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Michelle Alexander: Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote

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Not sure what you are aiming for, it is not that they have to vote for someone as much as they should be more politically active considering how much an effect these decisions have on us. Same goes with younger voters, considering how much fight it took to get them voting rights. Are you saying people should not have fought for civil rights because they "do not have to?" If everyone is too busy sitting on their butts not caring at all about how the future will go because of how the past was and how the present is, then we wouldn't get progress at all.

Giving a background of who I am and how I came to such conclusion was a way to deal with the no response, responses I was getting. Try looking at the replies I was getting where one guy was trying to label me stereotyping all blacks as ignorant. Unfortunately as you can see, someone else decided to be childish about it still lol.

You should tell that to Black voters, because it is without a doubt most of them that vote, will vote Hillary Clinton due to her last name (unless Bernie somehow makes himself known). For some reason, Blacks think highly of Bill Clinton despite the results of his social policies towards Blacks. The reason for this is simple ignorance.

They do not see Hillary Clinton as her own person, they see her as an extension of her husband. The main reason the people I know are voting her are for these reasons:

She is a Clinton
She is a woman
They do not know Bernie Sanders

Most of these same people that will vote her that I know, actually like Bernie's policies better when I talk to them about it. They don't watch the debates, they know who is running and voting due to the recognized name.

You literally call black voters who don't pick Sanders as ignorant voters who don't see Clinton as her own person and don't know anything about her or Sanders. You even gi as far as to say it' most of them.

You called them ignorant and then tripled down on it.
I mean, people have for years been calling lower-class whites who vote Republican "low-information voters voting against their own best interests". It was basically inevitable that this kind of rhetoric would be turned against one of the Dems' disparate constituencies by another, especially with a nominee as polarizing and with as much baggage as Clinton. This is why the Dems are morons for not grooming a better candidate than Hillary Fucking Clinton in 8 years.
I truly wish Bernie were polling better with minorities, but at the end of the day, if he can't win them over, that's on him and his campaign. Not on the media, not on the establishment, and certainly not on the voters.


You said black people only vote for Hilary because they're ignorant. What the fuck were you expecting?

EDIT: Well he can better ask for clarification instead of trying to paint his own picture on it. It only took me until Excelsior to realize everyone is completely reading that first post wrong anyways due to their piss-poor responses as if I can respond back to it, though I am trying to.

Want to have a discussion, sure, but don't think that these responding posts are even better than my first one and excuse it.

You literally call black voters who don't pick Sanders as ignorant voters who don't see Clinton as her own person and don't know anything about her or Sanders. You even gi as far as to say it' most of them.

You called them ignorant and then tripled down on it.

Probably poorly done sentence structure, but in that post you quoted I was referring to their liking of Bill Clinton as a "for the Blacks" president as ignorant of the results of some of his policies for Blacks, not that their vote for Hillary herself is based in ignorance.

EDIT: Kind of like how Republicans champion Reagan as a great President when many of his policies caused serious issues in which we have to deal with at some point now.

Though I will quadruple down on my saying they are voting Hillary as an extension of Bill Clinton. She is an established candidate, with a husband who was a president that is admired by Blacks as being for the Blacks and poor. Do you not expect that many will vote based on that?

I could of said "based on people I know/spoke to", but majority of them held this view, so I seen no reason to think they are not representing a good portion of Blacks who will vote Hillary. Only one Black person I know will vote Bernie, but she is more politically active than most of my family. My mom for example never voted until Obama.

People vote based on really simple reason's, whether the person is a certain race, certain gender, has a nice personality, etc. All reasons that have no real bearing on that candidate's policies.


Demographic tendencies seem like a discussion best left for those running campaigns. Not sure how you express an opinion on the subject without running the risk of stereotyping and generalizing.


Finally got around to reading this and it was a great piece. The current election and racial discussion aside, I'm just glad she chips away at this veneer that Bill Clinton was some magically great president.

Better than the alternative? Sure. Likeable? Sure. Did he do some good things? Sure. Did he do a lot of super shitty things? Absolutely.

Both Clintons got a lot of flak from right wingers, and lot of that was absolute crap, but there certainly is and was a good portion that was self-inflicted. The Clintons are often tone deaf on those issues, at least until it becomes a liability, and usually a decade too late.
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