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MGS:2 is the best game this gen! *Spoilers

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Yes MGS2 Is the best game I have played this gen, after buying it last week for my Xbox I played the entire game unhyped and loved every second of it!

Things I loved about the game

Bandana unlimited ammo quote is just Awesome when you kick arse with snake
Crazy Codec conversations that involve the cornels alien abduction!
Sleeping with stepmother storylines!
More crazy shit over the codec that was just freaky!
Awesome conspiracy theory!
Great fast pace, almost arcade like gameplay
Best voice acting ever in a game (BG1 and 2 come close)
Great boss battles
Superb Music
Awesome art style, and well designed characters
Great A.I when in evasion mode
Nice looking environments
Lots of replaybility with tons of VR/Snake mission etc.

To be honest the only fault I could find in this game is a few of the codec conversation seem at bit pointless (e.g. a few with rose)

Anyway if you haven’t played this game turn off Halo 2 and go wait in the big halo 2 line and wait to buy MGS2:S!

Anyone who hates this game is just a tool of the patriots!

I can’t wait for the storyline to continue!

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Miburou said:
Just in time for MGS3. Oh wait, I forgot you aren't going to buy a PS2.
Yes it sucks but I don’t feel obligated to buy a game like MMGS3 at launch, anyway I would still buy it if I could.

If the game doesn’t get ported to Xbox I will most defiantly think about but a PS2, anyway what did you guys think of the MGS remake for the cube?

I finished mgs on the PSX once are there any extras in the remake to warrant a purchase?


Twin Snakes is definitely worth buying if you're interested in playing the original again with MGS2 gameplay/graphics. That is, if you can get past the inadequacy of the GC controller for this particular game.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Do The Mario said:
Yes it sucks but I don’t feel obligated to buy a game like MMGS3 at launch, anyway I would still buy it if I could.

If the game doesn’t get ported to Xbox I will most defiantly think about but a PS2, anyway what did you guys think of the MGS remake for the cube?

I finished mgs on the PSX once are there any extras in the remake to warrant a purchase?
They changed a lot of cutscenes, there's WAY more action in Twin Snakes. Also they put in gameplay elements from MGS2 (like better AI when spotted, hanging from ledges, etc).

And before dark10x comes in here - Yes, there are some minor framerate issues, but unless you're a framerate whore you're not going to give a damn.


TTS is an enjoyable game, but not a replacement for MGS, and IMO, not a better game.

A lot of the extras added actually change the balance of the game, and usually not for the better, since the game was not designed with those features in mind (unlike MGS2). Same thing with cut-scene and music changes.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
And before dark10x comes in here - Yes, there are some minor framerate issues, but unless you're a framerate whore you're not going to give a damn.

He'll be fine...

MGS2:S on XBOX is also quite flawed compared to the PS2 original...and it didn't seem to bother him one bit. ;P

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
dark10x said:
He'll be fine...

MGS2:S on XBOX is also quite flawed compared to the PS2 original...and it didn't seem to bother him one bit. ;P

Yep there were a few minor frame rate issues mostly at very odd times.

When walking with Emma in the elevator room

but they obviously didn’t hamper my enjoyment of the game.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
GamerXL said:
Why should I turn off Halo 2 when it's one of my top 3 gaming experiences of my life?
Because you need to play MGS2, This Halo 2 is a product of the patriots to destroy you’re individuality.
"anyway what did you guys think of the MGS remake for the cube?"

Pluses are that the gameplay is from MGS2. Some of the cutscenes are really nice looking.

Minuses are that the music is terrible in comparison to the original. And most of the cutscenes are too over the top for their own good.


Do The Mario said:
Because you need to play MGS2, This <a href="halo%202" onmouseover="window.status='Halo 2'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">Halo 2</a> is a product of the patriots to destroy you’re individuality.

I'll let you stew in the irony of that statement.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
A few quotes from the Colonel when the virus kicks in

This one had me cracking up

Raiden, something happened to me last Thursday when I was driving home. I had
a couple of miles to go -- I looked up and saw a glowing orange object in the
sky, to the east! It was moving very irregularly... Suddenly, there was intense
light all around me -- and when I came to, I was home. What do you think
happened to me...?

*extract from gamefaqs

Despite the fact this game didn’t come out this year it’s still my GOTY!


MGSTTS was a great game, in some cases better than MGS2. But no MGS game replaces another - they all have a special purpose to fulfill.


Since I'm bored, tell me what games you think are better than MGS2 this gen, and I'll tell you whether I've played them or not.

None of these games disappointed me at all which can't be said about MGS2.

1) Raiden?!?!?!?! I mean, come on, WTF!!!
2) Very retarded story with one the worst unsatisfying endings I've suffered through.

MGS2 is a fucking great game but it's definitely NOT "The Best".

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Games I have owned this gen!
I have played plenty of others!
This is off the top of my head and I did take a year off gaming (just getting back into it a few months ago)

Ghost Recon
Splinter Cell
Halo 2
Zelda WW
Rouge Leader
Animal crossing
Fifa 2004
Starwars Starfighter
Metroid Prime
Resident Evil Remake
Jak and Daxter
Resident evil CVX
Baldur’s gate DA
Smackdown JBI
Tekken Tag
Bomberman generation
Mario Kart: DD
Quake 3
Dynasty warriors 2
SSX Tricky
NBA Street

Yes the game is the best I have played this Gen! It’s entirely my opinion but I think there is way to much hate for such a great game!
I also agree, Metal Gear Solid 2 and especially Substance are great games with huge quality standards. I'd rank it as one of my top favorite of this gen, for sure. Some of the story bits were insufferable but, I generally liked the idea and the way it's presented. And I really liked the ending.

I'll play this game too.

Yes ICO was really great, maybe even better than MGS2.

And I think the GTA series is overated,
Do The Mario said:
I think there is way to much hate for such a great game!
Konami took such a significant and major part of the game and deliberately kept it secret because they were mindful of the potential backlash of forcing the player to control Raiden through over 75% of the time. The gameplay was still great but people obviously preferred to play as Snake (who wouldn't). So yeah, the hate is warranted due to disappointment by certain fans.

Edit: I'm not a hater. I still think MGS2 is a great game but whatever :D

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Mr_Furious said:
Konami took such a significant and major part of the game and deliberately kept it secret because they were mindful of the potential backlash of forcing the player to control Raiden through over 75% of the time. The gameplay was still great but people obviously preferred to play as Snake (who wouldn't). So yeah, the hate is warranted due to disappointment.

Get over it, I thought it was great that you got a fresh perspective on the events of shadow Moses and got to fight alongside snake. They potently could have been better if you had to switch between raiden and snake.


I totally agree with Do The Mario. MGS2 is the best game this generation so far (at least until maybe MGS3 comes out). No game out there touches the experience of playing through MGS2 the first time.

GTA is FAR from being anywhere close to being best game of this generation or even game of the year. It plays like shit; the controls for aiming are terrible and annoying. GTA has some really good ideas but was poorly executed, but GTA:San Andreas gets a lot closer to executing them way they should have the first time.
Do The Mario said:
Get over it
For me there's nothing to get over. I was referring more about the disappointments expressed previously on every major video game message forum. You obviously missed when all the MGS2 WTF?!?! threads were in constant circulation here on GAF. There is A LOT of disdain towards Raiden and being forced to play him as much as you had to. A LOT of people also had real problems with the story and how crappy the ending was. As I said before, MGS2 is a great game but I will never agree with you that it's the "best" game this gen so you get over that :p

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Mr_Furious said:
For me there's nothing to get over. I was referring more about the disappointments expressed previously on every major video game message forum. You obviously missed when all the MGS2 WTF?!?! threads were in constant circulation here on GAF. There is A LOT of disdain towards Raiden and being forced to play him as much as you had to. A LOT of people also had real problems with the story and how crappy the ending was. As I said before, MGS2 is a great game but I will never agree with you that it's the "best" game this gen so you get over that :p

It was a general get over it not intended towards you.

I was telling the people you quoted to get over it

Do the Mario would like to apologize for any hurt caused by the post.


MGS2 is a great game but I will never agree with you that it's the "best" game this gen
Then what do you consider to be the best game this generation, I'm curious?

You know, it REALLY pisses me off to read all the stupid compliants about MGS2's story and compliants on playing as Raiden.

First off, as stupid as it is for people to say the story in MGS2 is lame, I'm willing to bet not one person here could honestly say they just stopped playing the game half way through. MGS2's story is SO engaging and entertaining that there's no way people would want to quit the game. The crazy happenings and plots twists only made MGS2 that much more interesting and exciting.

Second, I think the way Hideo Kojima played out the relationship between Snake and Raiden was pure genius and just beautifully executed; Raiden rocks and would love to play as him in later sequels (despite that may never happen since MGS3 is supposedly the last).
Sorry to offend you, Mr. Kojima! Why get so pissed over an opinion? You need to check yo'self before you wreck yo'self, foo. But seriously, WTF? If you absolutely HAVE to know why I kept playing is because I genuinely thought that I'd be swapping back and forth between playing Raiden and Snake covering the whole Big Shell. I don't keep up with all the hype train bullshit fueled by message forums and even the press. I was hyped on playing the game based off the MGS2 trailer which was the best ever created (which, btw, made no mention of fucking Raiden). It's bait and switch no matter how you look at it but some (like yourself) don't have a problem with that. Stop crying over others that do. :lol

Edit: Oh and to answer your initial question, I consider ICO the best game so far this gen and I'm much more excited about it's spiritual sequel than I am over MGS3. But then again, I'm buying both so neither Konami nor Sony will care which one I may like more. Nor should you :p


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
If only Kojima let us play as snake, no one would have complained about anything in MGS2, especially the story. I'm really beginning to think Raiden ruined the story for everyone.


I'll tell you EXACTLY why I get pissed over opinions, it's simple; it's because they affect SALES!!! Which in turn affects what gets made, which affects the direction the industry goes (chaos theory). MGS2 deserves the "best game" title. That game was way beyond its time.

Yes, Ico is another excellent game and a very good contender for the "best game." I'm glad you mention it because the sales of Ico were terrible. I'm happy Sony saw the talent in the team and basically gave them another chance and I'm sure this time Sony is going to market the hell out of Wanda And The Colossus, but imagine if Sony abandoned the team that made Ico due to sales...that would suck.

I don't want directors like Ueda and Kojima to be influenced by what sales good, I want them to follow their heart and make what they see fit and realize their own vision and not the vision of the "masses". This is another reason why I want to come in here and blow down all opinions i disagree with.
The opinions expressed by the vocal minority (myself included) here on GAF do little to nothing to influence sales one way or the other, overall. The MGS and ICO teams are making the games they want to create so please calm down with your crusade to nullify others opinions that may differ from yours. They're just as valid. Trying to debunk negative opinions is something I think a Konami employee might do, especially so close to MGS3's release. Or is this "Damage Control" just a coincidence? ;)


Leguna said:
First off, as stupid as it is for people to say the story in MGS2 is lame, I'm willing to bet not one person here could honestly say they just stopped playing the game half way through. MGS2's story is SO engaging and entertaining that there's no way people would want to quit the game.

I stopped playing well before half way throught :)

Do The Mario, just some picks from my PS2 collection: you played no ICO, DW4, Fatal Frame, Jak II, R&C3, Burnout, Shadow Hearts 2, Maximo 2, Viewtiful Joe, Gradius V? Bad, bad!

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Ar_ said:
I stopped playing well before half way throught :)

Do The Mario, just some picks from my PS2 collection: you played no ICO, DW4, Fatal Frame, Jak II, R&C3, Burnout, Shadow Hearts 2, Maximo 2, Viewtiful Joe, Gradius V? Bad, bad!

My PS2 broke and long story short I no longer have a PS2

And yes i need to catch up after my year off gaming!
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