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Michelle Alexander: Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote

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I'm aware that both candidates have met with BLM. I saw the video of Hillary's short meeting. She called their assessment fair and wanted them to give her policy. Something they were not prepared for.

I'm also aware that their meetings with Campaign Zero. I just don't think I'll see the kind of policy discussions I want from a part of BLM that is willing to remove race from the equation.

Edit:I was at the very least misinformed about the content of C0's policy discussions outside of their website. Thanks for that link.


Not at all misinformed. I'm aware that both candidates have met with BLM. I saw the video of Hillary's short meeting. She called their assessment fair and wanted them to give her policy. Something they were not prepared for.

I'm also aware that their meetings with Campaign Zero. I just don't think I'll see the kind of policy discussions I want from a part of BLM that is willing to remove race from the equation.


That made me look at Campaign Zero's website. From it, Macro Rubio on asset forfeiture:
Eliminate the profit motive for seizing assets by requiring all proceeds from federal forfeiture to go to the general fund of the U.S. Treasury
lol you idiot robot


Very good piece. It does raise the question of who to vote for if the democratic party is too far gone from saving. Green party I guess. Is Jill Stein running again?

Clinton very begrudgingly signed a lot of what the Gingrich congress sent him, some of this stuff after two attempted vetoes. This is not really a fair charge.

That's a cop out. He signed in and campaigned on it. You can't sign that bill and campaign on it like Clinton did and then retroactively come back and say "I'm sorry but I was forced by republicans".

Hiliary is getting my 'black vote' because I feel she has done enough to appeal compared to Sanders who comes from a state in which black people, hell minorities et all are a novelty and he's never had to appeal to them in the first place.

There is no 'lesser evil' choice here. She is the only real choice to me.

It seems silly to cut out other potential choices just to vote for the most "electable" choice.

The race neutral policy and goals on the campaign zero web page along with how one of the founders didn't want "whatever connotation membership brings" from BLM lead me to believe C0 would only discuss policy from a race neutral frame. That assertion is false. My apologies.


Do people forget that the black community supported tougher crime laws in the 90's after being ravaged by gang violence for years? Did we forget how big the Blood v. Crip wars were and people screaming that something had to be done? In hindsight, those policies have come back to hurt us in the long run but to act like the Clintons just up and capitulated to right wing forces by enacting harsher crime statues which they knew would disproportionately affect the black community is utter nonsense.

At least Hilary is able to come out and recognize that there is a problem and is ready to make changes to roll back those policies.

This too. It's like context doesn't matter.

Can you explain the bolded part? I'm from Europe and I'm trying to follow the elections for several months now, but I never got the expression that Clinton does more/ speaks out more for minorities. In fact, Sanders seems to be a bit better regarding this. He was ready to change some points in his campaign after BLM had interrupted his speech and apparently he always fought against racism. Overall it feels like he's a bit more vocal/ actually ready to change things.
People on here seem to favour clinton, but I couldn't see arguments for her, it's always a general remark like your bolded part. I spoke with other people from the US (also POC), but they all thought Sanders would be the better candidate to tackle racism. Is this just a neogaf trend?


Can you explain the bolded part? I'm from Europe and I'm trying to follow the elections for several months now, but I never got the expression that Clinton does more/ speaks out more for minorities. In fact, Sanders seems to be a bit better regarding this. He was ready to change some points in his campaign after BLM had interrupted his speech and apparently he always fought against racism. Overall it feels like he's a bit more vocal/ actually ready to change things.
People on here seem to favour clinton, but I couldn't see arguments for her, it's always a general remark like your bolded part. I spoke with other people from the US (also POC), but they all thought Sanders would be the better candidate to tackle racism. Is this just a neogaf trend?

As you can plainly see, Hillary has the phrase "black lives matter" much earlier on the webpage indicating her superiority on both racial and criminal justice issues.


Black people should vote for whoever they want to vote for.

They should indeed.

Best is when they vote for people on an informed basis with a reasonable understanding of how the chosen candidates stated policy and past historical performance effects their own personal well being and interests and votes accordingly...

Rather than on less useful emotional indicators such as screeds written by political pundits or even other less meaningful points of interest (like hair or no hair).


So, what are some of the ways to "screw over" black voters? I'm a European, so I don't really understand the concept. I know about gerrymandering, mind you.


Black leaders who support Hillary Clinton slam Bernie Sanders on race issues

Should be a fun few weeks.
Can someone explain to me what Dukes is on about? "Bernie marched for civil rights??! So what! He's just some senator from Vermont!!"

So strangely ignorant and non-issue based.

I really don't get what Michelle Alexander is trying to accomplish here. Bernie cannot win the general election. Sorry, America as a country is not there yet. A socialist winning the presidency isn't going to happen any time soon.
People said the same sort of thing about electing a black guy with a funny name just 8 years ago. (And meanwhile Obama couldn't beat Clinton in New Hampshire.)

LBJ went from being a segregationist that Civil Rights leaders were pissed off at being Kennedy's VP choice to the man who did more for African American people than any other President since Lincoln or after them in eight short years.

People can change. Hillary has said the right things about private prisons - maybe she's saying it because of demographics, maybe she's really changed. As long as she stays good on policy, I don't care about what's in her heart.
I disagree. I think what's in someone's heart is what matters. If they are spouting a lot of nonsense to try to get elected, but history shows they tend to act in a certain way, I'd personally err toward not trusting that they actually care in the slightest about your interests.

Hillary sounds like she wants to finally be elected and be the one to break the glass ceiling. That's just my personal observation though. Maybe you find her a legitimately compassionate politician who isn't in it for the glory.

There's a lot pragmatic about a Clinton vote. She's more electable than Bernie in the current US climate and when the opposing viewpoint in this country will fuck you over quite a bit more you tend to want to make sure that viewpoint has the least chance to win.
There's no evidence to suggest Clinton will do any better than Bernie. In ALL polls so far, Bernie is outperforming her against Republicans, and recent reports suggest some Republicans are legitimately torn between Sanders and Trump, but "would never vote Hillary". The "he hasn't been tested!!" retort is baseless. If anything, yes, Hillary has been tested, and she has failed.

It's as if many of the people that are now admonishing Bill Clinton's policies and compromises back then, and by extension, Hillary's, were too young to fully grasp how messed up of a hand Bill Clinton was dealt with in the 90s....

Michele Alexander is a great writer but she has the benefit of hindsight and many of the compromises done by Bill in the 90s was to prevent utter disaster for whatever the Gingrich congress had their sights on at the time. to simply handwave it and dismiss it as 'those were bad, mmmkay' without any context is just as bad as blaming everything on Obama nowadays.

It always irks me when my fellow LGBT folkcs complain that Clinton signed DOMA and DADT. He only begridgingly did so to prevent an even disastrous constitutional ammendment at the time. Democrats and progressives are their own worse enemy more often than now. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, indeed.
I know Hillary is currently saying that, but from what I understand Bill Clinton seemed quite supportive of those laws and said in interviews leading up to the votes that he'd readily sign them. I don't get a sense that he was begrudging at all. Can you link to some video or articles showing this?


So, what are some of the ways to "screw over" black voters? I'm a European, so I don't really understand the concept. I know about gerrymandering, mind you.
A favorite way of the government is to send them to prison on felony drug charges and the like.


...lacks reading comprehension.
So basically ...

Don't vote for Hillary.
And this is not an endorsement for Bernie.


Vote for Trump is what she's saying?


No presidential candidate has ever "deserved" black vote.

To vote in the United States as a black person is to vote for the candidate least likely to fuck us over, or if both sides going to fuck us over the one that will at least buy us Red Lobster afterwards.

and we are done here
It's going to be pretty ironic if black people end up getting Hillary Clinton in power.

Old people are probably going to be even more instrumental in getting her elected, though.
She does deserve the black vote if...they at the end of the day don't care/care about other issues more and highly approve of Bill Clinton anyway.


No presidential candidate has ever "deserved" black vote.

To vote in the United States as a black person is to vote for the candidate least likely to fuck us over, or if both sides going to fuck us over the one that will at least buy us Red Lobster afterwards.

Yup, no one deserves an entire demographics vote.


I feel bad because I don't know who to vote for anyway, I read the article and it sounds like Hilary does more bad than good. I'm not black but it sounds like they fucked up back then.


i dont get it, she doesnt endorse Sanders but she endorses Sanders?
Yes. Sanders isn't a yes, but Hillary is a no. So she is saying that Sanders isn't the option that is needed, but the one people have.

But basically, the whole system is crap because Hullary won't and Sanders can't reform the democratic party in the way that is needed.


I also think we're getting into very messy territory when we talk about "The Clintons", as if they are one monolithic entity, or if every action that Bill takes as president is reflective of his wife's beliefs.

You should tell that to Black voters, because it is without a doubt most of them that vote, will vote Hillary Clinton due to her last name (unless Bernie somehow makes himself known). For some reason, Blacks think highly of Bill Clinton despite the results of his social policies towards Blacks. The reason for this is simple ignorance.

They do not see Hillary Clinton as her own person, they see her as an extension of her husband. The main reason the people I know are voting her are for these reasons:

She is a Clinton
She is a woman
They do not know Bernie Sanders

Most of these same people that will vote her that I know, actually like Bernie's policies better when I talk to them about it. They don't watch the debates, they know who is running and voting due to the recognized name.


You should tell that to Black voters, because it is without a doubt most of them that vote, will vote Hillary Clinton due to her last name (unless Bernie somehow makes himself known). For some reason, Blacks think highly of Bill Clinton despite the results of his social policies towards Blacks. The reason for this is simple ignorance.

They do not see Hillary Clinton as her own person, they see her as an extension of her husband. The main reason the people I know are voting her are for these reasons:

She is a Clinton
She is a woman
They do not know Bernie Sanders

Most of these same people that will vote her that I know, actually like Bernie's policies better when I talk to them about it. They don't watch the debates, they know who is running and voting due to the recognized name.


Gold Member
You should tell that to Black voters, because it is without a doubt most of them that vote, will vote Hillary Clinton due to her last name (unless Bernie somehow makes himself known). For some reason, Blacks think highly of Bill Clinton despite the results of his social policies towards Blacks. The reason for this is simple ignorance.

They do not see Hillary Clinton as her own person, they see her as an extension of her husband. The main reason the people I know are voting her are for these reasons:

She is a Clinton
She is a woman
They do not know Bernie Sanders

Most of these same people that will vote her that I know, actually like Bernie's policies better when I talk to them about it. They don't watch the debates, they know who is running and voting due to the recognized name.

So black people are just ignorant is what you are saying.


And Hillary/Bernie... support this?
Both have changing the criminal justice system on their agenda. Bernie is talking often about the abolishment of mandatory minimum and not getting people in jail for minor drug offenses, as well as helping people from jail back into life instead of throwing them into a loop of getting in and iut of jail because you can't back on your feet. Despite black and white people taking drugs about equally, much more people of colour are in jail because they get picked out much more for this.


I will be sure to correct all of The Blacks I meet on these misconceptions about who they should or shouldn't be voting for. They'll be happy to have their ignorance corrected, I'm sure.

Telling you how it is, don't like it, nothing I can do about that lol.

Misconception and ignorance in politics is par for the course. All demographics have this issue, not sure why you both are making a big deal of it. They vote for what they know in most cases, despite not having extensive research.

Such as how politicians tag bills on top of bills they know people want with the hope of the other side voting no for it for propaganda purposes. Most voters will not know about the added bill attached, they will just see that "insert party here" voted no for something they wanted.

Also I am not saying voting Hillary or Bernie is right or wrong, just telling you why most blacks lean towards Hillary over Bernie despite most I talk to favoring Bernie's policies.

So black people are just ignorant is what you are saying.

Would do you favors to read an entire post then come up with a conclusion instead of quoting one sentence and trying to make it seem negative.

Also while I support Bernie over Hillary, I am okay with either of them winning and will vote for whoever is nominated. There are such things are wrong/right votes and terrible/good reasons for votes in my view. Anyone who votes for Trump in my view are voting wrong for whatever reason they are voting him, even if it is to "get him in the general because he will be easiest to beat" or "i want a candidate that isn't establishment".


And Hillary/Bernie... support this?
No, but they have different...levels of enthusiasm...in changing it effectively.

The same goes for Republicans and others.

Arguably on the issue of criminal justice reform alone, Rand Paul was the best candidate in the race especially as he shed his shell as things came towards an end and started really going surprisingly hard against police militarization, and on legislation in the Senate he's pretty much had to work with Democrats like Ron Wyden and so on to try and introduce these kinds of things.

With him out, it's basically left to the Democrats even as an issue. The GOP mostly is in denial about it being something to address.

My particular example was based around the fact that felons generally can't vote. And they're disproportionately black. (And male.) This is due to a whole bunch of criminal justice problems, but where it screws the vote in particular is the disenfranchisement.


Gold Member
Telling you how it is, don't like it, nothing I can do about that lol.

Misconception and ignorance in politics is par for the course. All demographics have this issue, not sure why you both are making a big deal of it. They vote for what they know in most cases, despite not having extensive research.

Such as how politicians tag bills on top of bills they know people want with the hope of the other side voting no for it for propaganda purposes. Most voters will not know about the added bill attached, they will just see that "insert party here" voted no for something they wanted.

Also I am not saying voting Hillary or Bernie is right or wrong, just telling you why most blacks lean towards Hillary over Bernie despite most I talk to favoring Bernie's policies.

why not address my quote?


Telling you how it is, don't like it, nothing I can do about that lol.


That's not always a plus



That's not always a plus

Just telling it how it is. Got it.

: )

You can try to do better with your responses with giving a reason why I would be wrong. Unless you admit everything I said is right for good or ill?

Just so you know, I am Black and had a great discussion with not just my immediate family, but down to my 3rd cousins and friends and their associates to talk to them about this election. Young and elders, those I know well and those I don't (with help from my grandparents and mom).

I gave them knowledge on the democratic candidate that I knew and let them tell me who they agreed with more and who they would vote. Despite Bernie being in their best interest (going by the policies), they will vote Clinton for the reasons I stated and the fact they do not think he will win.

I am not going off some mindset of "feel the Bern", I am going by the conversations I had with them. It isn't wrong they will vote that way, but it isn't because they are fully engaged in politics to know the policies of these two candidates either, hence it is "based on ignorance" in my view.

EDIT: Most elders favor Clinton because she is known and the young do not know much about either candidate because they aren't into politics. Most of my cousins are in their 20s now, it is high time they start paying attention to the future of this country as it will have an effect on them as well.
Do people forget that the black community supported tougher crime laws in the 90's after being ravaged by gang violence for years? Did we forget how big the Blood v. Crip wars were and people screaming that something had to be done? In hindsight, those policies have come back to hurt us in the long run but to act like the Clintons just up and capitulated to right wing forces by enacting harsher crime statues which they knew would disproportionately affect the black community is utter nonsense.

At least Hilary is able to come out and recognize that there is a problem and is ready to make changes to roll back those policies.

This too. It's like context doesn't matter.

Yes the youngins here aren't old enough to remember this. Bernie has my vote but we can't fault the Clinton's for doing what "the community" asked.
: )

You can try to do better with your responses with giving a reason why I would be wrong. Unless you admit everything I said is right for good or ill?

Just so you know, I am Black and had a great discussion with not just my immediate family, but down to my 3rd cousins and friends and their associates to talk to them about this election. Young and elders, those I know well and those I don't (with help from my grandparents and mom).

I gave them knowledge on the democratic candidate that I knew and let them tell me who they agreed with more and who they would vote. Despite Bernie being in their best interest (going by the policies), they will vote Clinton for the reasons I stated and the fact they do not think he will win.

I am not going off some mindset of "feel the Bern", I am going by the conversations I had with them. It isn't wrong they will vote that way, but it isn't because they are fully engaged in politics to know the policies of these two candidates either, hence it is "based on ignorance" in my view.

EDIT: Most elders favor Clinton because she is known and the young do not know much about either candidate because they aren't into politics. Most of my cousins are in their 20s now, it is high time they start paying attention to the future of this country as it will have an effect on them as well.

Being black doesn't absolve you of anything. What a terrible post explaining under the guise of "B-B-But other races are just as dumb". Black voters don't have to vote for anyone. It's been made very clear that America doesn't consider them as citizens.


You should tell that to Black voters, because it is without a doubt most of them that vote, will vote Hillary Clinton due to her last name (unless Bernie somehow makes himself known). For some reason, Blacks think highly of Bill Clinton despite the results of his social policies towards Blacks. The reason for this is simple ignorance.

Well, somebody's operating out of ignorance, alright. You might want to look a little closer to home to find out who, though.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
I don't think it's fair for the author to pin Bill Clinton's actions and policies as President on Hillary.


Well, somebody's operating out of ignorance, alright. You might want to look a little closer to home to find out who, though.

Yaaay, more posts with no real argument, just "I disagree" and "terrible post". Doesn't matter, because I came to the conclusion I did by discussion. By actually talking to those I knew and those that those people knew. You sound more offended by it rather than trying to understand it at all.

Being black doesn't absolve you of anything. What a terrible post explaining under the guise of "B-B-But other races are just as dumb". Black voters don't have to vote for anyone. It's been made very clear that America doesn't consider them as citizens.

Not sure what you are aiming for, it is not that they have to vote for someone as much as they should be more politically active considering how much an effect these decisions have on us. Same goes with younger voters, considering how much fight it took to get them voting rights. Are you saying people should not have fought for civil rights because they "do not have to?" If everyone is too busy sitting on their butts not caring at all about how the future will go because of how the past was and how the present is, then we wouldn't get progress at all.

Giving a background of who I am and how I came to such conclusion was a way to deal with the no response, responses I was getting. Try looking at the replies I was getting where one guy was trying to label me stereotyping all blacks as ignorant. Unfortunately as you can see, someone else decided to be childish about it still lol.


Yaaay, more posts with no real argument, just "I disagree" and "terrible post". Doesn't matter, because I came to the conclusion I did by discussion. By actually talking to those I knew and those that those people knew. You sound more offended by it rather than trying to understand it at all.

You said black people only vote for Hilary because they're ignorant. What the fuck were you expecting?


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Do people forget that the black community supported tougher crime laws in the 90's after being ravaged by gang violence for years? Did we forget how big the Blood v. Crip wars were and people screaming that something had to be done? In hindsight, those policies have come back to hurt us in the long run but to act like the Clintons just up and capitulated to right wing forces by enacting harsher crime statues which they knew would disproportionately affect the black community is utter nonsense.

At least Hilary is able to come out and recognize that there is a problem and is ready to make changes to roll back those policies.

This too. It's like context doesn't matter.

Historical context is key, and judging past policies by their current effects is nonsense. Policies exist to be changed.
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