I've got a Plasma Beam, a Screw Attack, and Super Missiles. Why do my missiles and somersault bounce off and my beam do nothing to some of these motherfuckers? Why are so many enemies just palette swaps you can't make apart, distributed arbitrarily across the game world, and with no sense of what will work on them ("will my beam kill this one or do I need to use the beam blast and blow a bunch of aeon energy?")
Why does this game have no sense of taste? Cramming in puzzles and enemies into every nook and cranny. Remember that awesome, empty cavern before the final Metroid fights (that, like many things near the end of the game contributed to this great sense of tension)? Well now it's filled with a giant puzzle maze because fuck you. This is a Metroid game, so players love puzzles, right? Yes, yes they do, but not everywhere, all the time. You need to relax, let your environment fucking breath.
I like the space jump room in area 4 - race using all your abilities to get to an endpoint with the item.
I love the feel of some of the items. Especially the morph ball transformation. It feels so slick. Varia, Gravity, and Spider all look great. Others are underwhelming. Space Jump looks the same as a normal somersault. Screw Attack doesn't have enough weight to it, and the blase way enemies die doesn't feel satisfying (of course a ton of enemies have BS immunity so there's that too).
Super Missiles obliterate most normal foes in a single hit. The Screw Attack kills the majority of enemies in 1 hit and almost all the rest in 2. Plasma Beam kills basically everything when rapid fired or charged in brief time. Enemies are fairly tanky early game, but late game they fall plenty fast.Why do enemies take so many fucking hits? I'm Samus *fucking* Aran. I've got a Plasma Beam, a Screw Attack, and Super Missiles. Why do my missiles and somersault bounce off and my beam do nothing to some of these motherfuckers?
Ice Beam -> Missile/Melee is your bread and butter in the early game. It two shots everything, stops enemies mid-attack, and just feels good. With 30 missiles right off the bat and enemies constantly dropping missiles, it's not like you'll be running low on ammo.I seriously don't get the complaints about enemies being spongey. Sure, they're beefier than in previous games, but that's because you're encouraged to use your parry which 1 shot kills everything, and even without it a couple missiles/charge shot gets the job done. And when that's not the case and there's a new enemy type that seems impossible, it's usually because you're pretty close to a new upgrade that will take care of it.
Super Missiles obliterate most normal foes in a single hit. The Screw Attack kills the majority of enemies in 1 hit and almost all the rest in 2. Plasma Beam kills basically everything when rapid fired or charged in brief time. Enemies are fairly tanky early game, but late game they fall plenty fast.
Yes, you can't just jump through everything outside of bosses. That's a good thing. 2D Metroid (and Other M) has always suffered from the problem of how the Screw Attack makes combat virtually non-existent outside of bosses. This was okay in the original Metroid where there was no Space Jump and the game was such a struggle up to that point, but in games like Zero Mission and Other M there's a distinct moment where you just turn your brain off. The only way the games can balance the Screw Attack is by making enemies outright immune to it, eliminating the entire point of the power-up in those situations.
Samus Returns tries to add more depth to the combat with the melee counter, the changes to the ice beam, free aim... And all that just vanishes if the Screw Attack kills everything in one hit. Look at Other M; I don't like the combat in that game in the first place, but it's hilarious how they throw an enemy gauntlet at you at the end of the game and most of them can't even survive one Screw Attack. It's a joke.
The Screw Attack+Space Jump is still monstrously powerful in Samus Returns, but this is probably its best implementation in a 2D Metroid game since the catharsis of the original. Which is a good thing when you get the Screw Attack relatively early in Samus Returns.
Man this game looks REAL good in HD. If you guys can dump your rom, I 100% recommend trying a run in Citra